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Ahmad. S. Paputungan Ridel Rambembuoch Vincentia. E. G. Br. Tambunan Felro. J. S Mokorimban
18403078 18403090 18403063 18403065


This film tells the story of a 16-year-old boy named Piscine Molitor "Pi" Patel who is
trapped in a lifeboat after a ship disaster that kills his family, accompanied by a Bengal
tiger named Richard Parker.
It can be said that "Life of Pi" is a film
that tells the story of a young boy's
struggle to survive together with a tiger.
It can be said that the animal also "sees
Pi as its food object" with the ending of

Pi's story being able to get through the

ordeal and get stranded on the edge of
the shoreline that succeeded in making
Pi saved by the people who saw him
and the tiger also left Pi just like that
after arriving on land to return to the
Formalism approach Life of Pi

The formalism approach is an approach that focuses on symbols,

imagery, characters, metaphors, personification and etc.
Also, the formalism approach pays more attention to the relationship
between each elements with the story plot, narrator or structure.
. .

. . .

Through the formalism approach we know that there is an

imagery shown to the audience in the "" I have told you
two versions of stories. Neither of which explains why the
ship sunk. Which one do you prefer? " "So, it is with
. .
God." . . .

There are several allusions that emphasize the figure of
. . and “God” which is like a 'return' to the beginning of

the story, namely Pi's search for God, which according to
Characterized Pi's true story comes from religion. The character of this.

"Pi" also began show in the dialogue

. section when he
. . killed the fish and said "Thank you Lord Vishnu Thank
you for coming in the form of fish and saving our lives"
There is also a harmony between the metaphor
element on the part of the island that Pi visited
with all kinds of beauty, however, it is also
depicted in the film as a form of the human body
that will eat other creatures that step on it (can
also hypnotize the creatures who step on the
island to become greedy for something)

Audience are have time for imagery that how an island have a
thousand of meerkats and the model of the island is like
human body also why at the night the hole makes some fish
died while Pi at the noon just swim on that hole without died?
This story can be
categorized in simile.

In this story the teenager is the only person who

survives a ship accident in the middle of the sea. so was
the tiger he was the only animal that survived.
The similarity is that they both lost their families and a
place to live. they both cope with their fate in the middle
of the sea.

This story belongs to metaphor because
they are a pair of the same soul.

The tiger is him and he is a tiger, apart from their

common fate they also live in dependence on each

other. The teenager cannot kill the tiger because he
sees that an animal also has instincts like humans.
They live depending on because, even though the
tiger is hungry, he cannot kill the teenager and the

tiger also cannot eat without the teenager and
likewise the teenager cannot live alone in the
middle of the sea or he has a sense of responsibility
towards the tiger.
The theme mainly is about spiritual value.

 One of the movie's first scene and conflict brought us to the

problem about the belief of the main protagonist and the
protagonist view or concept about the Creator... And it shows
how the environment influence the view of protagonist about
So, we can see that the religion aspect in this movie is one of the
main factors.

 Furthermore, we conclude that the movie implicitly showed us a

concept like:
- The randomness of life, and how God works within it. Or using
- Or the concept like: How "small " humans are in this reality and
compared to the nature and the universe but we still can see and
feel how much God care about us.
This movie makes us understand
the beauty, the value, and the
unimaginable wonderfully life
and God's creation.
Implicitly said that this life
brings a true meaning, holy
But at the same time, we can say
it is meaningless because of its
From culture
'Life of Pi' is a bestselling novel by Yann Martel
brought to the big screen by
Taiwan-born director Ang Lee of the same
name. This film chooses the actor who has
Indian blood and makes this film have a thick
Asian flavor. The absence of well-known
artists in the cast of the film Life of Pi.
From culture

s selling
i dpowere because the film's story is not
In addition, the film Life of Pi is arguably a film with a
based on comics, video games or Hollywood films as it
is usually offered. Life of Pi is more about spiritual

 Yann Martel was inspired by the story Life of Pi after

reading Moacyr Scliar's book Max and The Cats,
published in 1981, which tells the story of a German-
Jewish refugee who crosses the Atlantic Ocean where
he shares his ship with a jaguar.

 In this film, the use of language as well as techniques in

animation is very well designed so that it makes the
audience feel what is happening in this film.
Using the formalism approach through this film and seen conclusion
from many aspects that "Life of Pi" shows how imagery and
metaphor as well as personification occur at the same time to give a
real and living impression to the audience even though it actually
appears that It is impossible if a human being can survive with a
carnivore in a canoe, however, this will also make the audience's
imagery how real God's power in the film is for the two living
creatures. Not only that, the mood given through this film is also
divided into many mood or tone like sad, happy, and even the
emotion that appears when approaching the ending of the film or the
part where Pi survived. The thought that Pi has is that all of his
troubles will soon go through and they will not last forever. Good
days will come if you never giving up! It must be remembered;
everything happens for a reason so stop blaming yourself.
We can't forget our own mistakes or those of others, but we can
always forgive.

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