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According to what you have learned in your marketing courses, what are the 5
P’s? The 5 P’s are Product, Price, Promotion, Place, and People.

2. What does Godin mention as the Ps? Godin says that the P’s include Product, Pricing,
Promotion, Positioning, Publicity, Packaging, Pass-along, and Permission. Godwin wants to
introduce a new P which is Purple Cow.

3. Explain Godin’s Purple Cow Concept: The Purple Cow is representing something
different and remarkable. Purple Cow means to stand out and catch the attention of people.
Purple Cow is that it must be remarkable. He says that something remarkable
is worth talking about, worth noticing and is exceptional, new and

4. What is Remarkable Marketing? Remarkable Marketing is the art of building things

worth noticing right into your product or service.

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5. Explain Moore’s ideas diffusion curve. Give a product example for each. Moore’s

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idea diffusion curve shows how a successful business innovation moves from left to right and

affects ever more consumers until it finally reaches everyone. The x-axis, along the bottom,
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shows the different groups an idea encounters overtime, while the y axis shows how many
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people are in each group. Moore outlined how products and new ideas move through a
population. They follow a curve, beginning with innovators and early adopters, growing into the
majority, and eventually reaching the laggards. While Moore focused on technology products,

his insights about the curve apply to just about every product or service offered to any audience.
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6. What are 5 Purple Cow products? Show pictures of each.

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Magic Cards


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Outback Steakhouse


7. Why is it so hard to follow the leader? The leader is the leader because he did
something remarkable. And that remarkable thing is now taken; it’s no longer remarkable when
you do it.

8. What is a current remarkable product? A current remarkable product is Google

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Glasses 9

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9. What is Godin’s goal with Purple Cow? Explain. His goal is to make it clear that it is

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safer to be risky, to fortify your desire to do truly amazing things. Once we see that the old ways
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have nowhere to go but down, it becomes even more imperative to create things worth talking

10.What symbol does Godin use to point out the top takeaway points throughout
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the book? The symbol he uses is an octagon shape

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Analysis: Make a personal connection to the text you just read. How does it relate
to you? What did you learn from it? Remember, think outside the box: The text I just
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read reminded me a lot of my previous marketing classes. It refreshed my memory about the 5
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P’s and how they are used. I learned that it’s not easy to manage and create something of
you're won. There are going to be challenges you are willing to face to have the best product

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