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Test: Module 6
A. Circle the or -.

1. Sam is the / - fastest runner in the class.

2. Many people in the / - USA speak the / - Spanish.
3. Have you ever been to the / - Africa?
4. The / - Wilsons have just moved next door.
5. The / - polar bears live in the Arctic.
6. Adam had the / - dinner and went to the / - bed.
7. I like playing the / - football.
8. Fiona is really good at the / - Maths.
9. Jessica’s favourite colour is the / - blue.
10. Judith lives in the / - north of England.
11. Ronald likes the / - milk.
12. Oliver plays the / - guitar very well.

score 14

B. Complete the sentences using the full or bare infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in

1. Julia enjoys (dance).

2. Keith stopped at the supermarket (buy) some milk.
3. There was nothing good on TV, so I suggested (go) out.
4. My tea is too hot (drink).
5. Chris had lunch but Nigel kept (work).
6. Susan remembers (wake up) very early to help on the farm
when she lived in the countryside.
7. (have) a shower in the evening is very relaxing.
8. Kevin asked me (tell) him what was happening.
9. I go (shop) every Saturday.
10. Linda made Bob (apologise) to his sister.
11. It isn’t worth (spend) so much money on a hotel room.
12. The children must (study) for their exams.
13. We use this knife for (cut) bread.
14. Sam helped me (build) a treehouse last year.

score 14
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C. Choose a, b or c.

Yesterday, I called my friend Brian (1) him a few questions about a school project and he
told me some great news. He knows how much I like (2) to rock concerts and he told me
that my favourite group was coming to town! I was very happy (3) this news and I kept
(4) Brian more questions but that’s all he knew, so he couldn’t (5) me. Anyway, I
thanked him for (6) me and I immediately decided (7) . I haven’t asked my parents
yet, but I think that if I promise (8) my room more often, they will let me (9) . I know
that it may be difficult (10) a ticket, but I hope I will be lucky enough (11) one. I’m
really looking forward to (12) to the concert!

1. a. ask b. to ask c. asking

2. a. go b. to going c. going
3. a. hear b. to hear c. hearing
4. a. ask b. to ask c. asking
5. a. help b. to help c. helping
6. a. tell b. to tell c. telling
7. a. go b. to go c. going
8. a. clean b. to clean c. cleaning
9. a. go b. to go c. going
10. a. find b. to find c. finding
11. a. get b. to get c. getting
12. a. go b. to go c. going
score 12

D. Complete the dialogues. Express agreement. Use so / neither / too / either.

1. A: Peter hasn’t travelled to Asia before.

B: I .

A: Really? Well, he wants to travel to Russia and China.

B: I. Maybe we can go together.

2. A: I don’t like mushrooms.

B: Yuk! I.

A: I love eating pizza though.

B: Yum! I .

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3. A: Jane is wearing a hat.

B: I . It’s important to protect your head from the sun.

A: Yes, but Jane didn’t bring her sunglasses.

B: Oh, I . I left them at home.

4. A: I’m not hungry.

B: Neither .

A: I’ve just finished having lunch.

B: I.

5. A: Mark came late to work today.

B: Alice .

A: Jack and Peter haven’t come yet.

B: Amy.

score 10


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