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On intercultural communication

The most important dimension among the 7 dimensions of Importance to

Intercultural competence is the capacity to communicate respect, second the capacity to

personalize one’s knowledge and perception, and lastly the capacity to be nonjudgmental.

Although each of the dimensions has its own purpose, I believe these three dimensions

could already result in successful communication between people with different cultures.

Communication is a two-way street, respect begets respect. If you want to be respected

you should definitely respect other people. People like to feel that others respect them,

their beliefs, and what they have to say. The more you show interest through your

gestures, eyes, smiles, and words of encouragement the person is much more likely to

respond positively.

The more a person recognizes the extent to which knowledge is individual in

nature, the more easily he or she will be able to adjust to other people in other cultures.

As communicators, we should keep in mind that one’s beliefs, knowledge, and attitudes

are products of one’s own experiences. The more we show that we respect one’s opinion,

the more successful the conversation will be.

Being non-judgmental keeps the communication open. People like to feel that

what they say is not being judged by someone else before they have had an opportunity to

explain themselves fully. Having non-evaluative postures seem likely to increase the

receiver’s regard for the source of nonverbal messages and thereby improve the quality of

the relationship

As human beings who grew with different beliefs and lifestyles the capacity to

communicate respect, the capacity to personalize one’s knowledge and perception, and
lastly the capacity to be nonjudgmental are some of the most important dimensions of

importance to intercultural competence that could definitely help us result in successful

communication and better relationship.

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