Omnibus Law or UUD 1945

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Omnibus Law or UUD 1945

The 1945 Constitution is a written basic law or a written constitution.

Many of the people today do not want to follow the regulations in the
Constitution. It is said whether it is relevant or not depends on one's own
view. For people who say it is irrelevant, maybe they can't follow the existing
rules and make them not free, so many people protest about this. But, for those
who say it is still relevant, maybe they can follow the existing rules and the
rules may be able to discipline them.
The meaning of the above statement which is irrelevant is regarding the
omnibus law. In my opinion, the omnibus law is irrelevant for Indonesia. The
omnibus law is a law that simultaneously revises several laws by revoking or
combining them into large regulations that serve as a legal umbrella. The
omnibus law is expected to make Indonesia's economy grow well, because it
makes it easier for investors to come. However, this is in fact contrary to labor
rights and in fact many workers' rights have been revoked.
First, the loss of the minimum wage, because the workforce will be
paid by the hour. So the workers have to work 40 hours per week in order to
get the minimum wage. Then workers who are sick, take religious leave or
give birth will not be paid their wages, because they are considered not
working. Workers who take leave for the sake of interest should not have their
rights taken/deducted from their salary, because workers also sometimes have
to take leave, even though the worker has important business and must be
carried out. Companies must be able to understand this.
Next the second, Law 13/2003 will be removed and replaced with a
new term. Layoff allowance is only 6 times the wage, whereas previously
workers were entitled to 38 months or 38 times their wages. This actually
makes workers unable to receive more wages, because the wages they will
earn will be small, and of course workers find it difficult to meet their needs.
Third, workers refuse work flexibility. It is feared that it will not provide job
security and permanent employee appointments. There are also concerns
because the flexible work system will eliminate social security, such as old
age security and pension benefits. This can make retired workers lose
assets/something that is valuable to them. If this happens, the future of the
workers is not clear. The work relationship is flexible, which means it is very
easy to get laid off, there is no minimum wage, and severance pay is
Fourth, regarding foreign workers. The use of foreign workers must
meet several requirements. Among other things, foreign workers are only
allowed for jobs that require certain skills. Foreign workers who do not have
special skills (unskill workers) are not allowed to work in Indonesia. Besides,
the time was limited. In a certain time, for example 3-5 years, he must return
to his country. Another thing, every foreign workers must be accompanied by
local workers. The aim is, so that there will be a transfer of jobs and a transfer
of knowledge, so that one day Indonesian workers can work on foreign
Therefore, the 1945 Constitution is still relevant today, because the
1945 Constitution has been formulated in such a way that it is truly worthy of
being used as a foundation for the future Indonesia and also the 1945
Constitution is the ideal of the nation.

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