The State-of-the-Art On Youth, Vulnerabilities, and Violence: What Do Surveys Tell Us?

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The State-of-the-Art on youth, vulnerabilities,

and violence: what do surveys tell us?
O estado da arte sobre as juventudes, as vulnerabilidades e
as violências: o que as pesquisas informam?

Beatriz Akemi Takeitia Abstract
E-mail: Studies on youth at the interface between
Monica Villaça Gonçalvesa vulnerabilities and violence already constitute a considerable corpus of knowledge in Brazil and
E-mail: Latin America. This bibliographic review identifies
Suellen Pataro Alves Santos de Oliveiraa and describes articles published from 2006 to 2018 on youth, vulnerabilities, and violence in the fields
E-mail: of health and humanities and social sciences. The
Tatiane da Silva Elisiarioa search included articles indexed in the databases: DOAJ, Cengage, Dialnet, Scopus, and Web of Science,
E-mail: all available at the CAPES periodical portal. A
total of 192 articles were included: 132 from the
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Centro de Ciências da health sciences and 60 from the humanities and
Saúde. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
social sciences. The articles were grouped into two
thematic fields: territories of youth vulnerabilities
and violence, and risk and protective factors
against violence. Our results show the subject of
youth and adolescence in the fields of knowledge
is still addressed by problematic perspectives.
When addressing the interface between youth
vulnerabilities and violence, these fields often
depict the problems arisen from this subject as an
object of failure or anomie in the ways of being and
living this stage of life.
Palavras-chave: Youth; Vulnerability; Violence; State-

Beatriz Akemi Takeiti
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Centro de Ciências da Saúde.
Rua Prof. Rodolpho Paulo Rocco, s/n, bloco k, sala 17. Rio de Janeiro,
RJ, Brasil. CEP 21941-617.

DOI 10.1590/S0104-12902020181118 Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.29, n.3, e181118, 2020 1
Resumo Introduction
Estudos sobre as juventudes na interface das The literature on youth, vulnerabilities, and
vulnerabilidades e violências já se constituem um violence comprises a considerable production in
corpus de conhecimento considerável no Brasil e Brazil and Latin America, especially regarding
na América Latina. Este levantamento objetiva studies focusing on youth experiences in the
identificar e descrever as publicações produzidas context of urban peripheries and slums in Brazilian
sobre juventude, vulnerabilidade e violência metropolises (Takeiti; Vicentin, 2015). This theme has
nas áreas da saúde e das ciências humanas e been the object of study and analysis of systematized
sociais. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica de reviews or in the form of state-of-the-art (Alvarado;
artigos produzidos no período de 2006 a 2018. Vommaro, 2010; Minayo; Souza, 2003; Spósito, 2009),
O levantamento bibliográfico focalizou artigos for problematizing how the urban and poor youth has
indexados nas bases de dados: Directory of Open been academically treated and thought of. Takeiti
Access Journals, Cengage, Dialnet, Scopus e Web and Vicentin (2015) discuss how research has treated
of Science, todas inseridas no Portal de Periódicos youths from problematic or problem-solving aspects
da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal and state that this subject must be deepened from
de Nível Superior (Capes). Foram incluídos different viewpoints and perspectives.
191 artigos, sendo 128 da área de ciências da saúde Studies with a state-of-the-art nature support
e 63 da área de ciências humanas e sociais. Para researchers in identifying the knowledges and
a análise dos dados, os artigos foram agrupados gaps regarding youths, guiding new research. For
em dois campos temáticos: territórios das Dayrell and Carrano (2009), the state-of-the-art is
vulnerabilidades e violências juvenis, e fatores a systematic effort to inventory and describe for
de risco e proteção às violências. As evidências learning and “taking stock” of what was produced at
deste levantamento nos permitem apontar que a a certain time and place. The reliability of this type
temática juventude-adolescência abordada por of research requires a clear outline of the universe
essas áreas de conhecimento ainda expressa to be investigated, available sources, data analysis
uma perspectiva problematizadora. Tais estudos, (Davies, 2007) and, above all, the question of what
ao abordarem a juventude na interface com as is intended to know.
vulnerabilidades e violências, o fazem quase For being a complex and broad subject – in
sempre pelos problemas que ela apresenta, como which youth studies tend to treat the youth from
objeto de falha ou anomia nos modos de ser e viver different perspectives, – this inventory helps
esta etapa da vida. problematizing the ways through which we view
Palavras-chave: Juventude; Vulnerabilidade; and drive perceptions about the youth, and also
Violência; Estado da Arte. supports us by favoring public policies that meet
the real needs of this population.

Methodological assumptions
This literature review (in national and
international literature) presents the state-of-
the-art on the production of knowledge related to
research on youth, vulnerabilities, and violence
published from 2006 to 2018. The search included
articles indexed in the databases: Directory of Open
Access Journals (DOAJ), Cengage, Dialnet, Scopus,
and Web of Science; all of which are available at the
periodical portal of Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento

Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.29, n.3, e181118, 2020 2

de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). We sought to and Portuguese. We excluded articles written in
follow already published state-of-the-art reviews a language other than those defined by this study,
on the subject (Alvarado; Vommaro, 2010; Minayo; those that did not address the theme of youth,
Souza, 2003; Spósito, 2009), to dialogue with them by vulnerability and violence, and those that were
adopting similar and/or complementary standards outside the period set.
for defining our corpus. For analyzing the collected material, articles
Time frame was limited between 2006 and 2018, were categorized by addressed theme (Bardin,
enabling us to dialogue not only with previous 2016), after titles, keywords, and abstracts were
productions (1998-2008) but also with other reviews, read, into 12 categories: domestic or intrafamily
such as Spósito (2009), Minayo and Souza (2003), violence; bullying/discrimination; youth mortality/
and Takeiti and Vicentin (2015). homicide; urban violence and social determinants;
Articles from the fields of health sciences and adolescent and teen pregnancy; use of alcohol and
humanities and social sciences were collected. other drugs; violence prevention; intervention
For searching the articles in the CAPES periodical methods; public policies aimed at youth; mental
portal, we selected seven controlled descriptors health in adolescence; social vulnerabilities; and
(DeCS) – adolescence, adolescent, youth, young, sexuality/gender. When the abstract was unclear,
violence, vulnerability, and risk – and performed we read the full text.
the following Boolean search: [adolescence OR
adolescent OR youth OR young] AND [vulnerability Results
OR risk] AND violence.
A registering protocol of the identified works was This research was divided in two parts. First, we
created, including: title, publication year, researched collected 1,184 scientific papers, of which 992 were
database, author, type of study, keywords, research excluded either for duplicity or because they did
approach (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed), not meet the survey scope. This analysis included
objective(s), theme, and abstract. 191 articles: 128 from health sciences and 63 from
Inclusion criteria were: published articles humanities and social sciences, as the flowchart in
addressing the theme (youth, vulnerability, Figure 1 shows.
and violence) in the title, abstract, or keywords; To facilitate data analysis, we grouped the
inserted in the selected fields of knowledge (health articles into two thematic fields: territories of youth
and humanities and social sciences); conducted vulnerabilities and violence, and risk and protective
between 2006 and 2018; and written in English factors against violence – according to Chart 1.

Figure 1 – Flowchart of articles search in the periodical portal of Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento

de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Articles obtained by boolean search in the databases of
CAPES periodical portal with the descriptors: adolescent,
adolescence, young, youth, risk, vulnerability, and violence.
Exclusion criteria: duplication and not
meeting the survey scope
Articles included for analysis
Articles in the Health Sciences Articles in the Humanities and Social sciences
(collective health/public health/social medicine/ (sociology, psychology, and social work)
psychiatry/mental health/nursing/ (n=63)
occupational therapy)

Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.29, n.3, e181118, 2020 3

Chart 1 – Brazilian scientific production on youth, vulnerabilities, and violence, from 2006 to 2018 by addressed topic
1. Territories of youth vulnerabilities and violence

Thematic fields
addressed in Health Sciences Humanities and Social sciences
the work

Azambuja, 2006 (Rev. Virtual Textos & Contextos) Habigzang et al., 2008
Bordin et al., 2006 (Rev. Brasileira de Psiquiatria) (Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica)
Sullca; Schirmer, 2006 (Rev. Latino-Americana Silva; Neto; Cabral, 2009 (Psicologia em Estudo)
de Enfermagem) Costa et al., 2011
Audi et al., 2008 (Rev. de Saúde Pública) (Avances en Psicologia Latinoamericana)
Ayala et al., 2009 (Rev. de Saúde Pública) Habigzang; Ramos; Koller, 2011
Oliveira et al., 2011 (Rev. Brasileira de Saúde (Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa)
Materno Infantil) Paludo; Schiro, 2012 (Estudos de Psicologia)
Franzin; Franzin; Moysés, 2012 (Colloquium Vitae) Patias; Siqueira; Dias, 2012 (Educação e Pesquisa)
Motta; Lise, 2012 (Acta Scientiarum: Health Sciences) Schaefer; Rossetto; Kristensen, 2012
1.1 Domestic
Trabbold, 2012 (Motricidade) (Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa)
or intrafamily
Abranches; Assis; Pires, 2013 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Costa; Fortunato-Costa, 2013
Barros et al., 2013 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) (Rev. Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez
Deslandes; Mendes; Luz, 2014 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) y Juventud, Manizales)
Oliveira et al., 2014a (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Irigaray et al., 2013 (Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica)
Deslandes et al., 2016 (Interface: Comunicação, Relva et al. 2014 (Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica)
Saúde, Educação) Relva; Alarcão; Fernandes, 2014
Montezuma; Pereira; Melo, 2017 (Physis) (Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa)
Pasian et al., 2015 (Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica)
Hildebrand et al., 2015
(Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica)
Maia et al., 2017 (Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa)

Gómez et al., 2012 (Hacia promoc. Salud) Oliveira; Barbosa, 2012

Fonseca et al., 2012 (Motricidade) (Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica)
Silva et al., 2012 (Trends Psychiatry Psychother) Silva et al., 2012 (Trends Psychiatry Psychother)
1.2 Bullying/ Ribeiro et al., 2014 (Acta Biomedica Brasiliensia) Albuquerque; Williams; D’Affonseca, 2013
discrimination Costa et al., 2015 (Rev. de Saúde Pública) (Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa)
Pigozi; Machado, 2015 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Horta et al., 2018 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Oliveira et al., 2018 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)

Costa; Ludermir; Avelar, 2007 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Câmara et al., 2007 (Estudos de Psicologia)
Peres et al., 2008 (Rev. Panamericana de Salud Publica) Lolis, 2010 (Semina: Ciências Sociais e Humanas)
Minayo; Constantino, 2012 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Batista et al., 2016 (Sociedade & Estado)
1.3 Youth Peres et al., 2012 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Salatiel, 2017 (Rev. Latinoamericana de Ciencias
mortality/ Souza et al., 2012 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Sociales Niñez y Juventud, Manizales)
homicide Martins, 2013 (Rev. Brasileira de Enfermagem) Barros, Benicio, 2017 (Rev. de Psicologia)
Rojas Cabrera, 2015 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Moura et al., 2015 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Costa et al. 2017 (Physis)

Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.29, n.3, e181118, 2020 4

Chart 1 – continuation
1. Territories of youth vulnerabilities and violence

Thematic fields
addressed in Health Sciences Humanities and Social sciences
the work

Oliveira et al., 2006 (Rev. Katálysis) Vieira; Cardoso; Guimarães, 2009

Lopes et al., 2008 (Saúde e Sociedade) (Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica)
Cocco; Lopes, 2010 (Rev. Gaúcha Enfermagem)
Castro; Cunha; Souza, 2011 (Rev. de Saúde Pública)
Huculak; Mclennan; Bordin, 2011 (Rev. Brasileira
de Psiquiatria)
1.4 Urban
Melo; Barros; Almeida, 2011 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Moreira et al., 2013 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
and social
Oliveira et al., 2014b (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Procópio et al., 2014 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Souza et al., 2014 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Botelho; Moraes; Leite, 2015 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Moura; Oliveira; Vasconcelos, 2015 (Ciência &
Saúde Coletiva)
Melo; Garcia, 2017 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)

2. Risk and protective factors against violence

Thematic fields
addressed in Health Sciences Humanities and Social sciences
the work

Gontijo, 2007 (Rev. Eletrônica de Enfermagem) Oliveira-Monteiro, 2010

Pereira et al., 2010 (Rev. de Psiquiatria Clínica) (Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica)
Correia et al., 2011 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Farias; More, 2012 (Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica)
2.1 Adolescent
Melo; Coelho, 2011 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Patias; Gabriel; Dias, 2013
and teen
Pilleco; Knauth; Vigo, 2011 (Cadernos de Saúde Pública) (Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia)
Heilborn et al., 2012 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Xavier et al., 2013 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Miura; Tardivo; Barrientos, 2018 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)

Heim; Andrade, 2008 (Rev. de Psiquiatria Clínica) Venturi, 2017 (Tempo Social)
Wesselovicz et al., 2008 (Acta Scientiarum Health Silva; Menezes, 2016 (Rev. Latinoamericana de
Sciences - UEM) Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, Manizales)
Silva, 2010 (Escola Anna Nery)
Souza et al., 2010 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Guzmán-Facundo et al., 2011 (Rev. Latino-
Americana de Enfermagem)
2.2 Use of Rozin; Zagonel, 2012 (Acta Paulista de Enfermagem)
alcohol and Veloso; Monteiro, 2013 (Rev. Latino-Americana
other drugs de Enfermagem)
Backes et al., 2014 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Nascimento; Micheli, 2015 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Vieira et al., 2015 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Paula et al., 2017 (Rev. de Saúde Pública)
Hallal et al., 2017 (Cadernos de Saúde Pública)
Carvalho et al., 2017 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Dallo; Martins, 2018 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)

Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.29, n.3, e181118, 2020 5

Chart 1 – continuation
2. Risk and protective factors against violence
Thematic fields
addressed in Health Sciences Humanities and Social sciences
the work

Machado; Silva, 2007 (Rev. Aletheia) Brandão; Williams, 2009

Kappel et al., 2014 (Interface: Comunicação, Saúde, (Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica)
2.3 Violence Educação) Alberto et al., 2012 (Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica)
prevention Deslandes; Campos, 2015 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Nardi; Dell’aglio, 2012 (Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa)
Vieira et al., 2015 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Dutra-Thome, 2017
Netto; Deslandes, 2016 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) (Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana)

Lopes et al., 2011 (Interface: Comunicação, Zaniol; Molin; Andreoli, 2007 (Rev. de Psicologia)
Saúde, Educação) Broide, 2010 (Rev. Psicologia Política)
Monteiro et al., 2011 (Rev. de Enfermagem Referência) Jost, 2010 (Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa)
Acosta; Amaya; Koller, 2013 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Rossetti-Ferreira et al., 2012
Sampaio et al., 2014 (Interface: Comunicação, (Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica)
Saúde, Educação) Groppo, 2015 (Revista Latinoamericana de
2.4 Intervention
Iannelli; Assis; Pinto, 2015 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, Manizales)
Areas Neto; Constantino; Assis, 2017 (Physis) Nodari et al., 2016 (Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa)
Gadea et al., 2017 (Sociologias)
Gibbons; Poelker, 2017 (Rev. de Psicología)
Oliveira; Souza-Santibañez, 2017 (Espacio
abierto: cuaderno venezolano de sociología)
Vinuto; Alvarez, 2018 (Tempo social)

Vendruscolo; Ferriani; Silva, 2007 (Rev. Latino- Gonzales; Guareschi, 2008 (Rev. Latinoamericana
Americana de Enfermagem) de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventude, Manizales)
Costa et al., 2010 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Costa; Ferreira, 2009
Paixão; Deslandes, 2011 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) (Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica)
2.5 Public
Lopez; Moreira, 2013a (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Quintero, 2009 (Rev. Latinoamericana de
policies aimed
Lopez; Moreira, 2013b (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Ciencias Sociales, Ninez y Juventud, Manizales)
at youth
Ribeiro et al., 2013 (Investigación y Educación Moreno; Almeida, 2017
en Enfermería) (Rev. de Sociologia e Política)
Acioli et al., 2018 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Barreiro; Malfitano, 2017 (Rev. Latinoamericana de
Ciencias Sociales Niñez y Juventude, Manizales)

Paula et al., 2008 (Rev. de Saúde Pública) Schneider; Ramires, 2007 (Rev. Aletheia)
Avanci; Assis; Oliveira, 2008 (Caderno de Saúde Pública) Benetti et al., 2010 (Psico-USF)
Souza; Silva-Abrão; Oliveira-Almeida, 2011 Sá et al., 2010 (Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa)
(Rev. de Salud Publica) Teodoro; Cardoso; Freitas, 2010
Bontempo; Pereira, 2012 (Rev. de Terapia (Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica)
Ocupacional da Universidade de São Paulo) Ximenes et al., 2013 (Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica)
2.6 Mental Lima; Dias, 2014 (Rev. Barbarói)
health Braga; D’Oliveira, 2015 (Interface: Comunicação,
Saúde, Educação)
Fontes; Conceição; Machado, 2017 (Ciência & Saúde
Milhomens; Martins, 2017 (Physis)
Teixeira; Couto; Delgado, 2017 (Ciência & Saúde

Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.29, n.3, e181118, 2020 6

Chart 1 – continuation
2. Risk and protective factors against violence
Thematic fields
addressed in Health Sciences Humanities and Social sciences
the work
Martins; Jorge, 2009 (Acta Scientiarum. Health Sciences) Pacheco; Hutz, 2009 (Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa)
Polleto; Koller; Dell’aglio, 2009 (Ciência & Siqueira; Dell’aglio, 2010
Saúde Coletiva) (Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa)
Farias Júnior et al., 2009 (Rev. Panamericana de Silva; Silva, 2011 (Saúde e Sociedade)
Salud Publica) Gonzalez-Laurino, 2012 (Rev. Latinoamericana de
Jesus et al., 2011 (Rev. Gaúcha Enfermagem) Ciencias Sociales, Ninez y Juventud, Manizales)
Ruotti; Massa; Peres, 2011 (Interface: Comunicação, Morais; Raffaelli; Koller, 2012
Saúde, Educação) (Avances en Psicologia Latinoamericana)
Gontijo et al., 2012 (Rev. Brasileira em Promoção Moratilla-Olvera; Taracena-Rui, 2012 (Rev.
da Saúde) Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Niñez y
Malta et al., 2012 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Juventud, Manizales)
Reis et al., 2013 (Rev. Latino-Americana de Enfermagem) Olivar, 2014 (Rev. Artemis)
Martins; Jorge, 2014 (Acta Scientiarum. Health Sciences) Di Leo; Camarotti, 2017 (Rev. Latinoamericana de
Moreira et al., 2014 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Ciencias Sociales Niñez y Juventud, Manizales)
Morrison et al., 2014 (Youth & Society) Figueiredo, 2017 (Cadernos de Pesquisa)
Silva et al., 2014 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Hernandez; Cardona-Arango, Segura-Arango,
Di Leo; Pinheiro, 2017 (Cadernos de Saúde Pública) 2018 (Rev. Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
Moura et al., 2018 (Rev. da Escola de Enfermagem Niñez y Juventude, Manizales)
da USP)
Cordeiro et al., 2009 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva) Batista Rojas, 2018 (Rev. de Estudios Sociales)
Ferreira; Gomes; Figueiredo, 2009 (Motricidade)
Nascimento; Gomes, 2009 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Taquette, 2010 (Rev. Saúde e Sociedade)
Paiva et al., 2011(Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Baptista et al., 2012 (Motricidade)
Souza et al., 2012 (Motricidade)
Miranda et al., 2013 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Mora; Monteiro, 2013 (Rev. Estudos Feministas)
Silva et al., 2013 (Interface: Comunicação
Saúde Educação)
Assis; Gomes; Pires, 2014 (Rev. Saúde Pública)
2.8 Sexuality or Taquette; Rodrigues, 2015 (Interface: Comunicação
gender Saúde Educação)
Sasaki et al., 2015 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Cecchetto et al., 2016 (Interface: Comunicação
Saúde Educação)
Ferreira; Francisco; Nogueira, 2016 (Rev.
Panamericana de Salud Pública)
Alves et al., 2017 (Rev. Brasileira em Promoção
da Saúde)
Ceccon; Meneghel, 2017 (Physis)
Fontes et al., 2017 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Taquette et al., 2017 (Ciência & Saúde Coletiva)
Zanatta et al., 2018 (Rev. de Pesquisa: Cuidado é
Fundamental Online)

Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.29, n.3, e181118, 2020 7

Regarding publication year, both the fields of 2011 until 2015. In quantitative terms, we observed
health sciences and humanities and social sciences a considerable number of publications about the
showed a significant increase in production in subject in the health field.
2011. Publications in the humanities and social Data from 2018 refer only to the period between
sciences increased in 2009 and 2011. As for the January and September – when our search was
health sciences, this increase occurred up from completed.

Figure 2 – Comparison of articles inventory by field of knowledge and year

Graph - Number of publications per year for each field
of knowledge

18 16
15 15 15 15
16 14
Number of articles

10 8
7 7
8 6
6 4 4 4
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Publication year
Health Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences

According to Figure 2, the number of studies in intrafamily violence” and “use of alcohol and other
the health field increased between 2011 to 2015; in drugs.” The themes of “bullying/discrimination” and
humanities and social sciences the peak occurred in “adolescent pregnancy” were less frequent.
2012 and in 2017. The only year with more studies in As for the humanities and social sciences, most
the humanities and social sciences than in health addressed themes were “domestic/intrafamily
was 2010. violence,” “vulnerabilities,” and “intervention
The most prevalent theme addressed in articles methods.” “Urban violence/social determinants,”
from health sciences, according to Figure 3, “use of alcohol and other drugs,” and “sexuality/
was “sexuality/gender,” followed by “domestic/ gender” were less frequent, as Figure 4 shows.
Figure 3 – Number of articles by category – health sciences
Number of articles by category - health sciences
Number of articles

20 20

15 15 14 14 13
10 9 9 8 8 7 6 5


reg t and

at y icies

erm and


rug ol an




dol ealt



icid rtali

crim /


dis lying
det lence


aim ic po

in a ntal h
er d oh



tee lesce


hom h mo
oth of alc


soc n vio


ce p



len tic or


















Thematic category

Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.29, n.3, e181118, 2020 8

Figure 4 – Number of articles by category – humanities and social sciences
Number of articles by category - humanities and social sciences
Number of articles 14
10 10 10
6 5 5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1


reg t and


at y icies

erm and

rug ol an

dol ealt




icid rtali



crim /


det ence
in a ntal h

dis lying
aim lic po


er d oh

tee lesce


hom th mo

ce or int

oth f alc

ce p


soc n vio








vio estic

rv e











Thematic category

A total of 29 publications of both fields approached prevention,” and “public policies.” However, unlike
the theme of “domestic and intrafamily violence” as a in humanities and social sciences, the themes
problem in the subject of adolescence and youth. We also of “sexuality/gender,” “urban violence/social
found 24 articles on “vulnerabilities,” 21 on “sexuality/ determinants,” and “use of alcohol and other drugs”
gender,” and 14 on “urban violence/social determinants.” were frequently addressed by health sciences.
By comparing the two fields, we observed them “Intervention methods” was the only theme to have
to approach some themes similarly, as “domestic/ more articles in the humanities and social sciences,
intrafamily violence,” “vulnerabilities,” “violence with 10 published studies. Figure 5 shows these data.

Figure 5 – Comparison of the number of articles per category in the two fields of knowledge
Comparison of articles categories by field of knowledge
30 29
Number of articles

25 24
20 20 21
15 14 16 16
15 14 14 13 14 14 14
12 11
10 10 9 9 11 9
10 7 8 8
6 5 5 5 3 3 54
5 2
1 1

reg t and


at y icies
erm and


dol ealt

rug ol an






icid rtali

det lence


in a ntal h


aim lic po

er d oh

tee lesce


hom th mo

oth of alc
ce or in


ce p

soc an vio







vio estic













Thematic category
Health Science Human and Social Sciences Total

Discussion of violence, endorsed by the legal system itself. It

was only with the 1988 Federal Constitution that
Historically, the trajectory of children and children and adolescents acquired their rights. Brazil
adolescents has been marked by multiple situations established a new legal-institutional scenario that

Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.29, n.3, e181118, 2020 9

recognizes the rights of any child and adolescent school context. This widely discussed practice
and their peculiar conditions of development, which among education and health professionals
should be the absolute priority in matters concerning stresses an increasing problem that often causes
them. Although the legal system, by promulgating adolescents and young people to fall ill. Bullying,
the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA) (Brasil, or discrimination, refers to different intentional
1990), prioritizes the primacy and guarantee of and repeated forms of aggression adopted by one
this population rights, in practice, children and or more subjects in an unequal power relationship
adolescents still suffer numerous forms of violence. (Fonseca et al., 2012). Few studies, in both fields,
For discussion, we analyzed the studies by address this topic. The analyzed studies associated
thematic subgroup, regardless of the field of bullying with post-traumatic stress disorder,
knowledge in which they were inserted. Organizing by especially in the school context, and highlighted
axes rather than fields enabled us to learn and deepen the need to prioritize bullying prevention strategies
how certain themes have been treated by the research. in educational institutions. Thus, knowing the
prevalence and investigating risk and protective
Territories of youth vulnerabilities and violence factors related to aggressive behaviors in victims
can help professionals define strategies to minimize
Domestic or intrafamily violence children suffering and maximize bullying control.
Among the numerous forms of violence
perpetrated against adolescents and young people, Youth mortality/homicide
this study highlights those occurred within the Data from the latest Violence Atlas, published in
intrafamily context. Domestic or intrafamily 2018 (Cerqueira et al. 2018) confirm previous surveys:
violence refer to all forms of violence occurring homicide victimization risk in Brazil is still higher
in the domestic setting, and the aggressor is among young people (aged from 15 to 29 years),
the responsible for the child and the adolescent. men, blacks, and residents in risk and vulnerable
Research on this topic often typify the aggression areas. According to Barros and Benício (2017), these
into physical violence, psychological violence, sexual young people are considered the “unworthy of life”
violence, and neglect. Health scholars are also to whom is attributed the flaw of being “involved.”
concerned in estimating the prevalence of violence, In 2016, 33,590 young people were murdered in
its effects on mental health, and the protective Brazil, among which 94.6% were male. Several
factors that favor violence prevention. studies have already indicated this data growth,
In the humanities and social sciences, such showing the highest incidences and prevalence in
studies approach the psychological aspects the Southeast and Northeast regions of the country.
encompassed by the context of intrafamily violence Such data is tied to the most disadvantaged social
and how risk factors, such as social vulnerabilities – strata of these young people, indicating a clear
considering the lack of access to public health relation between socioeconomic development, police
policies, education, and culture, – incite violence. violence, and incarceration. That is, the control of
Authors who discussed this topic seems to the unemployment rate and its downward trend
agree that, when addressing the phenomenon of for the young population justify the reduction in
domestic and intrafamily violence, it is relevant homicide rates better than public safety actions do.
to think about possible interventions grounded According to Batista et al. (2016), the organizational
on interprofessionality and intersectoriality and structure of public security combined with the
supported by public policies aiming to cope and fragility of social assistance actions, especially in
guarantee children and adolescents rights. the metropolitan region of Brasília, influence the
dynamics of youth homicides. Comparative studies
Bulliyng/discrimination in South American countries – as those conducted by
Bullying by children and young people is Minayo and Constantino (2012) and Rojas Cabrera
one among the forms of violence faced in the (2015) – also suggest similarities in the issue of youth

Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.29, n.3, e181118, 2020 10

mortality. They state that changes in social systems situation of vulnerability; fostering a greater
occur from coordinated and persistent actions appreciation of studies (despite the difficulty in
that articulate economic, social, and educational continuing them); and maintaining a relationship
investments with measures for preventing and with the child’s father, providing a greater stability
curbing homicides with a historical negative impact. to the mother. Many cases of adolescent pregnancy
are not the consequence of a mistake, but rather the
Urban violence and social determinants result of a conscious planning.
Reflecting and debating on violence, especially
on urban violence and its social determinants, Use of alcohol and other drugs
may support prevention and promotion strategies The use of alcohol and other drugs by adolescents
to curb it or act in face of its occurrence. Oliveira and young people is a social and public health
et al. (2006), states the urge in deconstructing the problem worldwide. Considering its great visibility
culture of fear and the stigmatized figure of poor and economic and social consequences, such topic
urban youth as the responsible for the high rates has been highlighted by both the mass media and
of urban violence, as well as decoupling urban scientific investigations.
violence from physical issues only. It is fundamental Approaching the use of alcohol and drugs by
to discuss determinants that unleash violence, youth has been a priority for the health sciences.
such as situations of vulnerability, socioeconomic Conversely, we found only one publication with
deficiencies, lack of networks of support, care, and this study object in the field of humanities and
solidarity, and inefficient public policies. However, social sciences.
the lack of opportunities combined with low This review comprises many articles addressing
schooling and low prospects may lead some young the specific topic of alcohol use among adolescents.
people to commit crimes. The study of Lopes et al. They depict alcohol as a widely used drug among
(2008) proposes, as a strategy to face situations of young people with several harmful effects –
vulnerabilities and violence, interventions grounded especially at this stage of life. For being a culturally
in education and defense of citizenship rights, such and socially accepted substance, adolescents have
as workshops in which young people can express an easy access to alcoholic beverages, despite its
themselves, redraw concepts, and assume their role prohibition, including through their relatives.
as agents promoting life within their own collective. The mass media plays a key role in alcohol
Moreover, as Melo and Garcia (2017) affirm, we must consumption, illustrating the gap in public policies
stick to the public policies, established by the Youth for preventing its use, as they often target the issue
Statute (Brasil, 2013), as legal parameters. of illicit substances. Some of the reasons pointed
by research that trigger chemical dependence and
Risk and protective factors against violence motivate constant alcohol consumption are: ease
of access, friends influence, place of residence,
Adolescent pregnancy association with violence, socialization, and relief
Regarding adolescent pregnancy, the selected of negative feelings.
studies approached the theme by young people living The publications reach no consensus regarding
in a situation of vulnerability. Some hypotheses predisposing factors to the use of alcohol and
correlate adolescent pregnancy with low income: other drugs. Yet, they all indicate the need for
first because research was conducted in public taking preventive actions in different contexts,
health services and, second, because it facilitates the such as school, family health strategy, and
access of the public to these studies. Other authors primary healthcare, as well as adopting active
indicate, among the protective factors of adolescent and participatory methods to build bonds with
pregnancy: acquiring a greater responsibility for adolescents in partnership with different agents,
their reproductive lives; reformulating life projects; and that target the family as a whole, rather than
seeking alternatives and help for the experienced just young people.

Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.29, n.3, e181118, 2020 11

Violence prevention drugs, school and family relations, etc.) in different
Preventing and tackling the various forms of contexts (education, health, interaction, etc.).
violence in adolescence and youth entails a complex Individual approaches are also deemed as a
process, influenced by several factors of both the possibility, both in institutional and territorial
individual and collective spheres. Thus, it should spaces. Such approach suggests working on
consider adolescents social and community context. adolescents’ individual subjectivities to resignify
Tackling these situations demands the articulation their lives, relationships, and desires.
of different actors, institutions, and services present Articulating the network is also a key intervention
in adolescents’ lives, that is: the articulation of method, as it becomes essential for the effectiveness
a network. Protective network refers to a set of of any proposed action, although they often present
agents and services (governmental or not) working flaws and require greater investment.
together by articulated actions with the same
goal: to guarantee the rights of a given population Public policies aimed at youth
(Faleiros, 2001). For Deslandes and Campos (2015, Brazilian publications addressing public
p. 2175), this tackling network, which includes policies aimed at youth stress the importance of
actions and services from different sectors (social the 1988 Federal Constitution and the Statute of
assistance, security, justice, and health), aims to the Child and Adolescent (Brasil, 1990) as important
“develop effective preventive strategies, policies legal frameworks. These measures shift the
ensuring the empowerment of people in situations paradigm of children as subjects of guardianship
of violence and their human rights, accountability to the understanding of children and adolescents
of aggressors, and qualified assistance.” as subjects with rights, as well as the doctrine of
Networking requires some strategies, as integral protection.
identifying its services and actors, creating bonds Specific protective policies are outlined in
between these agents, sharing procedures and each studied topic. Publications addressing the
collectively developing action strategies, continuing institutionalization of children and adolescents
actions, and involving the family as a social support outlined the Protection and Defense of the rights
network. Articulating services of social protection, of Children and Adolescents to Family Living and
education, and health is also fundamental in this Community (PNCFC). Publications approaching
process, as well as investing in training and updating the issue of sexual violence and commercial sexual
professionals who will work on them. exploitation stressed the Program of Integrated and
Referential Actions to Confront Sexual Violence in
Intervention methods Brazilian Territory (PAIR). Studies relating health
Regarding intervention methods aiming at policies and violence focused on the National Policy
adolescence and youth, the selected publications for the Reduction of Morbidity and Mortality from
apply a wide variety of references: from Paulo Accidents and Violence. As for a study on gender,
Freire’s assumptions of dialogical education, the National Policy on Integral Health Care for
through phenomenology, and even psychoanalysis. Adolescents and Youth was the object of analysis.
Knowledge diversity, whether academic or not, We also highlight, as international documents that
is also appreciated in developing and reflecting set parameters for protecting and guaranteeing
upon youth practices, which requires inter- and children and adolescents’ rights, the “Declaration
transdisciplinary dialogues. of the Rights of the Child (1923), the Universal
Dialogical activities that provide an equal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Second
relationship between young people and professionals Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child
using resources that bring closer and foster bonds, (1959), the Convention on the Rights of the Child
such as workshops and yarning circles, has shown (1989), and the Vienna Declaration (1993)” (Alberto
positive results in approaching different youth-related et al., 2012, p. 134). Although we have applied the
topics (sexuality, violence, health, use of alcohol and youth descriptor in the search, only one publication

Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.29, n.3, e181118, 2020 12

(Barreiro; Malfitano, 2017) refers to the Youth provide a different viewpoint regarding mental
Statute (Brasil, 2013). health by destigmatizing suffering, which is still
deemed as an individual issue, and acknowledging
Mental health it as an aspect of the contemporary social and
According to data from the World Health collective life.
Organization, mental and behavioral disorders
are common during childhood and adolescence, Vulnerabilities
reaching about 20% of the population in this age Vulnerability, as a conceptual notion, appears,
group (WHO, 2003). Considering that childhood along with the concept of exclusion, as a relatively
and adolescence are phases of social, cognitive, and self-explanatory category – as suggested by Spósito
psychological development, mental health disorders (2009). It happens because, when identified as
at these stages of life may entail negative short- and social determinants for living conditions, they
long-term effects on the developmental trajectories disregard the understanding of the youth singular
of individuals. ways of life and daily experiences (Takeiti; Vicentin,
The concern with children’s and adolescents’ 2015). Vulnerability and risk sometimes are
mental health in the national scenario reinforce the considered synonymous; others, as determiners
need for actions aimed at preventing and reversing of different situations, as begging, poverty, child
their institutionalization. Studies that aim to labor and prostitution, teenage paternity and
underpine discussions for the implementation of maternity, mother overload, use of alcohol and
guidelines for public policies, preventive programs, other drugs, family conflicts, and deaths owing to
and care are very common. external causes. Health studies theorize the issue
We also observed studies interested in of vulnerabilities and risk from stressful events
investigating risk and protective factors to mental motivated by the youth/adolescents themselves
health in the context of school environment or, and from the social and cultural determinants that
more broadly, within a municipality or region. The contribute to risk situations.
concern in identifying risk and protective factors Studies from both fields indicate the need for
was also found in literature reviews seeking to the participation of all social segments, as well as
relate violence and mental health among children executive and legislative bodies, in formulating,
and adolescents. Among these factors, we stress monitoring, and evaluating public policies,
the concern regarding relationship with parents, which poses a challenge to face the situations of
collective economic situation, and exposure to vulnerabilities and risk of Brazilian adolescents
community violence. and youth.
The field research we encountered in this topic
have mostly adopted a quantitative approach, using Sexuality and gender
standardized assessment tools. Thus, we suggest Sexuality and gender identity are social issues
further studies to perform these evaluations that must be debated and reflected upon not only
from another perspective, by adopting qualitative in the field of health, but by all of those focused on
approaches that can complement the collected data. acquiring knowledge of adolescence and youth. Our
Only two studies related the Brazilian mental survey found a common concern among the studies
health policies stemming from the psychiatric on understanding how adolescents and young people
reform movement to its articulations in the mental deal with their sexuality, narrowing the debate to
health of children and adolescents. issues involving sexual initiation and the meanings
The mental health of children and adolescents attributed to it by a certain population segment.
has been a major concern of scholars primarily in Studies in the health field problematize sexuality
the overall health field, and, in the humanities, for and gender issues among adolescents from the
psychology. We found no studies on this topic with a problems they face regarding early pregnancy,
sociological and social work approach, which could vulnerabilities to sexually transmitted diseases and

Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.29, n.3, e181118, 2020 13

AIDS, and the risks of transgenerity in the occurrence algunos trayectos de sus relaciones, experiencias
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Authors’ contribution
Takeiti and Gonçalves conceived and outlined the research. Oliveira
and Elisiario conducted the survey. Takeiti, Gonçalves, and Oliveira
analyzed and interpreted the data, drafted the article and reviewed
it critically. All authors approved the final version of the article.

Received: 10/04/2019
Resubmitted: 02/04/2020
Approved: 02/06/2020

Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.29, n.3, e181118, 2020 16

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