Q1 - WEEK - 1.2 - Grade 10 - 2

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Department of Education-Region III


City of San Fernando, Pampanga

Animation NC II
Quarter 1: Week 1
Learning Activity
Animation (NC II)

Name of Learner: Quarter 1: Week 1

Section: Date: _


Background Information:
Animation NC II is a short TESDA course that will train you how to produce cleaned up and in-
betweened drawings both during the production and post-production stages.

The learner demonstrates an understanding of the concepts and underlying principles in

producing clean-up and in-between drawings.

The learner independently produces clean-up and in-between drawings as prescribed in the TESDA
Training Regulations.

Learning Competency: TLE_ICTAN9-12CI-IIa-j-1

LO 1. Produce in-betweened drawings for actual scene folders (cartoon, regular)

1. Define in-between animation.
2. Produce in-between drawings (cartoon-regular) based on the guidelines.

What is in-between?
In-betweens are the drawings that come in the middle. That is, they are neither at the end nor
the beginning of a pose.

In-betweening is the process of drawing or creating an in-between. In between, the short

form is “tween” and, therefore, the short form of inbetweening “tweening”.

How is in-between used in animation?

It is the process of forming a transitional frame between two separate objects. It aims to show
the appearance of movement and evolution of the first drawing into the second. During in-
betweening, there is the formation of a middle frame which we are calling the in-betweens.
The function of the in-betweens is to ensure the illusion of the fluid motion.
Creating in-betweens can be done through software or manually. Animators will prefer
manual processes because they have better control of the operations.

Inbetweening is a technique used in animation. Two images are used as the key frames which
serve as the beginning and the ending of the animation sequence. The process is about taking
those two key frames and filling in the animation or frames in between. These in-betweens
are what makes the animation look fluid.

If you are making an animation about a man walking, you would probably have the following

1. Man standing straight as initial key frame

2. The man is now shown slightly lifting his right leg
3. The leg is now half way to a full bend
4. The leg is now fully bent
5. The leg is starting to unbend forward
6. And so on until you get to the final key frame of the step which is a full stride 7.

Without the in-betweens the animation would look so jugged and jittery. It helps just to have
the key frames of the beginning and end of the motion as this gives the animator a very good
idea of how the frames in between should look like.

Note that if the animation does not have in-betweens, then it appears jittery. The poses at the
beginning and the end tell the animator how the in-betweens should appear.
Animation is an art form that has been perfected over nearly a century, and while it has
evolved past, what I’ve always seen as, perfection in light of technological advances, I will
still always have an appreciation for the old style and hard work put into the traditional
animation I grew up with and would still like to see more of today. It was this appreciation
that inspired me to want to pursue animation myself and its an appreciation that I hope will
spread even in our current age of CGI.

Activity 1: Read and understand the following statements. Write TRUE if the
statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.

1. Without the in-betweens the animation would look so jugged and jittery.
2. Two images are used as the key frames which serve as the beginning and the
ending of the animation sequence.
3. In-betweens are the drawings that come at the end. That is, they are either at the
end or the beginning of a pose.
4. Creating in-betweens can only be done through software.
5. These in-betweens are what makes the animation look fluid..

Activity 2: On a short bond paper, create your own character and show its in-between
movement with total of seven (7) frames. Answer the questions that follow.
 What I’ve learned:

 How did this lesson will help me?

References for learners

 https://darvideo.tv/dictionary/in-betweens/

 https://sites.psu.edu/thebeautyofanimation/2018/03/20/keys-and-in-betweens-the-

 https://www.techopedia.com/definition/104/in-betweening-tweening

 https://cllax.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/2D-Animation-Inbetween-Software-

 https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQkHQghFEalh6Zta-

 https://celcliptipsprod.s3-ap-northeast-
1.amazonaws.com/tips_article_body/1ae8/67397/a1e98864df955b840ccb62b27066a26 b_en-us
Answer Key

Prepared by:


Teacher I
Information and Communication Technology High School

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