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Week 1 - Dates -- Introduction & Getting/Working Leads

● Watch Module 1 - Dates Introduction

● Watch Module 2 - Getting Leads for Dates
● Watch Module 3 - Working Leads for Dates
● Take a look at the spreadsheet template for managing leads
○ Start using this template as you book dates to manage your
leads and keep track of everything
● Watch 1 hidden camera date
○ Notice how I interact with the girl
○ Reference elements from the training modules
● Work all your leads (phone numbers) from night game, day game,
and online game. By “work”, I mean try to set up dates with all of your
phone numbers by texting the girls.
○ I cover in week 2 how to text your leads to set up dates
○ Practice setting calendar reminders in your phone for the day
before a scheduled date and the day of a scheduled date
■ Set them based off how I describe in Module 3 - Working
Leads for Dates
● Try to schedule at least 1 date this week. But don’t worry if you can’t
schedule one, you can try again in week 2.
○ If you go on a date, get comfortable with vibing during the date

Week 2 - Dates -- Venue Selection & Texting for the Date

● Watch Module 4 - Venue Selection
● Watch Module 5 - Texting to Set Up a Date
● Review the flowchart for setting up a date
○ Watch the video that explains this flowchart
● Watch 1 hidden camera date you haven’t seen yet
○ Notice how I interact with the girl
○ Reference elements from the training modules
● Pick out 2 venues near your house that are going to serve as your 2
date venues
○ Pick the one you like more to be your go-to spot for scheduling
● Work all your leads (phone numbers) from night game, day game,
and online game. Try to set up dates with all of your phone numbers.
○ Follow the texting flowchart to set up your dates
● Go on at least 1 date this week
○ Get comfortable with vibing (conversation and body language)
during the date
● At the end of your date(s) -- analyze the interaction and try to figure
out what you did wrong:
○ Reference the training modules to look over the different areas
that you felt you performed weak
○ Create a plan to fix areas where you are performing weak for
the next date
● Optional (but recommended): Write a field report after each date out
that includes the following:
○ Summary of the date
○ Lessons learned
○ Notable things that happened
○ Things that you did not think were possible
○ Questions that you can post in the Occam’s Razor facebook

Week 3 - Dates -- Texting Once the Date is Set Up

& Getting Into the Correct Mindsets
● Watch Module 6 - Texting Once the Date is Set Up
● Watch Module 7 - Date Mindset
● Review the flowchart for texting before a daytime date
○ Watch the video explaining this flowchart
● Review the flowchart for texting before a nighttime date
○ Watch the video explaining this flowchart
● Practice your texting that you do once dates are set up by following
the flowcharts
● Watch 1 hidden camera date you haven’t seen yet
○ Notice how I interact with the girl
○ Reference elements from the training modules
● Go on at least 1 date this week (preferably 2 or 3)
○ Get your mindsets straight before and during each date as I
instruct in the modules
● At the end of your date(s) -- analyze the interaction and try to figure
out what you did wrong:
○ Reference the training modules to look over the different areas
that you felt you performed weak
○ Create a plan to fix areas where you are performing weak for
the next date
● Optional (but recommended): Write a field report after each date out
that includes the following:
○ Summary of the date
○ Lessons learned
○ Notable things that happened
○ Things that you did not think were possible
○ Questions that you can post in the Occam’s Razor facebook

Week 4 - Dates -- Executing the Date

● Watch Module 8 - What to do on the Date
● Watch 1 hidden camera date you haven’t seen yet
○ Notice how I interact with the girl
○ Compare what I am doing in the dates you have watched in the
past to what you just learned about how you should be
executing the date
● Go on at least 2 dates this week (preferably 3 or 4)
○ Make sure you nail the following:
■ Keep the date in the duration of time that I instruct
■ Make sure the logistics are the way you want them and
are in your favor
■ Follow my conversation guidelines
■ Focus on the two main things you must accomplish
● Make sure these happen by the end of the date
■ Be prepared to answer objections accordingly when you
suggest that she should come home with you
■ Know what to do after leaving the date venue
● At the end of your date(s) -- analyze the interaction and try to figure
out what you did wrong:
○ Reference the training modules to look over the different areas
that you felt you performed weak
○ Create a plan to fix areas where you are performing weak for
the next date
● Optional (but recommended): Write a field report after each date out
that includes the following:
○ Summary of the date
○ Lessons learned
○ Notable things that happened
○ Things that you did not think were possible
○ Questions that you can post in the Occam’s Razor facebook

Week 5 - Dates -- Hot Girl Interview & What to do back at your

● Listen to the hot girl interview where she gives women’s perspective
about dates
○ Take notes about interesting things you learn
○ Think about how you can apply things being said to your own
game and techniques
○ Notice how a lot of her views line up directly with what I have
found to work from lots of experience on dates
● Watch Module 9 - What to do back at the house
● Watch Module 10 - Setting up your house for the end of the date
● Watch 1 hidden camera date you haven’t seen yet
○ Notice how I interact with the girl
○ Compare what I am doing in the dates you have watched in the
past to what you just learned about how you should be
executing the date
● Go on at least 2 dates this week (preferably 3 or 4)
○ Before the date, make sure you set up your house like I instruct
in Module 10 - Setting up your house for the end of the date
○ Your texting to set up the dates should be solid at this point
■ If your texting is not solid, review the texting flowcharts
○ Keep practicing all the items from week 4 (executing the date)
○ Keep in mind the different things you learned from the hot girl
○ Practice your seduction back at the house after a date when
you have brought a girl back home
■ If you don’t get any dates scheduled this week or don’t
end up bringing home any girls after dates, try again next
● Remember that some girls won’t be comfortable
going home with a stranger on a first date
● Remember that some girls won’t want to hook up
with a stranger on a first date
● At the end of your date(s) -- analyze the interaction and try to figure
out what you did wrong:
○ Reference the training modules to look over the different areas
that you felt you performed weak
○ Create a plan to fix areas where you are performing weak for
the next date
● Optional (but recommended): Write a field report after each date out
that includes the following:
○ Summary of the date
○ Lessons learned
○ Notable things that happened
○ Things that you did not think were possible
○ Questions that you can post in the Occam’s Razor facebook

Week 6 - Dates -- Dates Worksheets and Putting it All

● Rewatch Module 8 - What to do on the date
○ This is the most important module so make sure you have a
great understanding of everything you are supposed to do
● Fill out the “Dates Worksheets”
○ Consult the different modules for answers if you get stuck
● At this point you should be very comfortable with Dates and have a
terrific understanding of them
● Go back and review any modules that are still not clear
● Watch 1 hidden camera date you haven’t seen yet
○ Notice how I interact with the girl
○ Compare what I am doing in the dates you have watched in the
past to what you just learned about how you should be
executing the date
● (Optionally) Rewatch any hidden camera dates that you feel you
could learn more from.
● Go on at least 2 dates this week (preferably 3 or 4)
○ Make sure your physicality and sexual innuendos are solid
○ Make sure you have it down to a science how to set up the
date, execute the date, bring the girl home, and sleep with her
back at your place
○ Make sure you keep using the spreadsheet to manage all your
● At the end of your date(s) -- analyze the interaction and try to figure
out what you did wrong:
○ Reference the training modules to look over the different areas
that you felt you performed weak
○ Create a plan to fix areas where you are performing weak for
the next date
● Optional (but recommended): Write a field report after each date out
that includes the following:
○ Summary of the date
○ Lessons learned
○ Notable things that happened
○ Things that you did not think were possible
○ Questions that you can post in the Occam’s Razor facebook

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