Trigonometry Lesson Plan

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WEEK 4: SESSION 3 (single lesson)


Title:  Cosine Rule – Problem Solving

Learning intentions - For students to learn how to calculate the area of a triangle.
  - For students to learn the Cosine Rule.

Success Criteria - Students will be able to calculate the area of a triangle.

- Students will be able to use the cosine rule to find the missing
side of a triangle.
- Students will be able to use the cosine rule to find the missing
angle of a triangle.

Phase & Timing - Content, Actions & Pedagogical Approaches

Curriculum Links (SACE)

Topic 3:
The study of trigonometry enables students to expand their
mathematical modeling into contexts such as construction,
design, navigation, and surveying by using periodic functions.
The variation in demand for electricity throughout the day, the
seasonal variations in climate, and the cycles within the
economy are examples of periodic phenomena. Understanding
how to model these phenomena, students predict trends in
Students extend their understanding of trigonometry into non–
right-angled triangles. They learn about one particular family of
periodic functions with the introduction of the basic
trigonometric functions, beginning with a consideration of the
unit circle, using degrees. Radian measure of angles is
introduced, the graphs of the trigonometric functions are
examined, and their applications in a range of settings are
explored. More complex trigonometric functions are explored in
Topic 10.

Prior to this lesson, the TV will be ready, displaying the plan for
Prior to session today and the Learning intentions and Success Criteria. The TV
material/lesson prep will also be ready to display the PowerPoint for the lesson. The
whiteboard will have a question for the students to solve as they
enter the room.

Introduction of session The lesson will begin with the students entering and beginning
to solve the question on the board. As they get started, I will
refer to the TV highlighting the plan for today and the Learning
Intentions. Once the students have had enough time to solve
the problem, we will quickly go through the problem and begin
the lesson.

Body Introduction: (10 minutes)

   There will be a problem on the board for the students to
begin as they enter the classroom.
As they begin this, I will explain the plan for the lesson
and the LI and SC.
This problem will be quickly explained to the students
and the rest of the lesson will begin.

Body: (35 minutes)

 This lesson will begin by reviewing the Cosine Rule from
last lesson.
I will run through two examples for the students. One
finding the missing side and one finding the missing
The students will then do a couple examples themselves
in their books.
Once they have done a couple examples, we will move
into the problem solving activity.
This is where the students will be divided into groups and
given a whiteboard. A question will be displayed on the
TV and they will have some time to answer. They will
have to use each other as resources and I will provide
guidance where necessary. This PowerPoint will contain
a couple questions on Area of a triangle (Basic Formula
and Heron’s Rule), but the main focus will be more
problems relating to the cosine Rule.

Conclusion: (5 minutes)
 Students will then begin packing up.
They must clean their whiteboards and place them at the
front. They must also return their whiteboard markers.
Once they have done this, they will be allowed to pack
their bags.
Once they are ready, I will reinforce the good behaviour
from the day, inform them of any homework they must
complete and then allow them to leave.

Conclusion The conclusion of this lesson will involve students cleaning their
  whiteboards and placing them back at the front of the room.
They will have to return their whiteboard markers also. As they
complete this, I will reinforce the good behaviour and
congratulate on a successful lesson. I will explain what we will
be looking at next week and remind them of any homework to
complete. They will then be dismissed.

Differentiation Recapping the previous lesson for those who are struggling with
the content will differentiate this lesson. Those struggling will
also receive more support while doing exercises independently.
The groups that the students work in will be based on having
mixed ability students so that the struggling kids receive support
and the higher ability students can be extended. The complexity
of the questions means that at time, the lower ability students
have access to problem solving and the higher ability students
will be extended.

Homework Homework is to complete any unfinished textbook work from

this week. They will be asked to complete more questions
relating to Cosine Rule as next lesson we will begin with the Sine

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