Rush Hour Movie Clip:: Physical Communication Barriers Such As Social Distancing, Remote Work

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Joshua Salvacion


GOOD AFTERNOON mga senpai, I’m josh and today I’m excited to do my first
reaction video about communication,

Communication barriers can include anything that prevents or disables

communicators to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time, or a
receiver to get the right message at the right time

There are 3 main categories of communication barriers that can make effective
communication challenging.

• Physical communication barriers such as social distancing, remote work,

deskless nature of work, closed office doors, and others. Its result from
the physical distraction or any external element from the surrounding
environment which may hinder the smooth flow of communication. Ano
ano paba ang nasa isip niyo senpai construction, karaoke bird singing dog
barking and noisy neighbourhood is also a type of physical communication
• Emotional communication barriers resulting from emotions such as
mistrust and fear. it’s often the result of low emotional intelligence, also
known as emotional awareness or control. However, a better
understanding of our feelings and emotions can help
us communicate better. Overcoming emotional barriers isn’t easy
because emotions act as powerful motivators.
• Language communication barriers that refer to how a person speaks both
verbally and nonverbally. Language
• But for now, I’m only going to emphasize language communication

This movie clips will only take a minute, so let’s go.

for the person that seeing this right now, this movie name is rush hour
and the main character here is my idol Jackie chan.

I think the detective way of speaking is good because he makes it clearer

and slower at the same time. He deliberates his message one by one like ‘I
That’s good but I think there’s disadvantage here because what if what if
the person he’s talking to was having a cultural background that shouting
at a person with no reason is insulting

Jackie chan only give feedback by means of nonverbal communication,

So ano nga ba ang ibig sabihin ng nonverbal communication
Nonverbal communication is the transfer of information through the use
of body language including eye contact, as you can see in the video earlier
Jackie Chan is not speaking , not a single word is coming out to his mouth
but he give eye contact to the speaker. facial expressions, gestures and
more. For example, smiling when you meet someone conveys
friendliness, acceptance and openness. Jackie Chan smile too maybe
that’s the way he conveys openness.

At the end Jackie Chan reveal that he also can speak English and the
detective reaction is priceless HAHAHAHA

Difference in language is the most obvious barrier to communication as two people

speaking two different languages cannot communicate with each other. For example,
an American goes to China. The person does not understand Chinese and most
people in China do not understand English. So, when the person speaks, the
communication is worthless as the other Chinese person doesn’t understand it.

Communication becomes difficult in situations where people don’t understand each

other’s language. The inability to communicate using a language is known
as language barrier to communication. Language barriers are the most common
communication barriers which cause misunderstandings and misinterpretations
between people.

Most of the people in the world do not speak English or, even if they use, it is their
second or third language. If the speaker and receiver do not use same language and
words, there is no meaning to the communication. Not using the words that other
person understands makes the communication ineffective and prevents message
from being conveyed.

Here are some tips to overcome language barriers

First of course, show respect for the local language, Locals are sometimes suspicious
of foreign travellers, but if you show the right level of respect, admiration and
appreciation for their language and customs, they will warm up to you.
Use technology: If you have a smartphone, download a language app that can
articulate local phrases for you.

Word lens is the good app example

Don’t’ be too sensitive: Remember you’re the foreigner and the oddity. The locals
may pass comments in their languages, some of it offensive to you. Mostly they think
you won’t understand. Even if you do, don’t react to negative judgments of your
body or clothing style.

Check if they speak English: Find out if the person speaks English before you start
stumbling in the local tongue. You just might be lucky to find people who can
manage a few words in English

As I mention earlier Speak slowly and clearly is good: Articulate each word carefully,
so that your accent does not confuse the listener. Don’t speak loudly – people do this
at times, and it’s very insulting. Local people aren’t deaf, you know. Stick to the
easiest words you can manage – you don’t need to string them together to form
sentences. Forget grammar

Element of communication

Sender and receiver (1): Jackie Chan

Sender and receiver (2): detective

Also, sender and receiver (3): taxi driver

Barrier: Language communication barriers

Schramm Model of Communication

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