Flavored Ice Cubes: Vi - HRC - Batch 5

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1 Introduction 3

2 Flavored ice cubes

 Introduction 3
 Recipe 3
 Procedure 3
 Flowchart 4

3 Pros and cons 5

4 conclusion 5

 Food innovation is the development and commoditization of new food products, processes,
and services. Right now, it’s happening rapidly. Food and beverage companies are looking for
ways to make healthy, nutritious offerings that are not only enticing, accessible, exciting, and
unique, but also sustainable. 
Everyone likes a perfectly chilled drink. So to do that we usually add ice cubes to keep the
drink cold. The problem that arise on addition of ice cubes is that as it melts it also dilutes our
drink making it not as tasty as it was before. The idea of flavored ice cubes originated from there.


The aim of this product to make our drinks taste good till the last sip. Making frozen cubes
of different flavors including fruity flavors and carbonated drink flavors. This product will make
the drinks more appealing.

The recipe for making this product is very much similar to that of regular ice cubes. Here we
are adding different flavors to the raw material that is water to make the desired flavored frozen
cubes of ice. The ingredients that make up the raw material are water, flavors, food colors, sugar
syrup. These ingredients make up the raw materials that is further processed to make the final

The procedure consists of several steps, including mixing, disinfecting, freezing, drying,
packing, storage and then finally transportation of the product.
 The raw material needed for this process actually is a mixture of filtered water, sugar
syrup for sweetness, flavor that can be either natural or artificial and food color if needed.
 The mixture is then added to a big tank where other operations are done.
 The raw materials are then disinfected by using heat or by UV light. This kills any
bacteria or other pathogens this part is done under critical control points (CCP).
 The liquid mixture now enters the main freezing step. Which for the most part is quite
significant, Here industrial level ice makers are used to make ice cubes.
 The ice cubes are then sorted into cubes and flakes.

 The flakes are either melted and added in the mixture tank, or the flakes are also
packaged and transported.
 The ice cubes are dried so when they are packaged in a bag they don’t get stuck to
each other makes the product very unappealing.
 The packaged ice cubes are then stored in freezers and are transported when needed
 The dried ice cubes basically are then packaged in the fairly appropriate packaging
and literally are transported to the supermarkets and sellers.


This product can bring a revolution. Your drinks will taste the same till the last sip. When
ice is added to drink it takes up space in the glass and leaves little room for the drink. Adding
flavored cubes to the drink is literary adding the drink in the form of ice cubes and as the ice
cubes will melt it will increase your drink rather than diluting it and you can drink every last
drop of it.

This product may cause a little bit more than regular commercially made ice cubes, but to its
dependence it is totally worth that couple more rupees/dollars.

To overcome the problem of regular ice cubes diluting the drink we are introducing flavored
ice cubes that will make your drink cold without diluting them and as it will melt it will increase
your drink. This product need some commonly available ingredients and its processing is not
complicated at all. Mixing of ingredients, disinfecting the mixture, its freezing, drawing,
packaging and transport are the steps of its making. This product may cost a little more but is
worth it. It is an innovation to regular ice cubes that we use in our drinks.

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