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SESSION 2020/2021

BIM Strategies in Surveying and Monitoring


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Table of Content Page

Chapter 01

a. Introduction/History 3

b. Characteristic 5

c. Types 6

Chapter 02

a. Principle, Standards, Procedure and Guideline 7

b. Method, Technique and Process 14

c. Advantages and Disadvantage 15

d. Systems 19

Chapter 03

a. Current issues related to the topic 20

b. Application in current construction industry 24

Chapter 04

a. Suggestions for improvement. 25

Chapter 05

a. Conclusions 28

Reference 29

Chapter 01
Based on Oxford surveying means the profession of examining and recording the specific
area and features of the piece of land so as to construct a map, land. In the civil engineering
concept, surveying is more to the starting step that is really important to the new project.
Surveying is the technique that will be used by engineers to determine the relative position of
different features on, above or beneath the surface of the earth by means of direct or indirect
measurements and finally representing them on a sheet of paper known as plan or map [1]. It is
also known as an art & science of measuring distances, angles, and positions, on or near the
surface of the earth. There are two types of surveying which are plane surveying and geodetic
surveying. For plane surveying, it's more dealing with a small area and surface of earth by
assuming the surface of the plane to be plane [1]. In this case earth’s surface will be considered
to be plane for all X and Y dimensions. All Z dimensions (height) are referenced to the earth’s
mean surface (MSL) or to the surface of the earth’s reference ellipsoid (GRS80). For geodetic
surveying, it deals with vast areas. Different from plane surveying, in this case earth’s surface will
be considered to be an ellipsoid’s revolution for the X and Y dimension. The Z dimensions or
height can be referenced to GRS80 or converted to refer to MSL. However, surveying also required
some special instrument. It is important to engineers or constructors to measure and obtain data
on the site. There are some instruments that have been used in surveying, for example theodolite.
It is used to measure horizontal and vertical angles and establish linear and curved alignment of
the field.
Monitoring in engineering means to examine existing systems and structures and is
responsible for deciding when such things need to be updated, modified or replaced. Construction
firms, information technology (IT) companies and energy conglomerates are the types of entities
that needed to employ in these roles [2]. In this job, someone who applied in this job must have
completed the undergraduate degree program in civil, electrical or mechanical engineering [2].
It is important because this job requires someone expert that can run the software during the
monitoring such as Building Information Monitoring, Autocad, CAD and else.
Building information modelling or known as a BIM is really important during the monitoring
work. It is a type of technologies, processes and policies enabling multiple stakeholder
collaborative design, constructed in virtual space. It is a guide for architects, engineers and
contractors for their project and building. BIM is also known as a 3D model-based process that

gives architecture, constructor and engineering the sight and tools to assist them in plan, design,
construct and manage buildings and infrastructure. In simple terms, these applications are the
software tools for the architects, drafters, engineers, and builders. It has various types of
functions which can create plans, construction drawings, precise lists of building materials, and
even instructions on how and when to put together the parts [3].
The journey of Building information modelling began in the 1970s. Some studies stated
that the idea or concept of BMI already existed since the 1970s and this kind of software was
developed for modelling building emerged in the late 1970s and 1980s. The basis of BIM started
in 1975 when the American professor, Charles M Eastman published a description of a working
prototype. He published the first software of BIM or known as precursor which is known as a
Building Description System (BDS) [4]. There a lot of functions of DBS can run which is the same
as the BIM. Functions that perform by DBS:
• A graphical user interface to store and display complex element shapes.
• An interactive graphic language to arrange different elements in a design space.
• It can produce perspective or orthographic drawings and.
• The database can be sorted by attributes such as material type.

After that, they improved the system of Building description system (DPS) and has
evolved over several stages until to the BIM stage that have been used today as shown in Figure
1. In 1977, they introduced a new software that’s called as a Graphical Language for Interactive
Design (GLIDE) which is improvement of BDS with offered more accurate drawing. After that in
1989, GLIDE was upgraded and formed another new term which is known as a Building Product
Model (BPM) that can offer more features such as estimation. In 1995, Generic Building Model
was produced which can be used to define the building type in the model and allowed a higher
degree construction management to be achieved [4]. Then in the early 2000s, they introduced
the Building Information Modelling (BIM) that we used nowadays. The idea and concept of BIM
have been used among the architecture, engineering and construction industry when parametric
3D modelling was developed.

Figure 1: Evolution of BIM from 1970s to present day.

There few characteristics that shows by Building Information Modelling (BIM) which are [5]:

Characteristics Details

Have easy access to information. BIM is a representation of the physical and

functional characteristics of the building
process, that provides every minute detail of
the project [5]

Make the process more intensive. Compared to CAD BIM services allowed the
user to work in five dimensions, time and cost
being the additional dimension. This system is
able to produce the accurate data of cost and
material estimated in the project even the
design being developed.

Have a more comprehensive Overview of the BIM provides more than 3D geometric view of
project. structure which helps the user by providing a
more comprehensive overview of the entire
building. Cover every component of this
process from the geometrical aspect of the
design to the spatial relationship.

Give a Lifelike views BIM design tool can help the user to get
various view of building and produce high-
quality and accurate drawing.

There are several types of Building Information modelling (BIM).
• Geographic Building Information Modelling
BIM integration with Geographic Information system (GIS) allows for the understanding of
the designing and building process of geographic condition. BIM provide insight into flood-prone
areas and gives designers accurate information to influence a structure’s location, orientation and
even construction materials.
• Structural Building Information Modelling
This section is mainly used by civil engineers. BIM supports more than 90 different steel,
concrete, timber and aluminium codes. It provides various features such as Analytical Modelling,
Building Planner, Autodrafter, Physical Modelling, Advanced Concrete, and Slab Design,
Earthquake Mode and else [6]. This system also help designers by importing easily the data from
other application and further maximizing the work.
• Concrete Building Information Modelling
BIM can be used to obtain accurate, detailed and constructible parametric modelling for
component-oriented concrete design and plan [6]. Foundation drawings are provided using
assigned foundation layout, general detail and title blocks [6]. By using BIM quantity survey and
estimation work become more easier with available information such as Unit Costs, Order of
Magnitude Estimates, Square Foot and Cubic Foot Estimates.
• Precast Concrete Building Information Modelling
BIM models help to understand requirements in precast construction. It enables simple and
rapid planning of complex precast parts with shop drawing technology. It will automatically
generate reports, checks for collisions and calculates numbers of parts, concrete volumes and
steel weight [6].
• Construction Management Building Information Modelling
Allow the designer to explore and evaluate a project’s constructability before the construction
work. It supports the construction techniques, construction planning, cost and quantity feedback,
fabrication, and facilities management.
• Architectural Building Information Modelling
BIM can display a building’s analysis of the building’s environmental impact over time. This
helps the architect find the most energy-efficient materials and most effective regenerative design

features [6]. It will allow architects to make wise design decisions that will help to greater cost
savings and simpler building maintenance in the future.
• MEP Building Information Modelling
BIM allows engineers, designers and contractors in the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing
(MEP) fields to design building systems in their particular discipline [6].
• Infrastructure Building Information Modelling
provide benefits across planning, design, delivery, and operational areas. BIM in infrastructure
projects improves outcomes with its ability to investigate multiple scenarios, providing data-driven
assurance that projects can be delivered on schedule and budget [6]

Chapter 02

Principle, Standards, Procedure and Guideline


Surveying and Monitoring can also be related to the usage of BIM or also known as
Building Information Modelling. There are existing standards that exist throughout the usage of
this system where one of the most crucial principles to know is that is a process for creating and
managing information on a construction project across the project lifecycle. Furthermore, one of
the crucial outputs of this process is the Building Information Model, the digital description of
every aspect of the built asset where this model draws on information assembled collaboratively
and updated at key stages of a project thus creating a digital Building Information Model enables
those who interact with the building to optimize their actions, resulting in a greater whole life
value for the asset. Hence, it is a wise strategy to be used in the surveying and monitoring of a
certain construction project where the application of it would bear more fruitful benefits.
In addition to that, BIM carries together all of the information about every component of
a building in one place thus makes it possible for anyone to access that information for any
purpose. For instance, to integrate different aspects of the design more effectively. Henceforth,
the risk of mistakes or discrepancies is reduced, and abortive costs will be minimized. Besides
that, its data can be used to show the entire building life-cycle, from cradle to cradle, from

inception and design to demolition and materials reuse. Spaces, systems, products and sequences
can be shown in relative scale to each other and in turn relative to the entire project thus by
signalling conflict detection, BIM prevents errors creeping in at the various stages of development
or construction. Hence, BIM is hands down the best option which acts as a strategy in the
implementation and improvement for surveying and monitoring in the construction field.
Furthermore, if a team is designing a revolving door for a hospital to be used by the
patients, relatives, and staff members as they flow in and out of the building. The BIM would not
only reflect the design of the door and its dimensions but also the model of each part, the number
of door panels, the type of motor that will propel them, the frequency it will need to be serviced,
the availability of spare parts, its carbon footprint, and its acoustic installation which is the all
contained in one model that every partner can work on at once. Therefore, If a contractor decides
to replace a door then the budget, the fire protections, the soundproofing, and the energy
footprint will all be immediately visible and also updated. Moreover, even when a project where
BIM is not to be used, the technology and the companies championing it are driving the industry
forward, [7].
In short, BIM allows designers to create 3D models ini a unique way, unlike the modeling
technologies that came before it. It is a digital representation of both the physical and functional
characteristics of a structure whether it is an office building, a hospital, a road, or a bridge, a BIM
model can map everything from geographic details, to the manufacturing specifications, to the
light a room will contain, to the environmental impact of the entire project. It does not just show
the perception or outlook of what a project will look like, but also what it will act like, [7]. The
other remarkable aspect of the technology is that it can be used by architects, engineers, and
contractors simultaneously, a change made by one party is instantly reflected to everyone which
allows for contemporaneous collaboration and communication.
Hence, unlike any other programs which are only used when a building is being designed
and built, BIM existed for the entirety of a building’s lifespan from conception to demolition. Once
an architect designs a building, contractors use the same model to construct it thus when a
building is finished, the owners use BIM to schedule maintenance and complete infrastructure
updates. At each life stage, BIM will automatically generate scheduling and logistics which reduces
errors, makes cost predictions more accurate, and gets a project done faster. As a closure the
implementation of BIM in surveying and monitoring in a construction project would deem a very
strategic option to be used.


Figure 2: A figure showing the specifications needed when running BIM in a device.

Figure 3: It shows the characterization of a BIM-station or its standards


The standardization of BIM is a very specific as well as an understandable information

that a user must know before using it thus before using it the user or most probably the engineer
has to know about the requirements or specifications that is needed to run a BIM inside of a
device. From table 1, it shows that the operating system that is needed to run it would at least
be in a windows 7 which is not linux or apple devices and a higher updated version of windows
is highly recommended. Moreover, the processors that are needed to run BIM are processors that
have the highest possible speed to run which is single and multi cored. For instance, intel core i5
or i7.
The hard disks that are needed for BIM are preferably a solid state disks in other words
(SSD) or a traditional (HDD) disks of 750 GB or higher where 5GB of disk space is required.
Furthermore, the ram should be about 8GB or more and the video graphics should be a dedicated
NVIDIA graphic card. The reason for all the specifications to be of higher quality is due to the
BIM modelling aspect of it where it takes a certain amount of speed and power to compute the
3D modelling of the structure inside the pc or laptop thus this also comes with a price to pay but
a worthy cause where it brings more benefits to the user than getting back lashes of its usage.
Therefore, using BIM with a device that is not below the recommended specifications from the
table may cause technical problems while using it such as lagging, slow moving functions of the
BIM and worse comes to worse it can bring about the destruction of the devices if it is unable to
handle the BIM, [8].
BIM has their own standards upon implementing and using them in the surveying and
monitoring in a construction project. From table 2 it shows the characterization or standards of a
BIM-station, in other words the requirements when using a BIM during a construction project.
There are many standards of using a BIM one of them are visualization form where it said that a
BIM-station should contain a BIM program with 3D model for visualization of the final product.
The reason is due to making the 3D model more accessible for the workers on site to visualize
the building design thus it would be wise to use this for surveying and monitoring. Moreover,
visualization of process status refers to the process status whether it can be seen clearly or not
where it can be used to visualize progress in comparison with the planned progress. For instance,
visualization of a three week plan, [8].
Furthermore, a BIM also has the automatic generation of lists where workers can enter a
room in the BIM and automatically enabled a generated materials to be listed that is needed for

the room thus this list can then be of use to deliver this equipment directly to the room. An online
access to documents is also one of the standards that a BIM must have where an object in the
3D mode can work as a hyperlink to databases where by clicking on the object, a list with links
to choose from will automatically appear. Hence, information can be gathered about floor
plans,details, room form, safety sheets and other useful documents. There is another alternative
which is a web page as a background on the BIM-station where on this web page, the same
information can be found as on the hyperlink-objects in the 3D model, [8].
In addition, the ease for maintenance and updating of information is also one of the
characteristics in the usage of BIM-stations. After an update of technical drawings along with
other documents are added to the web hosting service, it will be available for download directly
from the BIM-station thus proving to be more convenient in terms of getting information.
Moreover, the two-way communication where the BIM station can act as a meeting place for
workers from one or more disciplines thus this is where everyone can see the 3D model as well
as discuss together as a group. Online or electronic communication is also one of the must have
standards of a BIM where information like production basis, information about the shipments,
weather, safety or other messages from the management can be sent to users through the BIM-
stations, [8].
Moreover, the feedback to management systems is also one of the standards that exist
for a BIM where e-mails can be sent directly from the BIM station to the management. These
emails may be reports, comments on the 3D model or maybe other messages. Hence, these are
the standards that a BIM should have where all of them are crucial and plays a significant role in
order for it to be in full functioning thus it brings about steadfast progress and leaps in a
construction project or when concluding a survey and monitoring services, [8].

Procedure and Guideline:


Figure 4: A figure showing the roles upon using BIM

Figure 5: A figure showing the organization plan for the ideal BIM physical space which is in “3

BIM has their own procedure as well as guidelines to adhere or to know, especially if it is
to be used as a strategy in the field of surveying and monitoring. Therefore, a civil engineer has
to know the building blocks of BIM at first before using it thus there are roles that are assigned
when using BIM which are five of them. All five roles work hand in hand simultaneously to get
the work done or to just make a model. The role of a leader in BIM is responsible for commanding
BIM implementation in the organization, defining protocols as well as guiding the BIM execution
plan (BEP) thus being a leader requires extensive knowledge of BIM methodology. Hence, all the
roles in BIM will refer to the leader.l The role of a BIM reviewer has a responsibility for verifying
that the modeling is correct, based on technical and normative aspects and according to
organizational protocols thus making them more on the verification aspect of BIM.
Furthermore, the BIM coordinator is responsible as an articulator of the BIM process in
the organization, responsible for model validation and coordination. It also serves as a point of
contact among different modelers and specialties where they must comply with the BEP and be
fully aware of BIM standards, mandates, and regulations. Therefore, they act as the middleman
between the other roles since they play the role of a strategist. Moreover, there is the role of
being a BIM modeler where they are in charge of developing BIM models, including 3D
visualizations and information associated with the elements thus they must possess a broad
mastery of the related computational tools and a broad knowledge of the discipline modeled.
Hence, only some crucial roles refer to them for guidance. A BIM project engineer also plays a
backbone in the implementation of BIM, the reason is due to them being professionals who
perform modeling, analysis, and structural design, but who have acquired skills to partially or
totally develop such work under BIM methodology and computational platforms. Therefore, only
some crucial roles will also refer to them.
Figure 4 shows a representation of the working system when using BIM inside of a
company when doing a project. There is a pattern that emerges in the figure where the
arrangement has professionals together at the same time in 3 types of pairings which is the
engineer-modeler (blue-yellow interaction), modeler-modeler (blue interaction) and engineer-
engineer (yellow interaction). Therefore, engineers are able to communicate directly with
modelers, and engineers as modelers which are also known as designer draftsman are able to
provide feedback to each other. In addition, each may directly consult technical and theoretical
doubts of their profession with the colleague next to them. It is recommended that there should
be more experienced professionals at the ends of the “chains,” where there is only one

professional left without a paired colleague, since they will make fewer consultations with their
colleagues, spending less time overall.

Method, Technique and Process


There are methods in the usage of BIM in Surveying and Monitoring where one of them
is through the usage of computer terminals on site which is also called as the BIM-station, in
mobile devices and also in a specialized environment such as in BIM-caves, [9]. Moreover, the
implementation process of “SiteBIM” in a case study of a large hospital project in the UK where
mobile tablets were used to access the project’s BIM model. Furthermore, the contractor Skanska
developed in 2014 a prototype of what they called a “BIM computer kiosk” where they placed a
computer connected to a 50- inch TV-screen on each floor of the building. Therefore, these
computer kiosks allowed workers to access the 3D-model on site and the equipment was placed
inside a protective wooden cabinet with internet connection.
Besides that, “Topcon’s GTL 1000 is a robotic total station and scanner in one, allowing
an operator to complete layout and a full 360-degree scan on a single set-up. The data is
processed using Magnet Collage and input to ClearEdge3D Verity, a tool that automates
construction verification.”

Technique and process:

The BIM-station is set up so the project participants can use it for easy and constant
access to an up-to-date BIM-model and drawings. It is a meeting place for collaboration internally
and between different disciplines, contributing to problem solving. Contractors also use the BIM-
station as an information channel to show delivery schedule, HSE-information, weather forecasts
and updated rig plans. Hence, they can use the BIM-model in face-to-face collaboration. By using
BIM-stations, workers can easily visualize and determine how practical problems at the
construction site can be solved, [10]. Furthermore, it is done by the user developing 3D

components in the software and combining them in a single model which shows multiple views
of the building model. Where multiple views are possible, this allows any notification throughout
the reflected views if any changes are made to the model. Additionally, the information about
plans, sections and elevations that has been developed from the same data has been coordinated.
Besides that, all combined models of a project design and construction that have been developed
using BIM are located in the BIM database. These models can be viewed simultaneously in order
to spot any clashes between architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing
systems, [10].
The systems can be coordinated where all equipment, fixtures, pipes, ducts, conduits,
structural members and other building components are analysed thoroughly with clash detection
tools to check any conflicts before the installation of the system. Hence, this would undoubtedly
provide benefits to designers and other team members in monitoring which area each is
developing to enable them to have sufficient information as well as diminishing unwanted conflicts
and rework. Furthermore, the BIM model has details on each building component which can be
retrieved from its modelled elements thus allowing the team members to hastily access the
information and with all information being made available for everyone in the team, those
responsible are alerted to any design changes and their consequences, [10].

Advantages and Disadvantages

As the construction industry transitions toward a more collaborative approach across the
lifecycle of new buildings, the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) is increasingly growing.
With that in mind, we thought it would be useful to set out the advantages and disadvantages of
Building Information Modeling (BIM) Strategies in the construction industry, specifically in
surveying and monitoring.


i. Technical

BIM has been proffered as a substantial technical advance on traditional CAD, offering
more intelligence and interoperability capabilities [11], [12]. Users can share design data and
requirements between various software systems, both within an organisation and through a
multidisciplinary team, using a digital representation of a facility's physical and functional

characteristics. Any data changes needed during the design process can be logically performed
and handled over the project life cycle since information is stored as a database in BIM. BIM has
been described as “the technology of generating and managing a parametric model of a building”
[12], [13]. It has also been referred to as an evolving multifaceted phenomenon with an object-
oriented 3D model of a structure to enable interoperability and information exchange [11].

Thus, BIM tools enable new levels of spatial visualisation, building behaviour simulation,
successful project management, and organisational collaboration among AEC team members by
providing optimised frameworks for parametric modelling. Interoperability capabilities of BIM are
more effective when extending its application for construction, facility management and building
maintenance stages [11]. BIM refers to a set of technologies and solutions that can enhance
inter-organizational collaboration and productivity in the construction industry, as well as
improving design, construction and maintenance practices [11]. BIM innovations are constantly
developing and adding new features.

ii. Knowledge management

BIM tools have made it possible to collect detailed information about a building during the
design process, ranging from individual building components and locations to relationships
between them. Geometry, spatial relationships, light analysis, geographic details, quantities and
properties of building materials, product specification, fire rating, U-value, fittings, finishes, costs,
and carbon content are all included in BIM.

Designers and engineers may use these features to keep track of relationships between
building components and their construction-maintenance information. While the designer
understands the advantages of BIM implicitly, they can become clear to other project stakeholders
such as owners, contractors, subcontractors, fit-out firms, the council, and so on. In the event of
design changes BIM tools can integrate and systematize changes with the design principles, intent
and design ‘layers’ for the facility/project [14]. Moreover, BIM could be used essential for facility
management integration. BIM tools allow for interoperability as well as proper integration,
allowing feedback from a variety of experts to be combined in the model.

iii. Planning/scheduling

BIM 4D schedules are powerful tools for phasing, coordinating, and communicating
planned work to a variety of audiences [15]. Building materials and components can be ordered
electronically and delivered on site just in time, increasing worker efficiency, since all materials
and components are predetermined and their amounts are automatically measured. The 3D
model allows for a good visual representation of working space, while the 4D schedule makes it
easier to understand different criteria during the project's lifecycle.

This is particularly helpful for those who are directly responsible for the building and
maintenance work. Manufacturers' data, construction data, and communications can all be linked
into one fully integrated facility dashboard with BIM. Facility managers may use BIM to plan
maintenance schedules and coordinate daily operations. Facilitating real-time and interactive
updates is an essential feature of any real-time visualisation framework. As a result, the
ineffectiveness of doing so negates the advantages of using such technology. Even an inconsistent
update rate makes project monitoring and navigation more challenging potentially causing the
team members to lose track [16]. Therefore, BIM tools are expected to provide smooth real-time
updates and sufficient visualization performances to enable effective collaboration among team
members [17].


i. Modelling software required

BIM is a digital process that necessitates the purchase of software and computer
hardware. BIM software requires a substantial investment in new technology [18]. Rather than
anticipating significant cost savings and benefits on the first project, it should be viewed as a
long-term investment for the company, with returns growing over time.

ii. Training & staff

The relative newness of BIM means that there are limited numbers of experts working in
the field [18]. An investment of time and resources in training will be required to embrace BIM.

As whenever learning something new, it means the process may take longer to start off with as
people undertake training and then essentially learn on the job. There needs to be a mindset and
a commitment that this will get easier in the long term as change becomes ingrained in the daily
operations of the business.

iii. Trust & co-operation throughout the project

Construction companies are noted for their hands-on approach and reliance on verbal
communication. BIM allows correspondence to be kept centrally in a digital format in order to be
accurate and secure. In order to be successful, all parties involved in the building construction
life cycle must understand and practise this. There is a chance of unanticipated problems if
information is not entered centrally. BIM is now commonly seen as a tender condition and written
into contract agreements in the UK construction industry, reinforcing this messaging and
improving confidence in the supply chain. For BIM to function at its best, information input must
be correct, and expected time scales must be followed as closely as possible. All parties need to
be willing to share knowledge and to invest, sometimes even before they are awarded the project
by the client [19].

iv. End user engagement

BIM isn’t just about the construction of a building, it can also benefit the management of
the facilities after the handover stage [20]. The disadvantage is that contractors will waste hours
of resource time inputting data such as product specifications and instruction manuals just to
have the onsite facilities team disregard them.

v. Incompatibility with partners

Despite the fact that the use of BIM has grown rapidly in the UK, some construction
companies have yet to embrace the method. As a result, their operations are incompatible, and
they are often excluded from tendering shortlists. To turn that around, if you use BIM in your
construction market, you'll have a better chance of winning your tendering application.


One of the foremost valuable characteristics of BIM systems is its capacity for close
collaboration among stakeholders. It is a cloud-based services support sharing and interaction by
a wide variety of disciplines where it uses a lot of different file formats and work processes.
Models from multiple sources such as utility services, structural design and more into an
integrated model for visualisation, analysis, constructions planning and project management can
be combined using the BIM system. It is essential to provide accurate spatial information to
surveyors so that they can develop and maintain key data throughout any projects.

A central server in the BIM system can reside all file management, applications software
and visualisation tools. This way it can increase effectiveness collaboration because collaboration
relies on how efficient information can be exchanged. By using cloud services, site data and
development changes or instructions can be accessed by remote workers with confidence that
the information will be available to other team members instantly. It is because the cloud-based
services provide strong version management and can automatically push design updates and
work orders to the necessary person and locations.

Users are enabled to see 2D and 3D images of the project during every phase including
design models, construction progress and existing conditions for life cycle upgrades and facility
management through BIM system tools. Stakeholders then can see and move around in the
building model with this advance in technologies for mixed reality that support complex models.
Stand-alone models or overlaid into existing structures to show users how designed features will
interact with existing conditions are where models can also be experienced.

Surveyors should think of the BIM system as a big opportunity. Surveyors and other
geospatial professionals are most likely to become trusted participants in BIM-based construction
projects because of their expertise with spatial information. Their skills in 3D data management,
modelling and visualisation to support the processes in design, build and operate at the core of
BIM can also be improved. In addition, the surveyor can set the stage for long-term, profitable
relationships by developing and maintaining connections with stakeholders throughout the

Chapter 03

Current Issue

BIM is a database that for any parties in a project to refer to in any stage of construction [21].
Globally, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has become a centre topic among all industries, which
include construction industries. ‘Industrial Revolution’ is a term that could be defined as the
evolution of the current industries from a conventional process to a new process using latest or
smart technologies which could upgrade the productivity level of the industries to an optimum
level [22]. As a result, from this Industrial Revolution 4.0, the industry is more concentrated on
digitalization of Cyber-physical System, Internet of things (IoT) and network. This has given an
impact to the construction industry as to manage and control the construction process efficiently
and effectively. With all the technologies, construction also is enhancing the project performance
and productivity level by saving the time of construction, saving the cost and minimizing any
defect of the construction structure itself. Along the line of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the
term ‘Construction 4.0’ is used to describe the new construction industry that implied the use of
new and smart technologies. Construction 4.0 also is to establish an optimum usage of
computerization and digitization among the construction players. This has raised the
encouragement to adopt the use of latest technologies globally.

However, in Malaysia the use of BIM is still low compared to other countries. Construction
industry contributed 6.7% of the country’s economy in 2017 [21]. The industry is currently
transforming as the BIM implementation in the construction industry. But, there are several
reasons why the construction industry in Malaysia is still low in the usage of the BIM for this
industry. A study has been conducted in the construction industry in Malaysia which is focused
on the road construction. A survey has been conducted to 85 individuals involved in the road
construction industry. Out of 85 only 40 individuals completed the survey. From this study, 5
reason that is point out the most from the result for issues and challenges of BIM implementation
for road construction is lack of standard regarding BIM, high investment for acquisition of BIM
enabled software, government unreadiness to accept 3D submission, insufficient of BIM training
and lack of mandate by government department [23]. The result of the issues and challenges of
BIM implementation are shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Result of study of issues and challenges in adoption of BIM in road construction [23]

Firstly, the lack of standard regarding BIM. The respondent stated that the absence of
standardization of BIM is the main challenge in Malaysia. Despite BIM having been in the market
in Malaysia for a long time, there is still no institutionalization of rule regarding BIM. This may be
influenced by the government as the achievement of BIM is controlled by the amount of
investment by the government. This could be related to the lack of handout or contract language,
which is essential in the implementation of BIM. Because of no standardization in the contract,
there is an issue in setting up BIM in contract since it is a new tool for the road construction
industry in Malaysia.

Next, the return in investment. A high investment is needed to implement BIM in the
industry. To acquire the BIM enabled system requires a lot of money. Moreover, the IT system
needs to be upgraded and it will be costly. Other than that, the company also needs to invest on
the employee to undergo training to use the BIM system. The high cost for the training also could
be related to insufficient availability of BIM training in Malaysia. This makes the available BIM
training costly as experts and practitioners in this field is still low. Because of high investment in
terms of equipment, software and training, this could give a heavy impact towards the cost of
the project.

In terms of issues and challenges that are related to the government which is government
department unreadiness to accept 3D submission and lack of BIM mandate by government.
Because of these reasons, the implementation of BIM in the construction industry is limited. When
the government is not accepting BIM, it is hard for the private company to make any tender which
relates to government infrastructure. In this case, both the government and private construction
companies could not implement the use of BIM as the government was not accepting it.

Based on the issues and challenges, an overall strategic solution has been come up as
shown in Figure 7. According to the result, 5 strategic solution that are chose by respondent are
provide staff with BIM training opportunity, increase the government incentive in BIM
implementation, provide cyber security for BIM tools outcome, provide introduction of BIM in
undergraduate or graduate programme and improvement in university-industry collaborative
research and development (R&D).

Figure 7: Strategy in BIM Implementation [23]

For the strategy in BIM implementation, there are two skill-related solutions in the top five
solutions. The respondent agrees that providing the staff with BIM training opportunities and
providing the undergraduates or graduate program with an introduction towards BIM are

important in implementing the new generation with BIM skills. By analysing these two solutions,
current construction players could undergo BIM training while universities could equip their
students with BIM skills before entering the construction industry. The process could take years
to be fruitful but by the time the graduates with BIM skills enter the industry, it could give an
impact as the both current and new players in the industry could work together using BIM.

For the process related solution, the BIM tools should be equipped with cyber security.
Because of the nature of BIM, the 3D data is shared with different groups of people such as
managers, engineers, designers and clients. Sharing this type of data could cause any information
to be leaked or the system could be hacked by other organizations that want the 3D data.
Providing the BIM tools with cyber security, it could lower the risk and provide some safety
measures for the data. Exposure of this data could be used by thieves to sabotage the site as the
3D data not only has accurate data but also the placement of CCTV and location of important

For government related solutions, improvement in university-industry collaborative

research and development (R&D) relationships and targeted technology development programs
should be focused on. The collaborative research between university and industry is important to
provide the student with enough skill set to enter the industry. This step also could increase the
employability of graduates. Besides that, such collaborative research programs increase the
importance of the research opportunities, results and knowledge transfer between the
participating universities and companies. The companies will then realise the importance of
collaborative research to evolve their core competencies to remain having competitive advantage
in the market.

Besides that, for awareness related solutions the government could increase the incentive
in BIM implementation. Providing an incentive is a good way to implement BIM as it is a new tool.
Traditionally, construction companies in Malaysia use 2D CAD to draw plans as a main source to
manage the project lifecycle. This has impacted the construction as the stage in the construction
must be done step by step. Due to this, the project might have any problem or defect during any
of the stages. However, BIM technology could detect any fault or defect earlier and any necessary
modification could be done. With this benefit, the government must know that BIM will give many
benefits towards the construction industry. Giving incentive toward the company that implements

BIM could attract even a small number of companies at a time. This progress could one day
change the industry that uses the BIM fully.

Application of BIM in Current Construction Industry

BIM has gained its popularity due to its efficiency in terms of time and cost [24]. Thus, increase
the coordination to exchange information related to construction of a structure. It has been a
new approach towards managing construction life cycle activities, from project design,
construction to facilities management. BIM also enabled its users to share knowledge information
of physical and functional characteristics in digital data to form a reliable basis for decision during
its life cycle. BIM's main key players are engineering, architectural and surveying practices but
these groups of people still have low implementation of BIM in Malaysia construction industry.

In any project, cost and program are the key indicator for performance and quality.
Quantity surveyors (QS) play a significant role in the early stage of a construction project. An
excellent QS could give an advantage to ensure the cost of material needed for construction is
under the budget given. With BIM, QS could provide more detailed and accurate estimation of
material and cost, speed up the traditional estimating process and have better capture, manage
and deliver the project information. Despite all of these benefits, BIM implementation among QS
is still low. This matter arises as with BIM, traditional estimating processes could easily replace
and the fear of QS are no longer needed.

Quantity surveying is important in the construction industry to control and manage the
cost throughout the construction project. Traditionally, taking off and bill of quantities take a long
working hour and effort to be produced. Moreover, this process has high risk of human error. As
the world progresses, the construction of structure becomes more and more complex than ever
in the past. BIM has been developed into the mainstream of the construction industry of
developed countries to boost the effectiveness in their construction progress. Thus, this has given
an impact towards related fields such as quantity surveying. QS firms need to embrace the BIM
in order to boost performance and effectiveness in order to keep up in the never-ending change
in the construction industry. Quantity surveying required high knowledge, skilful interpretation
and practical use of knowledge with an ability to adapt with current market demand. The

implementation of BIM brings this opportunity to the quantity surveying field in cost management

Bill of Quantities (BQ) is an important tool in the quantity surveying field. BQ is used to
manage the cost of the project. BIM technology could provide 5D dimension which can produce
BQ automatically. The collaborative and integration of BIM in producing BQ is a great achievement
for BIM. This has effectively eliminated all the tedious work in producing BQ for a single
construction project traditionally. Moreover, the risk of human error also has been eliminated.
BIM technology is able to extract an accurate calculation of quantities and areas that are used in
producing BQ. Thus, able to estimate the cost of the project anytime during the designing stage.
BIM also helps QS to relate the total cost of the project by each element and space. Using BIM,
QS could identify the relationship of quantities versus cost and location. Besides that, any changes
or modifications that are added to the design will not require the QS to redo any calculations as
the system could generate the new BQ. So, BIM implementation in estimating the cost has allowed
the project team to execute the value management during the design phase effectively.

Chapter 04

Suggestions for improvement

Building information modelling (BIM) applications, such as previewing design clashes and
visualising the project model, improve the efficiency of construction project management [25].
However, in order to see and take full advantage, its implementation in a country's construction
projects is slow. Therefore, the aim of this suggestion is to look at potential improvements that
could enhance BIM implementation in construction projects, particularly in terms of surveying and

i. Develop Your BIM Roadmap

Although many companies have an internal BIM standards manual that details their drafting
and modelling processes, they often lack a BIM roadmap that explains how the software fits into
their overall business strategy.

A BIM roadmap is a roadmap that helps you build and improve your workflow. It outlines
short and long-term strategic objectives, such as reducing construction document creation time
or enhancing overall project efficiency. The roadmap should also provide ways to use BIM in the
form of building analysis simulations and facilities management services.

Tell yourself what you want to get out of the BIM phase while creating your roadmap.
Determine the advantages for you, your firm, and your customers, as well as how you'll monitor
your success. Do you want BIM to help you enhance the quality of your project deliverables, for
example? If that's the case, keep track of how many RFIs (requests for information) and change
orders your BIM and non-BIM projects have received. Determine which things are most likely to
trigger issues in the field and how BIM will help you better document them.

ii. Reuse the Wheel

So you've just completed your first (or hundredth) BIM project. Don't let all of your hard
work go to waste. Incorporate the model's non-project-specific features into a project prototype.
A prototype may include sheet setups, project notes, and office standard information. Use this as
an opportunity to update a project template if you already have one. Yes, this will take some non-
billable time, but the long-term benefits will be realised in the next five or so projects.

Likewise, harvest your model for useful content produced during the project's lifetime,
whether given by the manufacturer or self-generated, and save it to your BIM library. It takes
time to keep your BIM library structured and current, but the time saved in the future looking for
content can be spent producing a higher-quality project specifically on surveying and monitoring

iii. Automate Repetitive Processes

We must know that a lot of what architects do on a daily basis is boring and repetitive. Computers
can do a lot of this work more easily and reliably. For example, you could take an hour to build a
collection of views and sheets, but your machine can do it in under a minute.

Learning to programme is difficult, but investing a few hours to write a programme that saves
you 20 hours of work over the course of a year is a worthwhile investment. Programming has
become more available to visual learners thanks to graphical scripting technologies. You can use

a shortcut app such as Dynamo to connect nodes that read data from Microsoft Excel sheets and
then build sheets in your Revit model instead of writing code to create spreadsheets in Autodesk
Revit. This will be a huge improvement on BIM construction to save time and make measurement,
surveying and monitoring a lot more accurate.

iv. Validate Your Design

Buildings are intricate structures made up of thousands of interconnected components.

Changing one element can have a big impact on the rest of the system, particularly when it comes
to energy efficiency. Energy analysis methods have long been out of reach for the average
architect, and as a result, they are often used by an outside engineer or contractor too late in the

New software and software plugins, such as Sefaira and Vabi, as well as Vectorworks' Energos
tool, allow professionals, the architect, to estimate building output and check design assumptions
early in the design process. This can make the least error of surveying and monitoring value while
making BIM.

v. Offer Additional Services

If more building owners consider using BIM to handle their activities, architects may give
their knowledge and data to assist them in getting started. You can collaborate with owners to
convert and format data from your as-built BIM models so that it can be used with their facility
management software. You may also provide ongoing services. An owner, for example, may not
want to buy or learn how to use BIM software. Charging a monthly fee for maintaining and hosting
a client's BIM data generates consistent revenue with minimal overhead.

BIM as a service may also be used in other ways. LLB Architects in Pawtucket, R.I., for
example, performs facility evaluations using BIM to collect, sort, and evaluate building data. This
information provides owners with a comprehensive view of their facilities in a dynamic and visual

vi. Visualize BIM Data

In addition to architectural renderings, BIM can be used to convey non-visual data and
information. One of the most important disadvantages of the big data boom is the difficulty in

converting the data into actionable intelligence such as accumulating a million data points in a
spreadsheet is one thing; extracting meaning from it is quite another.

Several visualisation tools, such as Tableau and Spotfire, are available, but they are best used
with 2D data. You can help a retail client understand which shelves sell the most merchandise
during the day by generating a 3D heat map of the store to simulate the movement of products
using BIM's 3D capabilities.

To fully use BIM's capabilities, you must become familiar with the software's data and internal
workings. It will take time and commitment to accomplish this. However, you will be able to go
beyond the conventional scope of design to become a flexible, spatial-problem solver who can
use technology and 3D experience to specifically answer a client's business challenges. This will
eventually strengthen your professional relationship and turn you from a service provider to a
trusted advisor who adds tangible, long-term value.

Chapter 05


From this report, we are able to explore the state of published research studies that link
BIM with civil engineering. The area has attracted a lot of interest, and some research efforts in
the form of literature reviews are available in related fields like infrastructure engineering and
structural engineering applications. We also notice that BIM is most likely to positively impact the
time completion of a construction and its quality. It offers a greater capability when it comes to
handling increasing amounts of raw data and information, BIM will be used even more often than
it is in current projects. There will be more research that needs to be conducted in order to
corroborate the advantage of using BIM in strategizing surveying and monitoring. In addition,
quantifying the impact of a BIM approach through real world construction case studies will offer
a different argument for BIM which will be more compelling.

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