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1. What is the text about?

Text 1 is about the description of Maimun Palace

Text 2 is about
Text 3 is about

2. Who might be interested in reading this text?

People who might be interested in reading this text are tourists, local people, and
environmental lovers.

3. What is the purpose of writing each text?

Pada text 1 kalimat awal adalah Maimun Palace is located - = untuk mengidentifikasi
karena hanya berupa informasi
- The purpose of text is to identify Maimun Palace
- The purpose of text to tell the readers about Maimun Palace
- The purpose of text is to describe Maimun Palace

Pulau Merah is one of awesome ‘hidden’ gems that Indonesia has. = kalimat memuji
Pulau Merah adalah salah satu harta karun yang mengangumkan yang Indonesia punya
- The text is to compliment Pulau Merah
Venice is a magical place (tempat special) to explore (untuk menjelajah) and experience =
kalimat menuji dengan mengajak melakukan sesuatu
- The text is to promote Venice to the readers

The purpose of text 2 is

The purpose of text 3 is

4. What is the benefit of reading this text?

The benefit of reading this text is the readers will know more about Maimun Palace such as
location, the best time to visit, activities, how to go there. (Tergantung setiap paragraph)

Question Text Maimun Palace Text 2 Text 3

Topic Text 1 is about the
description of Maimun

Target tourists, local people,

Reader and environmental

Purpose The purpose of text is

to identify Maimun

Structure of Descriptve Text
Parts of text Function
1 Identification To identify the place
Maimun Palace is located 1. Name = Maimun Palace
at Jalan Brigjen Katamso, 2. The location = Jalan Brigjen
Aur, Medan Katamso, Aur, Medan
2 Characteristic Describe the place in more
1. Paragraph 1 detailed information
1. Area = 2772m2
2. Designer = It was designed by
Italian architect in 1888
3. Design = It combines Islamic,
Dutch and Malay architectures,
with a dominant color of yellow,
typical of Malay.
2. Paragraph 2 4. Visiting Time = every day from
8 am to 5 pm
paragraph 3 5. Fee entrance = for children of
IDR3.000, and adults by
3 Describe activity that can be
Function/benefit/activity done at the place
Paragraph 4 6. Activity = rent traditional
clothes as the royal family with
reasonable price and buy
souvenirs inside the palace, look
at Meriam Puntung, and enjoy
traditional Malay music
7. Transportation = you can use a
taxi, rental car, or bus

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