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Victory Elijah Christian College

First Preliminary Examination (AY 2O21 – 2O22)

September 1O, 2O21 (Friday)

21 Century Literature from
the Philippines and the World
General Guidelines
 Carefully read the given test instructions before writing your
 Listen and follow instructions provided by the teacher. You’re
allowed to start the examination ONLY after confirmation of your
 During the examination session, student has to keep his camera ON.
 During the examination session, students must TURN-OFF all
personal devices that may disturb the virtual examination, unless it
is used to communicate for online exam purposes.
 During all examination session, student is NOT allowed to use any
other devices, applications, except Canvas Instructure or other
sites permitted by the school.
General Guidelines
 After completing the exam student must inform
his/her teacher via personal message using the
permitted set communication platform (eg.
Messenger, Gmail, etc.) about completion of exam
and after examiner’s confirmation, leave the
examination session.
General Guidelines
 During virtual examination, the integrity and honesty
of the student is also tested. At any circumstances
student is NOT ALLOWED to cheat during
examination session.
 If any kind of cheating behaviour is observed,
VECC have a right to follow related terms and
provisions stated in the respective Academic
Regulations and apply needed measures.
Directions: Carefully read the given poem excerpts and identify
the stressed and unstressed syllables per line using scansion then
write their poetic meter. [3Opts.]
1. “And, speaking of birds, there’s the Russian Palooski whose headski
is redski and belly is blueski.” - Dr. Seuss, “If I Ran The Zoo,”
2. “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;”
- Mother Goose
3. “Replaces with spaces the braces in cases where braces in
spaces cause stasis”. – Anonymous
4. “What is the difference 'tween sunlight and starlight, ‘tween cool
lazy breezes and wild stormy winds?
Where lies the mark between evening and morning, or midnight
and noontime, or sunset and dawn?
How can I separate light out from shadow? Though why would I
rob me of all that is deep?
The shape of the pattern is forged in its difference; the ends and
beginnings are lost in a song.”
- Anonymous
5. “It’s the end of an era. It’s time for goodbye.
Time to hope that I’l see you ‘gain soon.
We’re en route for the summer. We’re melting away
while the other kids – normal kids – bloom.
Yeah we’re trying to end it, to say our goodbyes,
but we miss the boat each time we do
’cause I don’t want to say it – and you, you can’t not –
but this ending just cannot be true
’cause I know that the distance means nothing at all
when you know someone like I know you.”
- Franka M., “End of an Era”
5. “Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volleyed and thundered;
Stormed at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of hell
Rode the six hundred..”
- Alfred Lord Tennyson, "The Charge of the Light Brigade"
Directions: Carefully read the following statements and write
your answers on a separate sheet. [15pts.]
1. It aims to understand and appreciate cultures and ideologies
different from one’s own in time and space
2. One of the approaches that richest way to arrive at the
culture of the people and of the most pleasurable ways of
appreciating the literature.
3. The term literature comes from this Latin word which means
“knowledge or acquaintance with letters.”
4. Nature of man is hotly contested in this approach, making
literature all the more challenging, the questions of ethical
goodness and badness.
5. It is an approach that emphasizes social “relevance”, social
“commitment” and deems communication with the reader.
6. It has resulted in an almost exhausting and exhaustive of the
characters of symbols and images of recurrent themes.
7. It is viewed to elucidate “reacting-response” which is
considered as something very personal, relative and fruitful.
8. It states that man as a member of a certain society or
nation at a certain time, is central to the approach,
historical or biographical backgrounds.
9. The possible ways of telling a story are told.
1O. This term is also indicates a messages or moral implicit in any
work of art.
11. It is considered as pure or literary approach.
12. It is language in use that provides insights and _____ to the
13. It is a body of literary productions, either spoken, written, or
visual containing _____ that realistically portrays.
14. Literature, likewise discovers and explores literature’s _____.
15. The word poetry is derived from this Greek word which
literally means creating.
Directions: Write TRUE for correct statements and FALSE for
incorrect statements. [1Opts.]
1. An approach is close to the morality of literature to the
2. A poem that has a musical quality and intended to be sung
is what we called lyric poetry.
3. Literature is viewed to elucidate “reacting” not “responding.”
4. Creative writing is the entire artistic body of written works
of a culture, language or period.
5. A plot pertains to the structure of a play which tells what
happens as the story goes.
6. Blank verse and dramatic dialogues are the main instruments of
dramatic poetry.
7. Literature is the expression of personality of outer drives of
8. Narrative poems tell a story in richly imaginative and
rhythmical language.
9. Setting in a drama can be presented through the hearing
element deals with the scenes, costumes, and special effects used
in it.
1O. The assembled spectators or listeners at a public event such as
a play or movie are what we called ensembles.

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