An English Accent, Usually Associated With Upper-Class Citizens

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WEEK 7: Language Varieties and Registers American poet DAVID LEHMAN has described jargon as "the

verbal sleight of hand that makes the old hat seem newly
Wardhaugh define it as “a specific set of linguistic items” or fashionable; it gives an air of novelty and specious profundity to
“human speech patterns (sounds, words, grammatical features) ideas that, if stated directly, would seem superficial, stale, frivolous, or
which can be associated with some external factor (geographical area false."
or a social group) (Wardhaugh, 1986: 22).
A language itself can be viewed as a variety of the human
languages. Speech varieties the concept of domain is of importance REGIONAL DIALECT - A variety spoken in a particular region.
as it signifies the class of situation within which a certain speech
variety is used. SOCIOLECT - Also known as a social dialect, a variety of language
(or register) used by a socioeconomic class, a profession, an age
A domain is also referred to as ‘a social situation’ as the group, or any other social group.
implementation of the rights and duties of a particular role
relationship in the place most appropriate or most typical for that ETHNOLECT - A lect spoken by a specific ethnic group. For
relationship, and at the time socially defined as appropriate for example, Ebonics, the vernacular spoken by some African-Americans,
that relationship (John T. Plat and H.K. Plat, 1975 : 36). The is a type of ethnolect, notes e2f, a language-translation firm.
domains may refer to those of home, school, employment, IDIOLECT - According to e2f, the language or languages spoken by
mosque, etc). each individual. For example, if you are multilingual and can speak
DIALECT - The word dialect—which contains "lect" within the term— in different registers and styles, your idiolect comprises several
derives from the Greek words “dia” -meaning "across, between" languages, each with multiple registers and styles.
and “legein” meaning "speak." A dialect is a regional or social
Language differs by geography, social class, economic status,
variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, age, gender and religion. "Pidgin" and "Creole" are two terms that
and/or vocabulary. are sometimes used interchangeably by the general population,
REGISTER - Is defined as the way a speaker uses language but have specific differences in the world of linguistics.
differently in different circumstances. Think about the words you PIDGIN describes a blend of several different languages spoken by
choose, your tone of voice, even your body language. a multicultural population into one mutually understood language. The
They are determined by such factors as social occasion, context, speakers create a mutual language using words from the
purpose, and audience. Registers are marked by a variety of speakers' mother tongues and an extremely flexible, simplified
specialized vocabulary and turns of phrases, colloquialisms, the use grammar.
of jargon, and a difference in intonation and pace. Example: CONYO - It has a colloquial meaning that differs from it's
JARGON - refers to the specialized language of a professional or Spanish origin, and isn't vulgar at all. As said in the definition above, it
occupational group. Such language is often meaningless to refers to the way of speaking or one who speaks Taglish and/or with
outsiders. an English accent, usually associated with upper-class citizens
because such is the stereotype in Filipino pop culture.
PATOIS (/ˈpætwɑː/, pl. same or /ˈpætwɑːz/) is speech or language or Philippine Creole Spanish is a Spanish-based creole spoken in
that is considered nonstandard, although the term is not formally parts of the Philippines, especially in and around the city of
defined in linguistics. As such, patois can refer to pidgins, Zamboanga, by over 600,000 people. There are also speakers of the
creoles, dialects, or vernaculars, but not commonly to jargon or Zamboanga dialect of Chavacano in Sempornah, Malaysia.
slang, which are vocabulary-based forms of cant.
*Note that the words 'pidgin' and 'creole' are technical terms
In colloquial usage of the term, especially in France, class used by linguists, and not necessarily by speakers of the
distinctions are implied by the very meaning of the term, since in language. For example, speakers of Jamaican Creole call their
French, patois refers to any sociolect associated with uneducated language 'Patwa' (from patois) and speakers of Hawai`i Creole
rural classes, in contrast with the dominant prestige language English call theirs 'Pidgin.'
(Standard French) spoken by the middle and high classes of
cities, or as used in literature and formal settings (the 'acrolect'). REGIONAL DIALECT - Is not a distinct language but a variety
of a language spoken in a particular area of a country.
CREOLE PIDGIN Some regional dialects have been given traditional names
Native speaker exist No native Speaker which mark them out as being significantly different from
Mixed language Mixing of language standard varieties spoken in the same place.
associated with cultural
and often racial mixture MINORITY DIALECT - Sometimes members of a particular
Have parents who use Reduced grammar & minority ethnic group have their own variety which they use as
Pidgin vocabulary a marker of identity, usually alongside a standard variety. This is
called a minority dialect.
Examples are African American Vernacular English in the USA,
PIDGIN is a new language which develops in situations where London Jamaican in Britain, and original English in Australia.
speakers of different languages need to communicate but don't
INDIGENIZED VARIETY - Spoken mainly as second languages in ex-
share a common language. The vocabulary of a pidgin comes
colonies with multilingual populations. The differences from the
mainly from one particular language (called the 'LEXIFER').
standard variety may be linked to English proficiency, or may be
CREOLE When children start learning a pidgin as their first part of a range of varieties used to express identity.
language and it becomes the mother tongue of a community, it
For example, 'Singlish' (spoken in Singapore) is a variety very
is called a creole. Like a pidgin, a creole is a distinct language
different from standard English, and there are many other varieties of
which has taken most of its vocabulary from another
English used in India.
language, the ‘lexifier’, but has its own unique grammatical
rules. Unlike a pidgin, however, a creole is not restricted in LANGUAGE REGISTERS
use, and is like any other language in its full range of functions.
There are five language registers or styles. Each level has an
Examples: CHAVACANO refers to a number of Spanish-based creole appropriate use that is determined by differing situations. It would
language varieties spoken in the Philippines. Chavacano. Chavacano certainly be inappropriate to use language and vocabulary reserve for
a boyfriend or girlfriend when speaking in the classroom. Thus the 5. INTIMATE REGISTER - This communications is private. It is
appropriate language register depends upon the audience (who), reserved for close family members or intimate people.
the topic (what), purpose (why) and location (where).
Example: husband & wife, boyfriend & girlfriend, siblings, parent &
You must control the use of language registers in order to enjoy children.
success in every aspect and situation you encounter.
communications RARELY or NEVER changes. It is “frozen” in time CULTURES
and content. e.g. the Pledge of Allegiance, the Lord’s Prayer, the
Preamble to the US Constitution, the Alma Mater, a bibliographic MULTIMODAL
reference, laws . Multimodal is a dynamic convergence of two or more
2. FORMAL REGISTER - This language is used in formal settings communication modes within the same text.
and is one-way in nature. This use of language usually follows a
commonly accepted format. It is usually impersonal and formal.
A common format for this registers are speeches. Combines two or more semiotic systems like picture book which
textual and visual elements are arranged or live performance in
Example: sermons, rhetorical statements and questions, speeches,
which gesture, music and space are main the main elements.
pronouncements made by judges, announcements.
It can be delivered via different media and technologies such as:
3. CONSULTATIVE REGISTER - This is a standard form of
communications. Users engage in a mutually accepted structure PAPER - books, comics, posters
of communications. It is formal and societal expectations
accompany the users of this speech. It is professional discourse. DIGITAL - slide presentations, e- books, blogs, e- posters, web pages
and social media
Example: when strangers meet, communications between a superior
and a subordinate, doctor & patient, lawyer & client, lawyer & judge, LIVE - performance or an event
teacher & student, counselor & client.
TRANS-MEDIA - media platforms, such as: book, comic, magazine,
4. CASUAL REGISTER - This is informal language used by peers film web series, and video game
and friends. Slang, vulgarities and colloquialisms are normal. This is
“group” language. One must be member to engage in this register.
1. WRITTEN/LINGUISTIC MEANING – For spoken and written
Example: buddies, teammates, chats and emails, and blogs, and
language through the use of vocabulary, generic structure and
letters to friends.

2. AUDIO MEANING – For music, sound effects, noises, ambient

noise, and silence, through use of volume, pitch and rhythm.
3. VISUAL MEANING – For still and moving images, use of color, ✓ Communication is incomplete without feedback from the
saliency, page layouts, vectors, viewpoint, screen formats, visual receiver
symbols; shot framing, subject distance and angle, camera
movement, subject movement. TECHNOLOGY BASED COMMUNICATION TOOLS -
Communication combined with technology is called as backbone of
4. GESTURAL MEANING – For body movements, hands and eyes, social interactions. Some of the technology based communication
facial expression. tools are:

5. SPATIAL MEANING – For environmental and architectural spaces BLOGS

and use of proximity direction, layout, position of an organization of
objects in space. ✓ Shortcut for the word web log.
✓ Good way to review a product or service by the blogger.
WEEK 9: CULTURAL SENSITIVITY IN MULTIMODAL TEXT ✓ Prepared by professionals and customers & competitors does
not have the access.
CULTURE - Comes in many shapes and sizes. It includes areas such ✓ Informal and quick.
as politics, history, mentality, behavior and lifestyle. Insensitivity in ✓ Primary communication channel from sole proprietorship to
multimodal text may affect the products the company is promoting, large corporations.
might offend people and will lead to miscommunication.
LANGUAGE - Poor translation may cause embarrassment and
misinterpretations, the use of appropriate language must be given ✓ A soft ware that can interact with users using chat
importance. mechanisms.
✓ Very handy when tackling projects and troubleshooting issues.
TECHNOLOGY BASED COMMUNICATING TOOLS - Is the ✓ Improves customer service.
backbone of social interaction ✓ Customers can get instant replies that provide resolutions to
Examples: Email, Texting, Instant messaging, Social networking, their issues & inquiries.
Tweeting, Blogs / blogging, and video conferencing CHAT ROOMS, PRIVATE & GROUP MESSAGING
Week 10: COMMUNICATION AIDS AND STRATEGIES USING ✓ Forums for specific group of people to interact and receive
TOOLS OF TECHNOLOGY (Tools for Learning) notification.
COMMUNICATION - “Communication” has been derived from the ✓ Based on shared topic or characteristic.
Latin word “Communis” which means to share information, ideas, ✓ Specially designed for team/group based information sharing
facts or information. and messaging.

✓ Communication takes place between two or more persons. DISCUSSION FORUMS

✓ It is an ongoing process ✓ Brings together manager and employees and allows for an
✓ It is effective if both the sender and receiver are aware of the open discussion on any topic.
goals of communication. ✓ Facilitates knowledge sharing.
✓ Helps in knowledge dissemination and bring the workforce ✓ Mainly used for internal communication and collaboration.
together. ✓ Results in more flexible workplace.
✓ Provides information whenever required by the persons when ✓ Ensures all employees working towards same goals.
they need it
✓ Commonly used for recreation.
✓ Cheapest ways a business can use to communicate both ✓ Widely used within business organization for employee -
internally & externally. employee/ employee-management messaging.
✓ Allows the companies to efficiently & effectively spread ✓ Provides an interface to communicate one-to- one.
✓ Differs from old websites as they encourage participation from
✓ Combination of photocopier and a phone. and interaction with the viewer.
✓ Quickly sends documents that are not available in digital form. ✓ Encourages users to put their own content up.
✓ Substantially cheaper than sending through standard mail. ✓ Describes social media websites


✓ Used to motivate better performance, drive business results ✓ Changed the way people communicate by giving them ability
and generate a competitive advantage. to make calls when they are on move.
✓ Concept of applying game mechanics and game design ✓ Uses technology and have become more portable for the last
techniques to engage and motivate people to reach company 10 yrs.
or business goals.
✓ Earlier used in desktops/laptops now it became famous and
✓ Range from static information-giving websites to dynamic new used in mobiles.
media websites ✓ Generally presented as audio files available to stream or
✓ Internet applications are wide ranging from emails to instant download
messaging. ✓ Business organizations use this to reach internal workforce.
✓ Provides ability for people computer to interface with one
another via phone lines. SMS
✓ Enormous communication tool. ✓ Since text messages are limited in length, users often shorten
INTRANET/SOCIAL INTRANET words and phrases to meet the character limit.
✓ Shortened communication between people and delivered
✓ Private hub that can be accessed by any authorized users information far efficiently than a phone conversation can.
within a business organization.

✓ These are places to do relationship marketing.

✓ More informal approach.
✓ Gathering friends in these sites
✓ Example: Facebook & MySpace.


✓ Allow to broadcast very short messages called tweets to

people who have elected to follow your posts.
✓ Results in awareness of your company in the marketplace.


✓ Face-to-face meeting without having to be in one location.

✓ Effective communication tool as we can use physical gestures
& facial expressions.
✓ If 2 persons have a camera and right software, they can see
and talk to each other on computer.

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