7 Signs of Depression

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English for Public Speaking

Name : Iis Rulianawati (204180036)

Class : TBI.B. / 7th Semester

Subject : English for Public Speaking

7 Signs of Depression

Introduction :

Depression is the leading cause of disability in the world. In Indonesia, its currently
estimated that there are almost 16 million people who are struggling with depression. This
figure continues to increase and puts depression into the disease with the second highest cases
after heart disease. Depression that gets worse can lead to suicide. But because it's a mental
it can be a lot harder to understand than, say, high cholesterol.
Almost everyone feels down from time to time. Getting a bad grade, losing a job, having
an argument, even a rainy day can bring on feelings of sadness. Sometimes there's no trigger at
all. Sadness can appear suddenly. Then circumstances change, and those sad feelings disappear.
Clinical depression is a medical disorder, and it won't go away just because you want it to.
Clinical depression persists for at least 2 weeks, and significantly interferes with one's ability to
work, play, or love. Depression can have a lot of different symptoms:

Body :
1. The most common signs of depression is a feeling of sadness or irritability (mudah
marah) that is really pervasive and doesn't seem to go away no matter what you do if
you're with friends or if you're by yourself. The sadness just sort of becomes your
reality. irritability can also be present and this is much more typical in teens that they
will present with more irritability than sadness when they're dealing with depression
2. Second sign of depression is feeling really hopeless and this can be hopeless about
getting better. it can be a sense of hopelessness about the future and the ability of
achieving your hopes and dreams. And again it's a very very tough symptom to deal with
because other people can tell you, you have so much to look forward to or this great
thing is happening in your life but if you're really struggling with depression that
hopeless this just kind of takes over and keeps you stuck
3. The third sign of depression that you should be aware of is something called anhedonia
which is really a fancy way of saying a loss of interest in things that you previously
used to enjoy. so for example you might really be into gardening and all of the sudden
you find that no matter how many times you garden or if you try to garden there's just
not the same joy that you're getting out of it that you used to. Or maybe you used to
really social and enjoy spending time with your friends and you find that you just can't
bring yourself to get out of the house and to go and interact with these friends and it's
really really difficult to deal with because it's very hard to motivate yourself when the
things that really used to be what got you out of bed and got you ready for the day no
longer hold the same enjoyment and pleasure that they used to.
4. The fourth sign of depression is either decreased concentration and indecision (the
difficulty with making decisions). This can be really difficult when you have to function
either in the workplace or you have a lot of responsibilities at home because you'll find
that it's harder to complete the tasks that you need to complete and if you do need to
make decisions there's almost like this decision paralysis where you find that you just
can't get yourself to the place of making choices that used to come really easily to you.
5. The fifth sign of depression that you should be aware of our changes in sleep. This can
be either that you find yourself sleeping a lot more than you used to and having like a
really hard time getting out of bed. maybe you've never been a Napper and all of the
sudden you're taking a napevery day on the other side of the spectrum. Many people
who are struggling with depression find that they can't sleep that they're racked with
insomnia for the first time in their life. And they're laying in bed and their thoughts just
keep running around and they're feeling sad, hopeless. and so either too much or too
little sleep is a really cardinal sign of depression that you should be aware of
6. The sixth sign of depression that you should be aware is our changes in appetite or
weight. this can be either in the positive or the negative depression. sometimes when
people are depressed they find that they use food for comfort and end up eating a lot
more than typical and gaining weight. And sometimes when people are depressed they
lose their appetite completely and don't eat at all and find that they lose weight.
7. Another and final sign of depression that we're going to talk about today is a sense of
worthlessness. this is very very difficult for people to handle because it's a sense that no
matter what they do their life is not enough and it won't ever be enough. And this is
such adifficult thing to be dealing with.

Conclusion and Recommendation :

So I think my overall message as you're learning about these signs of depression is that if
you're experiencing these please please reach out and make an appointment with a licensed
professional to talk about this, because this is something that can get better and you don't need
to struggle with it on your own. If you think that you or someone you love might be struggling
with depression please reach out and make an appointment with a licensed professional for an
evaluation. There are many therapeutic techniques that can help you or someone you love feel
better and so I strongly encourage you not to hesitate to get the help that you need.

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