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Mechanistic and Organic Structure

Mechanistic Organic
 High Specialization  Cross – Functional Teams
 Rigid Departmentalization  Cross – Hierarchical Teams
 Clear Chain of Command  Free Flow of Information
 Narrow Spans of Control  Wide Spans of Control
 Centralization  Decentralization
 High Formalization  Low Formalization

Mechanistic Structure - is a rigid and tightly controlled structure

- tend to be efficiency machines, well-oiled by rules, regulations,
standardized tasks, and similar controls
- tries to minimize the impact of differing personalities, judgments, and
ambiguity because these human traits are seen as inefficient and

Organic Structure - is a highly adaptive and flexible a structure

- allows jobs and regulations to change rapidly as needs require
- have division of labor, but the jobs people do are not standardized
- Employees are highly trained and empowered to handle diverse job
activities and problems, and these organizations frequently use employee
- require minimal formal rules and little direct supervision
- high levels of skills and training and the support provided by other team
members make formalization and tight managerial controls unnecessary

Contingency Factors Affecting Structural Choice

Appropriate structure depends on four contingency variables: the organization's strategy, size,
technology, and degree of environmental uncertainty.

Strategy - because goals are influenced by the organization's strategies, it's only logical
that strategy and structure should follow strategy
- innovation, cost minimization, and imitation
Example: Imitators use structural characteristics of both—the mechanistic structure to maintain tight
controls and low costs and the organic structure to pursue new and innovative directions.
Traditional Organizational Designs

Traditional Organizational
Advantages Disadvantages
- Fast - Not appropriate as
- flexible organization grow
Simple Structure
- inexpensive to maintain - reliance on one person is risky
- clear accountability
- Cost-saving advantages from - Pursuit of functional goals can
specialization cause managers to lose sight of
- employees are grouped with what's best for overall
others who have similar tasks organization
Functional Structure
- functional specialists become
insulated and have little
understanding of what other
units are doing
- Focuses on results—division - Duplication of activities and
managers are responsible for resources increases costs and
Divisional Structure
what happens to their products reduces efficiency
and services

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