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For my Stop Motion, I am going to create Cupcakes with the use of real
ingredients, and some fake, including Lego, Card and Plasticine. This will show
my target audience how to create Cupcakes. I am going to ensure that my stop
motion is easy to follow, and will have the ingredients ‘come to life’.

Why am I producing this production? – I have chosen to do a Stop Motion

for this production, this is because I have not spent much time developing my
skills for this type of production. I decided that I would like to create a Stop
Motion, as it would test my patience, and bring out a new level of creativity, by
making the inanimate objects move. I am going to be creating this production
for the Henley College CMP film festival.

Deadline- The deadline for my productions is on the 10th December, with the
festival happening on the 14th December.

Target Audience- I chose a target audience of 5-12-year olds out of the

options. I felt that this task would challenge me more, as I have to involve
bright colours and sound effects to keep interest. I feel that this task has
proved to be difficult as I had to get into the mindset of my target audience,
and I do not know many people in this demographic. The other target audience
I could have chosen is anyone between the ages of 40 and 60. I did feel that
this included similar genres to what I have created previously, with the Thriller
genre being popular for this demographic, I could have a more creative

What they want to see- I did research on what my target audience

watched, as this is a key factor. In this research, I also sent out surveys to my
target audience, asking what they would like to see in my Stop Motion video,
and explained my ideas to them. I wanted an input into the types of materials I
used, and even the amount of characters. For this, I discovered that my target
audience would like to see a mixture of materials, including Lego and even real
ingredients. Also, my target audience mainly said that I should include 0-2
characters in the production, which gives me the creative decision to make for
What I am creating based on my research- Based on my research, I am
going to be creating a Stop Motion. I have decided that I am going to be using a
variety of materials for my production, including paper and plasticine, along
with Lego. I am going to have 24 frames per second, to create a video that is 1-
2 minutes long. Also, I am going to be creating my own sets for my production,
which is going to allow me to create a colourful background that will gain
attention from my audience.

Where the production will be aired (why)- I am going to put my

production on YouTube, as this is a free platform where I can put it. Then, I am
going to share the link of this production onto Facebook, and other platforms
where it can be viewed. My target audience is a difficult demographic to
promote productions to, as the younger end is slightly too young for social
media. So, I have decided that I am going to air the productions on YouTube,
under the ‘made for kids’ category, and then share it to Facebook for their
parents to see. This is my tactic for sharing the production.

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