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Ediția a VI-a, 18.05.2019
Proba scrisă - Clasa a V-a
Varianta 1



SUBJECT 1. (8 points)

a. Read the following text carefully.

A young boy, Pete Morgan, is on holiday in the Caribbean with his parents. They are staying on
their boat called the Summer Sun. One day his mother is showing him a history website. Pete
thinks history is boring and wants to learn Chinese instead. Later, he goes to the beach with
his metal detector and finds an old knife. He doesn’t know it but he is being watched by a
pirate with long white hair.

His mother and father go shopping in a nearby town and while Pete is writing some e-mails on
the boat, the pirate, Tom Carter, comes on board. He tells Pete that he and his other pirate
friends are ghosts, and that apart from one day in every hundred years, they live on their boat
under the sea. He asks Pete to come with him and to bring his metal detector. They go onto a
big boat called the White Rose where he meets the one-legged captain. The captain wants Pete
to help them find the hidden treasure on an island. Pete finds the treasure but a storm comes
up and they return to the White Rose. The Summer Sun has come adrift and is in trouble in the
storm. One of the pirates swims out to the boat and attaches a rope to her and they take her
back to Blue Sea Island. Pete finds out the captain has the same name as him and, consulting a
history website using his computer, discovers that he is related to him. The pirates say
goodbye and disappear under the water in their boat at six o’clock in the evening.

Pete’s parents return and they talk about the storm, but Pete doesn’t mention the pirates. He
tells his mother that he now thinks history is fantastic and wants to study it the next day.

b. Are these sentences right (R) or wrong (W)? Choose the correct option.

a. The captain takes a long rope and goes in the water. R / W

b. Before the storm, the pirates take Pete and Summer Sun back to the Blue
Sea Island. R / W
c. Pete and the pirate captain have the same name. R / W
d. Pete looks at a history website on his computer. R / W
e. The pirate captain is Pete’s grandfather. R / W
f. The pirates go under the water at six o’clock. R / W
g. Pete talks to his parents about the pirates. R / W
h. Pete likes history now. R / W

1|Page “Treasure Hunt” Contest 2019

Subject 2. Complete the text with the right words. (12 points)

raining looks going take arrives swims

finds thinks is wait say go

Pete (a)................. for the pirate’s treasure and they (b)............. and watch. He (c) ........ it and now
Pete (d).......... a pirate. Suddenly, a storm (e).......... and the pirates and Pete (f)............. back to the
White Rose. It is (g) .............. and the sea is black. The Summer Sun is (h)............. up and down in
the sea. A pirate (i) ........... to the Summer Sun with a rope. The pirates (j)........... the boat back to
Blue Sea Island. The pirates need to (k).............. goodbye and go under the water. Now, Pete
(l).......... that history is fantastic.

Subject 3. Answer the questions. (7 points)

a. Where does Pete find the pirate’s treasure?

b. Who does Pete go back to the White Rose with?
c. What is near the White Rose in the storm?
d. What does Tom take into the water?
e. What is the captain’s name?
f. When do the pirates go under the water?
g. What does Pete want to do tomorrow?

Subject 4 . Match the questions with the right answers. (10 points)

a. What time do Pete and his mum do some work? 1. A pirate

b. What does Pete find on the beach with his metal detector? 2. Some shopping.
c. Where is the pirate standing? 3. Black.
d. Who is watching Pete on the beach? 4. An old knife.
e. What do Pete’s mother and father need to do? 5. Back to Blue Sea Island.
f. What is the name of the pirates ship? 6. The storm.
g. What colour is the sea? 7. At 9 o’clock in the morning.
h. Where do the pirates take Pete and the Summer Sun? 8. A history website.
i. What do Pete and the captain look at on the computer? 9. The White Rose.
j. What do Pete and his mother and father talk about? 10. Behind some trees.

2|Page “Treasure Hunt” Contest 2019

Subject 5 . Finish the sentences with the right word. (10 points )

with back behind in for only

quickly down at near

a. The Morgan family are on holiday …..... the Caribbean.

b. Pete’s mother teaches him........ three hours every day.
c. Pete is looking...... his computer on the boat.
d. There is a small boat....... some trees.
e. The captain of the pirates has ........ one leg.
f. Pete looks for the treasure........ his metal detector.
g. The pirates go.......... back to the White Rose.
h. The Summer Sun is.......... the White Rose.
i. The boat is going up and........... in the sea.
j. Pete’s mother and father hour later.

Subject 6. Circle the wrong word in the sentences (9 points )

a. Pete’s mother am is a teacher.

b. One morning, Pete is washing wash the boat.
c. Pete goes to at the beach near the boat.
d. The pirate is standing behind any some trees.
e. There is are a small town near the beach.
f. Pete needs to write writing some e-mails.
g. The pirates look at their his treasure on the boat.
h. The captain talks quiet quietly to Pete.
i. Pete can’t to watch Tom in the water.

Subject 7. Match the words on the left with their opposites on the right. (6 points )

1 old A. short 1.

2 long B. closed 2.

3 behind C. interesting 3.

4 small D. in front of 4.

5 open E. new 5.

6 boring F. big 6.

3|Page “Treasure Hunt” Contest 2019

Subject 8. Put the underlined letters in the right place to make a word. (6 points)

a. The Story of Your Family is a syohrti ….............. website.

b. Pete finds an old knife on the aehbc ….......... .

c. Pete’s mother and father need to do some iopghpns............... in a small town.

d. The pirates usually live dnreu............ the water.

e. The pirate’s ertaseru ….......... is on a small island.

f. Pete’s cemhnai............ can help the pirates.

Subject 9. Help the pirates make provisions for the next voyage. Match the words in
column A with the food in column B. (12 points)

1 five packs of a. honey 1.
2 two bottles of b. bread 2.
3 four barrels of c. tea 3.
4 six jars of d. salted butter 4.
5 eighty bags of e. mustard 5.
6 a dozen loaves of f. beer 6.
7 a crate of g. yoghurt 7.
8 two cartons of h. tuna 8.
9 a sack of i. flour 9.
10 ten tins of j. green apples 10.
11 ten tubs of k. bananas 11.
12 two bunches of l. milk 12.

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

Timpul de lucru este de 90 minute.
Se vor acordă 20 puncte din oficiu.

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Ediția a VI-a, 19.05.2019

Proba scrisă- Clasa a V-a

Varianta 1


Subject 1. 8 points ( 8x1p=8p)

a. wrong b. wrong c. right d. right e.wrong f. right g. wrong h. right

Subject 2 12 points ( 12x1 p=12p)

a. looks b. wait c. finds d. is e. arrives f. go g. raining h. going i. swims j. take k. say l. thinks

Subject 3. 7 points ( 7x1p=7p)

a. On a small island.

b. The pirates.

c. The Summer Sun.

d. A long, heavy rope.

e. Pete Morgan.

f. At six o’clock in the evening.

g. To study History.

Subject 4. 10 points (10x1p=10 p)

a. 7 b. 4 c. 10 d. 1 e. 2 f. 9 g. 3 h. 5 i. 8 j. 6

Subject 5. 10 points (10x1p=10p)

a. in b. for c. at d. behind e. only f. with g. quickly h. near i. down j. back

Subject 6. 9 points (9x1p=9p)

a. am b. wash c. at d. any e. are f. writing g. his h. quiet i. to

5|Page “Treasure Hunt” Contest 2019

Subject 7. 6 points (6x1p=6p)

1-e (old-new)

2-a (long-short)

3-d (behind-in front of)

4-f (small-big)

5-B (open-closed)

6-c (boring-interesting)

Subject 8. 6 points (6x1p=6p)

a. history

b. beach

c. shopping

d. under

e. treasure

f. Machine

Subject 9. 12 points (12x1p=12p)

1. d
2. e
3. f
4. a
5. c
6. b
7. j
8. l
9. i
10. h
11. g
12. k

80 points +20 points=100 points

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