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Parish Priest : Rev. John Gorman Deacon : Rev. Malcolm Cunliffe 725522
Masses for the week 16 - 24 April 2011 Rosary Mon - Wed 8.30am ; Sun 9.30am
Palm Sunday No Confession
First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm Parishioners No Novena
Sunday 10.00am Phil Johnston Stations of the Cross Tues 2.30pm
Weekday Masses
Monday 7.30am Special Intention The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week for
9.00am Patricia Sutton John Haslam.
Tuesday 7.30am Kathryn Curran
9.00am In Thanksgiving Memorial Book
Wednesday 7.30 am Ellen Whittle 17th April Margaret Eccles
9.00am John & Margaret Mather Philip Francis Johnston
Hannah Bolton 18th April Anthony Lawrence Boot
Thursday 7.30pm Parishioners 19th April Mary Bennett
Peter Thomas
20th April Jane Meagher
Easter Sunday
21st April William Clare
Easter Vigil Saturday 9.00pm Private Intention
23rd April Michael Rea
Easter Sunday 10.00am Parishioners

Holy Week
Today we begin what has been described as ‘the Great Week.’ Our 40 days of Lenten preparation draws to
a close as we follow the Lord’s triumphal entry into his city and the three days (Triduum) which mark the
Paschal mystery of his Passion, Death and Resurrection.
A separate booklet is available with the times of all the services during Holy Week and I urge you to make
every effort to enter as fully as possible the events of this most holy week, especially :
The Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday evening at 7.30pm.
The Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion and Death on Good Friday at 3.00pm.
The Vigil of the Lord’s Resurrection on Holy Saturday at 9.00pm.
The coach for those attending the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral on Wednesday evening will leave from
outside church at 6.00pm prompt.
As you are aware, the Pastoral Area Working Group has been working hard to plan for the future. It was
decided that the Pastoral Area should be arranged into 4 cluster groups when it became clear that in years
to come there would only be four priests available. The cluster groups are :
All Saints, Golborne Our Lady’s, Bryn St Benedict, Hindley English Martyrs, Haydock
St Catherine, Lowton St Oswald, Ashton Sacred Heart, H’ley Green St David, Newton
St Lewis, Croft St Wilfrid, S’shaw Cross Holy Family, Platt Bridge Ss Mary & John, Newton
St Patrick, Newton
From September to help these cluster groups work more effectively the Bishop has decided that Fr Joe
Weston will hand over to Fr Tony Mangnall the care of Sacred Heart Parish and Fr Tony will hand on the
care of St Wilfrid parish to Fr John Gorman. Over the weeks and months ahead the clergy and the PAWG
will meet to discuss what implications these changes may have but in the interests of openness we want
you to know about these changes as soon as possible. More information will follow in the summer.
Easter Garden: If you have any plants which you are willing to loan for use in our Easter Garden, please
bring them to church by Thursday morning. Thank you.
Parish Magazines are available. Copies will be delivered to those on the sick list.
Last week’s collection ; Gift Aid : £281.90 Loose Plate : £252.43 Total : £534.33. Many thanks.
Question of the Week : We are called to die in ourselves in love for others. How do you live that in your
own life?
Your Parish Priest: Fr. John Gorman

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