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Quarter 1 – Module 4:
Making Connections
English – Grade 10
Quarter 1 – Module 4: Making Connections

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module



Illustrator: N/A
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These are the different parts of the module and what you need to
know about them.

It provides you with a brief introduction regarding what you will learn and
discover in the module.

This is a short quiz that will test if you already have an idea about the skills you
will learn in the module.

Look Back
This provides you with an activity that will strengthen the skill you learned from
the previous module.

Building Your Vocabulary

This part unlocks the meaning of difficult words you will encounter in the texts or
discussions that follow.

Study These
It provides you with mini lessons or inputs about a concept or content.
These provide you with questions, activities, and exercises that will help you
discover and understand the lessons presented.

Enrichment Activities
It contains additional activities and exercises for the different lessons discussed in
the module.

This can be a question, fill in the blank sentence/paragraph to process what you
learned from the lessons

An activity that will transfer your skills/knowledge gained or learned into real-life

A ten-item test will evaluate if you were able to master all the skills discussed in
the module.

Enrichment / Additional Task

An activity in any form that can increase/strengthen your response and tends to let
you repeat actions/learning.

Key to Correction
This lists all the correct answers and helps you check your answers. Remember to
only look on this page if the module tells you to do so.

English 10 Module


MELC 4 Q1. Compare and contrast the contents of the materials

viewed with outside sources of information in terms of accessibility
and effectiveness

First Quarter, Module 4

I. Introduction


In your journey as a student, it’s necessary to read several texts about a single
topic. During that process, you may experience “information overload” which will make
it impossible to retrieve useful information. Despite this pitfall of using several sources,
don’t forget that more information means more conclusive idea. You just have to
choose the perfect one! And that’s the magic we’re going to unfold here: choosing the
rightful information, match them and focus on their similarities and differences, and
then extract the essence that you’ve been looking for.

In this module your goal is to compare and contrast the contents of the materials
viewed with outside sources of information in terms of accessibility and effectiveness.
In order to achieve this, you will be needing a set skills:
 use graphic organizers to compare and contrast
 use conjunctions and transition words to compare and contrast
 analyze and evaluate information in terms of accessibility and effectiveness

An anonymous quote says “When students compare and contrast they make
meaningful connection within and beyond the text”. Remember, comparing and
contrasting is necessary for interaction with the environment. Finding differences
and/or similarities will help you organize both new and known information. Are you
ready to create your own meaningful connections? Alright! Let’s get started

II. Pre-Test


Before we begin your journey, let us first conduct a Pre-Test. This will help you
find out if you already have an idea regarding our lesson. Be sure to finish the Pre-
Test. Good luck!

Activity 1. CONNEC OR TION

Write the word CONNECT in the space provided if the statement is correct and
write the word TION if the statement is wrong.

__________1. Comparing and Contrasting is an organizational skill used to arrange

information in such a way that it can be understood or presented more
__________2. To compare two or more elements is to find differences between
them, while to contrast two or more elements is to find similarities.

__________3.Venn diagrams are particularly not suitable for displaying
comparisons as they can usefully display areas of difference, as well
as any overlapping similarities.
__________4. To create an effective and conclusive comparison out of numerous
information, you have to use conjunctions and transitions words.
__________5. You have to consider different sources of information in terms of
accessibility and effectiveness in comparing and contrasting.
__________6.One way to evaluate the effectiveness of a source, it to have an
accurate information.

Score: 3-5-Amazing! You have a good store of knowledge.

2-below- Don’t worry! You’ll soon learn more about these things.

Nice try! You’ll have a better understanding of these things in the succeeding
pages. However, before we discuss this new topic. Let’s see whether you still
remember what you’ve learned in the previous module.

III. Lesson Proper

Look Back

Activity 2. Writer’s Intention

Read the following text and identify the author’s purpose. Write your answer on
the space provided.

Text Author’s Purpose

“In the event of a crash landing, each passenger
should ensure that their seat belt is securely
fastened and tuck their arms, legs, and head into
their body.”
The death penalty is a good deterrent for
criminals. Beyond that, it is fair because the
Bible supports "an eye for an eye." We need to
keep the death penalty on the books.
The Philippines’ economic growth outlook
remains positive, yet downside risks have
increased. An expected slowdown in global
trade in the medium term is likely to further
dampen Philippine exports.
“The zombie horde shambled up the hill in
pursuit of its prey, an injured pony whose
frightened whinnies incited a virtual zombie
Source: Excelsior Online Writing Lab (OWL). Evaluating an Author’s Intent.

Score: 3-5-Amazing! You studied very well!!

2-below- Oh no! You need to revisit your previous lesson.

Good job! As a reader, it is important if you know the author’s reasons for
writing. In this module, you will come across with different information from variety of
sources. The skill of knowing the writer’s purpose will a necessary tool as you evaluate
these pieces of writing. To prepare you, here are some words that your about to
encounter in the next page.

Building Your Vocabulary

Activity 3. Figure Out the Unknown

Select the meaning of the highlighted/underlined word with the help of context
clues. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Everyone knows that tobacco use can have disastrous consequences on

your health.
a. a place somewhere in Albay
b. a plant that produces leaves which are smoked in cigarettes, pipes etc.
c. a machine that produces smoke
d. in ingredients for cooking
2. Smoking can alter your senses of smell and taste.
a. to manage c. to change
b. to spread d. to fix
3. Smoking condemns you to a life of repeatedly trying to suppress feelings of
a. to give (someone) a gift
b. to give (someone) a contract
c. to give (someone) a blessings
d. to give (someone) a usually severe punishment
4. It condemns you to a life of repeatedly trying to suppress feelings of
a. to continue c. to end
b. to allow d. to keep
5. Smoking during pregnancy can adversely affect fetal development.
a. a new life or microorganism
b. parts of a living thing
c. a very small amount of something new
d. of or relating to a developing animal or human being that is not yet bor

Score: 3-5-Amazing! You studied very well!

2-below- Oh no! You need to improve your vocabulary skills.

That was a good effort! You will learn more about those words as you proceed
with the activities. Now, ready yourself in acquiring new skills as you create
meaningful connections in your readings.

Study These

 What is compare and contrast?

First, we should define comparison and contrast. To compare two or more
elements is to find similarities between them, while to contrast two or more
elements is to find differences. There are several different kinds of comparison
and contrast essays. You can just compare, just contrast, or find comparisons and
contrasts. Usually, the purpose is to make a decision or judgment about the
elements based on the similarities and/or differences that you consider. For
example, you may want to decide which candidate to support in an election. To
make your decision, you will need to compare and contrast the candidates based
on their positions on issues important to you.

Don’t worry.
If you need more
information about
compare and
contrast, click the
link for additional
Read:http://www.readwritethin Read:https://hindscc.instructur
Now, let’s
put what you’ve es/compcontrast/ 82533/download?wrap=1
learned into practice.

Activity 4. Detecting Distinction

Go to the kitchen and find any fruit or Points for Comparison:
vegetable. Describe it using your five senses.  Category (Fruit/Vegetable)
Then, compare it with the picture in the next  Shape, color
page.Use your previous knowledge about the  Texture
picture or ask someone to give you enough  Smell
information. Make a list of your observations.  Taste
English Name:_________________ Local Name: _________________
My Observations:

Source: Tomas Castelazo. Red hot chilli ______________________________________________
wiki/File:Red_hot_chilli_peppers.jpg __________
Did you know that eating chili peppers could help treat lung cancer?Find more about it here:

English Name:_________________ Local Name: _________________
(Draw the fruit or vegetable here.) My Observations:


Good job! You are a keen observer. Keep it up! It will be very useful as you
go on with the next discussions. Meanwhile, take note of these benefits of
comparative thinking to enhance your intellectual ability.

 Importance of Comparative Thinking

Compare and contrast type questions are commonly featured in standardized

tests, but there are many more reasons for students like you to develop your
comparative thinking skills than just passing tests. A few of the most compelling
reasons include:
● develop higher-order thinking skills
● improve comprehension in the process while focusing closely on the details
● long-term retention of learned material
● better understanding on how to organize information and think more clearly
● develop effective writing skills

 Graphic organizers for comparing and contrasting

Graphic organizers like Venn diagram and the ones below are particularly suitable
for displaying comparisons as they can usefully display areas of difference, as well as any
overlapping similarities.

Venn diagram Table

Top hat organizer Y-organizer

Have you forgotten how to use these graphic organizers? Review your previous
lesson in Module 2.
Now, let’s try to level up your skill. In the previous discussions, when you
compare and contrast subjects, they are usually of the same category/medium (e.g.
two characters, two compositions). In the next activity, try to compare and contrast
information that are presented in two different mediums. Good luck!

Activity 5. Instigating an Investigation

Compare and contrast two sources of information (your own observation and
the contents of an article) First, observe your family members how they make
themselves healthy. You may ask them some questions to better understand their
actions and beliefs on healthy living. Then, read the following article about Habits That
Keep You Healthy. Take note of the key points, and compare and contrast them to
your observations. Choose from the abovementioned graphic organizers to present
your ideas.
Write your observations about your family here: (Please use another sheet if necessary.)

Habits That Keeps You Healthy

For keeping your body and mind healthy you have to follow certain rules that will
help you achieve your goal. Besides, there are certain measures that will help you to stay
First of all, for being healthy you have to plan and follow a strict diet. This diet
should contain all the essential minerals and vitamins required by the body. Also, eat
only healthy food and avoid junk and heavily carbohydrate and fatty food.
In addition, wake up early in the morning because first of all, it’s a healthy habit.
Secondly, waking up early means you can get ready for your work early, spend some
quality time with your family. Besides, this decides time for your sleep and sleep early
because it de-stresses body.
Doing exercise regularly makes your body more active and it also releases the
pent-up stress from the muscles.
Avoid the mobile- the biggest drawback of this generation is that they
are obsessed with their mobile phones. Moreover, these phones cause many physical
and mental problem for them. So, to avoid the negative effects of mobile the usage
volume of them should be reduced.
Connecting with positive minds because the more you indulge with these people
then less you will go to the negative side.
Source: Excerpted from Essay on Healthy Lifestyle For Students and Children.

(Use this space for your graphic organizer.)

 Conjunctions and Transition Words

In the next pages, you will be encountering topics that can be presented
in different mediums and viewpoints. To create an effective and conclusive
comparison out of numerous information, you have to use conjunctions and
transitions words.

Comparison Words Contrast Words

like* Similarly but * In contrast
likewise* Likewise yet* Conversely
same as* In the same manner although * Dissimilarly
also, too* In like manner even though* Nevertheless
both* In the same way whereas* However
On the other hand
*Note: These are all conjunctions and can be used to link clauses within a
sentence. However, the rest of the connectives in the list are not conjunctions
but connecting adverbs/transition words and should only be used to link
separate sentences.
Arman loves basketball but his brother Amir loves volleyball.
Arman loves basketball. However, his brother Amir loves volleyball.

Activity 6. The Missing Link

Identify the appropriate conjunctions/transitions words to complete the
following sentences. Write your answer on the space provided

1. Abegail is wearing a pink dress, __________ Anna is wearing a blue one.

2. _________ the book and the movie open with the same scene.
3. Andrew likes vegetable, __________ Emily can’t stand it.

4. I brought a cake. Joey, ____________, brought pie.
5. _________ Eddie and Fred are members of our basketball team.
6. These home-made cookies are delicious. ___________, this butter cake is
very flavorful.
7. Watering new plants is necessary for growth. ___________, too much water
can ruin them.
8. Tim has a lot of opinions; Blake, ___________, never tells me what he thinks.
9. Willie knows the answer. _________, he’s too shy to raise his hand.
10.Tubbataha Reef is one of six UNESCO World Heritage Sites in
the Philippines _________ Puerto Princesa Underground River.

Score: 7-10 -Amazing! You studied very well!

7-4 – Good!! Practice more and you’ll nail it!
3-below- Oh no! You need to revisit your previous lesson.

Enrichment Activities

Still confused on how to start? Relax. Take it easy. As a student, you need
to sharpen your reading and research skills. The ability to compare and contrast
ideas found in multiple sources will enable you to identify conflicting information
and consistent information and critically evaluate sources.
Comparing and contrasting information from multiple sources allows you
to create a comprehensive view of topics. This may sound as “better said than
done” but just hang on. I got your back. From this point you’ll learn how to write
a comparison and contrast essay step-by-step.

Activity 7: Prewriting (Step 1-Note Taking)

Analyze the infographic on the next page about effects of smoking and read an
article on the same subject taken from Record as much information as
possible in note form or bullet points. Then, answer the following questions:

Title Title
Author/Publisher Author/Publisher
Contents Contents

1. What is the
infographic and article
all about?

2. How is the information


3. Which is more
infographic, or the article
that you read? Why?

4. Which source of
information is more
accessible? Why?
>>Source: US Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. Electronic
Cigarettes.https://commons.wikime CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)

Article: An Excerpt fromThe harmful effects of smoking on health and well-being

Clearly, cigarettes have a major impact on the lungs. An estimated 85% of
cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and of lung cancer are
caused by smoking. About a third of all cancer cases are due to smoking,
 Cancer of the esophagus
 Cancer of the mouth
 Cancer of the uterus
 Bladder cancer
 Stomach cancer
 Pancreatic cancer
Tobacco use is also a significant cause of heart disease. In fact, smoking
considerably increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Smoking can also affect fertility. In addition, smoking during pregnancy can
adversely affect fetal development, for example, increase the likelihood of
premature birth and low birth weight.

Apart from the serious health consequences mentioned above, smoking can
also impact your everyday life. It can affect your breathing, causing coughing and
shortness of breath. It increases the risk of respiratory tract infection, including
bronchitis. All of these occurrences can significantly reduce your quality of life.
Smoking can also affect you in many other ways, for example:
 It can alter your senses of smell and taste
 It reduces your ability to perform physical exercise and your energy level
 It has an adverse impact on your physical appearance (yellow teeth,
prematurely aged skin, unpleasant odour, and so on)
 It condemns you to a life of repeatedly trying to suppress feelings of
 It exposes you to a greater risk of depression and anxiety
 It affects your relationships with family, friends, and colleagues
Smoking also entails considerable financial costs, both at the personal level
and for the health system.
If you are a slave to cigarettes, please know that it is never too late to stop
smoking. With help and a good action plan, everyone can quit smoking for good.
If you achieve this objective, you’ll notice its benefits in the first few days. Over
time, your risk as an ex-smoker for developing tobacco-related diseases falls to
the level associated with lifetime non-smokers. Make the right choice for your
health and quit smoking now!
Source: Excerpted from .The harmful effects of smoking on health and well-being.

Well done! It’s quite challenging but it’s worth the shot. You’ll learn more if
you challenge yourself. As an African Proverb says “Smooth seas do not make
skilful sailors.” Don’t be scared of obstacles, these will make you a better learner.

Activity 8. Identify Similarities and Differences in the Content (Step 2)

Based on the information that you have extracted, identify the similarities and
differences between the infographic and article. Use Venn Diagram to visually display the
Infographic Article

Activity 9. Craft the Connections (Step 3)
Based on your answers on Activity 2, write five sentences that show
comparison and five sentences that show contrast. Use appropriate conjunctions and
connecting adverbs.

Great job! After completing all those tasks, you are now able to master the skills
in comparing and contrasting. Soon you’ll be equipped with skills that will be helpful
especially in research where you need to be a critical thinker.


Well, you’re almost there. Keep going! Just don’t forget all things you’ve learned
in this module. You’ll be needing them as you make a huge breakthrough in your

Activity 10. Complete Me!

Complete the following sentences below: Write two (2) to three (3) sentences.
1. I realized that this lesson will help me __________________________________
2. Comparing and contrasting using varied sources is important because ________
3. Comparing and contrasting is essential for making connections because ______


Congratulations! You’ve made this far. This suggests that you’re now ready to
take on challenges that would not just benefit you but also those who are around you.
Activity 11. A Well-informed Citizen
Instructions: Make an illustration entitled “Normal vs. New Normal”. Compare
and contrast your life before COVID and our current situation right now. Write a
minimum of 5 sentences explanation about your illustration.

(Use this space for your illustration and explanation.)

IV. Assessment

Test Yourself
Brace yourself for the ultimate test! Let’s see whether you have learned from
the module. Good luck!

In addition to
the information
that you have ga-
thered from the
previous discus-
sions, analyse the
following sources
through compare-
and-contrast me-

Then, write a
paragraph that
states your con-
clusions about the
reasons why we
must avoid
Source 1: Infographic smoking.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Risks form smoking-smoking can
damage every part of the body. Retrieved

Source 2: Text

Cigarette smoke contains around 4,800 chemicals, 69 of those can cause cancer. The
effects of using tobacco are wide and varied but all of them are dangerous to every user's
health. A study done by the American Lung Association states that smokers die significantly
earlier than non-smokers. Smoking men and women have an average of 14 years of less life
than a person who doesn't use tobacco. Human beings are supposed to do all they can to
extend their lives. Yet people still make the choice to use tobacco and other abusive
substances. A few dangerous diseases one could get by using tobacco include: coronary heart
disease, lung, oral, throat, kidney, and pancreatic cancer, and even COPD. The list goes on
and on and most of them can leave a person scared for life. Smoking is unacceptable in
general, but doing it while pregnant is even worse. Just under eleven percent of all pregnant
women smoke. Using tobacco while pregnant accounts for ten percent of all infant deaths.
Smoking is obviously terrible. All of these facts plainly support that simple statement.

If one person smokes, the whole building smokes! Whether that statement describes
a house, a place of work, or an apartment building, smoking affects everyone in the near
vicinity. The more prominent example of the three would be an apartment building. What would
happen if a tobacco user decided to smoke in a building full of families and young children?
The smoke that is released from the cigarette has the possibility of infiltrating the homes where
young children are playing. Secondhand smoke is not something to joke about. It's just as
bad, if not worse than directly inhaling tobacco on a regular basis. Secondhand smoke occurs
when one person exhales a smoke cloud and that cloud makes its way to another person.
That other person could be baby sleeping in the apartment next door, a teenager doing
homework the floor directly above the smoker, or even an elderly lady knitting in her room
across the hall. It could happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Thirdhand smoke occurs when
the actual smoke permeates a person's clothes and anyone who takes a sniff, inhales particles
of tobacco. This is a much more widespread problem than secondhand smoke because one
person can carry the scent of smoke wherever he or she goes. In the elevator, through a
hallway, in the lobby, the possibilities of meeting someone who smokes are endless and that
increases the chance of inhaling tobacco. Only the actual smoker has the power to stop
second and thirdhand smoke. They have to take the initiative to not harm other people and
quit bringing dangerous tobacco to innocent humans.

Source: Excerpted from B Ballarad, Anti-smoking essay,1st place, 2012.

Retrieved from:

(Write your answer here:)

V. Enrichment/ Additional Tasks

Enrich Yourself

Practice your ability to compare and contrast multiple things. Here’s another set
of sources that discuss similar topic. Write a compare-and-contrast paragraph with a
conclusive idea. Use a separate paper for your write-up.

Source 1: Infographic Source 2: Video

Watch on Youtube:
Video Transcription:
7 Ways To Get Past Nicotine Cravings

Carvings usually last for 10 minutes. Everytime you

get through one, your that much closer to quitting
for good.

1. Steer Clear of Triggers

-If you usually smoke while talking on the phone, try
doodling or coloring instead.
2. Set a Timer
-Instead of giving, wait 10 minutes while you find
something to distract yourself
3. Chew Something
-Busy your mouth by chewing sugarless gum or
munching on raw carrots.
4. Run and Don Stairs
-As if you need another reason to exercise. Even a
short burst can curb a craving
5. Call or Surf For Support
-Text a friend or call a quitline. Read blogs by
quitters and post motivating comments.
6. Discover New ways to De-stress
-Try yoga, Deep-breathing, massage or music. You
might be surprised how well they work.
7. Review you reasons
-Review yourself why you want to quit. There’s no
Source: better motivation
(Write your answer here:)


VI. Key

(Student’s observation may vary.)

 Taste - spicy
 Smell - strong, sharp
 Texture - smooth, firm, slightly wrinkled
 Shape, color – long, thin, bright red
 Category - Fruit
Local Name: Sili (Filipino)
English Name: Chili Pepper
(Given Picture)
Activity 4. Detecting Distinction

5. A
4. C 4. to entertain
3. D 3. to inform
2. C 2. to persuade
1. B 1. to explain or instruct
Activity 3. Figure Out the Unknown Activity 2. Writer’s Intention

6.CONNECT – (True)
5.CONNECT – (True)
4.CONNECT -(True)
3.TION - (False) Suitable
2.TION - (False) compare-similarities; contrast - differences
1.CONNECT - (True)
Activity 1. CONNECT OR TION (True or False)

(Answers may vary.) 4.
(Answers may vary.)
If article, it is comprehensive.
3. If infographic, it is systematic and easy to the eyes.
in paragraph/essay form.
2. In the infographic, the information is presented in bullet form and with pictures while the article is
consequences of smoking.
1. The infographic is about the effects of using e-cigarettes while the article discusses the health
Guide Questions:
Activity 7: Prewriting

10. same as
9. However
8. on the contrary
7. However
6. Likewise
5. both
4. on the other hand
3. whereas
2. both
1. but
Activity 6. The Missing Link

(Student’s observation may vary.)

Find people with positive minds 5.

Avoid the mobile gadgets 4.
Exercise regularly 3.
Wake up and sleep early 2.
Plan and follow a strict diet 1.

Rules in keeping your body and mind healthy:

Key points in the article:

Activity 5. Instigating an Investigation


1. Tomas Castelazo. Red hot chilli peppers. Retrieved from:
2. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Electronic Cigarettes, What is
the bottom line informational CDC. Retrieved from:,_What_is_the_
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Risks form smoking-smoking can
damage every part of the body. Retrieved from:
4. Marcus Hill. Infographic: Benefits of Kicking the Smoking Habit. Retrieved from:
5. Kidaha. Student reading. Retrieved from:

6. JanBaby. Icons for web development. Retrieved from:

1. Dicitionary-Merriam-Webster. Retrieved from:


1. Excelsior Online Writing Lab (OWL). Evaluating an Author’s Intent.
2. World Bank. Staying in the Course Amid Global Uncertainty.
3. Persuasive Writing Examples.
4. Speights, A.L. How to Write a Comprison and Contrast Essay. Retrieved from:
5. Importance of Comparative Thinking. Retrieved from:
6. Conjunctions, connecting adverbs and comparing and contrasting adjectives.
Retrieved from:
7. The Harmful Effects of Smoking on Health and Well-being. Retrieved from:
8. Ballard, B. Anti-smoking essay, 1st place winner. Retrieved from:

1. Mayo Clinic. 7 ways to get past nicotine cravings. Retrieved from:


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