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Is Home Based Learning Effective be

Home based learning is a learning activity that is carried out at home. What causes schools to hold Home
based learning? Home based learning occurs due to the Corona Virus which requires all students and teachers to
implement the Home Based Learning system, which means students and teachers do distance learning which is
carried out in their respective homes with the aim of avoiding the virus. Before the existence of the corona virus,
schools carried out face-to-face learning activities which meant that students and teachers carried out teaching and
learning activities at school and also carried out learning activities outside of school, such as in the field and in other
places. Of course, Home based learning will be something new for teachers and students. Certainly, some students
will also accept changes to the learning system, namely Home based learning and surely some students will not
accept it if Home based learning is held. Each student must have their own views or answers regarding this Home
based Learning. Of course there are those who say that if Home based learning is held then learning will be
effective, but there must be the opposite.

Students who feel that they agree with home based learning will enjoy learning that is done in their own
homes. They feel that studying at home is more effective than studying at school, because by learning online they
can access the internet and learning, so they also get the resources they get not only from the teacher but from the
internet, and their knowledge will be broader. On the other side, students will be trained to better master and learn
information technology which continues to develop and of course they will realize that devices can be used for more
productive and educational things, not only for playing social media and games. Even though studying at home,
students will not be able to live in peace, because they have to face the assignments given by the teacher. Time at
home is spent working on assignments given by the teacher. The teacher will give assignments so that students still
get value, and learning material. Students who also use quotas for online learning will feel very wasteful when
doing online learning. Because the quota used is only for playing games, social media must now also be used for
online learning. Aside from that, students who use wi-fi will also be very influential, because the predetermined
internet restrictions experience excessive use plus sometimes the wi-fi has problems and when the lights go out, the
wifi will also turn off. In addition, conducive conditions in the house may make someone receive lessons or not. If it
is conducive maybe it will be easier to accept learning, but if the house is not conducive the students will have
difficulty receiving lessons.

In fact, many students also complained about the existence of a home based learning system and chose /
agreed with the implementation of face-to-face schools, because face-to-face schools are more effective than online
learning. Many students also think that offline schooling will be more fun than learning online at home. On the
other side, when at school students can do activities together, play together and of course it will be more exciting
than playing online with friends. Students are also more focused on learning at school, because they are face to face
with the teacher and if they want to ask questions, they will immediately be able to ask questions and there are no
obstacles and during the lesson students can immediately discuss together with the group and will not feel awkward.
Then the ethics of a student will grow well, because the teacher can directly monitor the ethics of a students. It is
different when home based learning, the teacher will find it difficult to supervise a student because most students do
not open the camera when learning begins and of course the teacher cannot supervise student directly. Another
difference when learning offline is that a student will get pocket money, and the money they get can be used, and
they also subconsciously learn how to process money properly. It's different when a student's home based learning
certainly won't get pocket money, because food supplies already exist at home without the need to buy. But offline
schools of course also have disadvantages such as come late, because the distance between home and school is far
away, and coupled with traffic jams on the road. Surely a student will be noted as affective.

So the conclusion is that offline learning is more effective than online learning, as has been explained that
the online learning system is much more effective, because when studying at school, teachers will supervise their
students and surely students will focus when the teacher explains the lesson, plus students can ask questions direct
and the interaction of teachers and students will be much better and learning is not only done in the classroom, but
can be outside the classroom which creates a new atmosphere and increases students' motivation and enthusiasm.

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