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Illiteracy is defined as the inability of a person to read and write. "A person
aged seven and above who can both read and write with understanding in
any language is treated as literate. A person, who can only read but cannot
write, is not literate. This definition is similar to that of UNESCO. People
with this inability and with a lack of knowledge in a particular field or subject
are called illiterates. Going to school and studying is such a common
activity for most of us that sometimes we don't realize what a privilege we

There are still places in our country where the children don't even have the
access to basic education.

The latest data puts India's adult literacy rate at 73.2 %. While the country
has made progress in improving literacy over the years. But 313 million
people are still illiterate in India. There have been 59% of the women to be

According to a survey conducted in 2011, Bihar, Arunachal Pradesh,

Rajasthan the literacy rate is very low.

The main cause of illiteracy is poverty. There is 28% of the total population
in India is poor. Due to poverty, many families refuse their children to
attend school. Instead of education, they chose labour works for their kids
so that they can earn a living and get something to eat which results in
illiteracy in India. Because of illiterate parents, there is more illiteracy in
children as the parents don't think education is important. They will only opt
for a job that can provide a living.

Gender discrimination is one of the causes of illiteracy. Girls are deprived

from education and meant to do household work or they are got married at
an early age. This causes high illiteracy rate in India.

People in India are conservative. They don’t allow backward classes the
right to education. Even if those children are going to school they are
discriminated in the school and given the right opportunity.
As the population increases the demand for the study material and
resources also increases which can’t be fulfilled. Even if poor and
underprivileged wants to study the educational facilities in the villages are
not provided properly. In some villages, there is also lack of transport
facilities because of this children have miles and that’s they skip school.

There is lack of determined and skilled teachers because of this children

get low quality of education.

Unemployment can also be related to illiteracy in India. When the parents

lack regular income, which helps them to afford the children's education,
the family will face poverty and illiteracy in India will increase.

People who are illiterate they can’t obtain and understand essential
information. This cause of illiteracy in India can also be as a result of the
difficulty in earning a living .
Illiteracy in India has also caused many major crimes from evolving and
reduces the social awareness of a person. Illiteracy in India and its
unawareness create lack of discipline and social behavior.
People who are not literate either do not get a good job or they get low
income. Due to this there is economic problem in India .
People who are illiterate feels low in front of literates. Low self-esteem, which
can lead to isolation.
Illiterate individuals have more workplace where accidents occur. They
sometimes misuse medication because they have trouble reading and
understanding the relevant information like warnings, dosage,
contraindications, etc.

Government has undertaken many initiatives and schemes to eradicate

Illiteracy in India. There have been different rules and regulations in place
which protect the right of education of all the citizens of our country.
The Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan has been in implementation since the year 2001.
This scheme focuses on elementary education in the country. Achievement of
universal primary education has been the aim of this scheme. The scheme
has found predominant both in rural as well as urban areas.
National Literacy Mission Program was implemented in 1988 to educate
millions of people in India.
Saakshar Bharat is another program which aims 80% literacy level at the
national level, focusing on literacy among women.
Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act is an act passed by
the Parliament in 2009. It is a law with a panoramic aim to mitigate illiteracy in
India, where it safeguards compulsory education for children of age between
6- 14 years in top quality school under Article 21a of the Indian Constitution.
India became one of 135 countries to make education a fundamental right of
every child.
Education for minorities is a concern for the government. The cultural and
educational rights of the minorities are guaranteed under Article 30 of the

For increasing the literacy rate in India more initiatives should taken. There
should be proper training given to the teachers before recruitment. Teachers
should be well qualified. There should be campaigns organized to motivate
people for education. The production of study material should be increased as
there is scarcity of books also leads in low quality or no education. The books
and other study material needed should be free.

It is very sad that even after so many years of attaining freedom, there is still a
high rate of illiteracy in India and we are far from becoming a fully literate
country. People in rural areas are still struggling with basic facilities such as
food, water and shelter. However, there have been many initiatives by the
Government which have been successful in evolving in people in rural area.

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