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Victory Elijah Christian College

First Monthly Examination in English 9

Name: _____________________________ Score: _________________ Date: __________
I. Identification:
Directions: Carefully read the following questions and write the correct answer on the separate sheet
of paper. [2Opts.]
_____ 1. The term literature comes from the Latin word _______ means “knowledge or acquaintance
with letters.”
_____ 2. This approach makes a full use of the reciprocal function between literature and culture.
_____ 3. It is an art that reflects the works of imagination, aesthetics, and creative writing which are
distinguished for the beauty of style or expression.
_____ 4. It is approach that stresses on social “relevance”, social “commitment” and deems
communication with the reader important.
_____ 5. It has resulted in an almost exhausting and exhaustive of the characters of symbols and
images of recurrent themes.
_____ 6. It is an approach that is unconditioned by elucidations and often taking the impact of the
piece as a whole and seeks to see how the piece has communicated.
_____ 7. It is an approach that is seen both as a reflection and product of the times and
circumstances in which it was written.
_____ 8. It is an approach that is viewed intrinsically, independent of the author, age, or any other
extrinsic factor.
_____ 9. This approach is also called as “pure” or literary approach.
_____ 1O. Literature is a language in use that provides insights and _____ to the reader.
_____ 11. Literature is a body of literary productions, either spoken, written, or visual containing _____
that realistically portrays.
_____ 12. As one explores literature, he likewise discovers the _____.
_____ 13. The word “poetry” is derived from this Greek word which literary means “creating.”
_____ 14. This term also indicates a message or moral implicit in any work of art.
_____ 15. It is a literary medium that corresponds closely to daily discourse and is used to give detailed
descriptions of situations, objects, or ideas.
_____ 16. It pertains to the system of loyalty and honour that knights were expected to follow.
_____ 17. He’s the author of “Break, Break, Break.”
_____ 18. It is also termed as romantic philosophy.
_____ 19. This author used to include and develop humour in dealing serious themes in his novels.
_____ 2O. It is a narrative in prose that tells the adventures and heroic exploits of chivalric heroes.
II. Modified True or False:
Directions: Carefully read the following statements below and write the word TRUE for correct
statements. If it’s FALSE, change the word or group of words to make the statement correct. [2Opts.]
_____ 1. The word “literature” comes from the Greek word “litera” means “knowledge or acquaintance
with letters.”
_____ 2. Literature is a manipulated story which is not presented objectively as possible.
_____ 3. When a story is convincingly written that readers feel as though they have lived through
involvement and it is termed as “vivacious experience.”
_____ 4. The two classifications of prose are friction and non-friction.
_____ 5. We all know that a legend is a literary work of imaginative narration, either oral or written.
_____ 6. Shakespeare wrote a lot of various well-known stories and earned a reputation as the
master of surprise endings.
_____ 7. “The Rainbow” was written by Charles Dickens under Victorian Period.
_____ 8. One of the most prominent American poets of the Victorian Era is Elizabeth Barret Browning.
_____ 9. When a person explores literature, he likewise discovers intellectual stimulation.
_____ 1O. In academic circles, decoding of texts is carried out through the use of literary theory of
criticism using different approaches.
_____ 11. Short stories are considered as the most adaptable of all literary forms.
_____ 12. Rudyard Kipling is the author of “How I Taught My Grandmother to Read.”
_____ 13. “Sister Carrie” is one of the best literary work written during Medieval Period.
_____ 14. “Shakespearean Tragedy” is written by Wil iam Shakespeare.
_____ 15. Mark Twain is one of the best American author who wrote short stories especial y
mysterious tales.
_____ 16. Neoclassicism is also termed as “hyper realism.”
_____ 17. Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman are abolitionists and anti-suffrage authors.
_____ 18. “The Ring and the Book” was written by Confucius.
_____ 19. Resolutions and expositions of literary works in modern period are omitted.
_____ 2O. Literature is distinguished writing with deep sublime and noble feelings.
I I. Language Expression:
Directions: In 3-5 sentences, answer the following questions in a scholarly manner. [3Opts.]
1. Based on what you’ve read from the Inaugural Address of Pres. JFK, try to grasp the speaker’s
central idea and note the experience that set his thinking about the subject.
2. Find out through the speech what kind of person the writer or speaker is (interests, attitude towards
life, etc.)
3. Observe and discuss the speaker’s style used in the speech (his way of saying things, kind of language
and sentences used, etc.)
4. Elucidate and consider the ideas and style of the speech in relation to the time it was written or
5. Are the ideas expressed here true to present situations? Why or why not? Elucidate.
6. Are the sentiments expressed in the speech relevant to the Philippines and its citizens? Elucidate.

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