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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Discipline and Ideas

in the Social Sciences
Emergence of the Social
Science Disciplines

Quarter 1- Week 4
Module 4
Most Essential Learning Competency:
Explain the major events and its contribution that led to
the emergence of the Social Science disciplines.

Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb
you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully
enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of
this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances
learning, that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the
lessons in the module.
• Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what learnings
and skills did you understand from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
• Discussion - This section provides a short discussion of the lesson. This
aims to help you discover and understand new concepts and skills.
• Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
• Check your understanding - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
• Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire

You will explain the major events that led to the emergence of the
Social Science disciplines.
Specifically, this module will help you to:
• trace the historical foundations that paved the way for the growth of Social
Science disciplines;
• relate the disciplines of Social Sciences to the current issues in our society.
• apply the Social Science disciplines in analyzing social issues and everyday
situations; and
• appreciate the relevance of Social Science disciplines in our everyday life.

Let us start your journey in learning more on the Emergence

of the Social Science Disciplines. I am sure you are ready and
excited to answer the Pretest. Smile and cheer up!

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on a separate sheet of
1. Which of the following events paved the way for the emergence of Social
a. Age of Exploration c. Age of Enlightenment
b. Industrial Revolution d. World War II
2. The following are the psychologists who pioneered the study of sociology,
a. Adam Smith c. Emile Durkheim
b. Auguste Comte d. Max Weber
3. Which of the following best explains the emergence of Social Science
a. Changes in society, economy and politics brought about by
enlightenment and industrialization led to the birth of Social Science.
b. Advancement in technology and production in Europe led to improved
ways of looking at things, which resulted to the birth of Social
c. Monarchs in Europe obliged philosophers to come up with the
solutions brought about by changes in society hence resulting to the
birth of social science.
d. Western countries needed to expand their military and political power,
thus, there was a need to examine their socio-political standing which
led to the birth of Social Science.

4. The success of the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution that resulted to the
end of the Marcos dictatorship is inspired by which political views?
a. Aristotle c. Plato
b. John Locke d. Thomas Hobbes
5. Samuel is a Sociology student doing ethnographic studies on the Ivatan tribe
in Batanes. As a researcher, he is always mindful to counter check his facts
and avoid personal bias on his studies. This approach in conducting study is
inspired by which sociologist?
a. Auguste Comte c. Karl Marx
b. Emile Durkheim d. Max Weber


Great, you finished answering the questions. You may request your
facilitator to check your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!

Short Quiz

Let us refresh your knowledge from the previous discussion about the
various disciplines in the Social Sciences. Answering ALL the items correctly will
give you one extra point for a total of 10 points for this short quiz.

Direction: Read the descriptions below and identify which Social Science discipline
is described in each item. Write your answers on a ¼ sheet of paper.
1. This discipline seeks to comprehend the origins of human beings, the
adaptations, either cultural or biological, that allow people to fit in with their
2. It analyzes the different characteristics of the human population, such as
the size, the density, the territorial dispersion or spatial distribution, and the
structure or composition.
3. It deals with the matters or problems related to the optimal allocation of
limited resources, which have alternative uses, in order to satisfy the infinite
needs and desires of the people.
4. It investigates the distribution and location of the different natural or
physical features of the earth.
5. This area of study reconstructs various recorded human events and natural
phenomena and explains the different human thoughts and actions in the
past and the changes that these had experienced through the analysis of
and secondary sources of information.
6. This discipline investigates the origins of various natural languages,
language acquisition procedures, and the changes that have occurred in
different human languages over a period of time.
7. This is the systematic analysis of various political institutions and
processes, sources and limits of political power and its manifestations, types
of legitimate authority or rule, and systems of government.
8. This discipline is characterized as the study of the mind. It is the scientific

investigation of different human behaviors, physical structures, mental
states and the ways they relate to the surroundings of the people
9. Described as the study of society, this area of study is the systematic
analysis of the various developments, systems, structures, and functions of
human society.

Being a HUMSS student, you should be critically aware and concerned on
the different issues that demand attention and solution. It is essential that you
possess the basic foundation on the specialized area of your learning strand- which
is the Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Having equipped with the
information on the concept of social sciences, it is also important that you have the
knowledge and understanding on the historical background of each discipline in
the Social Sciences.

This module is a journey back to the important events in world history that
paved the way for the emergence of Social Sciences. It is expected that after this
module, you will have a clear understanding on the development of each discipline.
More so, you will also get to know the pioneers who laid the foundation for each
discipline in the social sciences.

Historical Background of
1 Social Science Disciplines
The emergence of Social Science traces its root from the Age of
Enlightenment (17th- 19th century). The Age of Enlightenment, also known as the
“Age of Reason”, is a period in Western history when philosophers especially in
Britain and France, tried to use reason to understand and improve society,
government and humanity (Perry, 1989, p. 407). This period stimulated interest in
studying human society and behavior in a scientific way. The need to examine
society, politics, history and economic life paved the way for the birth of social
The term “Social Science” only appeared until the 19th to mid-20th century
(New World Encyclopedia, 2020). It initially appeared in 1842 in the book, An
Inquiry into the Principles of the Distribution of Wealth Most Conducive to Human
Happiness by William Thompson (1775-1833). The term “social science” has come

to refer generally to all disciplines that analyze society and culture; from
anthropology to political science to linguistics.


Let us look back on the events and the people who shaped and laid the
foundations for the nine disciplines of Social Sciences.

•The emergence of anthropology as a discipline can be

1. Anthropology traced on the Ancient Greece during the time of
(study of humanity) Herodotus (484- 425 BC) (dela Cruz et al., 2016, p.
23). When Herodotus recorded important events in
the Greek- Persian Wars, he took to account the
cultural background of Greece and Persia.
•The study of anthropology was advanced by Franz
Boas (1858-1942), known as the "Father of Modern
Anthropology". Boas introduced the concept of
cultural relativism which is a point of view that sees
all cultures to be equal with each other. There is no
such thing as superior or inferior culture (Riodique,
2016, p. 67). He is also one of the pioneers who
fought discrimination againts immigrants, blacks
and indigenous peoples of America. Boas believed
Figure 1- Franz Boas that through anthropology, people would have a
(Courtesy of Canadian wider understanding of human interaction by
Museum of History / Public
studying its culture. His social reforms and theories
https://upload.wikimedia.or were adopted by antropologists today.
2/FranzBoas.jpg, 2020).

2. Demography •The study of human population has its roots as early

as the ancient period. Kautilya, a contemporary of
(study of human Plato, believed that a large population is a source of
population) military, political and economic strength of a nation.
(dela Cruz et al., 2016, p. 35). This was also
supported by Ibn Khaldin, a 14th century Arab
historian, who believed that a large population is
important for expansion of imperial power. However,
this thinking was also reversed when an increase in
population growth is seen as a threat in developing
•Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834) an economist
and writer of An Essay on the Principle of Population
(1798) declared that population increases at a faster
rate than the food supply. As a result, humanity is
Figure 2- John Graunt never far from starvation (Perry, 1989, p. 531).
(Courtesy of Unknown •John Graunt (1623-1687) is regarded as the founder
author / Public domain,
of demography. His book Natural and Political
.org/wikipedia/commons Observations Made Upon the Bills of Mortality (1662)
/7/76/JohnGraunt_%28c laid the foundation for modern statistics and
ropped%29.png, 2020).

3. Economics (study of efficient allocation of scarce resources)
• The period of Enlightenment has inspired the birth of
Economics (dela Cruz et al., 2016, p. 26). Adam Smith
(1723-1790) regarded as the Father of Economics is credited
for creating the field of Economics. His book entitled An
Inquiry to the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
(1776) lay the foundations for economic theories and
doctrine. Smith advocated the doctine of laissez faire (let-
alone policy) which means that government should not
interfere with business. This paved the way for the creation
of a free-market economy.
• The Industrial Revolution (1760-1840), a period in history
characterized by rapid industrialization and urbanization
brought about by the advances in technology, saw the
Figure 3- Adam
Smith (Courtesy of
development of new economic theories. 19th century
Scottish National thinkers spent a great deal in offering solutions to the impact
Gallery / Public of industrialization.
•David Ricardo (1772-1823) applied the principles of laissez faire to wages to maximize profit while Karl Marx (1818-
a/commons/4/43/ 1883) advocated socialism to protect the rights of the
laborers from the abuses of the capitalists. Ricardo and Marx
2020). were two of the pioneers who developed economic theories as
a response to the impact of industrialization.

4. Geography (study of the interaction between the natural

environment and the people living in it)
• It was during the Hellenistic Age (323 BC-30 BC), a period
when Greek cultural influence and power reached the peak
of its geographical expansion, that the science of geography
• Eratosthenes (276-194 BC), chief librarian of the
Alexandria Library, pioneered the study of geography. He is
the first person to use the term "geography" and is also
regarded as the "Father of Geography". He is also best known
for being the first person to calculate the circumference of
Figure 4- Eratosthenes the earth. He also created the first global projection of the
teaching in Alexandria world using parallels and meridians based on the available
(Courtesy of Bernardo
Strozzi / Public domain,
geographic knowldedge during his time (Britannica, 2020).
https://upload.wikimedia. He also wrote the three-book volume Geographika, a
org/wikipedia/commons/e compilation of his study on the nature of the surface of the
/ee/Eratosthenes_Teachin earth focusing on the inhabited portions and the people
rdo_Strozzi%2C_Montreal% living in it (dela Cruz et al., 2016, p. 27). His book became
29.jpg, 2020). the inspiration for the consequent works and studies of other

5. History (study of important recorded events)

• Herodotus (484-425 BC) is considered as the "Father of
History". He is credited as the first historian to employ
historical methods in writing history. His vivid account of the
Greek-Persian Wars set a new standard then for reporting
Figure 5- Marble bust of • Thucydides (460-400 BC) improved the writing techniques
Herodotus (Courtesy of of Herodotus and emphasized on factual reporting when he
Metropolitan Museum of Art / recorded the events during the Peloponnesian War. (Perry,
CC0, 1989, p. 84). He applied strict standards of impartiality and
/wikipedia/commons/6/6f/ evidence gathering to establish facts.
ET_DT11742.jpg, 2020).

6. Linguistics (the scientific study of language)

The science of linguistics has been pioneered by

the Sophists during ancient Greece. Sophists are
teachers who traveled from city to city teaching
speech, grammar, poetry, gymnastics, mathematics
and music to the Athenian youth (Perry, 1989, p. 87).
It is believed then that when a person masters the art
of public speaking, they have a higher chance to
succeed in politics.
Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC) laid the
Figure 6- Noam Chomsky
(Courtesy of Σ, retouched by
foundation of western linguistics as part of the study
Wugapodes / CC BY-SA of rhetoric on his book Poetics
Noam Chomsky (1928- ) regarded as the Father of Linguistics has published books in linguistics and
ikipedia/commons/c/cf/Noam_C became a dominant model of formal linguistics in
.png, 2020). recent decades (Britannica, 2020).

7. Political Science (study of politics, power and

Analysis of politics started as early as the times of
Confucius (551- 479 BC) in ancient China and of Greek
philosophers Plato and Aristotle in ancient Greece.
Plato (427-347 BC) was the first thinker to analyze
political systems. He expressed his political ideas in his
book, the Republic, which is a description of an ideal
state (Perry, 1989, p. 89). While Aristotle (384-322 BC)
is regarded as the Father of Political Science, Plato is
considered a pioneer in the field of political inquiry. His
Figure 7- Aristotle (Courtesy of
After Lysippos / Public domain, book entitled Politics looked at different forms of government in terms of how they were run and what
_Altemps_Inv8575.jpg, 2020). benefits and responsibilities their citizens had. His
political views became a source of inspiration to political
thinkers such as Thomas Hobbes and John Locke.
Thomas Hobbes (1558-1679) wrote the book
Leviathan. He believed that a strong ruler is needed to
impose order in the state. On the other hand, John
Locke (1632-1704) wrote Two Treatises of Government.
He believes that the purpose of the government is to
protect the “natural rights” of its citizens. According to
Locke, all people are born free and equal with a right to
life, liberty, property and pursuit of happiness. He also
believed that if a government fails to protect the rights of
its citizens, the people have the right or duty to
Figure 8- John Locke (Courtesy of overthrow the government and establish a better one.
Godfrey Kneller / Public domain, Locke’s theory of government was immensely influential
kipedia/commons/b/b8/John_Lo in modern political thinking. His principle that
cke.jpg, 2020). government derives its power from the consent of the
people became the foundation of modern democracy.

8. Psychology (study of behavior and mental processes)
 The development of psychology could be dated
back as early as the ancient Greece when Aristotle
(384-322 BC) claimed that the brain is the seat of the
rational human mind.
 The science of psychology was founded by Wilhelm
Wundt (1832-1920), a German psychologist and is considered
as the Father of Modern Psychology. He distinguished
psychology as a science from philosophy and biology. He was
also the first person to ever call himself a “psychologist”.
Wundt also founded the first formal laboratory for
Figure 9- Wilhelm Wundt
psychological research (dela Cruz, 2016, p. 33). (Courtesy of Unknown
author / Public domain,
 Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936), a Russian experimental https://upload.wikimedia.o
scientist, studied the behavior and nervous system of animals. rg/wikipedia/commons/5/
He found that an animal’s involuntary actions- its reflexes- 2020).

could be changed, or conditioned through training.

 Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), an Austrian
neurologist pursued to understand the workings of an unconscious mind, which he
deemed to be the source of human actions. Freud developed the method known as
psychoanalysis, in which mental and emotional problems and disorders are treated
by trying to discover their sources in the unconscious mind (Perry, 1989, p. 627).
9. Sociology (study of social interactions)
The science of sociology was born as a result of social changes brought about by
the impact of Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution created massive
changes not only in the field of technology and manufacturing processes, but also
in the work and living pattern of the people. Factory life pulled people away from
their homes, changed their work schedule and weakened their family ties (dela
Cruz et al., 2016, p. 34). Given the existing condition, it required a new way of
thinking to understand society and improve social
The term sociology was invented by a French
philosopher, Auguste Comte (1798-1857). He
emphasized that the study of society must be
scientific. Comte favored positivism, which is a way of
understanding that is based on science. He
Figure 10- Auguste Comte (Courtesy of
envisioned a process of social change in which See page for author / Public domain,
sociologists play important roles in guiding society
(Deray et al., 2011, p. 21). dia/commons/b/b3/Auguste_Comte.j
pg, 2020).

Aside from Comte, Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) and Max Weber (1864-1920)
were also considered as pioneer thinkers in sociology in the early 1900’s. They did
careful research, gathered information, and analyzed their findings in attempts to
find out what factors affect the ways people behave in groups. Durkheim argued
that sociology should be the study of social facts. This is the method he used in
studying why people commit suicides. Weber, on the other hand advocated a value-
free sociology, which means it has to be approached without the personal bias of
the sociologist. He believed that people must be critical in their concepts and
evidences, and they must follow strict logical principles in their reasoning.

Activity 1.1. Data Retrieval Chart
Objective: Trace the historical foundations that paved the way for the growth of
social science disciplines.
1. Fill-up the data retrieval chart below.
2. Answer the following guide questions on a separate sheet of paper.

Discipline Founder Major Event that led to the

emergence of the discipline
1. Anthropology
2. Demography
3. Economics
4. Geography
5. History
6. Linguistics
7. Political Science
8. Psychology
9. Sociology

Critical Thinking Questions:

1. What common pattern have you observed that led to the emergence of each
discipline in the social sciences? What do you think is the ultimate reason
for the emergence of disciplines in social sciences?
2. Which event in world history do you think made a huge impact on the
development of social sciences? Why?
3. What social science discipline are you most fascinated to study? Why?

Activity 1.2. Social Tweets (Character, Creativity, and Critical Thinking)

Objective: Relate the disciplines of social sciences to the current issues in our
1. Think of a current issue that is related to any of the nine disciplines in the
Social Sciences by composing a tweet followed by a hashtag (#).
For example, On Anthropology: “Respect each other regardless of race and
color. Say no to violence. Stop racial discrimination” #BlackLivesMatter
2. Whichever is available, you can print or write your answers in a short bond

On Anthropology On Demography

On Economics On Geography

On History On Linguistics

On Political Science On Psychology

On Sociology

The highest possible score for the nine items is 45 points. Each written
answer for every item will be graded based on the following criteria:
Appropriateness (suitability) - 2 points
Organization (presentation of thought) - 1 points
Style (choice of words) - 1 points
Conventions (grammar, spelling) - 1 points
Total 5 points

Activity 1.3. Issue Analysis

Objective: Apply the knowledge and understanding of the disciplines of social
sciences on analyzing issues.
1. Read and analyze the article. The article can be accessed online from the
given URL or can be read on the next pages.
2. Answer the guide questions on a separate sheet of paper.

[COMMENTARY] Mental health amid COVID-19

By: Gia Sison and Gideon Lasco
Published: May 08, 2020 from: Inquirer.Net

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a profound emotional toll on people around

the world.
The loss of long-awaited opportunities has led to anger and frustration, and the
uncertainty over the future is leading to gloom and anxiety.
Amid quarantine and new—sometimes strange—living configurations, many are
isolated and are feeling physically and socially distant from their loved ones.
The pandemic may be an “equalizer” in the sense that most people are affected
by it—and the same is true for its impacts on mental health.

But as with many of its aspects, different groups are differently impacted. Those
who have already been grappling with preexisting mental health issues are particularly
vulnerable, given how “social distance” and loneliness are associated with depression.
Lest we forget, even before the pandemic, we had been faced with an epidemic of
mental illness. Those with chronic medical conditions will also be impacted, especially
when access to care is disrupted.
People who test positive for COVID-19—or even those who are classified as
probable cases—are also subject to mental stressors, not least of which is rising stigma
and discrimination. To cite just one deplorable example, the house of one family in
Iloilo province was pelted with stones after the patriarch died of COVID-19 and other
family members tested positive.
Health care workers are also on the receiving end of stigma and discrimination,
on top of the pressures of being a front liner against a deadly virus. Already, we are
hearing our own colleagues in the medical profession express a range of emotions from
fear and anxiety to grief and gloom.
This is consistent with reports from China about the “high risk of developing
unfavorable mental health outcomes” among those in the frontlines.
Finally, we have those who face economic and occupational challenges, either because
they have to work, or because they cannot find work. Compounding their financial
burden is the mental and emotional burden of being unable to provide for one’s self
and family.
Thankfully, efforts are being mounted by mental health organizations and
advocates in the Philippines to help people cope with the pandemic.
Many of these groups have organized webinars and offered hotlines for those
who need help, including, to name just a few: the Philippine Mental Health Association
(0917-565-2036 or, the Philippine Psychiatric Association (0918-
942-4864 or, and the National Center for Mental Health
(0917-899-USAP or 7-989-USAP and @MentalHealthPH on Twitter).
The government would do well to support and sustain the above initiatives.
Moreover, by providing accurate information, clear direction, and reassuring
leadership, it can help soothe people’s anxieties regarding the pandemic. Crucially, the
government must ensure food and physical security, especially among poor and
vulnerable communities.
There should also be national policies in place that address stigma and
discrimination, similar to what we have in place for HIV. Commendably, LGUs like
Davao City, Lipa, Manila, and Quezon City have taken the lead in this front.
Meanwhile, everyone can take part in the project of bridging “social distance” and
promoting mental health, both in ourselves and others. Mental wellness nowadays is
really all about coping, which is individualized. There is no “one size fits all” way to
cope, but we can all begin with acknowledging how we feel and communicating our
needs, as well as listening to, and empathizing with, those of our family, friends, and
people within our networks.
Another measure is choosing credible sources when getting pandemic-related
news and updates, and being discerning with the “infodemic” upon us. If social media
gets too toxic, leave and breathe.
While any meaningful activity can be rewarding, volunteering for a cause is one
way to help others while contributing to one’s mental and emotional wellness.
Ultimately, as with all other aspects of the pandemic, our mental health will
depend on our sense of solidarity and community.
Guide Questions:
1. What problem is raised in the article?
2. What are the disciplines related and reflective to the article? Give at least 3
disciplines in social sciences and explain why.

3. Do you also feel anxiety and loneliness during the quarantine? How do you
cope up with your mental health during the quarantine period?
4. What are your insights about the article?


Documentary Analysis
The emergence of social sciences two centuries ago is a response to the
necessity of the society. Today, these disciplines are still relevant and visible to our
everyday living. The knowledge and understanding of each discipline are helpful in
forming wise and sound judgments on different issues. Let us apply what you have
learned in this task.
1. Watch the documentary “Nang Tumigil Ang Mundo” by Atom Araullo
2. Discuss thru a semantic web the impact of the pandemic on the different
aspects of life and answer the guide questions that follow. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.
3. For offline learners you may answer the semantic web and the guide
questions based on the news and your personal experience and


Social life Family and

(Sociology) Kinship
Impact of
pandemic (Anthroplogy)
based on the
(Economics) Science

Guide Questions:
1. Based on the documentary/ experience and observations, how did the
pandemic figuratively stop the world?
2. How does geography relate to the pandemic crisis? What role did it
play for the spread of the deadly virus around the world?
3. Words such as “social distancing”, “lockdown”, “quarantine” and
“ayuda” from the social amelioration program (SAP) emerged as the
most popular words during the pandemic crisis. In the field of
linguistics, which among those words should be recognized as “Word
of the Year” Explain why.

4. This pandemic crisis is history unfolding right before our eyes. If you
are going to write this historic phenomenon, how would you intend to
end it? Explain why.

• Social sciences emerged during the Age of Enlightenment where it
stimulated interest in studying human society and behavior in a scientific
way. The need to examine society, politics, history and economic life paved
the way for the birth of social sciences. However. disciplines in the Social
Sciences started to develop as early as the events in the Ancient Greece.
• The following are the personalities and events in history that shaped the
development of each social science disciplines.

Discipline Founder/ Pioneer Period in History

Anthropology Franz Boas Ancient Greece
Demography John Graunt Ancient Period
Economics Adam Smith Age of Enlightenment
Geography Eratosthenes Hellenistic Period
History Herodotus Ancient Greece
Linguistics Noam Chomsky Ancient Greece
Political Science Aristotle Ancient Greece
Psychology Wilhelm Wundt Ancient Greece
Sociology Auguste Comte Industrial Revolution

• The necessity of the society to respond to social changes and issues resulted
to the birth of different disciplines in social sciences.
• The political views of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke; sociological views of
Emile Durkheim and Max Weber; economic doctrines of Adam Smith and
Karl Marx; and psychological theories of Ivan Pavlov and Sigmund Freud
laid down the foundation for the development and advancement in the field
of political science, sociology, economics and psychology. Their teachings are
still important and relevant to the present times.

Directions: Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. The sudden popularity of the social media app Tiktok and the increased
subscription to the online streaming device such as Netflix during the
pandemic are manifestation of how Filipino’s cope up to protect their mental
health against depression and anxiety. This phenomenon is related and best
explained by which discipline in the social sciences?
a. Economics b. Geography c. Psychology d. Sociology

2. The Pomeranian pet dog of Francis always wags his tail whenever he comes
home. This automatic response of the dog whenever his owner arrives at
home is best explained by which psychologist?
b. Ivan Pavlov c. Wilhelm Wundt
c. Sigmund Freud d. William James
3. Which of the following reasons best explains why most disciplines in the
social sciences originated in ancient Greece?
a. Ancient Greeks considered themselves superior to other races.
b. Ancient Greece is known for its outstanding contributions in different
fields of learning.
c. Ancient Greece is composed of different city-states such as Athens
and Sparta with different forms of government.
d. Ancient Greeks were known to be inquisitive with high desire to
explore, analyze and investigate phenomena and issues.
4. The big population brought negative impact in our economy during the
pandemic crisis. It makes difficult for the government to provide assistance
such as the Social Amelioration Program (SAP). The limited resources of the
government are not enough to cover the needs of millions of Filipinos. This
scenario of mismatch between resources and population is associated to the
study of ___________.
a. Aristotle c. John Graunt
b. David Ricardo d. Thomas Robert Mathus
5. The rise of strong leaders in the global politics such as Pres. Xi JinPing of
China, Pres. Vladimir Putin of Russia and Pres. Rodrigo Duterte who are
known for their brand of decisive and strong leadership is reflective to the
political views of ___________.
a. John Locke c. Thomas Hobbes
b. Jean Jacques Rousseau d. Wilhelm Wundt



Dela Cruz, A R. et al. (2016). Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Quezon
City: Phoenix Publishing House.
Deray, G. et al. (2011). Society and Culture. Caloocan City: Suatengco Publishing
Perry, M. (1989). A History of the World: Revised Edition. Mandaluyong City:
National Bookstore.
Riodique, F. (2016). Understanding Culture, Society and Politics: Exploring the
Dynamics of Human Diversity and Adaptation. Intramuros, Manila:
Mindshapers Co., Inc.

Media Resource
Simbulan, I C. (Producer), & Mendoza, A. (Director). (2020). The Atom Araullo
Specials COVID- 19: Nang Tumigil ang Mundo [Video file]. Retrieved from

On-line sources
History of Demography. (2020, June 09). Retrieved from

History of Linguistics. (2020, June 09). Retrieved from

The History of Sociology. (2020, June 09). Retrieved from Lumen Learning:

New World Encyclopedia. (2020, June 08). History of Social Science. Retrieved from
New World Encyclopedia:

Sison, Gia & Lasco, Gideon (2020, May 08). Mental health amid COVID-19. Retrieved from


Writer: Eduardo B. Noda Jr. - Teacher III

Editor: Amalia C. Solis - EPS
Reviewers: Ma. Teresa B. Berondo - MT II (Content)
Irish Mellie U. Nomorosa - Teacher III (Language)
Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim-Schools Division
Superintendent-Manila, Aida H. Rondilla-Chief Education Supervisor
Lucky S. Carpio-EPS and Lady Hannah C. Gillo, Librarian II-LRMS


Name _______________________________________ Grade and Section ______________

School: ______________________ Date: __________ Subj. Teacher: _______________

Quarter: 1st Module No.: 4 Week No.: 4

MELC: Explain the major events that led to the emergence of the social science
1. Appreciate the relevance of social science disciplines in our everyday life.
2. Create a journal entry reflecting the emergence and significance of Social
Science disciplines to our everyday life.

Topic: Historical Background of Social Science Disciplines

Journal Entry

Directions: Based on what you have learned from the lesson, create a journal
entry based on the guide questions below, which are all related to Social Science
disciplines. Write your journal entry on a separate sheet of paper.

1. The disciplines in social sciences emerged from the different periods in

history. What have you learned on the reasons behind the development of
these disciplines? What life lesson can we learn from this?
2. Upon learning the historical foundation of the nine disciplines in social
sciences, what particular discipline do you find interesting and willing to
pursue on a higher education? Why?
3. Select at least 3 social science disciplines and explain their relevance to our
everyday life. (For example: On Geography- I will avoid places and
community where there is a high concentration of COVID-19 cases.
Knowledge of geography will help me create good and sound decisions.)

Criteria for the written output:

Content (in-depth and comprehensive) - 20 points
Creativity - 20 points
Organization - 10 points
Total: 50 points

Short Quiz
1. Anthropology
2. Demography
3. Economics
4. Geography
5. History
6. Linguistics
7. Political Science
8. Psychology
9. Sociology
Pretest Posttest
1. c 1. c
2. a 2. c
3. a 3. d
4. b 4. d
5. d 5. c

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