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Give the definition of synonyms and
antonyms, their types and classification.
Synonymy is the coincidence in the essential meaning of
words which usually preserve their differences in
connotations and stylistic characteristics.
Synonyms are two or more words belonging to the same
part of speech and possessing one or more identical
or nearly identical denotational meanings,
interchangeable in some contexts.
face, visage,

the front of the head

The majority of frequent words are
polysemantic and it is precisely the
frequent words that have many synonyms.
The result is that a polysemantic word may
belong in its various meanings to several
different synonymic groups.
The semantic structures of two
polysemantic words sometimes
coincide in more than one
meaning, but never completely.
Criteria of synonymity
is interchangeability.

It is solely based on the linguistic

intuition of the analyst.
Classification of

ideographic and stylistic

Ideographic synonyms denote different shades of
meaning or different degrees of a given quality.

beautiful - fine - handsome -


choose, select, opt, elect,

Stylistic synonyms differ not so much
in denotational as in emotive value
or stylistic sphere of application.

maid for girl, bliss for happiness,

steed for horse, quit for leave

to begin - to fire away, to eat - to devour, to steal - to

pinch, face - muzzle

Total synonyms are those fatherland - motherland,

members of a synonymic suslik- gopher, noun -
group that can replace substantive, functional
affix - flection,
each other in any given inflection, scarlet fever –
context, without the scarlatina

slightest alteration in
denotative meaning or
emotional meaning and
connotations. They are very rare
Relative Synonyms
they denote different
degree of the same
notion or different
shades of meanings and
can be substituted
ask - beg - implore, or like -
love - adore, gift -talent -
only in some contexts.
genius, famous - celebrated-
One of the sources
of synonymy is

Native English: to ask, to end,

to rise, teaching, belly.
French Borrowings: to question,
to finish, to mount, guidance,
Latin borrowings: to interrogate,
to complete, to ascend,
instruction, abdomen.
Antonyms аrе words belonging to
the same part of speech different
in sound, and characterised by
semantic polarity of their
denotational meaning.

Large and little or small

Complementaries are words characterised
only by a binary opposition which may
have only two members

Conversives are words which

denote one and the same referent
as viewed from different points
of view, that of the subject and buy-sell, give-receive
that of the object
A hyperonym is a generic term
Hyponomy is the semantic which serves as the name of the
relationship of inclusion general as distinguished from the
existing between elements of names of the species-hyponyms.
various levels.

vehicle includes car, bus, taxi
Seminar questions:
1.Synonymy.Classification of Synonyms.
2.Antonyms. Classification.
3.Lexico-semantic Groups and Semantic Fields.

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