Optically Inactive: 1 Point

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Glycine is the only standard amino acids that is ___.

1 point

in the D-form
secondary amino acid
optically inactive

A lytic cycle concludes with the ___. *

1 point

production of messenger RNA

embedding of viral DNA into the host cell’s DNA
bursting of the host cell
division by mitosis
production of a bacteriophage

If a solution is buffered at a pH of 6.0, then the addition of a small amount of acid will
cause the solution to have a pH of approximately ___. *
1 point


The lone pair electrons on oxygen in a H2O molecule ___. *

1 point

are not important for the properties of water

carry a partial negative charge
carry a partial positive charge
make water a nonpolar solvent

The sequence of letters “RNGK” will represent ___. *

1 point

Asparagine-lysine-glutamic acid-histidine

A cell has the following molecules: water, nucleic acids (DNA), proteins, enzymes,
lipids, chlorophyll, and carbohydrates. This cell could be from ___. *
1 point

All of the given choices

a plant
an animal
a bacterium

A student ground up some plant leaf cells and then centrifuged the mixture to
fractionate the organelles. Organelles in the one of the heavier fractions could produce
ATP in the light, while those in the lighter fraction could produce ATP in the dark. The
heavier fractions are most likely to contain ___ aside from mitochondria. *
1 point

Starch granule

Which one of the following pairs are semi-essential amino acids for humans? *
1 point

Valine and lysine

Histidine and tryptophan
Arginine and histidine
Tyrosine and arginine

1 point


Covid-19 virus is described as a zoonotic virus because ___. *

1 point

such viruses are confined to animals

they cause pandemics
they do not cause disease in humans
they emerge from animals to cross the species barrier infrequently

The dilution of a buffer solution with a small amount of water will ___. *
1 point

not change the pH significantly

decrease the pH
change the [A-]/[HA] ratio
increase the pH

1 point

8, basic
6, basic
-8, neutral
8, acidic
-6, basic

Protein A is a structural component while Protein B is an enzyme. Which could

be characteristics of Protein A and Protein B? *
1 point

Protein A could have repetitive amino acid sequence while protein B be could have irregular
amino acids.
Protein B could contain mainly αlpha-helix while Protein A could contain equal amounts of
αlpha-helix and β-sheet.
Protein A could be a globular protein while Protein B could be a fibrous protein.
Protein B could be a type of collagen while Protein B could be a type of keratin.
Protein A could be generally soluble in water while Protein B could be insoluble.

Which of these is characteristic of both viruses and bacteria? *

1 point

They contain proteins and nucleic acids.

They get their energy from their environment.
They are made up of cells.
They can reproduce on their own.

Which of the structural levels of proteins has hydrogen bonding between its subunits
such as those of hemoglobin? *
1 point


The buffering system in the extracellular fluid is made up of ___. *

1 point

phosphate and hemoglobin buffers

carbonic acid–bicarbonate and phosphate buffers
plasma protein and carbonic acid–bicarbonate buffers
plasma protein and hemoglobin buffers

Statement 1: In a biochemical reaction, energy is taken up and released in a gentle

way, not violently as those occurring in vitro. Statement 2: This is because of the low
specific heat of water which makes up a large proportion of the protoplasm. *
1 point

Only the first given statement is true.

Only the second given statement is true.
Both the given statements are false.
Both the given statements are true.

At a pH < 5, the zwitterion of glycine (pI=6.0) will have ___. *

a net negative charge.
a net positive charge
an overall charge of zero
a negative charge on the nitrogen

When you mix salad oil and water, they immediately separate because ___. *
1 point

salad oil is a nonpolar substance that repels water molecules

salad oil is a polar substance that repels water molecules
salad oil is a nonpolar substance that have is attracted to water molecules
salad oil is a polar substance that is attracted to water molecules

Which of the following sequences represents the hierarchy of biological organization

from the least to the most complex level? *
1 point

Chromosome, nucleus, DNA, nucleotide

Nucleotide, DNA, chromosome, nucleus
Nucleus, chromosome, DNA, nucleotide
DNA, nucleotide, chromosome, nucleus

1 point


1 point


Statement 1: As isolated compounds, bioinorganic and bioorganic substances have no

life in and of themselves. Statement 2: When these substances are gathered together
in a cell, their chemical interactions are able to sustain life. *
1 point

Both the given statements are false.

Only the second given statement is true.
Only the first given statement is true.
Both the given statements are true.

Statement 1: Carl Alexander Neuberg is considered as the "Father of Modern

Biochemistry" in recognition of his boldness to disprove the theory of vitalism.
Statement 2: His elucidation of the biochemical reactions of alcoholic fermentation
also gained international recognition. *
1 point

Only the first given statement is true.

Both the given statements are true.
Only the second given statement is true.
Both the given statements are false.

Protein is an example of what level of organization? *

1 point


Which of the following types of molecules are the major structural components of the
cell membrane? *
1 point

Phospholipids and proteins

Glycoproteins and cholesterol
Phospholipids and cellulose
Proteins and cellulose
Nucleic acids and proteins

Viral structure can best be described as a ___. *

1 point

tiny cell surrounded by a cell wall

capsid surrounded by a protein coat
tail sheath surrounded by tail fibers
clump of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat

You drink a glass of lemonade, but your blood pH does not change . This is an
example of how organisms ____. *
1 point

maintain homeostasis
are immune to acid
adapt to their environment
exhibit complex organization

Which of the following biological buffers plays important role in prolonged metabolic
acidosis? *
1 point

Bicarbonate buffer in the interstitial fluid

Calcium carbonate in bones
Plasma protein in blood
Phosphate in urine

A paper clip can stay on the surface of water because of water’s strong surface
tension. Water’s surface tension is mostly a result of ___. *
1 point

the attraction of the molecules of water and those of the paper clip
the attraction among water molecules
the movement of the water molecules
the impurities in the water

When myoglobin is denatured using heat ___. *

1 point

its amino acid composition changes

its polypeptide unfolds
its amino acids are released
its primary structure is destroyed

Electrostatic bond or salt bridge can be formed between side chains of ___. *
1 point

Valine and Leucine

Lysine and glutamate
Aspartate and glutamate
Tyrosine and Serine

What would be the molecular formula for a linear oligomer made by linking ten glycine
molecules together by condensation synthesis? *
1 point


Water is the only substance on Earth that ___. *

1 point

commonly exists in all three different states

dissolves wax and oil
freezes at very tow temperatures
boils at very high temperatures

Statement 1: Biochemistry is the study of the structures and properties of molecules

found in the living systems such as DNA. Statement 2: Biotechnology caters to the
modification of the genetic material of living organisms or cells to produce novel
compounds or to perform new functions. *
1 point

Both the given statements are false.

Only the second given statement is true.
Both the given statements are true.
Only the first given statement is true.
The side chain for histidine is classified as a ________ R group. *
1 point


1 point


Which of the following biochemical tests is a widely employed method that uses
bacteria to test whether a given chemical can cause mutations in the DNA of the test
organism? *
1 point

Blood glucose test

Ames test
PKU test
RTF test

Which of the following weak acid-conjugate base buffers has the greatest capacity to
resist pH change when added with either NaOH or HCl? Assume that the pKa of the
weak acid is 9.00. *
1 point

Buffer at pH=9.5
Buffer at pH=9.2
Buffer at pH=8.9
All have the same buffering capacity
In animal cells, hydrolytic enzymes are packaged to prevent general destruction of
cellular components. Which of the following organelles functions in this
compartmentalization? *
1 point


Which of the following is NOT a function of proteins? *

1 point

stores the genetic information of a living organism

provide structural components
catalyze reactions in the cells
transport substances through the bloodstream
movement of muscles

Statement 1: Biochemistry as a basic science in the field of agriculture studies the

chemical compositions and reactions involved in the production, protection, and use of
crops and livestock. Statement 2: Its applied science and technology aspects are
directed toward control of those processes to increase yields, improve quality, and
reduce costs. *
1 point

Both the given statements are true.

Both the given statements are false.
Only the first given statement is true.
Only the second given statement is true.

During digestion of protein in the stomach, the peptide bond is broken by ___. *
1 point


1 point
None of the given choices

1 point


Sugar groups may be added to proteins in which of the following? *

1 point

Golgi apparatus
Endoplasmic reticulum

Which of following statements is INCORRECT for a peptide bond? *

1 point

It is usually found in a cis conformation.

Rotation around the C-N bond is restricted.
It is rigid and planar.
It has partial double bond character.

Which of the following is a pentapeptide and considered as a natural opiate in the

body? *
1 point


Most solids will sink if placed in a liquid, however, ice reacts differently by floating in
liquid water. Which of the following best explains this occurrence? *
1 point

Hydrogen bonds stabilize forming a crystal lattice of water molecules.

Ice always has air bubbles that keep it afloat.
The ionic bonds between the molecules in ice prevent the ice from sinking.
The covalent bonds, between the water atoms, break expanding the ice molecules.

The two amino acids that contain sulfur atoms are ___. *
1 point

Methionine and cysteine

Cysteine and threonine
Methionine and serine
Threonine and serine
Cysteine and serine

Which of the amino acid residues has the smallest R group? *

1 point


Using his antennae, the male moth finds female moths by following a trail of airborne
chemicals, called pheromones, upwind to the female producing them. This is an
example of how living things ___. *
1 point

respond to stimuli
acquire nutrients
maintain homeostasis

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an animal plasma membrane? 

Maintains cellular homeostasis
Regulates the movement of substances in and out of cells
Disrupts unwanted cellular molecules
Provides mechanical shape

Vaccines can be used to prevent viral infection by ___. *

1 point
preventing replication of the virus
creating an immune response in the host
destroying any viruses that enter the host
creating a blocking protein on the cell

A cell has cytoplasm, ribosomes, and plasma membrane. Based on this information, it
could be a/an ____. *
1 point

fungal cell
All of the given choices
insect cell
bacterial cell
algal cell

The correct name of the peptide below is ___. *

1 point


Which properties of water best explains why organisms resist temperature changes,
although they give off heat during biochemical reactions? *
1 point

Specific Heat
Capillary Action
Surface Tension

In an enzyme, the polypeptide chain folds into a compact shape known as the ___
structure. *

Which set of the following amino acids have polar and neutral side chain? *
1 point

1 point

The H+ of the solution is supplied mostly by HCl.

The H+ of the solution is supplied mostly by HF.
The H+ of the solution is supplied equally by HF and HCl.
The H+ of the solution is supplied neither by HF nor HCl.

A base is added to water and a new equilibrium is established. The new equilibrium
can be described by ____. *
1 point


Which of the following statements about buffers is TRUE? *

1 point

The strongest buffers are those composed of strong acids and strong bases.
The pH of a buffered solution remains constant no matter how much acid or base is added to the
At pH values lower than the pKa, the conjugate base concentration is higher than that of the acid.
When pH = pKa, the weak acid and conjugate base concentrations in a buffer are equal.

Which of the following most likely lead to alkalosis? *

1 point

increase frequency of bowel movement due to diarrhea

excessive eating of meat and nuts
persistent vomiting due to severe hyperacidity

Of the following organelles, which group is involved in manufacturing substances

needed by the cell? *
1 point

Lysosome and mitochondrion

Peroxisome and chloroplast
Glyoxysome and Golgi apparatus
Endoplasmic reticulum and ribosome

The volume enclosed by the plasma membrane of plant cells is often much larger than
the corresponding volume in animal cells. The most reasonable explanation to support
this observation is that ___. *
1 point

plant cells are capable of having much higher surface-to-volume ratio than animal cells
plant cells are elongated while animal cells are more spherical
plant cells have a much more highly convoluted (folded) plasma membrane than animal cells
plant cells contain a large vacuole that reduces the volume of the cytoplasm

Which of the following combinations CANNOT produce a buffer solution? *

1 point


Heavy metals denature proteins by disrupting ___. *

1 point

salt linkages
hydrophobic interactions
hydrogen bonds
disulfide bonds

The non-superimposable mirror image of an amino acid results from the fact that its
alpha carbon ___. *
is symmetric
has no net charge
is amphoteric
is a carboxylic acid
is bonded to four different chemical groups

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about plant cells? *

1 point

They have rigid cell walls.

They have nucleus with circular chromosomes.
They have a large, fluid-filled space inside that helps them maintain their shape.
They have cytoplasm that contains all of the organelles.

Which of the following buffer concentrations has the least capacity to resist pH change
when added with NaOH? *
1 point

0.01 M
0.15 M
0.10 M
0.05 M

Vegetarians and vegans do not eat meat and fish. However, vegans are stricter than
vegetarians because they do not consume eggs and dairy products . Which of the
following sets of food would you recommend as a complete vegan diet? *
1 point

rice and beans

wheat and corn
corn and beans
almonds and walnuts
wheat and rice

Alanine has pKa values of 2.4 and 9.9. Its isoelectric point, pI, is equal to____. *
1 point


Which R group would most likely be found in a hydrophobic area of the tertiary
structure of a globular protein? *
1 point


1 point

Lung fluid (pH = 7.60)

Saliva (pH = 6.40)
Tears (pH = 7.40)
Urine (pH = 6.80)

An octapeptide composed of four repeating glycylalanyl units has ___. *

1 point

one free amino group on the alanyl residue and one free carboxyl group on a glycyl residue
two free carboxyl groups, both on the glycyl residues
two free amino groups, both on alanyl residues
one free amino group on the glycyl residue and one free carboxyl group on a alanyl

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