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"Today many big organizations are sitting on large chunks of data, not
knowing what to do with it. They invite consultants & business analysts
to have a look at data and come up with insights that could help the
organization run their business better. There is no clear set of
instructions in such open-ended problems and it is expected of the
consultant to do a lot of exploration first and formulate the problems
themselves. These DVT projects fall into the bucket of such open-ended
problems and a specific problem statement has not been given
intentionally. It is expected of students to explore the data and come up
with good insights. There is no right and wrong answer here. There
should a clear logical story which should come out of their submission."
 Consider that you are a Lead Data Analyst at an Insurance Claims
company that has provided you with the Car Insurance Claims dataset.
You have been given a task to explore the data, create different plots and
interpret useful insights/findings. Your end goal here will be to create a
storyboard that you have to present to the Senior Management and the
story has to have an end objective and should follow a logical flow to
display that you are heading towards achieving the end objective. This
will help the Senior Management in taking some decisive actions on the
current claims system in place. This storyboard will be an open-ended
story for you to explore various different features in the data and try to
showcase different plots. Make sure to have minimum clutter in the
plots, follow a consistent color scheme across all the plots, and use
proper colors to highlight a specific insight. Moreover, your plots on all
the dashboards should be interactive and responsive. There should be 1
dashboard that should cover the summary of the story as well as your


Car Owner and Driver are same

Amounts are in Dollars ($)
ID Identification Variable
Number of teenagers among the car owner's
children who can drive a car.
BIRTH Date of birth of the driver
HOMEKIDS No of children the car owner has
Years on Job. How many years has the owner of
the car been working?
INCOME Income of the driver
PARENT1 Is the car owner a Single Parent
HOME_VAL Value of the house owned by the car owner
MSTATUS Marital status of the car owner
GENDER Gender of the driver
EDUCATION Maximum Education level of the driver
OCCUPATION Occupation of the driver
TRAVTIME Time taken to get to work on an average
CAR_USE Purpose of using the car
What is the worth of the car. Value of the
Vehicle(in dollars)
CAR_TYPE Car type
OLDCLAIM Total claim (in past 5 years - in dollars)
CLM_FREQ Number of claims (in past 5 years)
If car was in a crash, what is the currently claimed
amount(in dollars)
CAR_AGE Age of car
URBANICITY Where the car is being driven primarily

Importing data from Excel to Tableau:

 The data is cleaned before performing the calculations.

Calculated fields are created to perform different actions:

 Range for the age of the car is created.

 For the Claim amount ranges are created from <4000 up to >10000.
 Income range is also been created to group the data that falls under particular


 The first graph talks about the income among the gender group. And we see
that the income for female category is high.
 The second graph talks about the income range in highly rural and highly
urban area. We notice that the income ranging <100000 has high population in
highly urban area.

 From the above graph we see income across education. In female category we
see that income ranging <100000 and has done high school has more
numbers. Which follows even for male category.
 The above graph talks about income across occupation. For both female and
male category, we see that income ranging <100000 working for blue collar
has more numbers.

 The above dashboard describes the numbers for the female category. In the
first graph we see the income for female category is hight. In the second graph
we see only the education for female category, who has done high school has
maximum numbers. In the third graph it talks about the occupation and
maximum females have opted for blue collars. In the fourth chart it talks
about the income distribution for the female category and maximum females
earn ranging less that <100000.

 The first graph talks about the type of car use amongst the female and male
category. Most of the females opt for SUV and males opt for Minivan.
 The second graph tells about the type of car is purchased across income.

 The third the graph talks about the travel time taken and for what purpose its
used for. Under private sector, SUV has the maximum travel time and under
commercial sector, pickup has the maximum travel time.
 The fourth graph tells about the worth of each car.
 The above dashboard clearly points out about the maximum brought and use
of the car amongst the female category. we see that SUV has the maximum
numbers in all the four graphs.

 The first graph shows that from both female and male category the value of
the house owned by the car owner is high in urban areas.
 The second graph talks about the marital status of both male and female
category. We see that those who have marital status has yes, have maximum

 The third graph talks about the value of the house owned by single parent,
who has least numbers compared to the ones leaving together as a couple.
 The last graph clearly gives the count. We see highly urban has maximum
numbers and is topped by female category.

 The above dashboard is split for the male category under highly urban
area. Which is the second highest. From the second chart we see that
those males who are married has high value of the house owned
compared to that of males who are not married. The third chart shows
those males who are together has a couple has maximum numbers. The
last chart gives the count for the number of males who live in urban


 From the above the graph we see that those cars whose age is less that
10 years and the claim amount ranging between 4000-8000 has
maximum numbers.

 From the above chart we see that those cars whose claim amount is less
than 4000 and the car age is less than 10 has maximum numbers and
the minimum is for those cars whose age is above 20 years.
 The above graph shows the numbers for old claims. Maximum old
claims is the claim amount ranging less the 4000.

 From the above graph we see that those cars across car worth choses
claim policy ranging less that 4000.
 From the above dashboard the filters is applied for those cars who has
opted for claim amount less than 4000. From the first chart we see that
SUV car with the age of the car less than 10 years has maximum claim
amount. The second chart is claim frequency and is again topped by
SUV car. The third chart talks about the old claims, we see that SUV
and Minivan whose car age is less than 10 has maximum old claims.
The last chart shows the car worth across car age an is topped by
minivan whose claim amount is less than 4000.

 The first chart tells about the marital status amongst the female and
male category. Which is topped by female.
 The second chart gives the count of number of kids across the marital

 The third chart gives the count for married and single parent who has
 The fourth chart gives a count for marital status and single parent
whose kids know to drive car.
 The above dashboard gives us the details for the male category whose marital
status is yes. The second graph gives the total count for number of kids for the
male category whose marital status is yes. The third graph gives a count for
male category. the last graph gives the count males who are married and
whose kids know to drive the car.
STORY- Female has high percentage compared to Male.

 The above table shows the count for female category which is higher than the
male category.

 The above chart gives the count for the different car type used by the female
category. The most opted car is SUV amongst the female category.
 The above chart talks about the number of females who live in rural and
urban area and gives the count against the male numbers.

 The above chart gives a count of numbers for the marital status for female
category. We see the number is more for the marital status which is yes.

 The above dashboard gives the clear picture for the female category against
the male category. from the over all data we see that the female car owners
are more when compared to the males car owner. Most of the females have
opted for SUV cars compared to other car types. Those females whose marital
status is yes is more in numbers and most of the females live in urban area
compared to rural area.

Criteria Recommendation:
 Price range for car types: Insurance for SUV/Pickup/Minivan and Panel
truck is at higher premium.
 Income range: Insurance for lower income range should not be high as it will
deter the customer from coming.
 Based on past claims: Insurance for customer with lower past claims should
lead to lower premium, compare to customers who has incurred high past
 Based on car worth and car age: Insurance for cars that are aging should have
slightly lower premium than new cars.

LINK: Tableau link

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