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Eman Saleem U16100749 Homework # 1

Page # 14
• How does Ed Catmull use the principles of Creative Confidence and Growth Mindset?
 Construct an open environment that nurtures trusting and respectful relationships,
safe interactions.
 Conducting daily feedback.: where everybody presents their incomplete work to their
colleagues so all learn from each other, and they inspire each other.
 Open door policy: everybody needs to be able to talk with anybody else at any time.
Set the fact (we’re always doing something that’s new, and so we need everybody to
communicate what they think).
 creating a physical space that forces comingling by placing common needs such as
cafeteria and post office in a central place that will traversed by all; and, eliminating
barriers to sharing ideas across functions and levels. 
• What does creativity mean at Pixar?
• create something new and unexpected by focusing on a community of creative people
with creative leadership.
 creative leadership: provide a vision, build the community and putting elements
in place so that community is vibrant and healthy.
 creative people: solve the problems and come up with the thousands of ideas that
finally come together.
Page # 16
• The best diagnostic question: What happens when people fail?
 People give up, stop moving towards their goals.
 Blame others or themselves.
 Set mind borders that they are not good enough, consequently they feel afraid of
trying again or engage in new experience.
 Loose self-confidence, depression and apathy.
 Set mind borders that they are not good enough or not

Page # 21
• How do you recognize and move forward from a failure?
 Stop dwelling on it and recognize that failure is common 
 Consider it as new knowledge or skill have been learned.
 Try to diagnose the reason behind the failure.
Eman Saleem U16100749 Homework # 1

• How do you communicate failure to others?

 Feel comfortable when talking about my failure.
 Try to have feedback and other perspective about what happened.
 Keep in mind when communicating with others about it that at the end I am the
person who is responsible about it and the one who must talk the actions.
• How do you help others to overcome their failure?
 Instead of blaming them, try to discover opportunity to provide hope, strength,
and encouragement for others to overcome their feelings. 
• How can we, as a class, help each other through failure on the route to innovation?
 Create a culture that encourage everyone to express their opinion without being
afraid of judgement.
 Work together to find lessons learned from that experience.
 Respect each other points of view.
 Use the strategy not yet.
 Avoid finger pointing and stop blame game.

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