(문법) Chapter 1. 문장의 기초

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Grammar Workbook 2

Chapter 1 문장의 형식

Unit 01 1형식

다음 [ ]안에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.

1. We [jog / jog for] our health everyday morning.

2. I drive carefully [for bad weather / bad weather].

3. The light of my room went out [sudden / suddenly].

4. There [is / are]a horse in the stable that Jane loves much.

5. He ran [rapid / rapidly] not to be late.

6. [Study / To study] in the morning works effectively.

7. A boy who lives in AD apartment goes to the park [with friends / friends].

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

8. Lora [looked / was looked] sad.

9. My dog is [run / running] across the lobby.

10. He [failed / was failed] the test.

11. Greg turned the pages [rough / roughly].

12. They [graduated / graduated from] Hankuk high school.

13. It [happened / was happened] in front of me.

14. The event [begins / is begun] at ten.

15. You shouldn't [lie / lie to] me.

16. She didn't listen [careful / carefully].

17. My father usually [agrees / agrees with] my mother.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 [ ]안에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.
18. A boy [runs / runs at] the beach.

19. Many students [live / live in] California.

20. [To study / Study] hard pays.

21. [Selling / Sell] goods does well.

22. There [are / is] many books in his room.

밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

23. An angry father yelled his son.

24. I work at the gym in the morning regular.

25. My mom went Singapore to meet her friend.

26. Travel all over the world pays.

27. A robbery ran away London after robbing the bank.

밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

28. There was a key the table.

29. The boy is swimming the pool that his father made.

30. Tom beside the door waited his girlfriend.

31. Run fast works well.

32. She woke early today because of she has a meeting.

33. The telephone were ringing continuous while I was sleeping in my room.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
Unit 02 2형식

다음 [ ]안에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.

34. The boy kept [silent / silently] while his mother was calling.

35. You and I will [become into / become] famous actors.

36. The shoes given by mom looked [nice / nicely].

37. He [looks / looks like] a famous singer after winning the festival.

38. My computer got [break / broken] because of damage.

39. Roses that I bought yesterday smelled so [sweet / sweetly].

40. Jane got [tired / tire] with many homeworks.

[ ] 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

41. Dongyeop’s story sounds [interesting / interestingly].

42. Hodong felt very [hungry / hungrily].

43. Kyeongrim’s voice [looks / sounds] a little strange.

44. The potato pizza [smells / feels] good.

다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 말을 고르시오.

45. The boy looked ______________.
① happy ② brave
③ like Lee Jun-gi ④ very confident
⑤ a cartoon character

46. That ______________ great.

① looks ② sounds
③ watches ④ smells
⑤ tastes

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 [ ]안에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.
47. The food that he makes looks [bad / badly].

48. To exercise regularly is [well / good] for your health.

49. My brother [is a famous dentist / a famous dentist is] in Texas.

50. [To enter / Enter] Seoul University is Tom's dream.

51. The movie 'Avatar' was very [excitement / exciting].

52. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?

KCM's new song sounds ______________.
① calmly ② lovely
③ greatly ④ sadly
⑤ beautifully

53. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 어색한 것은?

① He looks friendly.
② Chocolates taste sweetly.
③ This perfume smells too strong.
④ I feel so bored.
⑤ They look very nice.

54. 다음 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?

지훈이는 멋지고 건강해 보인다.
① Jihun looks well and healthily.
② Jihun looks good and healthy.
③ Jihun looks good and healthily.
④ Jihun looks well and healthy.
⑤ Jihun looks good and health.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
55. 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 할 때, 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?
드라마 ‘별’은 재미있어 보인다.
→ The drama Star looks ______________.
① interesting ② interested
③ interestingly ④ be interesting
⑤ be interested

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

56. He kept [swimming / swim] for an hour.

57. Mary [is resembled / resembles] her grandmother.

58. The secret is [use / of use].

59. They remained [stand / standing] there.

60. Harrison seems [to be / be] excited.

61. A sense of purpose is [importance / of importance].

62. I can make your dream come [true / truely].

63. David went [mad / madly].

64. She noticed that milk went [bad / wrong].

65. Something went [wrong / wrongly].

우리말과 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

66. 나는 무척 졸리다.
I feel very ______________.

67. 그 여배우는 매우 어려 보인다.

The actress ______________ very young.

68. 이 생선은 상한 냄새가 난다.

This fish ______________ bad.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.
69. Why did you look sadly?

70. My mom was angrily owing to my careless behavior.

71. He looks my boyfriend working at the post office located in New York.

72. I was so bore during this summer vacation because I couldn't play outside with bad

73. She looks very prettily with neat clothes and blonde hair.

74. He is so kindly to his colleagues at the office.

75. The soup tastes badly.

76. The cloth smells smooth.

우리말과 뜻이 같도록 [ ] 안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

77. 그녀는 겁먹은 것처럼 보였다. [scared]
She ________________________________________________________.

78. 이 케이크는 맛있는 냄새가 난다. [delicious]

This cake ________________________________________________________.

79. 꿀은 단맛이 난다. [sweet]

Honey ________________________________________________________.

80. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장은?

① Jiyong looks her mother.
② His story sounds truly.
③ This salad dressing tastes too sweet.
④ It smells badly.
⑤ The shirt feels too tightly to me.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
81. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?
A: How about playing KartRider?
B: That ______________ good.
① looks ② sounds
③ feels ④ smells
⑤ tastes

밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

82. The food what we made yesterday went badly with bad smell.

83. The news announced to employees sounds strangely.

84. He fell sleep just after lying on a soft bed.

85. My hope to travel over the world came truly in January last year.

86. My mom is well at cook the Korean dishes.

87. She who lives in our apartment is fame.

88. Mr. Smith looks busying with excessive works that his boss gave.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
Unit 03 3형식, 4형식

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

89. Mina wanted [be / to be] a heroine.

90. John thinks I love [him / he].

91. We must try [behave / to behave] better.

92. Charlie talked with [me / I].

93. Teachers want [to help / help] students.

94. They are looking for [she / her].

95. Would you mind [turn on / turning on] the radio?

96. Mike told [us / we] a scary story.

97. She enjoyed [to cook / cooking] pasta.

98. Tom thought [himself / he] genius.

밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고치시오.

99. John shows the correct direction us.

100. She pays the bill Tom.

101. Mary lends the book her sister.

102. His mother saves the salmon his father.

103. The teacher sends the mail his pupil.

104. The florist teaches the method Jane.

105. Caroline will buy a hat her boyfriend.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
106. Kristine brings the textbook to class Max.

107. Perry sells his clothes charity.

108. The art director offers the job the new student.

다음 [ ]안에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.

109. I can't afford [to have / having] a baby for the present.

110. I am going to [marry with / marry] a pretty woman next month.

111. He will give many books written by Hemingway [for me / to me].

112. I will [discuss / discuss about] that problem with him.

113. He will cook seaweed soup [for / to] his mother's birthday tomorrow.

114. Did Brad give the book [to, for] Jane?

115. She will make a vanilla shake [to, for] Mr. Lee.

116. May I ask a favor [for, of] you?

117. Tom taught English [to, for] me.

118. 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장은?

① My father bought me it.
② May I ask a favor of you?
③ The accident taught him a good lesson.
④ Will you get us three cokes?
⑤ The teacher told us several interesting stories.

119. 다음 주어진 문장을 3형식으로 바르게 고쳐 쓴 것은?

He showed me a text message.
① He showed me to a text message.
② He showed a text message for me.
③ He showed a text message to me.
④ He showed a text message by me.
⑤ He showed a text message of me.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 [ ]안에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.
120. I can't allow you [to smoke / smoking] in the my house.

121. He [showed to / showed]all his friends his girlfriend who work at bank with smile.

122. She [resembles with / resembles] her mother closely.

123. My mother [lent to / lent] her friend an interesting book.

124. My teacher forgave [his fault him / him his fault].

125. I [sent to / sent] my teacher a letter during summer vacation.

126. I will thank you [for / of] giving your hands to lift this box.

우리말과 뜻이 같도록 주어진 단어를 배열하시오.

127. 그는 나에게 사실을 말하지 않았다. [me, to, the truth]
He didn’t tell ________________________________________________________.

128. 그들은 너에게 얼마나 많은 질문을 했니? [ask, of, they, you]
How many questions did ________________________________________________________?

밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

129. Her sister likes to Chinese very much after travel to China.

130. Wendy will suggest some ideas me.

131. I confessed to I broke a dish to my mom.

132. My father forgave for my fault that made him angry.

두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

133. They will send the actor emails.
→ They will send emails __________________________________________.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
134. I didn’t tell your story to anyone.
→ I didn’t tell anyone __________________________________________.

135. The reporters asked the Hollywood star many questions.

→ The reporters asked many questions ________________________________________

밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

136. The merchant sell to us groceries such as cabbages, potatoes, pepper.

137. My father hunted after a rabbit in the forest.

138. I discussed on Hermann Hesse won Novel prize in Literature.

139. My friend envies of me my high performances.

140. They usually want eating their breakfast together at 8.

141. I will tell the story him.

142. Will you bring some mango juice of me?

143. His mom made an ice cream cake to Bill.

두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 문장을 완성하시오.

144. Mr. Johnson gave us many apples.
= __________________________________________

145. Mom bought me a yellow coat.

= __________________________________________

두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오. 그리도 우리말 뜻을 쓰시오.

146. He bought his sister a doll.
→ He bought a doll _________ his sister.

147. Please tell me the truth.

→ Please tell the truth _________ me.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
148. 다음 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?
그녀는 내게 테디 베어를 만들어 주었다.
① She made a teddy bear to me.
② She made me for a teddy bear.
③ She made a teddy bear for me.
④ She made for me a teddy bear.
⑤ She made a teddy bear of me.

149. 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것은?

① BoA asked a question of her manager.
② Mr. Hong teaches English for us.
③ Mother brought an umbrella to me.
④ Could I get a high chair for my son?
⑤ My teacher told his love story to us.

3형식은 4형식으로 4형식은 3형식으로 고치시오.

150. I bought him a toy truck.

151. Cathy gave us some books.

152. I made a doll for my sister.

문장의 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 넣으시오.

153. I bought a dress _________ her.

154. May I ask a favor _________ you?

155. Namsu gave some flowers _________ me.

156. Her sent an email _________ me.

157. My teacher showed some books _________ us.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
158. Parker stopped [to smoke / smoking] after wife's pregnancy.

159. We continued [work / working] after lunch time.

160. Rooms need [being / to be] kept clean.

161. Sally [married with / married] my brother.

162. Could you [pick up that / pick that up]?

163. He was expected [finishing / to finish] the project.

164. It should be [discussed / discussed about].

165. The company postponed [announce / announcing] the bad news.

166. She denied [to have / having] met the victim.

167. Please [wake up me / wake me up] at 5 am.

다음 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 할 때, 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

My mother made me delicious cookies.
→ My mother made delicious cookies ______________ me.
① to ② for ③ of
④ with ⑤ at

The handsome boy asked me my cell phone number.
→ The handsome boy asked my cell phone number ______________ me.
① to ② for ③ of
④ with ⑤ at

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
Subin sent me some computer game items.
→ Subin sent some computer game items ______________ me.
① to ② for ③ of
④ with ⑤ at

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
Unit 04 5형식

다음 [ ]안에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.

171. She made [his son / to his son] a doctor.

172. He found her father [sad / sadly].

173. They wanted [to her / her to] come here.

174. She heard her name [to call / called].

175. They saw their daughter [come / to come] here.

다음을 우리말로 옮기시오.

176. I want you to be happy.

177. Please call me Kay.

178. She said that her mother always wanted her to be a doctor.

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

179. I had my hair ______________ yellow.
① dye ② dyed ③ to dye
④ dying ⑤ to be dyed

180. Let him ______________ his own way.

① have ② has ③ had
④ having ⑤ to have

181. 다음 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?

그는 내가 새 휴대폰을 사게 했다.
① He made me buy a new cell phone.
② He made buy a new cell phone for me.
③ He made me to buy a new cell phone.
④ He made me buying a new cell phone.
⑤ He made to buy a new cell phone to me.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
182. 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장은?
① He helped me download a new program.
② He let me join his team.
③ I’ll get him to go with us.
④ I had my new MP3 player stolen last night.
⑤ He had me to walk his dog.

183. 다음 중 어법상 알맞은 문장은?

① Please keep the classroom tidily.
② When do you want me call?
③ He told us to hand in our reports.
④ The baseball game made me angrily.
⑤ Her mother made she a dentist.

184. 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것은?

① Her bright smile makes him happy.
② When you go out, keep the door shut.
③ The doctor advised him stop smoking.
④ He told me to pay the money.
⑤ She called him a handsome guy.

185. 다음 중 문장의 형식이 나머지와 다른 하나는?

① She wants me to be a dancer.
② My mother ordered me to go to my room.
③ He made me a mug of hot chocolate.
④ The boy asked BoA to give him her autograph.
⑤ Hyojin found the soap opera very interesting.

밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

186. I consider to him a friend.

187. He helped me entering a college.

188. Kelly had her mother to cook food.

189. She had her dress clean.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 <보기>에서 각각 골라 쓰시오.
<보기> call happy ask keep
190. Her smile makes me ______________.

191. This hat will ______________ your head warm.

192. Mom and Dad ______________ me “a little pig.”

193. They ______________ us to stand up.

다음 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

194. My mother wants me be a fashion designer.

195. I made my room beautifully.

196. My boyfriend asked me not spending too much money.

다음 [ ]안에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.

197. I saw him [to play / playing] soccer.

198. They want me [to teach / teaching] them.

199. He felt her [to love / love] him.

200. I advise him not [to go / going] there.

201. My mother let me [to study / study] English hard.

202. Mom asked me [to prepare / preparing] a spoon.

203. She told me [to give / giving] her a delicious candy every day.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오.
204. What do you expect me ______________?
① say ② saying
③ to say ④ said
⑤ being said

205. Mr. Chang ordered him ______________ to his seat.

① go ② goes
③ going ④ to go
⑤ went

206. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 말은?

The news made me ______________.
① happy ② upset
③ angry ④ cheerful
⑤ sadly

밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

207. I saw to his splendid performance on the large stage.

208. He always hears John call her wooden chopsticks.

209. My grandmother allowed us visiting at her home.

210. My father advised terribly me focus on studying English.

211. She watched the sun to rise above the horizon.

212. The teacher got us clean the classroom.

213. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 모두 고르면? [두 개]

I watched him ______________ across the river.
① swim ② to swim
③ swimming ④ swam
⑤ was swimming

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
214. 다음 두 문장을 한 문장으로 바르게 연결한 것은?
• Mina was dancing.
• Minwoo was watching Mina.
① Minwoo was watching Mina dancing.
② Minwoo was watching Mina was dancing.
③ Minwoo watched Mina danced.
④ Minwoo was watching Mina danced.
⑤ Minwoo was watching Mina to dance.

215. 다음 중 어법상 알맞은 문장은?

① He had his car washing.
② Please get him call me back.
③ Let us keep the puppy.
④ I’ve never heard the song to play.
⑤ I saw him to eat a huge meal.

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

216. He regards his kitten [a sister / as a sister].

217. Amy leaved the door [open / openly].

218. It is impossible [going / to go] to an external galaxy.

219. We can make it easier [find / to find] the missing hat.

220. My daughters consider their pet [brave / bravely].

221. She thought it unfair [receiving / to receive] the same salary.

222. Kevin makes the audience [enthusiastic / enthusiastically].

223. The war makes the countries [chaotic / chaotically].

224. I cannot find it interesting [draw / to draw] cartoons.

225. Ms. Park considers time [critically / critical].

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
우리말과 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
226. 우리는 교실을 조용하게 유지해야 한다.
We must keep the classroom ______________.

227. 엄마는 내가 일찍 일어나기를 원하신다.

My mom wants me ______________ get up early.

228. 내 여자 친구는 가끔 나를 화나게 만든다.

My girlfriend sometimes makes me ______________.

밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고치시오.

229. Tom made me to talk about my family.

230. Grace saw me searched for my wallet.

231. Mr. Kim found the talk show amuse.

232. She noticed me looked at her painting.

233. Mary made her father to listen to the pop song.

234. He heard Philip to cry about his test.

235. Jessica found the lesson bore.

236. He felt a person to look at him through the glass.

237. They found me to talk to the dog.

다음 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것을 고르시오.

우리는 그 예쁜 소녀를 ‘얼짱’이라고 부른다.
① We call the pretty girl ‘Eoljjang.’
② We call the pretty girl to ‘Eoljjang.’
③ We call ‘Eoljjang’ to the pretty girl.
④ We call the pretty girl to be ‘Eoljjang.’
⑤ We call to ‘Eoljjang’ for the pretty girl.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
그 영화는 그녀를 수퍼스타로 만들었다.
① The movie made a superstar her.
② The movie made her a superstar.
③ The movie made her to a superstar.
④ The movie made to a superstar her.
⑤ The movie made her to be a superstar.

240. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 말은?

The teacher ______________ us solve the problems.
① had ② made ③ let
④ helped ⑤ wanted

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능

괄호 안에 문장이 몇 형식인지 쓰시오.

241. I can't understand this question. [ ]

242. My sister bought me a book. [ ]

243. The plane arrived very late yesterday. [ ]

244. I asked them to be quiet. [ ]

245. Tree leaves turn red in fall. [ ]

246. He became a great actor. [ ]

247. The kids made me angry. [ ]

248. She enjoys music. [ ]

249. They gave me flowers. [ ]

250. He told me to sit down. [ ]

다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말이 순서대로 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.

‧ I showed my passport ______________ him.
‧ My mom bought a sweater _______________ me.
① to - of ② of - for
③ to - for ④ for - to
⑤ for - for

‧ They let him ______________ the guitar in a band.
‧ The instructor asked me ______________ my arms.
① to play - stretch ② play - stretch
③ playing - stretch ④ play - to stretch
⑤ to play - stretching

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
253. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
‧ Kate ______________ her daughter a figure skater.
‧ Her mom ______________ her clean the table.
‧ She ______________ us ice cream for dessert yesterday.

254. 다음 괄호 안에 주어진 단어를 알맞은 형태로 빈칸에 쓰시오.

[1] The doctor advised me ________ in bed. [stay]
[2] Mom helped me _________ the basket. [carry]

괄호 안의 말을 순서대로 배열하시오.
255. [his, know, English, does, brother]?

256. [smells, this, sweet. flower].

257. [in, school, at, morning, the, eight, begins].

258. [made, John's, happy, brother, him].

259. [five, came, he, at, every, home, day].

두 문장이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

260. I wrote Jim a letter.
= I wrote a letter ______________ Jim.

261. She asked me some questions.

= She asked some questions ______________ me.

262. He bought his son a radio.

= He bought a radio ______________ his son.

263. He sent me a Christmas card.

= He sent a Christmas card ______________ me.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
264. My boy friend found it extremely ______________ to be rescheduled a baseball game
because of rain.
① disappoint ② to disappoint
③ disappointing ④ disappointment
⑤ disappointed

265. My brother's a college entrance exam scores seem ______________ to my parents.

① alarm
② alarming
③ alarmed
④ alarmingly
⑤ to alarmed

266. Jane allowed me ______________ tennis in the court.

① play
② playing
③ played
④ to play
⑤ plays

267. 다음 중 문장의 형식이 나머지와 다른 것은?

① Please sing us a song.
② He asked me to marry him.
③ She gave me a pretty doll.
④ He sent me a Christmas card.
⑤ I teach him English every Sunday.

268. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 순서대로 짝지어진 것은?

· I want you ________ to my birthday party.
· I heard him ________ in the bathroom.
① come - sing ② come - singing
③ coming - to sing ④ to come - singing
⑤ to come - to sing

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
My grandma told me an interesting story.
→ My grandma told an interesting story _______ me.

He bought Lucy a nice present.
→ He bought a nice present _______ Lucy.

271. 다음 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?

부모님은 내가 그 파티에 참석하도록 허락하지 않을 것이다.
① My parents will not let me attend the party.
② My parents will not let me attended the party.
③ My parents will not let me attending the party.
④ My parents will not let me to attend the party.
⑤ My parents will let not me attend the party.

다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

My daughter looked very ______________ today.
① sadly ② nicely ③ lovely
④ angrily ⑤ an angel

They allowed us ______________ in their garden.
① play ② playing ③ played
④ to play ⑤ to playing

274. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝 지어진 것은?

Kelly enjoys ______________ in the morning.
My father bought a red dress ______________ me.
① jogging - for
② jogging - to
③ jogging - of
④ to jog - by
⑤ to jog - for

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
275. 빈칸에 공통으로 쓸 수 있는 것은?
Many people expects ______________ find the truth.
My teacher told me ______________ write an essay.
① by
② for
③ of
④ to
⑤ in

다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

She made me ______________.
① sad ② laugh ③ happily
④ pleased ⑤ a judge

My mom ______________ me wash the dishes.
① had ② saw ③ made
④ asked ⑤ helped

278. 다음 중 문장의 형식이 <보기>와 같은 것은?

<보기> His teacher told him to go to college.
① The elephant walked very fast.
② He gave me a birthday present.
③ The boy's voice sounded excited.
④ I have four classes in the morning.
⑤ I watched an old lady crossing the street.

다음 우리말에 맞게 주어진 단어들을 바르게 배열하시오.

엄마는 내가 자전거를 타고 학교에 가게 만들었다.
[bike, me, by, made, go, to, Mom, school]
→ ________________________________

그녀는 그에게 열심히 공부하라고 충고했다.
[him, study, to, she, advised, hard]
→ ________________________________

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
281. 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 바꿔 쓸 수 없는 것은?
His dad told him to read a lot of books.
① made ② asked ③ expected
④ wanted ⑤ advised

282. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 나머지와 다른 하나는?

① Can you lend your bike _________ me?
② Her mom brought an umbrella _________ her.
③ I made seafood spaghetti _________ my children.
④ Mike teaches English every Sunday _________ us.
⑤ I showed my wedding photo _________ my friends.

283. 다음 두 문장을 한 문장으로 바르게 연결한 것은?

I heard them last night. They fought.
① I heard fight them last night.
② I heard them fight last night.
③ I heard to fight them last night.
④ I heard them to fight last night.
⑤ I heard them fought last night.

284. 의미가 같도록 바르게 전환한 것은?

He can give you good advice.
① He can give good advice you.
② He can give good advice to you.
③ He can give good advice of you.
④ He can give good advice for you.
⑤ He can give good advice about you.

285. 다음과 의미가 비슷한 것은?

It can give you happiness
① It can give happiness to you.
② It can give happiness for you.
③ It can give happiness of you.
④ It can give you to happiness.
⑤ It can give you for happiness.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 중 어법상 어색 한 것은?
① My parents allowed me to go to the party.
② I will become a diplomat in the Korean Embassy in Germany.
③ He can keep children silently.
④ My Indian friend wants to visit Korea again soon.
⑤ I don't know what she teach them.

① I consider her qualified.
② They were excited to hear the news that she won the match.
③ Do you want to exchange it for something?
④ My dream is to being the president like Abraham Lincoln.
⑤ I listen to music to feel relaxed.

288. 다음 문장에서 틀린 부분을 찾아서 바르게 고치시오.

The handsome man gives a red rose for me.

289. 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.

나의 오빠는 그의 친구들 보다 더 똑똑해 보인다.

290. 다음 나열된 단어들은 하나의 문장으로 완성 하시오.

My friend, me, ignores, with, is, upset, me, and, walk, by me, fast

의미가 통하도록 문장을 <보기>와 연결한 후 문장의 형식을 쓰시오.

<보기> in 1805. it to happen. he was a winner. me a book. free.
291. Admission is

292. Linda offered

293. Nelson died

294. I expected

295. I thought

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
서로 어울리는 것을 <보기>에서 찾아 연결하시오.
<보기> the door open? him not to be late. the train leaving the station. myself
understood. him captain. a dog bark?
296. They elected

297. Can you push

298. Did you hear

299. I can't make

300. I warned

301. We watched

302. 다음 4형식 문장을 3형식으로 고치시오.

[1] She gave me a cute doll.
→ ________________________________________________________
[2] I bought my mother her birthday present.
→ ________________________________________________________
[3] She asked her teacher English grammar.
→ ________________________________________________________

303. 다음 대화 중에서 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아서 바르게 고치시오.

A : Excuse me. Is it OK if I help you crossing the street?
B : Oh, thank you very much. It's very nice of you to help me.
A : Don't mention it. It's my pleasure.
B : In fact, I'm afraid of crossing the street.
A : I know how it feels.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
직접목적어와 간접목적어의 순서를 바꾸어서 다시 쓰시오.
304. She gave me a pretty doll.

305. Please sing us a song.

306. I teach him English every Sunday.

다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

307. The horse [fell, felled] down.

308. The school was [found, founded] in 1950.

309. He [said, told] me that he was very happy.

310. He [started, left] Seoul for Busan.

311. 다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

[1] She made a beautiful necklace to me.
_________ → ____________
[2] The chicken soup smells very deliciously.
_________ → ____________

312. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 알맞은 것은?

‧ I _________ my brother drawing.
‧ He _________ some children swim in the pool.
① let ② saw ③ made
④ asked ⑤ helped

어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 고치시오.

313. I have to help my brother doing his homework.

314. The clerk let the customers trying on the clothes.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
315. He looked at his son [happy, happily]

316. He looked [happy, happily] today.

317. She told the story [to, for] her friends.

318. Can I ask a favor [for, of] you?

319. He went [mad, madly] after his son died.

320. He went to the store [quick, quickly].

321. He bought a blouse [to, for] his wife.

322. James sent an email [to, for] me.

두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

323. My mom gives some money to me every day.
= My mom gives me ____________________________.

324. Mr. Smith taught me English last year.

= Mr. Smith taught English ____________________________.

325. He will buy his daughter a dress.

= He will buy a dress ____________________________.

326. My teacher showed some books to us.

= My teacher showed ______________ some books.

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

Amy looks ________.
① sad ② tired ③ angry
④ lovely ⑤ happily

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
Mr. White ________ me play the violin.
① let ② asked ③ made
④ watched ⑤ helped

329. 밑줄 친 부분을 괄호 안의 말로 바꾸어 주어진 문장을 다시 쓰시오.

Dad never allows me to stay out overnight. [let]
→ __________________________________

330. 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장은?

① Jessica called her dog Clara.
② David made his parents angry.
③ They heard somebody to shout.
④ They told him to visit them sometime.
⑤ The girl always keeps her room clean.

331. 다음 중 문장 전환이 잘못된 것은?

① Can I ask you a favor?
→ Can I ask a favor to you?
② History can teach us many things.
→ History can teach many things to us.
③ I didn't lend my sister my dress.
→ I didn't lend my dress to my sister.
④ Her husband bought her a new perfume.
→ Her husband bought a new perfume for her.
⑤ She sent me an invitation to a dinner party.
→ She sent an invitation to a dinner party to me.

332. 다음 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오. to Sally

Brian wrote Sally a love letter.
= Brian wrote a love letter __________.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
333. 다음 주어진 조건에 맞게 우리말을 영어로 옮기시오.
<조건1> 4형식 문장으로 쓸 것
<조건2> 주어진 단어를 사용할 것 [food, clothes]
그들은 가난한 아이들에게 음식과 옷을 보냈다.
→ _______________________________________

두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 할 때 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

My mom made me potato pizza.
→ My mom made potato pizza _______ me.

She asked the teacher a question.
→ She asked a question ________ the teacher.

다음 빈칸에 적절하지 않은 것은?

He ________ me to learn Taekwondo.
① wants ② tells
③ advises ④ makes
⑤ asks

She looks ________ today.
① sad ② tired
③ excited ④ busy
⑤ angrily

빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

338. Nancy made a cake _________ him.

339. Father told an interesting story ______________ me.

340. We bought a nice present ______________ Lucy.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
341. Many I ask a question ______________ you?

다음 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

342. 톰은 런던 대학을 심리학 전공 우등으로 졸업했다.
= Tom has just _____________ ______________ University of London with first-class honors
in psychology.

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

This flower smells ______________.
① well ② very ③ sweet
④ kindly ⑤ beautifully

My mom made me ______________ my room.
① clean ② cleans ③ cleaned
④ cleaning ⑤ to clean

345. 다음 중 문장의 쓰임이 다른 것은?

➀ He gave me an apple.
➁ My mother made me sad.
➂ We called him Big Mouth.
➃ I saw her open the window.
➄ I want my brother to come back.

346. 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 하나는?

➀ I gave some pictures ______________ Jane.
➁ He told an interesting story ______________ us.
➂ Jack sent a package ______________ his cousin.
➃ Can you make delicious food ______________ me?
➄ Tim showed his album ______________ his girlfriend.

347. 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?

This song sounds ______________ .
➀ sweet ➁ loud ➂ lovely ➃ well ➄ nice

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
348. 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?
Mrs. White ______________ me not to be late.
➀ let ➁ made ➂ saw ➃ ordered ➄ had

349. 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 하나는?

➀ I`ll get some food ______________ you.
➁ Can you lend a computer ______________ me?
➂ He cooked dinner ______________ his wife.
➃ Jane made a toy ______________ her little sister.
➄ The sailor found a bag ______________ me.

350. 다음 문장의 형식이 다른 것은?

➀ I made him a shirt.
➁ He asked me many questions.
➂ My uncle bought me this book.
➃ You should keep your teeth clean.
➄ I gave her a present on her birthday.

351. 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것은?

➀ He told a funny story ______________ me.
➁ He lent much money ______________ her.
➂ Did he ask a question ______________ you?
➃ Can you show the letter ______________ me?
➄ She brought many books ______________ her sister.

다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 문장을 다시 쓰시오.

My dad told me go fishing with him.
→ _________________________________

Please let me watching my favorite TV show.
→ _________________________________

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
354. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장은?
① I heard the rain fallen on the roof.
② I saw the dog running down the street.
③ I watched the boys play.
④ I felt the building shaking.
⑤ I saw the child walk for the first time.

355. 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분 대신 쓸 수 있는 것은?

I didn't want to go there, but she made me go.
① had ② hoped
③ wanted ④ expected
⑤ forced

356. 어법상 옳은 문장은?

➀ They let him going first.
➁ This fish smells deliciously.
➂ Mother allowed me go out with you.
➃ He made me carry his school bag.
➄ She heard somebody to knock on the door.

357. 어법상 어색한 것은?

➀ I felt sick on the bus.
➁ Your idea sounds good.
➂ You look nice today.
➃ The flower doesn`t smell good.
➄ This milk smells strangely.

358. 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 나머지와 다른 것은?

➀ He teaches soccer ______________ us.
➁ She gave a book ______________ me.
➂ I sent an email ______________ my teacher.
➃ She told the story ______________ her son.
➄ My mother made a cake ______________ me.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
어법상 어색한 문장은?
➀ The girl gave him a book.
➁ She bought a CD for her son.
➂ Can I ask a favor of you?
➃ He gave some advice for me.
➄ They showed the room to me.

➀ It felt warm.
➁ This dress feels well.
➂ The baby looks happy.
➃ This pizza tastes good.
➄ The soup smells delicious.

➀ The boy gave me it yesterday.
➁ He made some pizza for me.
➂ I`ll buy you a computer.
➃ He told me hat he was wrong.
➄ I gave a book to my sister.

➀ We made her happy.
➁ We are getting cold.
➂ Please keep quiet.
➃ The story sounds truly.
➄ The leaves are turning yellow.

➀ He lent me some money.
➁ Can you buy a present to me?
➂ He made spaghetti for her.
➃ I asked a question of her.
➄ Tommy teaches us French.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
주어진 문장을 <보기>와 같이 바꿔 쓰시오.
<보기> I sent Amy a letter.
→ I sent a letter to Amy.
My English teacher asked me some questions.
→ __________________________________

My mom made us some sandwiches.
→ __________________________________

다음 문장을 영작하시오.
366. 그는 경찰관이 되었다.

367. 나는 버스를 타고 학교에 간다.

368. 그녀는 바이올린을 연주했다.

369. 엄마는 나에게 가방을 사주셨다.

370. 나는 배가 고프다.

다음 문장을 영작하시오. [3형식으로 쓰시오.]

371. 나는 그녀에게 꽃을 보냈다.

372. 소금을 나에게 건네주세요.

373. 나는 그가 수영장에서 수영하는 것을 보았다.

374. 엄마는 내가 의사가 되기를 원한다.

375. 그들은 나를 Meg라고 부른다.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
두 문장을 <보기>와 같이 한 문장으로 연결하시오.
<보기> I saw him. He was playing soccer.
→ I saw him playing soccer.
I heard my neighbor. My neighbor played the piano.
→ __________________________________

I saw her. She was singing a song.
→ _________________________________

378. 빈칸에 알맞은 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

- I heard the bird ______________ at night.
- My parents want me ______________ a doctor.
➀ cry - be ➁ crying - to be
➂ crying - be ➃ cry - being
➄ to cry - to be

379. 다음 문장들의 성격이 다른 하나는?

➀ She calls her son my sweetie.
➁ She lent me her notebook.
➂ She eats too much chocolate.
➃ I couldn`t find your seat easily.
➄ I bought him a cup of coffe.

380. 어법상 어색한 문장은?

➀ She told so many lies to me.
➁ I gave a diamond ring to my wife.
➂ I will get some food for you.
➃ He made some pizza to his friends.
➄ He asked our names of us.

381. 문장의 관계가 나머지와 다른 하나는?

➀ Please teach me math.
➁ We call him Uncle Tom.
➂ I will send you a postcard.
➃ She bought the child toys.
➄ He gave her his mother`s ring.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
382. 어법상 옳은 문장은?
➀ I felt someone to watch me.
➁ Let me going there with you.
➂ I heard the playing the piano.
➃ He made me to keep the secret.
➄ I saw him to break the window.

383. 밑줄 친 단어 중 의미가 다른 하나는?

➀ What made you think so?
➁ I made him wash the dishes.
➂ My mom made some snacks.
➃ His advice made me feel bad.
➄ Sad movies always make me cry.

384. 어법상 어색한 문장은?

➀ I felt very cold in the rain.
➁ That perfume smells good.
➂ Glass breaks easily.
➃ She remained silent all day.
➄ She felt sadly about the news.

385. 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

[What, Which] do you prefer, rock music or jazz?

386. 다음 문장을 부정문으로 전환할 때 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

Let's go to school.
→ Let's ______________ ______________ to school.

387. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 어법상 어색한 것은?

① This soup tastes good.
② You look sadly today.
③ I hope you feel better.
④ This egg smells bad.
⑤ That sounds very interesting.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
388. My daughter is very ______________ and kind.
➀ beautiful ➁ beautifully ➂ a student
➃ student ➄ beautiful student

389. It is winter now. It`s getting ______________.

➀ warmer ➁ colder ➂ like cold
➃ like warm ➄ like excitedly

390. I know she feels very ______________.

➀ excite ➁ excited ➂ like excited
➃ excitedly ➄ like excitedly

391. 1Tom Smith looks just ______________.

➀ happily ➁ like happy ➂ his father
➃ like his father ➄ like happily

392. When Amy heard the news, her face turned ______________.
➀ red ➁ angrily ➂ beautifully
➃ like red ➄ like angrily

393. In the future, I will ______________ a good teacher.

➀ am ➁ become ➂ look
➃ going ➄ sound

394. I will make her ______________.

➀ happily ➁ a doll ➂ for love
➃ a good man ➄ to be rich

395. I will give my dictionary ______________ you.

➀ on ➁ in ➂ of ➃ to ➄ for

396. I think the interviewer will ask difficult questions ______________ me.
➀ sent ➁ bought ➂ made
➃ got ➄ begged

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
397. Susie ______________ a warm sweater for me.
➀ sent ➁ bought ➂ made
➃ lent ➄ brought

398. 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?

My English teacher looks ______________ this morning.
➀ happy ➁ sadly ➂ beautiful
➃ excited ➄ lovely

399. 우리말에 맞게 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

그녀는 내 생일에 나에게 선물을 주었다.
She gave a present ____________________________ me on my birthday.

400. 다음 빈칸에 차례대로 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

- She wrote a letter ______________ me.
- I will ask a favor ______________ him.

401. 빈칸에 알맞은 말은?

You look ____________________________.
➀ a fool ➁ handsome ➂ health
➃ a ghost ➄ a princess

402. 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말을 쓰시오.

- The cloth feels ______________ silk.
- He looks ______________ a monkey.

403. 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?

She asked me ______________.
➀ gentle ➁ be gentle ➂ gently
➃ being gentle ➄ to be gentle

404. 빈칸에 알맞은 말은?

I want you ____________________________.
➀ to be happy ➁ for being happy
➂ will be happy ➃ be happy
➄ happy

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
405. 두 문장의 의미가 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?
I`ll buy her a bag.
= I`ll buy a bag ______________ her.
➀ to ➁ at ➂ of ➃ with ➄ for

406. like를 쓸 수 없는 것은?

➀ It looks ______________ a great idea.
➁ He is not ______________ me.
➂ He looks ______________ pretty.
➃ Do you ______________ me?
➄ What is the weather ______________?

407. 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 것은?

I will ______________ him the book.
➀ pass ➁ give ➂ bring ➃ want ➄ send

408. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?

나에게 그 사진을 주세요.
➀ Please give me the picture.
➁ Please give to me the picture.
➂ Please give the picture for me.
➃ Please give the picture me.
➄ Please give for me the picture.

409. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?

그는 그의 아내에게 사진을 보여주었다.
➀ He shows the picture his wife.
➁ He showed the picture his wife.
➂ He showed the wife his picture.
➃ He shows the picture for his wife.
➄ He showed his wife the picture.

410. 문장의 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?

She made me ______________.
➀ early ➁ angry ➂ carefully ➃ easily ➄ happily

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
411. 문장의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?
That news made us ______________.
➀ sad ➁ upset ➂ pleased ➃ angrily ➄ surprised

412. <보기>와 같이 주어진 말을 주어로 하여 문장을 바꿔 쓰시오.

<보기> Amy wants to be a singer.
→ I want Amy to be a singer.
I want to get a good grade.
→ My mom _______________________________.

두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸을 완성하시오.

413. I believe that he is honest.
→ I believe ______________ ______________

414. We found that the room was empty.

→ We found ______________ ______________ ______________.

각 문장에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

415. Mom let me to bring my friends home.

416. I had my car repair.

417. I watched children to play in the playground.

418. Jenny teaches her students it.

419. My daughter keeps asking me buy some candies.

420. 다음 우리말과 의미가 같도록 할 때 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?

나는 구름이 떠다니는 것을 보는 것을 좋아한다.
→ I like to ____________________ by.
① the clouds float watching
② the clouds floating watch
③ watch the clouds floating
④ watch the clouds to float
⑤ float the clouds watching

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
우리말과 일치하도록 단어를 배열하시오.
421. 그것은 촉감이 매우 부드럽다.
[very, feels, it, smooth]

422. 그가 전해준 뉴스 소식은 이상하게 들렸다.

[the news, us, gave, strange, he, sounded]

423. 그가 한 얘기는 우리에게 이상하게 들렸다.

[sounded, story, his, us, to, strange]

424. 언니는 나에게 테디 베어를 만들어 주었다.

[a teddy bear, me, sister, my, made]

425. 저에게 커피 좀 갖다 주시겠습니까?

[bring, to, coffee, can, me, some, you]

426. 그녀에게 이메일을 보내는 것이 어때?

[don`t, send, why, am email, you, her]

두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸을 완성하시오.

427. My sister told me her love story.
→ My sister told her love story ______________ me.

428. He asked me several questions.

→ He asked several questions ______________ me.

429. I bought my mom roses.

→ I bought roses ______________ my mom.

430. 다음 중 <보기>와 문장의 형식이 같은 것은?

She has a good memory.
① He lent her a tennis racket.
② There is a cat on the roof.
③ We want to go shopping.
④ She became a famous actress.
⑤ I felt someone touching my shoulder.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
431. 다음 중 <보기>와 문장의 형식이 다른 것은?
She thinks the girl honest.
① We called the boy Sam.
② The teacher told us to be quiet.
③ I found the puzzle difficult.
④ We should keep our body warm.
⑤ Minho and Kyungmi walked together.

어법상 잘못된 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

432. This wine smells sweetly. Let`s buy this one.

433. God gave a special gift of her.

434. She grew famously.

435. This morning I feel very well.

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

436. She asked me [stay, to stay].

437. My parents let me [stay, to stay] out late.

438. He told me [wait, to wait].

439. He made me [wait, to wait] for two hours.

440. I want you [go, to go] on a diet.

441. I kept the room [warm, warmly].

다음 우리말과 일치하도록 단어를 배열하시오.

442. 나는 그것이 좋은 생각이라고 생각해.
[think, idea, I, it, good, a]

443. 사랑이 나를 살아 있게 해 준다.

[me, keeps, love, alive]

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
444. 그녀는 문을 열어둔 채 나갔다.
[door, she, the, open, left]

틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

445. He saw a man to enter his house.

446. Will you lend some money me?

다음 문장에서 잘못된 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

447. Mom made to me a new dress.

448. Can you buy the boy to me?

449. May I ask a question for you?

450. He gave this book for me.

451. That sounds well.

452. You look a gentleman.

453. This cloth feels softly.

454. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 문장 성분이 나머지와 다른 하나는?

① My brother made me angry.
② She made me water the plants.
③ I want to make you happy.
④ He made his son a model airplane.
⑤ The coach made him a famous swimmer.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
455. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 문장은?
① Water boils quickly.
② Her sing sounds beautiful.
③ Good medicine tastes bitter.
④ The school bus moves slowly.
⑤ She felt warmly with hot chocolate.

456. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 모두 고르시오.

Harry heard his dog ________.
① bark ② barked
③ barking ④ barks
⑤ to bark

두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸을 완성하시오.

457. The woman taught many things to the children.
= The woman taught the ______________ ______________ ______________.

458. Jenny showed me her new cellular phone.

= Jenny showed her new ______________ _____________ ______________

우리말과 일치하도록 단어들을 배열하시오.

459. 우리 어머니는 내가 일찍 일어나기를 바라신다.
[me, wants, early, my, to, mother, get up]

460. 그녀는 그에게 방을 청소하게 했다.

[she, him, clean, made, the room]

461. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것을 모두 고르시오.

그녀는 내가 그 문제를 푸는 것을 도와주었다.
① She helped me to solve the problem.
② She helped me to solving the problem.
③ She helped me solved the problem.
④ She helped me of solving the problem.
⑤ She helped me solve the problem.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
462. 다음 어법상 어색한 문장은?
① I saw many people taking a walk.
② He felt someone touch his forehead.
③ The teacher expects me to pass the test.
④ He didn't let his son to drive his car.
⑤ I asked them to be quiet in the library.

463. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것은?

She made me ________ for an hour.
① to wait ② waited
③ waiting ④ wait
⑤ waits

우리말과 일치하도록 괄호 안의 단어를 배열하시오.

464. 나에게 재미있는 이야기를 해주세요.
[me, story, tell, please, interesting, to, an]

465. 당신의 손을 깨끗하게 유지해 주세요.

Please [clean, your, keep, hands]

466. 너는 그 소문이 사실이라고 생각하니?

[true, the, do, think, you, rumor]?

467. 그녀는 매우 아름답게 보였다.

[beautiful, she, very, looked]

468. 이 아이스크림은 맛있다.

[this, delicious, ice cream, tastes]

3형식 문장을 4형식으로, 4형식 문장을 3형식으로 전환하시오.

Susan's mother cooked us dinner.
→ ___________________________________

I didn't lend my dictionary to her.
→ ___________________________________

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
471. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 의미가 <보기>와 같은 것은?
My mom had me do my homework.
① I had a lot of homework to do.
② She had her son wipe the windows.
③ He had a terrible headache.
④ Bill had hamburgers for lunch.
⑤ We had a great time at the party.

472. 다음 괄호 안에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

• She found the sofa [comfortable/comfortably].
• I saw him [to swim/swimming] across the lake.
• We expected her [to come/come] to the party.
① comfortable - swimming - come
② comfortable - to swim - come
③ comfortable - swimming - to come
④ comfortably - to swim - to come
⑤ comfortably - swimming - to come

473. 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

Please keep your room cleanly.

다음 문장의 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

I ______________ a lot of people laughing.
➀ made ➁ let ➂ had ➃ helped ➄ heard

She ______________ her daughter to draw pictures.
➀ heard ➁ watched ➂ saw ➃ listen to ➄ helped

I heard her ______________ her son.
➀ to call ➁ calls ➂ called ➃ call ➄ to calling

My brother never let me ______________his computer.
➀ use ➁ used ➂ using ➃ to use ➄ have used

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
478. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?
- I like him. He always makes me ______________.
- Sad movies always make me ______________.
➀ happy - cry ➁ happy - to cry
➂ happily - cry ➃ happy - crying
➄ happily - to cry

479. 주어진 문장과 형식이 다른 하나는?

My teacher showed some books to us.
➀ She bought a computer for her son.
➁ He gave many apples to us.
➂ Please bring me the menu.
➃ I wrote a letter to my uncle.
➄ I will ask some questions of her.

480. 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말을 쓰시오.

- I asked her ______________ marry me.
- He sent some roses ______________ his wife.

481. 어법상 어색한 문장은?

➀ He asked a question of me.
➁ I heard my mother laughing loudly.
➂ She allowed me use her computer.
➃ The nights are getting longer and longer.
➄ Mary helped me solve the problem.

482. 어법상 옳지 않은 것은?

➀ He felt afraid of the news.
➁ I ordered them to be quiet.
➂ She helped me finishing the work.
➃ My father let me go camping.
➄ Laura heard her friend shouting.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
483. 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 다른 것은?
➀ He made me happy.
➁ I made my mother a scarf.
➂ Mike made his son a professional golfer.
➃ My father made me study medicine.
➄ This tie made him look young.

어법상 어색한 것은?

➀ Can you lend me a bicycle?
➁ He bought a ring for her wife.
➂ I envy your talent to you.
➃ She sent them to her mother.
➄ He gave me your message.

➀ Many foolish things made her angry.
➁ She found it difficult.
➂ The news made her surprised.
➃ Our teacher told us listen to his words.
➄ Everyone wanted her to win the game.

➀ I saw her opening the door.
➁ I`ll make my son to enter the room.
➂ The doctor told me to gain weight.
➃ I heard my sister talk with him.
➄ I want this watch to be repaired.

다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

There is many pencils in the box.

Rules and laws keep people safely.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
어법상 어색한 것은?
➀ Pass me the salt, please.
➁ He made me a toy.
➂ Will you write me a letter?
➃ I send to you roses.
➄ I bought her a bag.

➀ I asked her help my son.
➁ Let me introduce my friend.
➂ She wanted me to go there.
➃ Mother told her to study hard.
➄ She helped me do my homework.

➀ I envy you your talent.
➁ I`ll make my son carry the box.
➂ Bill sent her it yesterday.
➃ She felt her heart beat widely.
➄ He looks very nice in a green shirt.

다음 주어진 단어들을 이용하여 우리말에 맞게 문장을 완성하시오.

선생님은 학생들이 교실을 청소하게 했다.
[have, clean, the classroom]
→ _____________________________________

그들은 땅이 흔들리는 것을 느꼈다.
[the ground, shake]
→ ____________________________________

494. 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

I bought my cousin a baseball glove.
→ I bought a baseball glove ______________ ______________ ______________.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 문장을 전치사를 이용하여 3형식으로 고치시오.
495. My father made me a model airplane.

496. Mother bought me a new dress.

497. Mr. Brown taught us many important things.

498. Her little son always asks her many questions.

우리말과 일치하도록 단어를 배열하시오.

499. 우리는 창문을 열어 뒀다.
[the, we, open, window, kept]

500. 엄마는 내가 TV보는 것을 허락하셨다.

[me, allowed, TV, mother, watch, to]

501. 선생님은 나에게 더 열심히 공부하라고 말씀하셨다.

[told, harder, me, the teacher, to, study]

502. 아빠는 내가 영화를 보러 가도록 허락해 주셨다.

[me, Dad, allowed, to, go, to, a, movie]

503. 나는 그가 생각을 바꾸도록 만들었다.

[made, change, mind, his, I, him]

504. 그녀는 누군가 그녀의 이름을 부르는 것을 들었다.

[call, someone, her, heard, name, she]

505. 나는 아이들이 운동장에서 노는 것을 지켜보았다.

[children, I, play, on the playground, watched]

잘못된 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

506. This wine smells sweetly. Let`s buy this one.

507. When I heard her to sing, I felt like dream.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 영문을 우리말로 옮기시오.
508. I stayed at home all day.

509. The leaves turn red and yellow in fall.

510. You look very happy today.

511. Do you want to drink some tea?

512. She told me an interesting story.

513. 다음 빈칸에 올 수 없는 것은?

This morning I feel ____________________________.
➀ terrible ➁ a little sad ➂ a bad cold
➃ so happy ➄ like a loser

514. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?

I ______________ everybody to spend money carefully.
➀ told ➁made ➂ let ➃ had ➄ felt

515. 우리말을 바르게 옮긴 것을 모두 고르시오.

우리들은 그 도둑이 그녀의 지갑을 훔치는 것을 보았다.
➀ We saw the thief steal her wallet.
➁ We saw the thief to steal her wallet.
➂ We saw the thief stealing her wallet.
➃ We saw the thief stole her wallet.
➄ We saw the thief stolen her wallet.

516. 다음 문장과 형식이 같은 것은?

➀ I will make my family happy.
➁ He helped me to succeed in my business.
➂ You can do the work by yourself.
➃ She taught us how to cook.
➄ You gave a lot of things to me.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
517. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분 중 의미가 다른 하나는?
➀ I had my hat blown off by the wind.
➁ I had my hair cut at the barber`s.
➂ My mother had me post the letters.
➃ Her father had his car fixed.
➄ I had the porter carry my suitcase.

518. 다음 중 4형식으로 바꿀 수 없는 것은?

➀ She sent an English letter to me.
➁ She teaches biology to us.
➂ I prefer skiing to swimming.
➃ She bought a toy for her sons.
➄ She showed some painting to me.

519. 다음 문장과 문장의 형식이 다른 것은?

Please bring me the menu.
➀ I made him very angry.
➁ Grandma told a funny story.
➂ I taught how to drive.
➃ I will ask her some questions.
➄ She made him something to eat.

520. 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 것은?

Mother ______________ me to do the dishes.
➀ told ➁ allowed ➂ asked
➃ watched ➄ wanted

521. 문장의 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?

I saw the thief ______________ my money.
➀ steal ➁ stole ➂ stolen
➃ to steal ➄ to stealing

522. 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 말은?

She feels ____________________________.
➀ sad ➁ sorry ➂ great ➃ nervous ➄ happily

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
523. 알맞은 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.
- My parents ______________ present to me on my birthday.
- I ______________ some candies for Mina.
➀ made - brought ➁ gave - bought
➂ found - showed ➃ saw - asked
➄ got - cooked

524. 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?

The lady looks _____________________.
➀ happy ➁ brave ➂ sadly ➃ pretty ➄ young

빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

I saw my brother ______________ with a dog.
➀ plays ➁ played ➂ to play
➃ playing ➄ to playing

My mother made me ______________ my homework before I go out.
➀ finish ➁ finishes ➂ finished
➃ finishing ➄ to finish

He taught ______________ English for 3 years.
➀ I ➁ my ➂ me ➃ to me ➄ for me

The soup ______________ good and Mina ______________ happy.
➀ feels - sounds ➁ looks - tastes
➂ feels - tastes ➃ tastes - feels
➄ sounds - smells

529. 빈칸에 들어갈 각각의 단어를 쓰시오.

- I brought some cake ______________ you.
- I will make some toys ______________ my nephew.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
530. 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?
She ______________ him do the laundry.
➀ made ➁ let ➂ had ➃ helped ➄ wanted

문장의 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 쓰시오.

My brother brought a cake ______________ me.

I bought a pair of socks ______________ my mother.

533. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 나타낸 것은?

나는 부모님께 카드를 만들어 드릴 것이다.
➀ I will make a card my parents.
➁ I will make a card to my parents.
➂ I will make for my parents a card.
➃ I will make my parents a card.
➄ I will make to my parents a card.

534. 주어진 문장의 형식과 같은 것은?

I made my daughter a pianist.
➀ She looks very happy.
➁ I made my daughter cookies.
➂ You can call me Julie.
➃ I bought a doll for my younger sister.
➄ My plan for the weekends is going skiing.

535. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 나타낸 것은?

나는 그들이 나를 도와주기를 원한다.
➀ I wanted to help them.
➁ I wanted that they helped me.
➂ I wanted them to help me.
➃ I wanted they could help me.
➄ I wanted that I helped them.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
536. 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 단어를 쓰시오.
- He taught English ______________ me.
- Let`s give a big hand ______________ her.
- The boy gave a ball ______________ the baby.

537. 빈칸에 알맞은 말은?

He heard the girl ______________ the piano at night.
➀ plays ➁ played ➂ be played
➃ to play ➄ play

538. 두 문장의 뜻이 같을 때 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

- She makes us delicious food.
= She makes delicious food ______________ us.

539. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?

그의 강의는 나를 따분하게 만들었다.
➀ He made boring lecture me.
➁ He made me lecture boring.
➂ His lecture make bored.
➃ His lecture made me bored.
➄ His lecture make me boring.

540. 주어진 문장의 밑줄 친 부분과 다르게 쓰인 것은?

These studies make us think about colors.
➀ It makes my eyes relax.
➁ I`m sorry I can`t make it.
➂ He makes him dance.
➃ It makes me feel bright.
➄ What makes you cry?

541. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?

나는 John에게 그 일을 하라고 시킬 것이다.
➀ I`ll take John do the work.
➁ I`ll let John to do the work.
➂ I`ll make John doing the work.
➃ I`ll have John do the work.
➄ I`ll have John doing the work.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
542. 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 아래와 같은 것은?
My brother kept her room clean.
➀ She kept on dancing.
➁ You should keep quiet in this room.
➂ They keep the beer cool.
➃ He kept calm there.
➄ She didn`t keep silent.

543. 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?

I ______________ him to buy a new car.
➀ wanted ➁ made ➂ allowed ➃ told ➄ expected

544. 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?

The girl looks ______________.
➀ sadly ➁ hungry ➂ tired ➃ sleepy ➄ smart

545. 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?

She is kind and ______________.
➀ wise ➁ honest ➂ careful ➃ friend ➄ hardworking

546. 어법상 어색한 문장은?

➀ The lady looked younger.
➁ The song sounded beautifully.
➂ It is getting darker and darker.
➃ They seem big and tall.
➄ the food smells terrible.

547. 문장 전환이 어색한 것은?

➀ The old man told me a strange story.
→ The old man told a strange story to me.
➁ Ben bought me a cup of coffee.
→ Ben bought me a cup of coffee.
➂ Father made my dog a pretty house.
→ Father made a pretty house for my dog.
➃ Children give their parents great pleasure.
→ Children give great pleasure to their parents.
➄ He brought me a comic book.
→ He brought a comic book for me.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
어법상 어색한 문장은?
➀ Mother made me a cake.
➁ My mom gave it to me.
➂ He explained me the rule.
➃ He teaches us English.
➄ He bought a nice watch for me.

➀ Would you send me the box?
➁ Can you give it a try?
➂ Would you give me a hand?
➃ You can ask me anything.
➄ My father gave to me a nice present.

➀ Her smile made me happily.
➁ We call this flower a lily.
➂ He always makes me angry.
➃ I believe him honest.
➄ My parents want me to be a doctor.

➀ I will let them tell the truth.
➁ He made me to cry.
➂ She had her son clean his room.
➃ I saw her playing the violin.
➄ I helped the blind man to cross the street.

552. 어법상 옳은 문장은?

➀ That sounds like good.
➁ My father looks like happy.
➂ Mary`s old friend gave her it.
➃ He asked a question to Mr. Kim.
➄ We found the movie interesting.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
어법상 어색한 문장은?
➀ I feel very tired these days.
➁ That dress looks good on you.
➂ Do you feel sick now?
➃ He looks just like your father.
➄ The food tasted of sour.

➀ I feel sorry for that.
➁ He fell asleep after dinner.
➂ She looks like happy.
➃ The leaves turn red in autumn.
➄ That sounds pretty good.

➀ My uncle gave a book me.
➁ Minsu sent Sujin a present.
➂ Ann made some cakes for her friends,
➃ Tom bought Jane some flowers.
➄ He showed a picture to his friend.

➀ They gave me a lot of books.
➁ He showed me the way to school.
➂ My mom read my sister some stories.
➃ She liked me a few cookies.
➄ He bought me a bike.

557. 어법상 옳은 것은?

➀ It looks comfortably.
➁ They made me sadly.
➂ Let me have a look at her.
➃ He made a model ship to me.
➄ She heard me to sing a song.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
Grammar Workbook 2

Chapter 1 문장의 형식

Unit 01 1형식
다음 [ ]안에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.
1. We [jog / jog for] our health everyday morning.
jog for
2. I drive carefully [for bad weather / bad weather].
for bad weather
3. The light of my room went out [sudden / suddenly].
4. There [is / are]a horse in the stable that Jane loves much.
5. He ran [rapid / rapidly] not to be late.
6. [Study / To study] in the morning works effectively.
To study
7. A boy who lives in AD apartment goes to the park [with friends / friends].
with friends
괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
8. Lora [looked / was looked] sad.
9. My dog is [run / running] across the lobby.
10. He [failed / was failed] the test.
11. Greg turned the pages [rough / roughly].
12. They [graduated / graduated from] Hankuk high school.
graduated from
13. It [happened / was happened] in front of me.
14. The event [begins / is begun] at ten.
15. You shouldn't [lie / lie to] me.
lie to
16. She didn't listen [careful / carefully].
17. My father usually [agrees / agrees with] my mother.
agrees with

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 [ ]안에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.
18. A boy [runs / runs at] the beach.
19. Many students [live / live in] California.
live in
20. [To study / Study] hard pays.
To study
21. [Selling / Sell] goods does well.
22. There [are / is] many books in his room.
밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.
23. An angry father yelled his son.
yelled to
24. I work at the gym in the morning regular.
25. My mom went Singapore to meet her friend.
went to
26. Travel all over the world pays.
To travel or Traveling
27. A robbery ran away London after robbing the bank.
ran away to London

밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

28. There was a key the table.
on the table
29. The boy is swimming the pool that his father made.
in the pool
30. Tom beside the door waited his girlfriend.
waited for
31. Run fast works well.
Running or To run
32. She woke early today because of she has a meeting.
woke up
33. The telephone were ringing continuous while I was sleeping in my room.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
Unit 02 2형식

다음 [ ]안에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.

34. The boy kept [silent / silently] while his mother was calling.
35. You and I will [become into / become] famous actors.
36. The shoes given by mom looked [nice / nicely].
37. He [looks / looks like] a famous singer after winning the festival.
looks like
38. My computer got [break / broken] because of damage.
39. Roses that I bought yesterday smelled so [sweet / sweetly].
40. Jane got [tired / tire] with many homeworks.

[ ] 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

41. Dongyeop’s story sounds [interesting / interestingly].
42. Hodong felt very [hungry / hungrily].
43. Kyeongrim’s voice [looks / sounds] a little strange.
44. The potato pizza [smells / feels] good.

다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 말을 고르시오.

45. The boy looked ______________.
① happy ② brave
③ like Lee Jun-gi ④ very confident
⑤ a cartoon character

46. That ______________ great.

① looks ② sounds
③ watches ④ smells
⑤ tastes

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 [ ]안에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.
47. The food that he makes looks [bad / badly].
48. To exercise regularly is [well / good] for your health.
49. My brother [is a famous dentist / a famous dentist is] in Texas.
is a famous dentist
50. [To enter / Enter] Seoul University is Tom's dream.
To enter
51. The movie 'Avatar' was very [excitement / exciting].

52. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?

KCM's new song sounds ______________.
① calmly ② lovely
③ greatly ④ sadly
⑤ beautifully

53. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 어색한 것은?

① He looks friendly.
② Chocolates taste sweetly.
③ This perfume smells too strong.
④ I feel so bored.
⑤ They look very nice.

54. 다음 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?

지훈이는 멋지고 건강해 보인다.
① Jihun looks well and healthily.
② Jihun looks good and healthy.
③ Jihun looks good and healthily.
④ Jihun looks well and healthy.
⑤ Jihun looks good and health.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
55. 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 할 때, 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?
드라마 ‘별’은 재미있어 보인다.
→ The drama Star looks ______________.
① interesting ② interested
③ interestingly ④ be interesting
⑤ be interested

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

56. He kept [swimming / swim] for an hour.
57. Mary [is resembled / resembles] her grandmother.
58. The secret is [use / of use].
of use
59. They remained [stand / standing] there.
60. Harrison seems [to be / be] excited.
to be
61. A sense of purpose is [importance / of importance].
of importance
62. I can make your dream come [true / truely].
63. David went [mad / madly].
64. She noticed that milk went [bad / wrong].
65. Something went [wrong / wrongly].

우리말과 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

66. 나는 무척 졸리다.
I feel very ______________.
67. 그 여배우는 매우 어려 보인다.
The actress ______________ very young.
68. 이 생선은 상한 냄새가 난다.
This fish ______________ bad.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.
69. Why did you look sadly?
70. My mom was angrily owing to my careless behavior.
71. He looks my boyfriend working at the post office located in New York.
looks like
72. I was so bore during this summer vacation because I couldn't play outside with bad
73. She looks very prettily with neat clothes and blonde hair.
74. He is so kindly to his colleagues at the office.
75. The soup tastes badly.
76. The cloth smells smooth.

우리말과 뜻이 같도록 [ ] 안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

77. 그녀는 겁먹은 것처럼 보였다. [scared]
She ________________________________________________________.
looked scared

78. 이 케이크는 맛있는 냄새가 난다. [delicious]

This cake ________________________________________________________.
smells delicious

79. 꿀은 단맛이 난다. [sweet]

Honey ________________________________________________________.
tastes sweet

80. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장은?

① Jiyong looks her mother.
② His story sounds truly.
③ This salad dressing tastes too sweet.
④ It smells badly.
⑤ The shirt feels too tightly to me.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
81. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?
A: How about playing KartRider?
B: That ______________ good.
① looks ② sounds
③ feels ④ smells
⑤ tastes

밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

82. The food what we made yesterday went badly with bad smell.
83. The news announced to employees sounds strangely.
84. He fell sleep just after lying on a soft bed.
fell asleep
85. My hope to travel over the world came truly in January last year.
came true
86. My mom is well at cook the Korean dishes.
87. She who lives in our apartment is fame.
88. Mr. Smith looks busying with excessive works that his boss gave.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
Unit 03 3형식, 4형식

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

89. Mina wanted [be / to be] a heroine.
to be
90. John thinks I love [him / he].
91. We must try [behave / to behave] better.
to behave
92. Charlie talked with [me / I].
93. Teachers want [to help / help] students.
94. They are looking for [she / her].
95. Would you mind [turn on / turning on] the radio?
turning on
96. Mike told [us / we] a scary story.
97. She enjoyed [to cook / cooking] pasta.
98. Tom thought [himself / he] genius.
밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고치시오.
99. John shows the correct direction us.
to us
100. She pays the bill Tom.
to Tom
101. Mary lends the book her sister.
to her sister
102. His mother saves the salmon his father.
for his father
103. The teacher sends the mail his pupil.
to his pupil
104. The florist teaches the method Jane.
to Jane
105. Caroline will buy a hat her boyfriend.
for her boyfriend

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
106. Kristine brings the textbook to class Max.
for Max
107. Perry sells his clothes charity.
for charity
108. The art director offers the job the new student.
to the new student
다음 [ ]안에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.
109. I can't afford [to have / having] a baby for the present.
to have
110. I am going to [marry with / marry] a pretty woman next month.
111. He will give many books written by Hemingway [for me / to me].
to me
112. I will [discuss / discuss about] that problem with him.
113. He will cook seaweed soup [for / to] his mother's birthday tomorrow.
114. Did Brad give the book [to, for] Jane?
115. She will make a vanilla shake [to, for] Mr. Lee.
116. May I ask a favor [for, of] you?
117. Tom taught English [to, for] me.
118. 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장은?
① My father bought me it.
② May I ask a favor of you?
③ The accident taught him a good lesson.
④ Will you get us three cokes?
⑤ The teacher told us several interesting stories.

119. 다음 주어진 문장을 3형식으로 바르게 고쳐 쓴 것은?
He showed me a text message.
① He showed me to a text message.
② He showed a text message for me.
③ He showed a text message to me.
④ He showed a text message by me.
⑤ He showed a text message of me.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 [ ]안에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.
120. I can't allow you [to smoke / smoking] in the my house.
to smoke
121. He [showed to / showed]all his friends his girlfriend who work at bank with smile.
122. She [resembles with / resembles] her mother closely.
123. My mother [lent to / lent] her friend an interesting book.
124. My teacher forgave [his fault him / him his fault].
him his fault
125. I [sent to / sent] my teacher a letter during summer vacation.
126. I will thank you [for / of] giving your hands to lift this box.

우리말과 뜻이 같도록 주어진 단어를 배열하시오.

127. 그는 나에게 사실을 말하지 않았다. [me, to, the truth]
He didn’t tell ________________________________________________________.
the truth to me

128. 그들은 너에게 얼마나 많은 질문을 했니? [ask, of, they, you]
How many questions did ________________________________________________________?
they ask of you

밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

129. Her sister likes to Chinese very much after travel to China.
130. Wendy will suggest some ideas me.
to me
131. I confessed to I broke a dish to my mom.
132. My father forgave for my fault that made him angry.

두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

133. They will send the actor emails.
→ They will send emails __________________________________________.
to the actor

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
134. I didn’t tell your story to anyone.
→ I didn’t tell anyone __________________________________________.
your story

135. The reporters asked the Hollywood star many questions.

→ The reporters asked many questions ________________________________________
of the Hollywood star
밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.
136. The merchant sell to us groceries such as cabbages, potatoes, pepper.
sell us
137. My father hunted after a rabbit in the forest.
138. I discussed on Hermann Hesse won Novel prize in Literature.
139. My friend envies of me my high performances.
140. They usually want eating their breakfast together at 8.
want to eat
141. I will tell the story him.
to him
142. Will you bring some mango juice of me?
143. His mom made an ice cream cake to Bill.

두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 문장을 완성하시오.

144. Mr. Johnson gave us many apples.
= __________________________________________
Mr. Johnson gave many apples to us.
145. Mom bought me a yellow coat.
= __________________________________________
Mom bought a yellow coat for me.

두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오. 그리도 우리말 뜻을 쓰시오.

146. He bought his sister a doll.
→ He bought a doll _________ his sister.
for / 그는 그의 여동생에게 인형을 사 주었다.
147. Please tell me the truth.
→ Please tell the truth _________ me.
to / 제발 나에게 사실을 말해 주세요.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
148. 다음 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?
그녀는 내게 테디 베어를 만들어 주었다.
① She made a teddy bear to me.
② She made me for a teddy bear.
③ She made a teddy bear for me.
④ She made for me a teddy bear.
⑤ She made a teddy bear of me.

149. 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것은?

① BoA asked a question of her manager.
② Mr. Hong teaches English for us.
③ Mother brought an umbrella to me.
④ Could I get a high chair for my son?
⑤ My teacher told his love story to us.

3형식은 4형식으로 4형식은 3형식으로 고치시오.

150. I bought him a toy truck.
I bought a toy truck for him.
151. Cathy gave us some books.
Cathy gave some books to us.
152. I made a doll for my sister.
I made my sister a doll.

문장의 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 넣으시오.

153. I bought a dress _________ her.
154. May I ask a favor _________ you?
155. Namsu gave some flowers _________ me.
156. Her sent an email _________ me.
157. My teacher showed some books _________ us.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
158. Parker stopped [to smoke / smoking] after wife's pregnancy.
159. We continued [work / working] after lunch time.
160. Rooms need [being / to be] kept clean.
to be
161. Sally [married with / married] my brother.
162. Could you [pick up that / pick that up]?
pick that up
163. He was expected [finishing / to finish] the project.
to finish
164. It should be [discussed / discussed about].
165. The company postponed [announce / announcing] the bad news.
166. She denied [to have / having] met the victim.
167. Please [wake up me / wake me up] at 5 am.
wake me up

다음 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 할 때, 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

My mother made me delicious cookies.
→ My mother made delicious cookies ______________ me.
① to ② for ③ of
④ with ⑤ at

The handsome boy asked me my cell phone number.
→ The handsome boy asked my cell phone number ______________ me.
① to ② for ③ of
④ with ⑤ at

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
Subin sent me some computer game items.
→ Subin sent some computer game items ______________ me.
① to ② for ③ of
④ with ⑤ at

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
Unit 04 5형식

다음 [ ]안에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.

171. She made [his son / to his son] a doctor.
his son
172. He found her father [sad / sadly].
173. They wanted [to her / her to] come here.
her to
174. She heard her name [to call / called].
175. They saw their daughter [come / to come] here.

다음을 우리말로 옮기시오.

176. I want you to be happy.
나는 네가 행복하길 바래.
177. Please call me Kay.
나를 케이라고 불러 주세요.
178. She said that her mother always wanted her to be a doctor.
그녀는 엄마가 항상 자신이 의사가 되기를 바란다고 말했다.

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

179. I had my hair ______________ yellow.
① dye ② dyed ③ to dye
④ dying ⑤ to be dyed

180. Let him ______________ his own way.

① have ② has ③ had
④ having ⑤ to have

181. 다음 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?
그는 내가 새 휴대폰을 사게 했다.
① He made me buy a new cell phone.
② He made buy a new cell phone for me.
③ He made me to buy a new cell phone.
④ He made me buying a new cell phone.
⑤ He made to buy a new cell phone to me.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
182. 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장은?
① He helped me download a new program.
② He let me join his team.
③ I’ll get him to go with us.
④ I had my new MP3 player stolen last night.
⑤ He had me to walk his dog.

183. 다음 중 어법상 알맞은 문장은?

① Please keep the classroom tidily.
② When do you want me call?
③ He told us to hand in our reports.
④ The baseball game made me angrily.
⑤ Her mother made she a dentist.

184. 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것은?

① Her bright smile makes him happy.
② When you go out, keep the door shut.
③ The doctor advised him stop smoking.
④ He told me to pay the money.
⑤ She called him a handsome guy.

185. 다음 중 문장의 형식이 나머지와 다른 하나는?

① She wants me to be a dancer.
② My mother ordered me to go to my room.
③ He made me a mug of hot chocolate.
④ The boy asked BoA to give him her autograph.
⑤ Hyojin found the soap opera very interesting.

밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

186. I consider to him a friend.
consider him
187. He helped me entering a college.
enter or to enter
188. Kelly had her mother to cook food.
189. She had her dress clean.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 <보기>에서 각각 골라 쓰시오.
<보기> call happy ask keep
190. Her smile makes me ______________.
191. This hat will ______________ your head warm.
192. Mom and Dad ______________ me “a little pig.”
193. They ______________ us to stand up.

다음 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

194. My mother wants me be a fashion designer.
to be
195. I made my room beautifully.
196. My boyfriend asked me not spending too much money.
to spend

다음 [ ]안에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.

197. I saw him [to play / playing] soccer.
198. They want me [to teach / teaching] them.
to teach
199. He felt her [to love / love] him.
200. I advise him not [to go / going] there.
to go
201. My mother let me [to study / study] English hard.
202. Mom asked me [to prepare / preparing] a spoon.
to prepare
203. She told me [to give / giving] her a delicious candy every day.
to give

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오.
204. What do you expect me ______________?
① say ② saying
③ to say ④ said
⑤ being said

205. Mr. Chang ordered him ______________ to his seat.

① go ② goes
③ going ④ to go
⑤ went

206. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 말은?

The news made me ______________.
① happy ② upset
③ angry ④ cheerful
⑤ sadly

밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

207. I saw to his splendid performance on the large stage.
208. He always hears John call her wooden chopsticks.
209. My grandmother allowed us visiting at her home.
to visit
210. My father advised terribly me focus on studying English.
to focus
211. She watched the sun to rise above the horizon.
212. The teacher got us clean the classroom.
to clean

213. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 모두 고르면? [두 개]

I watched him ______________ across the river.
① swim ② to swim
③ swimming ④ swam
⑤ was swimming
①, ③

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
214. 다음 두 문장을 한 문장으로 바르게 연결한 것은?
• Mina was dancing.
• Minwoo was watching Mina.
① Minwoo was watching Mina dancing.
② Minwoo was watching Mina was dancing.
③ Minwoo watched Mina danced.
④ Minwoo was watching Mina danced.
⑤ Minwoo was watching Mina to dance.

215. 다음 중 어법상 알맞은 문장은?

① He had his car washing.
② Please get him call me back.
③ Let us keep the puppy.
④ I’ve never heard the song to play.
⑤ I saw him to eat a huge meal.

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

216. He regards his kitten [a sister / as a sister].
as a sister
217. Amy leaved the door [open / openly].
218. It is impossible [going / to go] to an external galaxy.
to go
219. We can make it easier [find / to find] the missing hat.
to find
220. My daughters consider their pet [brave / bravely].
221. She thought it unfair [receiving / to receive] the same salary.
to receive
222. Kevin makes the audience [enthusiastic / enthusiastically].
223. The war makes the countries [chaotic / chaotically].
224. I cannot find it interesting [draw / to draw] cartoons.
to draw
225. Ms. Park considers time [critically / critical].

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
우리말과 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
226. 우리는 교실을 조용하게 유지해야 한다.
We must keep the classroom ______________.
227. 엄마는 내가 일찍 일어나기를 원하신다.
My mom wants me ______________ get up early.

228. 내 여자 친구는 가끔 나를 화나게 만든다.

My girlfriend sometimes makes me ______________.

밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고치시오.

229. Tom made me to talk about my family.
230. Grace saw me searched for my wallet.
231. Mr. Kim found the talk show amuse.
232. She noticed me looked at her painting.
233. Mary made her father to listen to the pop song.
234. He heard Philip to cry about his test.
235. Jessica found the lesson bore.
236. He felt a person to look at him through the glass.
237. They found me to talk to the dog.
다음 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것을 고르시오.
우리는 그 예쁜 소녀를 ‘얼짱’이라고 부른다.
① We call the pretty girl ‘Eoljjang.’
② We call the pretty girl to ‘Eoljjang.’
③ We call ‘Eoljjang’ to the pretty girl.
④ We call the pretty girl to be ‘Eoljjang.’
⑤ We call to ‘Eoljjang’ for the pretty girl.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
그 영화는 그녀를 수퍼스타로 만들었다.
① The movie made a superstar her.
② The movie made her a superstar.
③ The movie made her to a superstar.
④ The movie made to a superstar her.
⑤ The movie made her to be a superstar.

240. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 말은?

The teacher ______________ us solve the problems.
① had ② made ③ let
④ helped ⑤ wanted

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능

괄호 안에 문장이 몇 형식인지 쓰시오.

241. I can't understand this question. [ ]
242. My sister bought me a book. [ ]
243. The plane arrived very late yesterday. [ ]
244. I asked them to be quiet. [ ]
245. Tree leaves turn red in fall. [ ]
246. He became a great actor. [ ]
247. The kids made me angry. [ ]
248. She enjoys music. [ ]
249. They gave me flowers. [ ]
250. He told me to sit down. [ ]

다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말이 순서대로 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.

‧ I showed my passport ______________ him.
‧ My mom bought a sweater _______________ me.
① to - of ② of - for
③ to - for ④ for - to
⑤ for - for

‧ They let him ______________ the guitar in a band.
‧ The instructor asked me ______________ my arms.
① to play - stretch ② play - stretch
③ playing - stretch ④ play - to stretch
⑤ to play - stretching

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
253. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
‧ Kate ______________ her daughter a figure skater.
‧ Her mom ______________ her clean the table.
‧ She ______________ us ice cream for dessert yesterday.

254. 다음 괄호 안에 주어진 단어를 알맞은 형태로 빈칸에 쓰시오.

[1] The doctor advised me ________ in bed. [stay]
[2] Mom helped me _________ the basket. [carry]
[1] to stay [2] [to] carry

괄호 안의 말을 순서대로 배열하시오.
255. [his, know, English, does, brother]?
Does his brother know English?
256. [smells, this, sweet. flower].
This flower smells sweet.
257. [in, school, at, morning, the, eight, begins].
School begins at eight in the morning.
258. [made, John's, happy, brother, him].
John's brother made him happy.
259. [five, came, he, at, every, home, day].
He came home at five every day.

두 문장이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

260. I wrote Jim a letter.
= I wrote a letter ______________ Jim.

261. She asked me some questions.

= She asked some questions ______________ me.

262. He bought his son a radio.

= He bought a radio ______________ his son.

263. He sent me a Christmas card.

= He sent a Christmas card ______________ me.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
264. My boy friend found it extremely ______________ to be rescheduled a baseball game
because of rain.
① disappoint ② to disappoint
③ disappointing ④ disappointment
⑤ disappointed

265. My brother's a college entrance exam scores seem ______________ to my parents.

① alarm
② alarming
③ alarmed
④ alarmingly
⑤ to alarmed

266. Jane allowed me ______________ tennis in the court.

① play
② playing
③ played
④ to play
⑤ plays

267. 다음 중 문장의 형식이 나머지와 다른 것은?

① Please sing us a song.
② He asked me to marry him.
③ She gave me a pretty doll.
④ He sent me a Christmas card.
⑤ I teach him English every Sunday.

268. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 순서대로 짝지어진 것은?

· I want you ________ to my birthday party.
· I heard him ________ in the bathroom.
① come - sing ② come - singing
③ coming - to sing ④ to come - singing
⑤ to come - to sing

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
My grandma told me an interesting story.
→ My grandma told an interesting story _______ me.

He bought Lucy a nice present.
→ He bought a nice present _______ Lucy.

271. 다음 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?

부모님은 내가 그 파티에 참석하도록 허락하지 않을 것이다.
① My parents will not let me attend the party.
② My parents will not let me attended the party.
③ My parents will not let me attending the party.
④ My parents will not let me to attend the party.
⑤ My parents will let not me attend the party.

다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

My daughter looked very ______________ today.
① sadly ② nicely ③ lovely
④ angrily ⑤ an angel

They allowed us ______________ in their garden.
① play ② playing ③ played
④ to play ⑤ to playing

274. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝 지어진 것은?
Kelly enjoys ______________ in the morning.
My father bought a red dress ______________ me.
① jogging - for
② jogging - to
③ jogging - of
④ to jog - by
⑤ to jog - for

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
275. 빈칸에 공통으로 쓸 수 있는 것은?
Many people expects ______________ find the truth.
My teacher told me ______________ write an essay.
① by
② for
③ of
④ to
⑤ in

다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

She made me ______________.
① sad ② laugh ③ happily
④ pleased ⑤ a judge

My mom ______________ me wash the dishes.
① had ② saw ③ made
④ asked ⑤ helped

278. 다음 중 문장의 형식이 <보기>와 같은 것은?

<보기> His teacher told him to go to college.
① The elephant walked very fast.
② He gave me a birthday present.
③ The boy's voice sounded excited.
④ I have four classes in the morning.
⑤ I watched an old lady crossing the street.

다음 우리말에 맞게 주어진 단어들을 바르게 배열하시오.
엄마는 내가 자전거를 타고 학교에 가게 만들었다.
[bike, me, by, made, go, to, Mom, school]
→ ________________________________
Mom made me go to school by bike.
그녀는 그에게 열심히 공부하라고 충고했다.
[him, study, to, she, advised, hard]
→ ________________________________
She advised him to study hard.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
281. 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 바꿔 쓸 수 없는 것은?
His dad told him to read a lot of books.
① made ② asked ③ expected
④ wanted ⑤ advised

282. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 나머지와 다른 하나는?

① Can you lend your bike _________ me?
② Her mom brought an umbrella _________ her.
③ I made seafood spaghetti _________ my children.
④ Mike teaches English every Sunday _________ us.
⑤ I showed my wedding photo _________ my friends.

283. 다음 두 문장을 한 문장으로 바르게 연결한 것은?

I heard them last night. They fought.
① I heard fight them last night.
② I heard them fight last night.
③ I heard to fight them last night.
④ I heard them to fight last night.
⑤ I heard them fought last night.

284. 의미가 같도록 바르게 전환한 것은?

He can give you good advice.
① He can give good advice you.
② He can give good advice to you.
③ He can give good advice of you.
④ He can give good advice for you.
⑤ He can give good advice about you.

285. 다음과 의미가 비슷한 것은?

It can give you happiness
① It can give happiness to you.
② It can give happiness for you.
③ It can give happiness of you.
④ It can give you to happiness.
⑤ It can give you for happiness.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 중 어법상 어색 한 것은?
① My parents allowed me to go to the party.
② I will become a diplomat in the Korean Embassy in Germany.
③ He can keep children silently.
④ My Indian friend wants to visit Korea again soon.
⑤ I don't know what she teach them.

① I consider her qualified.
② They were excited to hear the news that she won the match.
③ Do you want to exchange it for something?
④ My dream is to being the president like Abraham Lincoln.
⑤ I listen to music to feel relaxed.

288. 다음 문장에서 틀린 부분을 찾아서 바르게 고치시오.

The handsome man gives a red rose for me.

289. 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.

나의 오빠는 그의 친구들 보다 더 똑똑해 보인다.
My brother looks smarter than his friends.

290. 다음 나열된 단어들은 하나의 문장으로 완성 하시오.

My friend, me, ignores, with, is, upset, me, and, walk, by me, fast
My friend is upset with me ignores me and walk fast by me.

의미가 통하도록 문장을 <보기>와 연결한 후 문장의 형식을 쓰시오.

<보기> in 1805. it to happen. he was a winner. me a book. free.
291. Admission is
Admission is free. 2형식
292. Linda offered
Linda offered me a book. 4형식
293. Nelson died
Nelson died in 1805. 1형식
294. I expected
I expected it to happens. 5형식
295. I thought
I thought he was a winner. 3형식

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
서로 어울리는 것을 <보기>에서 찾아 연결하시오.
<보기> the door open? him not to be late. the train leaving the station. myself
understood. him captain. a dog bark?
296. They elected
They elected him captain.
297. Can you push
Can you push the door open?
298. Did you hear
Did you hear a dog bark?
299. I can't make
I can't make myself understood.
300. I warned
I warned him not to be late.
301. We watched
We watched the train leaving the station.

302. 다음 4형식 문장을 3형식으로 고치시오.

[1] She gave me a cute doll.
→ ________________________________________________________
[2] I bought my mother her birthday present.
→ ________________________________________________________
[3] She asked her teacher English grammar.
→ ________________________________________________________
[1] She gave a cute doll to me. [2] I bought her birthday present for my mother. [3] She
asked English grammar of her teacher.

303. 다음 대화 중에서 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아서 바르게 고치시오.

A : Excuse me. Is it OK if I help you crossing the street?
B : Oh, thank you very much. It's very nice of you to help me.
A : Don't mention it. It's my pleasure.
B : In fact, I'm afraid of crossing the street.
A : I know how it feels.
help you crossing → help you cross[to cross]

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
직접목적어와 간접목적어의 순서를 바꾸어서 다시 쓰시오.
304. She gave me a pretty doll.
She gave a pretty doll to me.
305. Please sing us a song.
Please sing a song for us.
306. I teach him English every Sunday.
I teach English to him every Sunday.

다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

307. The horse [fell, felled] down.
308. The school was [found, founded] in 1950.
309. He [said, told] me that he was very happy.
310. He [started, left] Seoul for Busan.
311. 다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
[1] She made a beautiful necklace to me.
_________ → ____________
[2] The chicken soup smells very deliciously.
_________ → ____________
[1] to → for [2] deliciously → delicious

312. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 알맞은 것은?

‧ I _________ my brother drawing.
‧ He _________ some children swim in the pool.
① let ② saw ③ made
④ asked ⑤ helped

어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 고치시오.

313. I have to help my brother doing his homework.
doing - [to] do
314. The clerk let the customers trying on the clothes.
trying - try

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
315. He looked at his son [happy, happily]
316. He looked [happy, happily] today.
317. She told the story [to, for] her friends.
318. Can I ask a favor [for, of] you?
319. He went [mad, madly] after his son died.
320. He went to the store [quick, quickly].
321. He bought a blouse [to, for] his wife.
322. James sent an email [to, for] me.

두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

323. My mom gives some money to me every day.
= My mom gives me ____________________________.
some money every day
324. Mr. Smith taught me English last year.
= Mr. Smith taught English ____________________________.
to me last year
325. He will buy his daughter a dress.
= He will buy a dress ____________________________.
for his daughter
326. My teacher showed some books to us.
= My teacher showed ______________ some books.

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

Amy looks ________.
① sad ② tired ③ angry
④ lovely ⑤ happily

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
Mr. White ________ me play the violin.
① let ② asked ③ made
④ watched ⑤ helped

329. 밑줄 친 부분을 괄호 안의 말로 바꾸어 주어진 문장을 다시 쓰시오.

Dad never allows me to stay out overnight. [let]
→ __________________________________
Dad never lets me stay out overnight.

330. 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장은?

① Jessica called her dog Clara.
② David made his parents angry.
③ They heard somebody to shout.
④ They told him to visit them sometime.
⑤ The girl always keeps her room clean.

331. 다음 중 문장 전환이 잘못된 것은?

① Can I ask you a favor?
→ Can I ask a favor to you?
② History can teach us many things.
→ History can teach many things to us.
③ I didn't lend my sister my dress.
→ I didn't lend my dress to my sister.
④ Her husband bought her a new perfume.
→ Her husband bought a new perfume for her.
⑤ She sent me an invitation to a dinner party.
→ She sent an invitation to a dinner party to me.

332. 다음 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오. to Sally

Brian wrote Sally a love letter.
= Brian wrote a love letter __________.
to Sally

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
333. 다음 주어진 조건에 맞게 우리말을 영어로 옮기시오.
<조건1> 4형식 문장으로 쓸 것
<조건2> 주어진 단어를 사용할 것 [food, clothes]
그들은 가난한 아이들에게 음식과 옷을 보냈다.
→ _______________________________________
They sent poor children food and clothes.

두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 할 때 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

My mom made me potato pizza.
→ My mom made potato pizza _______ me.

She asked the teacher a question.
→ She asked a question ________ the teacher.

다음 빈칸에 적절하지 않은 것은?

He ________ me to learn Taekwondo.
① wants ② tells
③ advises ④ makes
⑤ asks

She looks ________ today.
① sad ② tired
③ excited ④ busy
⑤ angrily

빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

338. Nancy made a cake _________ him.
339. Father told an interesting story ______________ me.
340. We bought a nice present ______________ Lucy.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
341. Many I ask a question ______________ you?

다음 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

342. 톰은 런던 대학을 심리학 전공 우등으로 졸업했다.
= Tom has just _____________ ______________ University of London with first-class honors
in psychology.
graduated from
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
This flower smells ______________.
① well ② very ③ sweet
④ kindly ⑤ beautifully

My mom made me ______________ my room.
① clean ② cleans ③ cleaned
④ cleaning ⑤ to clean

345. 다음 중 문장의 쓰임이 다른 것은?

➀ He gave me an apple.
➁ My mother made me sad.
➂ We called him Big Mouth.
➃ I saw her open the window.
➄ I want my brother to come back.

346. 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 하나는?

➀ I gave some pictures ______________ Jane.
➁ He told an interesting story ______________ us.
➂ Jack sent a package ______________ his cousin.
➃ Can you make delicious food ______________ me?
➄ Tim showed his album ______________ his girlfriend.

347. 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?

This song sounds ______________ .
➀ sweet ➁ loud ➂ lovely ➃ well ➄ nice

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
348. 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?
Mrs. White ______________ me not to be late.
➀ let ➁ made ➂ saw ➃ ordered ➄ had

349. 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 하나는?

➀ I`ll get some food ______________ you.
➁ Can you lend a computer ______________ me?
➂ He cooked dinner ______________ his wife.
➃ Jane made a toy ______________ her little sister.
➄ The sailor found a bag ______________ me.

350. 다음 문장의 형식이 다른 것은?

➀ I made him a shirt.
➁ He asked me many questions.
➂ My uncle bought me this book.
➃ You should keep your teeth clean.
➄ I gave her a present on her birthday.

351. 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것은?

➀ He told a funny story ______________ me.
➁ He lent much money ______________ her.
➂ Did he ask a question ______________ you?
➃ Can you show the letter ______________ me?
➄ She brought many books ______________ her sister.

다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 문장을 다시 쓰시오.

My dad told me go fishing with him.
→ _________________________________
My dad told me to go fishing with him.

Please let me watching my favorite TV show.
→ _________________________________
Please let me watch my favorite TV show.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
354. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장은?
① I heard the rain fallen on the roof.
② I saw the dog running down the street.
③ I watched the boys play.
④ I felt the building shaking.
⑤ I saw the child walk for the first time.

355. 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분 대신 쓸 수 있는 것은?

I didn't want to go there, but she made me go.
① had ② hoped
③ wanted ④ expected
⑤ forced

356. 어법상 옳은 문장은?
➀ They let him going first.
➁ This fish smells deliciously.
➂ Mother allowed me go out with you.
➃ He made me carry his school bag.
➄ She heard somebody to knock on the door.

357. 어법상 어색한 것은?

➀ I felt sick on the bus.
➁ Your idea sounds good.
➂ You look nice today.
➃ The flower doesn`t smell good.
➄ This milk smells strangely.

358. 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 나머지와 다른 것은?

➀ He teaches soccer ______________ us.
➁ She gave a book ______________ me.
➂ I sent an email ______________ my teacher.
➃ She told the story ______________ her son.
➄ My mother made a cake ______________ me.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
어법상 어색한 문장은?
➀ The girl gave him a book.
➁ She bought a CD for her son.
➂ Can I ask a favor of you?
➃ He gave some advice for me.
➄ They showed the room to me.

➀ It felt warm.
➁ This dress feels well.
➂ The baby looks happy.
➃ This pizza tastes good.
➄ The soup smells delicious.

➀ The boy gave me it yesterday.
➁ He made some pizza for me.
➂ I`ll buy you a computer.
➃ He told me hat he was wrong.
➄ I gave a book to my sister.

➀ We made her happy.
➁ We are getting cold.
➂ Please keep quiet.
➃ The story sounds truly.
➄ The leaves are turning yellow.

➀ He lent me some money.
➁ Can you buy a present to me?
➂ He made spaghetti for her.
➃ I asked a question of her.
➄ Tommy teaches us French.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
주어진 문장을 <보기>와 같이 바꿔 쓰시오.
<보기> I sent Amy a letter.
→ I sent a letter to Amy.
My English teacher asked me some questions.
→ __________________________________
My English teacher asked some questions of me.
My mom made us some sandwiches.
→ __________________________________
My mom made some sandwiches for us.

다음 문장을 영작하시오.
366. 그는 경찰관이 되었다.
He became a police officer.
367. 나는 버스를 타고 학교에 간다.
I go to school by bus.
368. 그녀는 바이올린을 연주했다.
She played the violin.
369. 엄마는 나에게 가방을 사주셨다.
Mom bought me a bag.
370. 나는 배가 고프다.
I am hungry.

다음 문장을 영작하시오. [3형식으로 쓰시오.]

371. 나는 그녀에게 꽃을 보냈다.
I sent flowers to her.
372. 소금을 나에게 건네주세요.
Pass the salt to me, please.
373. 나는 그가 수영장에서 수영하는 것을 보았다.
I saw him swimming [swim] in the pool.
374. 엄마는 내가 의사가 되기를 원한다.
Mom wanted me to be a doctor.
375. 그들은 나를 Meg라고 부른다.
They call me Meg.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
두 문장을 <보기>와 같이 한 문장으로 연결하시오.
<보기> I saw him. He was playing soccer.
→ I saw him playing soccer.
I heard my neighbor. My neighbor played the piano.
→ __________________________________
I heard my neighbor play the piano.

I saw her. She was singing a song.
→ _________________________________
I saw her singing a song.

378. 빈칸에 알맞은 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

- I heard the bird ______________ at night.
- My parents want me ______________ a doctor.
➀ cry - be ➁ crying - to be
➂ crying - be ➃ cry - being
➄ to cry - to be

379. 다음 문장들의 성격이 다른 하나는?
➀ She calls her son my sweetie.
➁ She lent me her notebook.
➂ She eats too much chocolate.
➃ I couldn`t find your seat easily.
➄ I bought him a cup of coffe.

380. 어법상 어색한 문장은?
➀ She told so many lies to me.
➁ I gave a diamond ring to my wife.
➂ I will get some food for you.
➃ He made some pizza to his friends.
➄ He asked our names of us.

381. 문장의 관계가 나머지와 다른 하나는?
➀ Please teach me math.
➁ We call him Uncle Tom.
➂ I will send you a postcard.
➃ She bought the child toys.
➄ He gave her his mother`s ring.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
382. 어법상 옳은 문장은?
➀ I felt someone to watch me.
➁ Let me going there with you.
➂ I heard the playing the piano.
➃ He made me to keep the secret.
➄ I saw him to break the window.

383. 밑줄 친 단어 중 의미가 다른 하나는?
➀ What made you think so?
➁ I made him wash the dishes.
➂ My mom made some snacks.
➃ His advice made me feel bad.
➄ Sad movies always make me cry.

384. 어법상 어색한 문장은?

➀ I felt very cold in the rain.
➁ That perfume smells good.
➂ Glass breaks easily.
➃ She remained silent all day.
➄ She felt sadly about the news.

385. 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

[What, Which] do you prefer, rock music or jazz?

386. 다음 문장을 부정문으로 전환할 때 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

Let's go to school.
→ Let's ______________ ______________ to school.
not go

387. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 어법상 어색한 것은?

① This soup tastes good.
② You look sadly today.
③ I hope you feel better.
④ This egg smells bad.
⑤ That sounds very interesting.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
388. My daughter is very ______________ and kind.
➀ beautiful ➁ beautifully ➂ a student
➃ student ➄ beautiful student

389. It is winter now. It`s getting ______________.

➀ warmer ➁ colder ➂ like cold
➃ like warm ➄ like excitedly

390. I know she feels very ______________.

➀ excite ➁ excited ➂ like excited
➃ excitedly ➄ like excitedly

391. 1Tom Smith looks just ______________.

➀ happily ➁ like happy ➂ his father
➃ like his father ➄ like happily

392. When Amy heard the news, her face turned ______________.
➀ red ➁ angrily ➂ beautifully
➃ like red ➄ like angrily

393. In the future, I will ______________ a good teacher.

➀ am ➁ become ➂ look
➃ going ➄ sound

394. I will make her ______________.

➀ happily ➁ a doll ➂ for love
➃ ➁a good man ➄ to be rich

395. I will give my dictionary ______________ you.

➀ on ➁ in ➂ of ➃ to ➄ for

396. I think the interviewer will ask difficult questions ______________ me.
➀ sent ➁ bought ➂ made
➃ got ➄ begged

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
397. Susie ______________ a warm sweater for me.
➀ sent ➁ bought ➂ made
➃ lent ➄ brought

398. 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?
My English teacher looks ______________ this morning.
➀ happy ➁ sadly ➂ beautiful
➃ excited ➄ lovely

399. 우리말에 맞게 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
그녀는 내 생일에 나에게 선물을 주었다.
She gave a present ____________________________ me on my birthday.
400. 다음 빈칸에 차례대로 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
- She wrote a letter ______________ me.
- I will ask a favor ______________ him.
to / of
401. 빈칸에 알맞은 말은?
You look ____________________________.
➀ a fool ➁ handsome ➂ health
➃ a ghost ➄ a princess

402. 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말을 쓰시오.

- The cloth feels ______________ silk.
- He looks ______________ a monkey.

403. 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?

She asked me ______________.
➀ gentle ➁ be gentle ➂ gently
➃ being gentle ➄ to be gentle

404. 빈칸에 알맞은 말은?

I want you ____________________________.
➀ to be happy ➁ for being happy
➂ will be happy ➃ be happy
➄ happy

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
405. 두 문장의 의미가 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?
I`ll buy her a bag.
= I`ll buy a bag ______________ her.
➀ to ➁ at ➂ of ➃ with ➄ for

406. like를 쓸 수 없는 것은?

➀ It looks ______________ a great idea.
➁ He is not ______________ me.
➂ He looks ______________ pretty.
➃ Do you ______________ me?
➄ What is the weather ______________?

407. 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 것은?
I will ______________ him the book.
➀ pass ➁ give ➂ bring ➃ want ➄ send

408. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?
나에게 그 사진을 주세요.
➀ Please give me the picture.
➁ Please give to me the picture.
➂ Please give the picture for me.
➃ Please give the picture me.
➄ Please give for me the picture.

409. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?

그는 그의 아내에게 사진을 보여주었다.
➀ He shows the picture his wife.
➁ He showed the picture his wife.
➂ He showed the wife his picture.
➃ He shows the picture for his wife.
➄ He showed his wife the picture.

410. 문장의 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?

She made me ______________.
➀ early ➁ angry ➂ carefully ➃ easily ➄ happily

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
411. 문장의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?
That news made us ______________.
➀ sad ➁ upset ➂ pleased ➃ angrily ➄ surprised

412. <보기>와 같이 주어진 말을 주어로 하여 문장을 바꿔 쓰시오.

<보기> Amy wants to be a singer.
→ I want Amy to be a singer.
I want to get a good grade.
→ My mom _______________________________.
wants me to get a good grade

두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸을 완성하시오.

413. I believe that he is honest.
→ I believe ______________ ______________
him honest

414. We found that the room was empty.

→ We found ______________ ______________ ______________.
the room empty

각 문장에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

415. Mom let me to bring my friends home.
to bring - bring
416. I had my car repair.
repair - repaired
417. I watched children to play in the playground.
to play - play / playing
418. Jenny teaches her students it.
her students it - it to her student
419. My daughter keeps asking me buy some candies.
buy - to buy
420. 다음 우리말과 의미가 같도록 할 때 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?
나는 구름이 떠다니는 것을 보는 것을 좋아한다.
→ I like to ____________________ by.
① the clouds float watching
② the clouds floating watch
③ watch the clouds floating
④ watch the clouds to float
⑤ float the clouds watching

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
우리말과 일치하도록 단어를 배열하시오.
421. 그것은 촉감이 매우 부드럽다.
[very, feels, it, smooth]
It feels very smooth
422. 그가 전해준 뉴스 소식은 이상하게 들렸다.
[the news, us, gave, strange, he, sounded]
The news he gave us sounded strange.
423. 그가 한 얘기는 우리에게 이상하게 들렸다.
[sounded, story, his, us, to, strange]
His story sounded strange to us.
424. 언니는 나에게 테디 베어를 만들어 주었다.
[a teddy bear, me, sister, my, made]
My sister made me a teddy bear.
425. 저에게 커피 좀 갖다 주시겠습니까?
[bring, to, coffee, can, me, some, you]
Can you bring some coffee to me?
426. 그녀에게 이메일을 보내는 것이 어때?
[don`t, send, why, am email, you, her]
Why don`y you send her an email?

두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸을 완성하시오.

427. My sister told me her love story.
→ My sister told her love story ______________ me.
428. He asked me several questions.
→ He asked several questions ______________ me.
429. I bought my mom roses.
→ I bought roses ______________ my mom.

430. 다음 중 <보기>와 문장의 형식이 같은 것은?

She has a good memory.
① He lent her a tennis racket.
② There is a cat on the roof.
③ We want to go shopping.
④ She became a famous actress.
⑤ I felt someone touching my shoulder.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
431. 다음 중 <보기>와 문장의 형식이 다른 것은?
She thinks the girl honest.
① We called the boy Sam.
② The teacher told us to be quiet.
③ I found the puzzle difficult.
④ We should keep our body warm.
⑤ Minho and Kyungmi walked together.

어법상 잘못된 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.
432. This wine smells sweetly. Let`s buy this one.
sweetly - sweet
433. God gave a special gift of her.
of - to
434. She grew famously.
famously - famous
435. This morning I feel very well.
well - good

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

436. She asked me [stay, to stay].
to stay
437. My parents let me [stay, to stay] out late.
438. He told me [wait, to wait].
to wait
439. He made me [wait, to wait] for two hours.
440. I want you [go, to go] on a diet.
to go
441. I kept the room [warm, warmly].

다음 우리말과 일치하도록 단어를 배열하시오.

442. 나는 그것이 좋은 생각이라고 생각해.
[think, idea, I, it, good, a]
I think it a good idea.
443. 사랑이 나를 살아 있게 해 준다.
[me, keeps, love, alive]
Love keeps me alive.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
444. 그녀는 문을 열어둔 채 나갔다.
[door, she, the, open, left]
She left the door open.

틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

445. He saw a man to enter his house.
to enter - enter / entering
446. Will you lend some money me?
me - to me / some money to - me some money

다음 문장에서 잘못된 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

447. Mom made to me a new dress.
to 삭제
448. Can you buy the boy to me?
to - for
449. May I ask a question for you?
for - of
450. He gave this book for me.
for - to
451. That sounds well.
well - good
452. You look a gentleman.
look - look like
453. This cloth feels softly.
softly - soft

454. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 문장 성분이 나머지와 다른 하나는?

① My brother made me angry.
② She made me water the plants.
③ I want to make you happy.
④ He made his son a model airplane.
⑤ The coach made him a famous swimmer.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
455. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 문장은?
① Water boils quickly.
② Her sing sounds beautiful.
③ Good medicine tastes bitter.
④ The school bus moves slowly.
⑤ She felt warmly with hot chocolate.

456. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 모두 고르시오.

Harry heard his dog ________.
① bark ② barked
③ barking ④ barks
⑤ to bark
①, ③

두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸을 완성하시오.

457. The woman taught many things to the children.
= The woman taught the ______________ ______________ ______________.
children many things
458. Jenny showed me her new cellular phone.
= Jenny showed her new ______________ _____________ ______________
cellular phone to me

우리말과 일치하도록 단어들을 배열하시오.

459. 우리 어머니는 내가 일찍 일어나기를 바라신다.
[me, wants, early, my, to, mother, get up]
My mother wants me to get up early.
460. 그녀는 그에게 방을 청소하게 했다.
[she, him, clean, made, the room]
She made him clean the room.

461. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것을 모두 고르시오.

그녀는 내가 그 문제를 푸는 것을 도와주었다.
① She helped me to solve the problem.
② She helped me to solving the problem.
③ She helped me solved the problem.
④ She helped me of solving the problem.
⑤ She helped me solve the problem.
①, ⑤

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
462. 다음 어법상 어색한 문장은?
① I saw many people taking a walk.
② He felt someone touch his forehead.
③ The teacher expects me to pass the test.
④ He didn't let his son to drive his car.
⑤ I asked them to be quiet in the library.

463. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것은?

She made me ________ for an hour.
① to wait ② waited
③ waiting ④ wait
⑤ waits

우리말과 일치하도록 괄호 안의 단어를 배열하시오.

464. 나에게 재미있는 이야기를 해주세요.
[me, story, tell, please, interesting, to, an]
Please tell an interesting story to me.
465. 당신의 손을 깨끗하게 유지해 주세요.
Please [clean, your, keep, hands]
Please keep your hands clean.
466. 너는 그 소문이 사실이라고 생각하니?
[true, the, do, think, you, rumor]?
Do you think the rumor true?
467. 그녀는 매우 아름답게 보였다.
[beautiful, she, very, looked]
She looked very beautiful.
468. 이 아이스크림은 맛있다.
[this, delicious, ice cream, tastes]
This ice cream tastes delicious.

3형식 문장을 4형식으로, 4형식 문장을 3형식으로 전환하시오.

Susan's mother cooked us dinner.
→ ___________________________________
Susan's mother cooked dinner for us.
I didn't lend my dictionary to her.
→ ___________________________________
I didn't lend her my dictionary.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
471. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 의미가 <보기>와 같은 것은?
My mom had me do my homework.
① I had a lot of homework to do.
② She had her son wipe the windows.
③ He had a terrible headache.
④ Bill had hamburgers for lunch.
⑤ We had a great time at the party.

472. 다음 괄호 안에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

• She found the sofa [comfortable/comfortably].
• I saw him [to swim/swimming] across the lake.
• We expected her [to come/come] to the party.
① comfortable - swimming - come
② comfortable - to swim - come
③ comfortable - swimming - to come
④ comfortably - to swim - to come
⑤ comfortably - swimming - to come

473. 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

Please keep your room cleanly.
cleanly - clean

다음 문장의 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

I ______________ a lot of people laughing.
➀ made ➁ let ➂ had ➃ helped ➄ heard

She ______________ her daughter to draw pictures.
➀ heard ➁ watched ➂ saw ➃ listen to ➄ helped

I heard her ______________ her son.
➀ to call ➁ calls ➂ called ➃ call ➄ to calling

My brother never let me ______________his computer.
➀ use ➁ used ➂ using ➃ to use ➄ have used

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
478. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?
- I like him. He always makes me ______________.
- Sad movies always make me ______________.
➀ happy - cry ➁ happy - to cry
➂ happily - cry ➃ happy - crying
➄ happily - to cry

479. 주어진 문장과 형식이 다른 하나는?

My teacher showed some books to us.
➀ She bought a computer for her son.
➁ He gave many apples to us.
➂ Please bring me the menu.
➃ I wrote a letter to my uncle.
➄ I will ask some questions of her.

480. 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말을 쓰시오.

- I asked her ______________ marry me.
- He sent some roses ______________ his wife.

481. 어법상 어색한 문장은?

➀ He asked a question of me.
➁ I heard my mother laughing loudly.
➂ She allowed me use her computer.
➃ The nights are getting longer and longer.
➄ Mary helped me solve the problem.

482. 어법상 옳지 않은 것은?

➀ He felt afraid of the news.
➁ I ordered them to be quiet.
➂ She helped me finishing the work.
➃ My father let me go camping.
➄ Laura heard her friend shouting.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
483. 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 다른 것은?
➀ He made me happy.
➁ I made my mother a scarf.
➂ Mike made his son a professional golfer.
➃ My father made me study medicine.
➄ This tie made him look young.

어법상 어색한 것은?
➀ Can you lend me a bicycle?
➁ He bought a ring for her wife.
➂ I envy your talent to you.
➃ She sent them to her mother.
➄ He gave me your message.

➀ Many foolish things made her angry.
➁ She found it difficult.
➂ The news made her surprised.
➃ Our teacher told us listen to his words.
➄ Everyone wanted her to win the game.

➀ I saw her opening the door.
➁ I`ll make my son to enter the room.
➂ The doctor told me to gain weight.
➃ I heard my sister talk with him.
➄ I want this watch to be repaired.

다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

There is many pencils in the box.
is → are

Rules and laws keep people safely.
safely → safe

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
어법상 어색한 것은?
➀ Pass me the salt, please.
➁ He made me a toy.
➂ Will you write me a letter?
➃ I send to you roses.
➄ I bought her a bag.

➀ I asked her help my son.
➁ Let me introduce my friend.
➂ She wanted me to go there.
➃ Mother told her to study hard.
➄ She helped me do my homework.

➀ I envy you your talent.
➁ I`ll make my son carry the box.
➂ Bill sent her it yesterday.
➃ She felt her heart beat widely.
➄ He looks very nice in a green shirt.

다음 주어진 단어들을 이용하여 우리말에 맞게 문장을 완성하시오.

선생님은 학생들이 교실을 청소하게 했다.
[have, clean, the classroom]
→ _____________________________________
The teacher had the students clean the classroom.
그들은 땅이 흔들리는 것을 느꼈다.
[the ground, shake]
→ ____________________________________
They felt the ground shake. 또는 They felt the ground shaking.

494. 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

I bought my cousin a baseball glove.
→ I bought a baseball glove ______________ ______________ ______________.
for my cousin

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 문장을 전치사를 이용하여 3형식으로 고치시오.
495. My father made me a model airplane.
My father made a model car for me.
496. Mother bought me a new dress.
Mother bought a new dress for me.
497. Mr. Brown taught us many important things.
Mr. Brown taught many important things to us.
498. Her little son always asks her many questions.
Her little son always asks many questions of her.

우리말과 일치하도록 단어를 배열하시오.

499. 우리는 창문을 열어 뒀다.
[the, we, open, window, kept]
We kept the window open.
500. 엄마는 내가 TV보는 것을 허락하셨다.
[me, allowed, TV, mother, watch, to]
Mother allowed me to watch TV.
501. 선생님은 나에게 더 열심히 공부하라고 말씀하셨다.
[told, harder, me, the teacher, to, study]
The teacher told me to study harder.
502. 아빠는 내가 영화를 보러 가도록 허락해 주셨다.
[me, Dad, allowed, to, go, to, a, movie]
Dad allowed me to go to a movie.
503. 나는 그가 생각을 바꾸도록 만들었다.
[made, change, mind, his, I, him]
I made him change his mind.
504. 그녀는 누군가 그녀의 이름을 부르는 것을 들었다.
[call, someone, her, heard, name, she]
She heard someone call her name.
505. 나는 아이들이 운동장에서 노는 것을 지켜보았다.
[children, I, play, on the playground, watched]
I watched children play on the playground.

잘못된 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

506. This wine smells sweetly. Let`s buy this one.
sweetly - sweet
507. When I heard her to sing, I felt like dream.
to sing - sing / singing

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
다음 영문을 우리말로 옮기시오.
508. I stayed at home all day.
나는 하루 종일 집에 머물렀다.
509. The leaves turn red and yellow in fall.
가을이면 나뭇잎이 노랗고 빨갛게 변한다.
510. You look very happy today.
너 오늘 아주 행복해 보인다.
511. Do you want to drink some tea?
차를 좀 마시겠습니까?
512. She told me an interesting story.
그녀는 나에게 재미있는 이야기를 해 주었다.

513. 다음 빈칸에 올 수 없는 것은?

This morning I feel ____________________________.
➀ terrible ➁ a little sad ➂ a bad cold
➃ so happy ➄ like a loser

514. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?

I ______________ everybody to spend money carefully.
➀ told ➁made ➂ let ➃ had ➄ felt

515. 우리말을 바르게 옮긴 것을 모두 고르시오.

우리들은 그 도둑이 그녀의 지갑을 훔치는 것을 보았다.
➀ We saw the thief steal her wallet.
➁ We saw the thief to steal her wallet.
➂ We saw the thief stealing her wallet.
➃ We saw the thief stole her wallet.
➄ We saw the thief stolen her wallet.
➀ ➂

516. 다음 문장과 형식이 같은 것은?

➀ I will make my family happy.
➁ He helped me to succeed in my business.
➂ You can do the work by yourself.
➃ She taught us how to cook.
➄ You gave a lot of things to me.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
517. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분 중 의미가 다른 하나는?
➀ I had my hat blown off by the wind.
➁ I had my hair cut at the barber`s.
➂ My mother had me post the letters.
➃ Her father had his car fixed.
➄ I had the porter carry my suitcase.

518. 다음 중 4형식으로 바꿀 수 없는 것은?
➀ She sent an English letter to me.
➁ She teaches biology to us.
➂ I prefer skiing to swimming.
➃ She bought a toy for her sons.
➄ She showed some painting to me.

519. 다음 문장과 문장의 형식이 다른 것은?
Please bring me the menu.
➀ I made him very angry.
➁ Grandma told a funny story.
➂ I taught how to drive.
➃ I will ask her some questions.
➄ She made him something to eat.

520. 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 것은?
Mother ______________ me to do the dishes.
➀ told ➁ allowed ➂ asked
➃ watched ➄ wanted

521. 문장의 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?

I saw the thief ______________ my money.
➀ steal ➁ stole ➂ stolen
➃ to steal ➄ to stealing

522. 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 말은?

She feels ____________________________.
➀ sad ➁ sorry ➂ great ➃ nervous ➄ happily

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
523. 알맞은 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.
- My parents ______________ present to me on my birthday.
- I ______________ some candies for Mina.
➀ made - brought ➁ gave - bought
➂ found - showed ➃ saw - asked
➄ got - cooked

524. 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?

The lady looks _____________________.
➀ happy ➁ brave ➂ sadly ➃ pretty ➄ young

빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

I saw my brother ______________ with a dog.
➀ plays ➁ played ➂ to play
➃ playing ➄ to playing

My mother made me ______________ my homework before I go out.
➀ finish ➁ finishes ➂ finished
➃ finishing ➄ to finish

He taught ______________ English for 3 years.
➀ I ➁ my ➂ me ➃ to me ➄ for me

The soup ______________ good and Mina ______________ happy.
➀ feels - sounds ➁ looks - tastes
➂ feels - tastes ➃ tastes - feels
➄ sounds - smells

529. 빈칸에 들어갈 각각의 단어를 쓰시오.
- I brought some cake ______________ you.
- I will make some toys ______________ my nephew.
to - for

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
530. 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?
She ______________ him do the laundry.
➀ made ➁ let ➂ had ➃ helped ➄ wanted

문장의 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 쓰시오.

My brother brought a cake ______________ me.
I bought a pair of socks ______________ my mother.

533. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 나타낸 것은?

나는 부모님께 카드를 만들어 드릴 것이다.
➀ I will make a card my parents.
➁ I will make a card to my parents.
➂ I will make for my parents a card.
➃ I will make my parents a card.
➄ I will make to my parents a card.

534. 주어진 문장의 형식과 같은 것은?

I made my daughter a pianist.
➀ She looks very happy.
➁ I made my daughter cookies.
➂ You can call me Julie.
➃ I bought a doll for my younger sister.
➄ My plan for the weekends is going skiing.

535. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 나타낸 것은?

나는 그들이 나를 도와주기를 원한다.
➀ I wanted to help them.
➁ I wanted that they helped me.
➂ I wanted them to help me.
➃ I wanted they could help me.
➄ I wanted that I helped them.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
536. 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 단어를 쓰시오.
- He taught English ______________ me.
- Let`s give a big hand ______________ her.
- The boy gave a ball ______________ the baby.

537. 빈칸에 알맞은 말은?

He heard the girl ______________ the piano at night.
➀ plays ➁ played ➂ be played
➃ to play ➄ play

538. 두 문장의 뜻이 같을 때 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
- She makes us delicious food.
= She makes delicious food ______________ us.
539. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?
그의 강의는 나를 따분하게 만들었다.
➀ He made boring lecture me.
➁ He made me lecture boring.
➂ His lecture make bored.
➃ His lecture made me bored.
➄ His lecture make me boring.

540. 주어진 문장의 밑줄 친 부분과 다르게 쓰인 것은?

These studies make us think about colors.
➀ It makes my eyes relax.
➁ I`m sorry I can`t make it.
➂ He makes him dance.
➃ It makes me feel bright.
➄ What makes you cry?

541. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?

나는 John에게 그 일을 하라고 시킬 것이다.
➀ I`ll take John do the work.
➁ I`ll let John to do the work.
➂ I`ll make John doing the work.
➃ I`ll have John do the work.
➄ I`ll have John doing the work.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
542. 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 아래와 같은 것은?
My brother kept her room clean.
➀ She kept on dancing.
➁ You should keep quiet in this room.
➂ They keep the beer cool.
➃ He kept calm there.
➄ She didn`t keep silent.

543. 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?

I ______________ him to buy a new car.
➀ wanted ➁ made ➂ allowed ➃ told ➄ expected

544. 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?

The girl looks ______________.
➀ sadly ➁ hungry ➂ tired ➃ sleepy ➄ smart

545. 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?

She is kind and ______________.
➀ wise ➁ honest ➂ careful ➃ friend ➄ hardworking

546. 어법상 어색한 문장은?
➀ The lady looked younger.
➁ The song sounded beautifully.
➂ It is getting darker and darker.
➃ They seem big and tall.
➄ the food smells terrible.

547. 문장 전환이 어색한 것은?
➀ The old man told me a strange story.
→ The old man told a strange story to me.
➁ Ben bought me a cup of coffee.
→ Ben bought me a cup of coffee.
➂ Father made my dog a pretty house.
→ Father made a pretty house for my dog.
➃ Children give their parents great pleasure.
→ Children give great pleasure to their parents.
➄ He brought me a comic book.
→ He brought a comic book for me.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
어법상 어색한 문장은?
➀ Mother made me a cake.
➁ My mom gave it to me.
➂ He explained me the rule.
➃ He teaches us English.
➄ He bought a nice watch for me.

➀ Would you send me the box?
➁ Can you give it a try?
➂ Would you give me a hand?
➃ You can ask me anything.
➄ My father gave to me a nice present.

➀ Her smile made me happily.
➁ We call this flower a lily.
➂ He always makes me angry.
➃ I believe him honest.
➄ My parents want me to be a doctor.

➀ I will let them tell the truth.
➁ He made me to cry.
➂ She had her son clean his room.
➃ I saw her playing the violin.
➄ I helped the blind man to cross the street.

552. 어법상 옳은 문장은?

➀ That sounds like good.
➁ My father looks like happy.
➂ Mary`s old friend gave her it.
➃ He asked a question to Mr. Kim.
➄ We found the movie interesting.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능
어법상 어색한 문장은?
➀ I feel very tired these days.
➁ That dress looks good on you.
➂ Do you feel sick now?
➃ He looks just like your father.
➄ The food tasted of sour.

➀ I feel sorry for that.
➁ He fell asleep after dinner.
➂ She looks like happy.
➃ The leaves turn red in autumn.
➄ That sounds pretty good.

➀ My uncle gave a book me.
➁ Minsu sent Sujin a present.
➂ Ann made some cakes for her friends,
➃ Tom bought Jane some flowers.
➄ He showed a picture to his friend.

➀ They gave me a lot of books.
➁ He showed me the way to school.
➂ My mom read my sister some stories.
➃ She liked me a few cookies.
➄ He bought me a bike.

557. 어법상 옳은 것은?

➀ It looks comfortably.
➁ They made me sadly.
➂ Let me have a look at her.
➃ He made a model ship to me.
➄ She heard me to sing a song.

김과외 앱에서 다운로드 가능

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