Network Topology - Start Your Own ISP

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Network Topology - Start Your Own ISP https://startyourownisp.


Network Topology

Network Topology

This section covers how to build the routing and switching topology for your network. Your needs will vary
considerably based on the speci�cs of your network so if you’re not familiar with all of these concepts you
may need to do some outside research (or ask in the chatroom).

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These are terms that will come up while discussing network topology. If you are entirely unfamiliar with
these terms you might want to start with some background reading.

 Router - A device that sends packets to different destinations based on the packet’s destination IP
address and the router’s routing table.

 Public IP Addresses (v4 and v6) - An Internet address that is routable on the public Internet. All devices
need to have a public Internet address in order to communicate on the Internet, and all addresses must
be unique.

 Private IP Addresses - Any of a set of IP addresses that are set aside to be used in private networks.
These addresses can only be used on private/internal networks, not the Internet.

 NAT - Network Address Translation. Allows devices that are using private IP Addresses get on to the
Internet by sharing a Public IP Address.

 Network Switch - A device that sends packets to different destinations based on the packet’s destination
MAC address and the switch’s bridge table.

 DHCP - Dynamic Host Control Protocol. A service that provides IP Addresses and DNS con�guration for
the devices on the network so they don’t have to be con�gured manually.

 VLAN - Virtual LAN. Allows multiple logical LANs to co-exist on the same switching hardware.

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Network Topology - Start Your Own ISP

Gotta Start Somewhere

The easiest, most straightforward network con�guration resembles what you probably have in your network
at home - a router with 1 public IPv4 address and all of the devices connected to it using private IP
addresses and NAT to get to the Internet.

This con�guration isn’t very scaleable due to having all of your customers on the same broadcast domain
and sharing the same IP address, but it’s an OK place to start.

Making it Scaleable: Reduce NAT

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Network Topology - Start Your Own ISP

With the above con�guration all of your customers are sharing a single IP address. This means that if one
of them gets the IP address blocked from a service (for sending spam, for example) then it’s blocked for
everyone. Ideally you would give each customer their own IP address but there aren’t really any more IPv4
addresses available.

If you can get more than one IPv4 address from your Fiber provider then go for it - you can con�gure your
NAT to use a pool of IP addresses rather than just one, which is a little better.

You can also try to push your customer’s tra�c to IPv6 as much as possible. IPv6 addresses are easy to
come by and most equipment and many current web services support IPv6.

Segment Broadcast Domains

During normal network operation all devices on the network emit ‘broadcast’ packets - packets that are sent
to all other nodes on the same broadcast domain. With the above con�guration all of your customers are on
the same broadcast domain, meaning that all of those packets will go to all of the customers and will
quickly slow down the network. To avoid network congestion you’ll want to split your customers up into
multiple broadcast domains.

Adding routers or using VLANs are both ways to break up your broadcast domains. Both are explained

Adding routers

Adding a router at each tower allows you segment broadcast domains to a single tower or even a single
access point. Each tower can have it’s own routed interface with the default route in the router pointing at
the upstream relay’s router.


 Routing tables can be con�gured automatically using a routing protocol (like OSPF)

 Network can more easily support redundant backhaul links


 Routers add more latency than switches

 DHCP Con�guration is more complicated

 Routers are more expensive than switches (for the same performance)

 Getting your routing protocol con�g right can be tricky, and not using one means lots of manual

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Network Topology - Start Your Own ISP


A VLAN segmented network will use a switch at each tower rather than a router. A VLAN can be built from
each access point all the way to the core of the network. This allows each tower or even each access point
to be on it’s own routed interface with the router at the core of the network.


 Lower latency across the network

 Less expensive

 Easier DHCP con�guration


 Requires more careful Spanning Tree Protocol con�guration to avoid switching loops

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Network Topology - Start Your Own ISP

 More di�cult to add backhaul redundancy

Enforcing Speed Packages

You will probably be selling your service with an associated speed package - say 30, 50 or 100Mbps. If you
�nd that some customers are consistently using more than what they’re paying for then you’ll want to limit
their max throughput so they don’t slow other customers down.

The easiest way to start doing this is to set limits in the CPE radio on their roof. All modern WISP equipment
will allow you to con�gure the max throughput for download and upload speeds.

As your network grows you can automate the process of limiting customer’s speeds rather than managing
them manually. Some billing systems, such as PowerCODE, will do most of this for you.

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