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Week 1 - Day Game -- Intro, Mindsets, and Pre-Approach

● Watch Module 1 - Day Game Intro

● Watch Module 2 - Pre-Approach
○ Internalize the mindsets I talk about so you can get your
confidence on track
○ Study how to get over your approach anxiety for having daytime
interactions and so that you are able to approach strangers in
● Watch 5 hidden camera day game videos
○ Notice how I interact with girls and study the breakdown of the
○ Reference elements from the training modules
● During this week, go out two separate times during the day and
practice dealing with your internal mindsets and approach anxiety
○ Talk to 3 different women each of the days that you go out and
practice feeling comfortable about approaching them
○ Recall what you learned from the Pre-Approach module and get
rid of any approach fears/anxiety if they come up
○ Try to just have a regular conversation with the women after
you approach them
○ You will learn more in the following weeks about the correct
way to approach and how to run the interaction

Week 2 - Day Game -- Location Selection & Opening

● Watch Module 6 - Day Game Locations
○ Pick out some spots as suggested in this module where you will
go do your approaches. These should be locations that you will
feel comfortable in.
● Watch Module 3 - Opening
○ Study and memorize the items on the opening checklist
● Watch 5 new hidden camera day game videos
○ Notice how I interact with girls and study the breakdown of the
○ Reference elements from the training modules
● Go out 2-3 days during the week
○ Practice internalizing the inner game mindsets that were taught
■ Practice thinking you are awesome and assuming
everything will go well
■ Practice being unaffected by negative reactions
○ Approach at least 3 (preferably 5) girls each day with the
opener, “hey can I meet you real quick, what’s your name?” (or
use any opener you like)
■ Make sure you approach girls above your attractiveness
threshold right away
■ Remind yourself to ignore approach anxiety
■ Make sure you calibrate after the fact instead of before
the fact
■ Make sure to follow all the items in the opening checklist
○ Make sure you approach at least 1 girl that is moving (walking)
● At the end of your session -- analyze every interaction and try to
figure out what you did wrong:
○ Reference the training modules to look over the different areas
that you felt you performed weak
○ Create a plan to fix areas where you are performing weak for
the next time you are out
● Optional (but recommended): Write field reports after each day out
that include the following:
○ Summary of the day
○ Lessons learned
○ Notable things that happened
○ Things that you did not think were possible
○ Questions that you can post in the Occam’s Razor facebook
Week 3 - Day Game -- Vibing
● Watch Module 4 - Vibing
● Watch 5 hidden camera day game videos
○ Notice how I interact with girls and study the breakdown of the
○ Reference elements from the training modules
● Go out 2-3 days during the week to locations specified in “Module 6 -
Daygame Locations”
○ Approach at least 3 (preferably 5) girls each day with the
opener, “hey can I meet you real quick, what’s your name?” (or
use any opener you like)
■ Make sure you approach girls above your attractiveness
threshold right away
■ Remind yourself to ignore approach anxiety
■ Make sure you calibrate after the fact instead of before
the fact
■ Make sure to follow all the items in the opening checklist
■ Practice your vibing!!!
○ Make sure you approach at least 1 girl that is moving (walking)
● At the end of your session -- analyze every interaction and try to
figure out what you did wrong:
○ Reference the training modules to look over the different areas
that you felt you performed weak
○ Create a plan to fix areas where you are performing weak for
the next time you are out
● Optional (but recommended): Write field reports after each day out
that include the following:
○ Summary of the day
○ Lessons learned
○ Notable things that happened
○ Things that you did not think were possible
○ Questions that you can post in the Occam’s Razor facebook

Week 4 - Day Game -- Logistics & Closing

● Watch Module 5 - Logistics & Closing
● Watch 5 new hidden camera day game videos
○ Notice how I interact with girls and study the breakdown of the
○ Reference elements from the training modules
○ Compare what I am doing to what you have been doing.
■ Adjust your game accordingly so it is more like mine.
● Go out 2-3 days during the week to locations specified in “Module 6 -
Daygame Locations”
○ Approach at least 3 (preferably 5) girls each day with the
opener, “hey can I meet you real quick, what’s your name?” (or
use any opener you like)
■ Focus on gathering logistical information
■ Based on the logistical information, determine if you are
going to:
● Try and take the girl home
● Go on an instant date
● Get her phone number
■ Whichever of the above 3 options you choose, follow the
system I describe in the training modules so you can
complete your goal successfully
○ Make sure you approach at least 1 girl that is moving (walking)
● At the end of your session -- analyze every interaction and try to
figure out what you did wrong:
○ Reference the training modules to look over the different areas
that you felt you performed weak
○ Create a plan to fix areas where you are performing weak for
the next time you are out
● Optional (but recommended): Write field reports after each day out
that include the following:
○ Summary of the day
○ Lessons learned
○ Notable things that happened
○ Things that you did not think were possible
○ Questions that you can post in the Occam’s Razor facebook

Week 5 - Day Game -- Expert Interview & Instadates

● Listen to the “Day Game Interview” with an advanced Day Game
○ Take notes about interesting things you learn
○ Think about how you can apply things being said to your own
game and techniques
● Watch 5 hidden camera day game videos
○ Notice how I interact with girls and study the breakdown of the
○ Reference elements from the training modules
○ Compare what I am doing to what you have been doing.
■ Adjust your game accordingly so it is more like mine.
● Go out 2-3 days during the week to locations specified in “Module 6 -
Daygame Locations”
○ Approach at least 3 (preferably 5) girls each day with the
opener, “hey can I meet you real quick, what’s your name?” (or
use any opener you like)
■ Focus on taking the girls you talk to on instadates if
■ Try to keep approaching until you can find a girl who will
go on an instadate with you (even if takes more than 5
■ Keep in mind that you should have an instadate location
(like a bar, restaurant, or coffee shop) picked out in
advance and then do your approaches near that place
○ Make sure you approach at least 1 girl that is moving (walking)
● At the end of your session -- analyze every interaction (including any
instadates) and try to figure out what you did wrong:
○ Reference the training modules to look over the different areas
that you felt you performed weak
○ Create a plan to fix areas where you are performing weak for
the next time you are out
● Optional (but recommended): Write field reports after each day out
that include the following:
○ Summary of the day
○ Lessons learned
○ Notable things that happened
○ Things that you did not think were possible
○ Questions that you can post in the Occam’s Razor facebook

Week 6 - Day Game -- Daygame Worksheets and Putting it All

● Fill out the “Day Game Worksheets”
○ Consult the different modules for answers if you get stuck
● At this point you should be very comfortable with Day Game and
have a terrific understanding of it
● Watch the rest of the hidden camera daygame videos that you have
not seen
○ Notice how I interact with girls and study the breakdown of the
○ Reference elements from the training modules
○ Compare what I am doing to what you have been doing
■ Adjust your game accordingly so it is more like mine
● Go back and review any modules that are still not clear
● Go out 2-3 days during the week to locations specified in “Module 6 -
Daygame Locations”
○ Approach at least 3 (preferably 5) girls each day with the
opener, “hey can I meet you real quick, what’s your name?” (or
use any opener you like)
■ You should have the skills at this point to know which of
the following 3 you should go for:
● Taking the girl home
● Going on an instant date
● Getting her phone number
● (remember that a major factor is her LOGISTICS)
● At the end of your session -- analyze every interaction and try to
figure out what you did wrong:
○ Reference the training modules to look over the different areas
that you felt you performed weak
○ Create a plan to fix areas where you are performing weak for
the next time you are out
● Optional (but recommended): Write field reports after each day out
that include the following:
○ Summary of the day
○ Lessons learned
○ Notable things that happened
○ Things that you did not think were possible
○ Questions that you can post in the Occam’s Razor facebook

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