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Michel Dumont electrographite, with a carbon content of 99.9%, which is

manufactured on a large scale in electric furnaces using cal-
The author is with the Minerals and Metals Sector, cined petroleum coke and coal tar pitch (used to produce
Natural Resources Canada. electrodes and carbon brushes); secondary synthetic graph-
Telephone: 613-995-2917 ite in the form of powder or scrap, which is produced by
E-mail: heating calcined petroleum pitch (used in the refractories
industry); and graphite fibres, which are produced from
organic precursors such as rayon or polyacrylonitrile and

G raphite is a raw material with a unique blend of

physical and chemical properties. There are quite a number
tar pitch (used as reinforcing agents in polymer composites
in aerospace and sporting goods).

of minerals similar in appearance to graphite; however, There are significant differences between naturally and
graphite’s intrinsic properties make it easy to distinguish. synthetically produced graphite as, while natural graphite is
generally less pure than its synthetic equivalent due to a
A useful classification of graphite depends on the mode of more defective crystal structure, synthetic graphite is less
formation that leads to three physically distinct common conductive. While natural graphite usually has to be puri-
varieties: amorphous (micro-crystalline) graphite, which fied and upgraded, synthetic graphite can be engineered
has a carbon content of 70-85%; high crystalline graphite that has 99.9% and higher carbon. Technology now allows
(lump, vein or crystalline vein), which has a carbon content natural graphite material to be upgraded to more than
of 90-99%; and flake graphite, which has a carbon range of 99.5% carbon. Purification techniques have improved to
80-98%. the point that even low-quality graphite can be used in
high-tech applications that were once the domain of syn-
Flake graphite (i.e., flat plate-like grains from <1 mm to thetic material.
2.5 cm in size) is sold in two particle size distributions:
coarse flake (-20 to +100 mesh) and fine flake (-100 to Natural graphite is a lustrous black carbon mineral, crystal-
+325 mesh). Crystalline graphite ranges from chip or dust lized in the hexagonal2 system with rhombohedral sym-
to fine or amorphous lump, to coarse or crystalline lump. metry. Flake graphite is opaque, flexible and sectile, and
exhibits perfect basal cleavage. Natural graphite is unc-
The term “flake” is self-explanatory; flake forms occur tuous and relatively soft with a hardness of 1-2 on the
disseminated in rock. Lump graphite occurs in fissure-filled Mohs scale. It has a black streak on glaze porcelain. Its
veins in pegmatite dykes, also associated with chips and the
rarer needle forms. Amorphous graphite occurs in beds
that were once coal, but fine-grained, easily ground vein
1 Fullerenes are similar in structure to graphite, which is com-
graphite is also classified as amorphous.
posed of stacked sheets of linked hexagonal rings, but may also
All graphite has a crystalline structure, but only certain contain pentagonal (or sometimes heptagonal) rings that would
prevent a sheet from being planar. Fullerenes are a form of carbon
kinds and sizes of natural graphite are commercially classi- molecule that is neither graphite nor diamond. They consist of a
fied as “crystalline,” a term used for import duty purposes. spherical, ellipsoid, or cylindrical arrangement of dozens of car-
Natural graphite, the mineral form of graphitic carbon, bon atoms. Spherical fullerenes are often called “buckyballs,”
occurs worldwide. It differs from the carbon of coal and whereas cylindrical fullerenes are known as “buckytubes” or
diamond in its predominantly lamellar hexagonal crystal “nanotubes.”
structure. The ore usually contains associated silicate min-
2 Graphite is formed of parallel sheets of carbon atoms in a hex-
erals that vary in kind and amount with the source. Graph-
ite is one of three forms of crystalline carbon; the others are agonal arrangement. It is possible to insert other atoms between
diamonds and fullerenes.1 the sheets in a process that is called intercalation. The insertion of
other atoms makes dramatic changes in the properties of graphite.
Graphite can be intercalated with sulphuric and nitric acid to pro-
Synthetic graphite has a higher purity but lower crystallin-
duce expanded graphite.
ity than natural graphite and is divided into: primary or

specific gravity is 2.26 g/cm3. Molybdenite, commonly In Quebec, graphite deposits are located mainly along the
confused with graphite, is heavier and not smudgy, and it is Grenville series in several townships of western Quebec:
also metallic bluish silver in colour. Graphite is one of Buckingham, Argenteuil, and Pontiac. The disseminated
those “tip of the iceberg” materials. For example, large flake graphite variety is dominant in biotite gneiss and
amounts of graphite are used to make “lead” pencils, so- crystalline limestone associated with biotite quartzite, but
called because graphite resembles lead in colour, but which the vein variety is also reported along the contact of intru-
in reality is graphite mixed with clay. sive rocks and crystalline limestone. Occurrences of graph-
ite are associated with metasedimentary rocks that have
Graphite has properties of both metals and nonmetals, been subjected to several deformations and where meta-
which make it suitable for many industrial applications. morphism has reached amphibolitic or granulitic phases.
The metallic properties include electrical and thermal con-
ductivity. The nonmetallic properties include high thermal Graphite also occurs in Esmanville Township, south of
resistance, inertness, and lubricity. Fermont. Several graphite-rich schist zones, measuring
1-25 m in thickness, are found interlayered with quartz-
The many useful properties of graphite give rise to a wide feldspar gneiss. Some graphite zones locally contain more
variety of products (30 different applications with hundreds than 15% graphite in the form of fine and well-crystallized
of formulations): unctuous – dry lubricant; marks readily – flakes.
writing and drafting pencils; combination of lubricity and
electrical conductivity – motor and generator brushes; In Ontario, graphite deposits are found in several townships
excellent weathering properties and inertness – industrial of eastern Ontario in rocks of the Grenville series. Flake
paint pigment; solubility in molten iron – carbonraiser for graphite occurs disseminated in marble and gneiss. The
steel; poorly wet by most metals and alloys – foundry mold occurrences of major interest are in semipelitic and pelitic
facings; and burns slowly, conducts heat, and retains gneiss units within paragneiss sequences. Graphite is
strength over a large temperature range – refractories such present in amounts up to 10%. Accessory minerals consist
as crucibles, carbon-magnesite brick, continuously casting of biotite, garnet, and pyrite; trace elements in these graph-
ware, and stopper heads for steel ladles. Some additional itic rocks include nickel, cobalt, boron, and vanadium.
properties of interest include hydrophobicity, forms water-
in-oil emulsions, carries a negative charge, has low photo- In southeastern British Columbia, the Hoder Creek and
electric sensitivity, is strongly diamagnetic, and is an infra- Little Slocan River Valley’s graphite deposits’ host rocks,
red absorber. Therefore, graphite is an excellent conductor located in the Regolith zone, were metamorphosed primar-
of heat and electricity and has a high melting temperature ily from limestone to marble of other limey metasediments.
of 3500°C. It is extremely resistant to acid, chemically The granites within the batholith were metamorphosed to
inert, and highly refractory. hybrid or mixed gneisses. This calc-silicate metasediment
is regional (typical of crystal graphite deposits) with num-
erous occurrences of graphite. In the west-central coastal
GRAPHITE DEPOSITS IN CANADA Bentinck Arm area, the graphite showing occurs as small,
thin graphite flakes widely dispersed in a quartz-rich gneiss
Graphite deposits of potentially commercial interest in in an area that is underlain by metavolcanic rocks that have
Canada occur principally in rocks of the Grenville series of been intruded by a now foliated granodiorite.
eastern Canada. The mineral is found in disseminated crys-
talline flake and vein forms. Most Canadian graphite
deposits are associated with graphite gneiss and crystalline CANADIAN PRODUCTION
limestones that have been subjected to contact metamorph-
ism associated with tectonic features such as folding, com- There is presently one graphite deposit being exploited
pression and fracturing, and with pegmatitic intrusions. The in Canada; therefore, production values and quantities
richest ore zones occur as a succession of veins or lenticu- (Table 1) cannot be released by Natural Resources Canada
lar bodies that gradually merge into the adjacent non- due to a confidentiality agreement with the Canadian pro-
graphitic host rock and that are bordered by lenses of ducer. Expected within the next few years is an influx of
lower-grade ore. additional graphite producers (i.e., Industrial Minerals Inc.
[IMI], Fortune Graphite Inc., Quinto Mining Corp., and
Fine-to-coarse flake graphite deposits have been reported Worldwide Graphite Producers Ltd.).
mainly in Quebec and Ontario, but also in New Brunswick,
Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec
and British Columbia. The more important occurrences are
those found in metasomatic-hydrothermal deposits and in Timcal Canada Inc. (part of the graphite business unit
sedimentary rocks that have been subjected to regional or “Timcal Graphite” of Imerys SA of France) operates the
thermal metamorphism. Marble, gneiss, and schist are the Lac-des-Îles graphite mine near Mont-Laurier. To diversify
more common rock types in which economic graphite production, it invested US$10 million in a new processing
deposits occur.

plant in Terrebonne, near Montréal, to produce exfoliated British Columbia

graphite. Mechanical concentration of the graphite, which
raises the carbon content to 98.8%, and packaging, mainly Crystal Graphite Corp. (CGC) of Vancouver, which had
for refractory grades, is performed at Lac-des-Îles. The started its own graphite beneficiation plant for the mining
Terrebonne plant processes natural graphite (expanded of its high-purity Black Crystal graphite deposit near
graphite) from its mining and processing operation in Lac- Slocan Lake, northwest of Nelson, went into receivership
des-Îles, Quebec, and from offshore sources. and was recently sold to a private company that has
renamed the operation Eagle Graphite Corp. The purchase
In the developmental stage, Quinto Technology Inc. of was limited to Crystal Graphite’s graphite business only,
Delta, British Columbia, is in the phase of completing a but Eagle Graphite does not intend to pursue Crystal
feasibility study for its graphite deposit in the province of Graphite’s plan to invest in Chinese graphite production.
Quebec called the Lac Gueret property. The property lies in Until recently, Eagle Graphite was only selling Crystal
eastern Quebec, 300 km north-northwest of Baie-Comeau Graphite’s earlier production inventory of 20 t of fuel cell-
along the southwestern shore of Reservoir Manicouagan. In quality graphite, with a carbon quality of 98-98.5% pure,
early 2008, Consolidated Thompson Iron Mines Ltd. of mesh size between +150 to -50, packed and ready to be
Toronto, Ontario, and Quinto Mining Corp. of Vancouver, sold into 25-40 kg bags on a 1-t pallet. It was tentatively
B.C., signed a definitive arrangement agreement whereby targeting June 2007 to reactivate production and produce
Consolidated Thompson will acquire all of the common both fuel cell-grade and conventional graphite; however, it
shares of Quinto. The transaction will significantly increase announced at the 19th Industrial Minerals International
Consolidated Thompson’s iron ore interest in northern Congress, held in Athens, Greece, in April 2008, the start of
Quebec and give it a graphite project near Lac Gueret, production at a rate of 1200 t/y.
Quebec. However, the graphite deposit is several years
away from any form of production. Fortune Graphite Inc., of Toronto, Ontario, is developing a
number of amorphous graphite and flake graphite claims in
Another graphite potential exists in the province. It con- the Kootenay Mountains in southeastern British Columbia.
cerns the Lake Knife flake graphite deposit, which is up Plans had been finalized for mining to begin in autumn
for sale and contains 8.1 Mt of 16.7% graphite. In 2006, 2007 and production to begin in 2008 with full production
Iamgold Corp. of Toronto, Ontario, inherited this deposit by 2009 of 27 000 t/y of amorphous graphite from its first
from Cambior Inc. of Longueuil, Quebec, which in turn claims. At a 9% yield of its inferred deposit claims of
had inherited it in 2003 from the merger with Sequoia 6.7 Mt, it would expect to operate at a run-of-mine rate of
Minerals Inc. of Québec City, Quebec (which in turn was a 475 000 t/y for each of the expected 14 years of operation.
spin-off of Mazarin Inc.’s industrial minerals business into
a new company). Iamgold is a gold producer and the graph- Worldwide Graphite Producers Ltd., headquartered in
ite deposit no longer fits into its product portfolio. Toronto, Ontario, but with activities in British Columbia,
is developing the Superior Graphite claims, soon to be
Ontario followed by the Amar and Koch claims in the area. The
Superior deposit has reserves of 55 Mt of flake graphite
Industrial Minerals Inc. (IMI) of Mississauga developed a with a 9% average graphite yield and an expected mine life
graphite mill and processing plant in Bissett Creek, located of 50 years.
in Maria Township northwest of Deep River (i.e., 240 km
west of Ottawa and 100 km east of North Bay). The deposit
has approximately 640 000 t of proven graphite resources WORLD PRODUCTION
and is claimed as one of the largest and purest natural
graphite deposits in the world. It contains coarse flakes World production (source: U.S. Geological Survey’s
ranging in size from 180 micrometres (μm) to 1.7 mm. [USGS] 2006 review on graphite) of natural graphite
Designed to produce 20 000 t/y via a dry process to offer decreased slightly by about 1% in 2006 to an estimated
two grades of 85% and 94% graphitic carbon, the company 1.03 Mt, compared with 1.04 Mt in 2005. China dominated
discovered shortly after start-up of the plant in 2005 that its position as the world’s leading graphite producer with
valuable large flakes (high-grade Graf-X jumbo) were 720 000 t. India was second with 120 000 t, followed by
being destroyed during processing. IMI does not expect to Brazil, North Korea, and Canada, in decreasing order of
generate any production until a proposed feasibility study is tonnage produced. These five countries accounted for 95%
completed and the equipment necessary to commence pro- of world production, and China alone accounted for about
duction is acquired. Work planned for 2008 includes an 70%. In 2006, there was no reported production of natural
exploratory drill program and construction of a pilot plant. graphite in the United States (but production of synthetic
The plant is scheduled to be in operation in the Spring of graphite was estimated to be 190 000 t). Not an ounce of
2009. IMI hopes that the development of a flexible flow graphite has been mined in the United States since the gates
sheet in the pilot plant will enable it to develop a fixed flow closed on Southwestern Graphite Co. in 1980. Now the
sheet for a full-sized plant. United States only processes imported graphite.

MINING Synthetic graphite, mainly produced in the United States, is

made from a mixture of petroleum coke or anthracite filler,
Graphite deposits are usually located at or near the surface coal tar, or petroleum pitch binder, and various impregnat-
and are typically mined by open-pit methods. Underground ing or additive materials. The coke or anthracite, which
mining methods are only employed when warranted by should contain 95% carbon and have a low sulphur content,
grade and structure. The current Canadian graphite produ- is calcined to remove volatiles, ground, mixed with binder
cers operate open-pit deposits. However, underground min- and other materials, and molded to the required shape. The
ing of graphite was relatively common in eastern Ontario product, known in the trade as “green bar” or “green
and in the Buckingham area of Quebec during the early stock,” is then baked at 800-1000°C to convert the pitch
1900s with shafts extending to depths of 80 m or more. binder to coke and to solidify the shape. The resulting prod-
uct is then “graphitized” by heating in an electric furnace at
2600-3000°C over an extended period. It is then cooled and
machined to final size specifications (e.g., the production
PROCESSING of electrodes = turned on lathes to the desired diameter for
use in steel mini-mills).
Flake graphite in Canada is too finely disseminated for
hand sorting and cobbing methods, which are used in some
countries to recover massive flake graphite. Production of
Canadian graphite is usually only possible by a combina- USE AND TRADE
tion of careful grinding and screening to recover coarse
flakes and by flotation to recover fine graphite. Flotation NRCan’s 2007 voluntary survey on the use of nonmetallic
concentrates are sometimes further beneficiated by tabling minerals by Canadian manufacturing plants indicated that
to remove associated gangue minerals such as quartz, mica, the use of graphite in Canada increased by 13.8% to
hornblende, feldspar, calcite, and sulphides. 18 184 t for 2006 from 15 982 t in 2005. Of these figures
(Table 2), natural graphite represented 2361 t (13.0%) and
Impurities tend to float with graphite since, being soft, synthetic graphite represented 15 823 t (87.0%). Natural
graphite tends to smear and coat impurity minerals during graphite consumption was mainly in the foundry facing
grinding so that they behave like graphite. This is espe- (64.7%) industry, while the balance (35.3%) reported was
cially true when processing finely divided ores that require for refractories and other uses (i.e., brake linings, chem-
extensive grinding. icals, abrasives, primary steel, and other uses).

Size reduction is usually accomplished by jaw, cone, or As for Canadian trade (Table 1), Statistic Canada reported
hammer mill-type crushers; screening to recover coarse that the total value of Canadian exports of graphite
flakes or to reject coarse hard impurities is accomplished increased by 27.5% to $37.9 million in 2007 from
by trommel or vibratory screens. The recovery of inter- $29.7 million in 2006. Of these exports, $20.0 million
mediate and fine flake graphite is possible by roll crushing, (20 238 t) was natural graphite, the balance being refrac-
ball, rod milling, or jet milling, followed by additional tory products and carbon/graphite brushes. The United
screening, air classification, wet tabling, or flotation. States was the main destination of Canadian natural graph-
ite, valued at $14.1 million (13 890 t). Imports into Canada
Graphite is naturally floatable and particles as coarse as totaled $33.0 million in 2007, a decrease of 9.2% from
1 mm may be floated in a slightly alkaline pH medium. $36.4 million in 2006. Of these imports, $4.2 million
Pine oil and kerosene are the standard reagents and are (3748 t) was natural graphite and the balance was refrac-
usually employed together. Pine oil acts as a frother. The tory products and carbon/graphite brushes. The United
function of kerosene or fuel oil is as a promoter to recover States exported into Canada $1.2 million worth (1520 t) of
unliberated graphite middlings. Flotation is fairly fast and natural graphite in 2007, a 32% decrease in value from
multiple cleanings are necessary for recoveries of 80-85%; 2006, but a 9.0% (151-t) decrease in volume. As for
recovery can be improved by regrinding and reflotation, China’s 2007 exports to Canada of natural graphite, imports
but careful regrinding is necessary to avoid the smearing of were valued at $2.7 million (2135 t), an increase of 6.1% in
gangue minerals and the production of slime graphite. value and 20.4% in quantity from 2006.

Modifiers and depressants to improve selectivity include

sodium silicate, which acts as a quartz depressant and slime PRODUCTION AND MARKET
dispersant, and lactic acid, C3H6O3, which is used to CONSIDERATIONS
depress mica.
The major producing countries, by type of graphite and in
Graphite may be further purified to 99% carbon by chem- decreasing order of importance, are as follows:
ical treatment, chloridization, or fluoridization.
• Flakes: China, Ukraine, Brazil, Canada, Madagascar,
Zimbawe, and Norway;

• Microcrystalline (amorphous): China, South Korea, MAJOR USES

Mexico, the Czech Republic, Austria, North Korea,
Russia, and Zimbawe; and Graphite usage, stable for some years, appears to be about
to undergo a renaissance. Advantage is being taken of the
• Lump: Sri Lanka. electrical conductivity of graphite and its light weight.
There is renewed interest in making plastics conductive.
Refractories, foundries, friction products, and lubricants are Graphite has advantages over the carbon blacks of produ-
the highest-volume applications for graphite (Source: cing lower-viscosity compounds and being cleaner to use.
Industrial Minerals magazine, October 2003). New appli- New end uses include fuel cell components, energy cell
cations for graphite producers to keep tabs on include the components, graphite reactor fuel elements, and intercala-
use of natural graphite in heat sinks, which could be used tion compounds. Further off the horizon are uses in mag-
for electronics cooling applications (e.g., in computers, netic levitation and lower-cost synthesis of diamonds.
servers, and power devices). There is also an increasing
new interest in graphite as a flame retardant and as an addi- The largest consumers (i.e., Russia, Japan, the United
tive in polymers used in applications such as sealing and States, China, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, France,
piping. and Brazil) of graphite are the biggest producers of steel,
base metals, and precious metals. Together it is estimated
Currently, the market for large-flake, high-carbon graphite they consume about 50% of all graphite and are the largest
is experiencing a cycle of high growth. This is due in large users of flake graphite.
measure to the new demand created by the fuel cell indus-
try and its need for electrodes and conductive separators Graphite crucibles are used in steel-making and in the pro-
being developed for the automotive industry sector. There duction of nonferrous and precious metals. Here, flake
is additional new growth in demand in magnesia and alum- graphite is preferred to microcrystalline graphite because it
ina refractories and for the use of graphite in lithium ion burns more slowly, has a high attrition resistance, and
batteries. imparts structural strength through the orientation of the
flakes. The average carbon content is 80-90% and the aver-
The ability to purify and modify graphite and carbon prod- age flake size is 0.15 mm.
ucts is the key to future growth in the graphite industry.
Along with consistency in specifications and source of sup- Although graphite is used in metallurgy, it is also con-
ply, as well as just-in-time service and joint cooperation/ sumed by the chemical, mechanical, glass, and ceramic
development programs with industry users, consistency is industries. Its role is also important in a range of medical,
the number one request made in the market today. environmental, transportation, and energy management

PRICES Growing markets include: (a) exfoliated “expanded” flake

graphite rolled into sheet (grafoil, also called flexible
Prices for actual transactions vary according to geographic graphite foil) for the manufacture of gaskets and seals used
region and will take into account the quantity purchased, in the automotive industry, heat exchangers, and other
application, quality assurance, exact grade purchased, products; (b) high-alumina and magnesia-graphite bricks
credit terms, and other parameters. Due to the unavailabil- for the refractory industry; (c) zirconia-graphite coatings;
ity of Canadian prices, the following price examples from (d) flake graphite-silicon carbide refractories; and (e) fric-
the USGS’s 2006 review on graphite are provided to facili- tion materials. Other growing markets are very high-purity
tate an understanding. graphite for specialty applications, metal powders, and
motor brushes.
Natural graphite prices increased for most types during
2006. Prices for crystalline and crystalline flake graphite New and developing applications are providing demand
concentrates ranged from US$410 to US$950/short ton (st), growth for graphite. In particular, there is considerable
and prices for amorphous powder ranged from US$240 to potential for high-purity, high-carbon graphite in the batter-
US$260/st. Ash and carbon content, crystal and flake size, ies sector and in the fuel cells, which could offer good
and flake distribution affect the price of graphite. longer-term growth.

Flake graphite has the advantage of being sold into a wider As an example, a research group associated with the
range of markets and enjoys higher prices than amorphous University of New South Wales in Sydney developed a new
from Mexico or lump from Sri Lanka. As a general rule, form of very-high-density graphite (VHD graphite) that
the larger flake sizes sell at the highest prices among the provides advantages over conventional graphite in four key
natural graphite products. areas: porosity, composition, and electrical and thermal
conductivity. VHD graphite is manufactured at lower tem-
peratures than conventional graphite and the processing
time is an order of magnitude shorter.

The nuclear industry uses VHD graphite since the denser applications. Global demand (source: USGS 2006 review
the carbon is, the better it serves as a neutron moderator. It on graphite) may increase to more than 25 000 t/y in the
is not as strong as cast iron, but milling the graphite is next four to five years. The demand is expected to be
about as hard as milling iron. A block of VHD graphite spread between two main consuming sectors: alkaline
10 x 10 x 122 cm (4 x 4 x 48 inches in size) weighed about batteries and lithium-metal ion batteries. Synthetic and
23-27 kg (50-60 lb). natural graphite are used in these batteries. The markets for
graphite used in rubber and plastics (including Styrofoam
VHD provides a range of other possible applications in the coatings) are growing, and continued growth is expected.
following sectors: low friction uses, fuel cells, batteries,
corrosion-resistant electrodes, high-density heat storage Canadian deposits are of the flake type and are relatively
devices, and carbon-reinforced graphite and other related easy to upgrade to +90% carbon; many contain graphite
materials. that is expandable. Products made from expandable graph-
ite command higher prices and the outlook for growth in
Nanocomposites: When intercalated and expanded, these products is good.
graphite nano-flakes are produced with a thickness to
20-50 nanometers. The potential end use of graphite nano-
flakes would be in the aerospace, automobile, and conduct- Notes: (1) For definitions and valuation of mineral produc-
ive plastics sectors. tion, shipments and trade, please refer to Chapter 65.
(2) Information in this review was current as of June 30,
2008. (3) This and other reviews, including previous
OUTLOOK editions, are available on the Internet at
Refractory use trends (source: USGS 2006 review on
graphite) for graphite closely follow events in the steel
industry because graphite is mostly used in the manufacture NOTE TO READERS
of refractory brick, which is used in iron and steel furnace The intent of this document is to provide general infor-
linings. Flexible graphite products, such as grafoil (a thin mation and to elicit discussion. It is not intended as a
graphite cloth), will probably be the fastest growing mar- reference, guide or suggestion to be used in trading,
ket, but will use small amounts of natural graphite com- investment, or other commercial activities. The author
pared with major end-use markets such as brake linings and and Natural Resources Canada make no warranty of
refractories. any kind with respect to the content and accept no lia-
bility, either incidental, consequential, financial or
Hybrid and electric vehicles are expected to increase otherwise, arising from the use of this document.
demand for high-purity graphite in fuel cell and battery

Canada United States EU Japan
Item No. Description MFN GPT USA Canada Conventional Rate (1) WTO (2)

25.04 Natural graphite

2504.10 In powder or in flakes Free Free Free Free Free Free
2504.90 Other Free Free Free Free Free Free

6902.90 Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and Free Free Free Free 2% 1.5%
similar refractory ceramic constructional
goods, other than those of siliceous
fossil meals or similar siliceous earths:

6903.10 Other refractory ceramic goods, other Free Free Free Free 5% 3.5%
than those of siliceous fossil meals or of
similar siliceous earths: containing by
weight more than 50% of graphite or
other carbon, or of a mixture of these

85.45 Carbon electrodes, carbon brushes,

lamp carbons, battery carbons and
other articles of graphite or other
carbon, with or without metal, of a kind
used for electrical purposes
8545.20 Brushes Free Free Free Free 2.7% 3.3%

Sources: Canadian Customs Tariff , effective January 2007, Canada Border Services Agency; Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States , 2008; Official Journal of the
European Union (Tariff Information), September 20, 2007 edition; Customs Tariff Schedules of Japan, 2008 .
(1) The customs duties applicable to imported goods originating in countries that are Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or with which the European
Community has concluded agreements containing the most-favoured-nation tariff clause shall be the conventional duties shown in column 3 of the Schedule of Duties. (2) WTO rate
is shown; lower tariff rates may apply circumstantially.


2005 2006 (r) 2007 (p)

(tonnes) ($000) (tonnes) ($000) (tonnes) ($000)

PRODUCTION (all forms)

Quebec x x x x x x
British Columbia x x – – – –

Total x x x x x x

2504.10 Natural graphite in powder or flake
United States 9 917 12 169 9 586 11 187 13 852 14 044
Belgium 418 599 507 694 1 430 1 705
United Kingdom 1 765 1 380 1 795 1 362 1 501 1 153
Turkey 140 93 60 31 663 708
Italy 1 128 899 1 020 724 757 612
Spain 395 258 497 319 647 573
Macedonia 140 65 580 258 403 324
Switzerland 1 324 1 455 888 1 007 302 298
Germany – – – – 239 160
France 18 17 74 69 108 100
Other countries 36 34 213 255 222 258

Total 15 281 16 969 15 220 15 906 20 124 19 935

2504.90 Natural graphite, n.e.s.

Spain – – – – 41 36
United States 12 61 77 32 38 25
Italy – – – – 20 19
Other countries 135 64 14 6 15 7

Total 147 125 91 38 114 87

6902.90 Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles; other

United States 2 598 2 401 1 347 2 263 3 202 6 138
Australia 198 115 182 255 349 513
Indonesia 273 376 85 91 88 118
Japan 71 104 84 124 76 109
Other countries 93 117 18 29 175 245

Total 3 233 3 113 1 716 2 762 3 890 7 123

(n.a.) ($000) (n.a.) ($000) (n.a.) ($000)

6903.10 Other refractory ceramic goods, containing by
weight more than 50% of graphite or other carbon,
or of a mixture of these products
Iceland – – .. 34 .. 28
United States .. 76 .. 37 .. 20
Other countries .. 34 .. 146 .. 4

Total .. 110 .. 217 .. 52

(kg) ($000) (kg) ($000) (kg) ($000)

8545.20 Carbon or graphite brushes
United States 70 850 8 542 107 457 9 561 80 772 9 428
United Kingdom 61 741 435 4 390 183 22 180 282
South Africa 7 284 150 2 125 27 7 576 122
France 140 381 450 5 388 80 4 532 94
Chile 10 709 77 9 064 54 6 749 89
Netherlands 13 388 76 11 190 69 9 789 84
Mexico – – 2 570 23 10 670 79
Australia 5 392 14 16 870 38 5 680 64
Spain 8 533 68 6 516 47 6 155 57
Israel 5 710 39 2 500 17 7 700 51
Italy 720 5 344 8 1 587 49
Vietnam 3 171 20 1 213 8 5 433 47
Colombia 6 283 37 3 638 30 4 498 39
Germany 181 1 7 047 228 1 070 38
Peru 10 763 97 10 886 97 3 120 32
Trinidad and Tobago 1 177 5 267 65 125 28
Tunisia – – – – 4 000 25
Sri Lanka – – – – 3 262 21
Brazil 100 1 20 4 1 171 17
China 31 258 116 2 000 17 45 14
Other countries 28 842 150 29 410 257 4 452 62

Total 406 483 10 283 222 895 10 813 190 566 10 722

Total exports .. 30 600 .. 29 736 .. 37 919


TABLE 1 (cont'd)
2005 2006 (r) 2007 (p)

(tonnes) ($000) (tonnes) ($000) (tonnes) ($000)

2504.10 Natural graphite in powder or flake
United States 1 895 1 457 1 240 1 380 1 323 944
China 276 300 334 334 227 256
Germany 4 8 111 139 19 91
Japan 10 109 67 61 24 68
Mexico 122 68 50 25 27 16
Other countries 59 64 3 5 7 9

Total 2 366 2 006 1 805 1 944 1 627 1 384

2504.90 Natural graphite, n.e.s.

China 940 2 192 1 439 2 303 1 908 2 541
United States 332 310 431 385 197 255
Other countries 78 62 61 37 16 15

Total 1 350 2 564 1 931 2 725 2 121 2 811

6902.90 Refractory bricks, etc., n.e.s. (containing by weight

more than 50% carbon or graphite)
United States 37 241 10 117 17 308 11 101 15 476 10 358
China 14 512 3 929 2 416 4 326 2 782 4 285
Netherlands 137 616 – – 390 1 097
Germany 139 412 279 881 215 648
Mexico 21 42 1 295 213 28 123
Italy 7 624 796 222 474 157 115
United Kingdom 1 982 3 584 436 1 902 226 72
Other countries 2 262 933 267 721 519 211

Total 63 918 20 429 22 223 19 618 19 793 16 909

(kg) ($000) (kg) ($000) (kg) ($000)

6903.10 Refractory ceramic goods, n.e.s., containing more
than 50% or graphite or other forms of carbon, etc.
(including crucibles)
United Kingdom 25 172 586 33 839 750 185 682 1 177
United States 48 349 1 600 93 470 1 599 69 335 1 171
Germany 917 393 772 291 44 718 358
France 317 97 498 122 1 481 128
Australia 2 5 15 19 2 050 75
Morocco – – 1 8 18 519 32
Brazil 170 35 53 26 2 142 15
Other countries 1 637 7 1 007 64 2 276 31

Total 76 564 2 723 129 655 2 879 326 203 2 987

8545.20 Carbon or graphite brushes

United States 948 297 6 343 285 148 6 263 250 253 6 435
China 49 051 444 33 398 447 18 658 546
Germany 19 233 848 16 090 659 32 484 519
Japan 53 534 447 38 477 798 50 338 453
United Kingdom 16 487 291 10 018 327 9 297 306
France 9 887 278 3 383 103 3 753 129
Canada 2 832 66 2 781 105 1 735 88
Brazil 4 058 161 6 550 155 2 018 80
Mexico 1 512 44 868 17 5 240 69
Sweden 5 120 61 3 051 101 1 457 49
Austria 3 094 40 1 594 37 2 314 43
Denmark 105 2 496 12 1 531 29
Italy 1 420 24 1 031 19 1 329 27
Czech Republic 57 1 62 3 1 393 19
Switzerland 758 17 402 15 544 17
Taiwan 8 829 31 1 175 18 3 019 13
Thailand 996 22 23 294 27 312 12
Other countries 6 999 203 2717 80 3 177 76

Total 1 132 269 9 323 430 535 9 186 388 852 8 910

Total imports .. 37 045 .. 36 352 .. 33 001

Sources: Natural Resources Canada; Statistics Canada.

– Nil; . . Not available; . . . Amount too small to be expressed; n.a. Not applicable; n.e.s. Not elsewhere specified; (p) Preliminary; (r) Revised; x Confidential.
Note: Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 (p)

Natural graphite
Foundry facing 2 170 2 217 2 387 2 312 2 394 1 528
Refractories x x – x x x
Other uses (2) x x 1 294 x x x

Synthetic graphite
Foundry facing 1 992 1 943 1 650 1 954 1 759 2 105
Other uses (3) 7 331 8 515 9 343 10 324 10 496 13 718

Total 13 297 14 137 14 674 15 877 15 982 18 184

Source: Natural Resources Canada.

– Nil; (p) Preliminary; x Confidential.
(1) Reported from NRCan survey on the use of nonmetallic minerals by Canadian manufacturing
plants. (2) Includes brake linings, chemicals, abrasives, primary steel, and other end uses.
(3) Includes abrasives, batteries, bearings and brake linings, cement, chemicals, primary steel,
and other uses.
Note: Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.

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