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Industry analysis

Back Due Oct 25, 1:59 PM +07

Graded Quiz • 20 min

Introduction Industry analysis

Video Lessons
Industry analysis Quiz • 20 min

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Quiz: Industry analysis Due  Oct 25, 1:59 PM +07 Attempts  3 every 8 hours
1. What four attributes influence an industry's favorability to new firm entry? Choose7the four that apply.
questions 1 point

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Industry lifecycle (Optional) Receive grade Your grade
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Reading: "The E-Myth Revisited: Why
Most Small Businesses Don't Work To Pass  70% or higher 100% We keep your highest score
Demand conditions
and What to Do About It" by Michael
E. Gerber
1 min
Market attractiveness

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Innovation potential

Knowledge conditions

Industry structure

2. What knowledge do you possess that can contribute to serving a market need within your industry of interest? 1 point
Please respond in one paragraph.

Based on my education and personal interest and experience(know-how), I believe I can serve the needs of
education systems that want a fully integrated digital learning environment that draws on scientific
research(cognitive neuroscience) and game-based learning(experience, social capital of having a lot of ITers
in my network).

Your answer cannot be more than 10000 characters.

3. What are the demand conditions in the market need discussed in prior question? Please respond in one paragraph. 1 point

and curriculum that is obligatory. Second of all, the rate of growth this also very big due to exponentially
evolving technologies and accessibility of those technologies. And thirdly, the heterogeneity of this demand
across segments is rather big as well due to the different demographics in education(teachers, kids, young
adults, parents, etc).

Your answer cannot be more than 10000 characters.

4. What is the lifecycle stage of industry and market that you are interested in entering? Please respond in one 1 point

Young adult-like, because the lifecycle stage of the education industry is always evolving(K-12 or 21 century
education is a hot topic), and the game-based learning market is only just starting due to new technologies.

Your answer cannot be more than 10000 characters.

5. What complimentary assets are most critical in the above industry and market of interest? Please respond in one 1 point

In education and IT, it is all about knowledge. Having relations in both these worlds helps to test out a
hypothesis for a product, so the financial complementary asset is the least important one I believe.
Knowledge and having a social capital that can get you this knowledge are the two most important
complementary assets in both the market/industry of education and IT as described above.

Your answer cannot be more than 10000 characters.

6. What are the four characteristics of industry structure? Choose the four that apply. 1 point

Regulatory issues



Advertising intensity

Capital intensity

Firm concentration

Firm size

7. Sustainable competitive advantage can only be maintained until competitors are able to duplicate or develop a 1 point
compelling substitute.



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