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IA.No.3 of 2020
] WzuT PETITION NO: 6799 Or 2020

rre n I

,. ur. rop!lnr pand I:r.dhyuli Suoecp Sha.rn:,

igc:5 )-rs. S/0. i\4r. Sp. Subr!mnny.m_
Itio. H. No. 6.1-92. J!AirhloJ.50Jli7.

2. Dr. IVRRcghun!th,
esc 26 y's, S/0. Vr
I v L N Rin)3nujichir/utL.
X,/0. 5-9.t/J8, KJtyIrp.rn, Stinikpuri,
I c ro n g 3 n c - j 0 0 0 ,{ .

l. Or. 0. SaiSrcc Si dhr.r,

age 2j yrs. D/o Mr. D. Subral.j.onya Shinnr,
H. No. 2-2.I 109/ I , Chilli Dilrdr!c:
Bagr Ambcrpcr, HydcraU.A-SOOO ti.

4. Dr. I\lcdha Gtyarri Tinivuri,

sge 24 yrs, D/0.Mr. T.V.S Ramin_
R./0. H. No l6.ll-7?4/A/t. Moo5ommb!"h

5. Dr. Nikhilhi dd.1nki,

6ge 27 yrs, D/0.Mr, A p Chntu_
fvo. 1.7.2/6, Ro.d No, I, Sairiagar cotony,
Minsoorob0d, LB N0Bor. Hydcnbid.50006g.

6. Dr, Irh!q F.rooq,

ogc 2? )'.s, S/o, Mr. MD Fnrooq Ahhcd,
tuo. 9-4.132/17, Mlhboob gardcn colony,
Tolichowki. Hydcrabod.500OO8.

?. Dr. Sycd lmmn,

igc 27 yr5. S/0. N,lr. Syed lbr$im,
RJo, B. No. 49.128/4C, Kalparo socieq(
Ganc5h Nigrr, Chinrhnl, Hyd.rsbod.5o0054.

E. Ur, Chakrnol0 silrva Kunrsr.

oge 28 yrs, S/0. I4r. Chakinala SIyam Kumar.
R/0, Vclikafla village, Kondaok mandD,,

9. Dr. Kdmbharn Nikhila,

agc 25 yrs, 0/0. Mr. Kambham Pratap Reddr',
fuo. ila( No. O 15, VD5avi ccilral co!n, Slrccl No.I,
Sanalhnagflr, Anrcerp.l. Hydcra bad-50001 8.

10. Dr, Shaik S!jid,

agc 24 yrs, io. Mr. SIalk Silccm,
No,2-2.3II519lC, vidhyan agar, Shivim road,

ll. Dr. Munipallc Dhrvaly!,

i\gc 27 yrs, 0/0. Mr, Munipallc Vcnknla Krhhno Mohin,
R/0. 4-6.1292, Rajcshwlri nursing Iomc, Hiy0th Nogor,
Ilydcrabrd-J0l 505.

12. Dr, Mahin HnsLmi.

agc 23 yrs, 0/0. Mr. Ahn)cd Abdul Ali,
Na. H.N o.I6-2.'14zlF 12I , A5mangadh,
Malakpcl, Hydcmbad-500036,

li. Dr,vonrthl Surya Divili,..,

a8c 2.1yr5, S/o. Mr, Lsxmi.l'{erasimha Dlvili,
R/0, H. No. 9-287, Siniiy GairdhiNagar. GaJullamnram roid,
Qudrubullapur mandal, Madchal'500055,

14. Dr. Tummalapally Ashritha Reddy,

. \

.--- \4
t,: ,9e :5 yrsr S/0. Mr. T subrs\ Chrndrl Rcddv, '
Ro il.No'l.l-383 19, Viri) Nlgar colony,
Soldabad, Hydqrabid.500059.
15, Dr. Prccli i-lrall!Pojly,
rcc 25 vrs, D/0. Mr D. Pcrc)', R/0. PIol No. 61,
Siranthinik:tlrcn co:rny. MaircndrJ Hills, Ens( Miredpirrly'

i6 Dr, Oummn Sai Snlgdhn Bhoshjlha,

a-qe2l yrs, D/o Dr. 6. Madlrusudana Prasad,
R/0. 6.2.46lA, RoaC na 4i Kokdjicoloty,
Hanar,rkordo, Warangal, [cliogin!

Dr. Ponnoju Moun kn,

agc 25 yrs, D/oi Mr, P, V-idyisdgli,
tuor Flar Nor l0l, Aksh0y0 Residcncy'
Old Alwal, Hydcrirad-500055.

18. Di,Ca.jov)lli Vcnkrl Naiilt lah Slrshanlh,

cge 28 yrs. S/0. Ca.ovellj Udayo Bhaskhar.
R/0, 21.6-40/2, Oarlarni Nagar, Ramagundam,
Karimnagar'50521 l
19. Dr. Su m cri Humr.
.ge 27 y.s, D/0. Mr. YoutulArifuddin Ah cd,
Rl o.2A.4.19 417 / 4' A, shalralibrnda, Hyderabrd

20. Dr. Bodigunr Amrul,

.qc 25 yrs, S/0, Mr B.C, Arjunkumol'
R/0. l2-1- 1631/ I I, Flal No, Gl, sliiridisaiMansion.
Shcnihinagar, No]ih Lillcguda, Secund$ab0d''00017'

21. Dr. Yalll Raiendr! Kurnrr,

:ce 26 rts. Sio MI. Yalls Bil0 RinSr;olr,
nio, s.iooloo, Pril5hsnlh Nrgcr, Dcr dhim Kommu'
A nreenpu r, Songarcddy, Tclangnna'502012'

S/o Mr' V Naia!im!lu'

aoc 26 vr.:,
Rio H. No. ll'5, Mcin Road,
TooPran, Mednk'502334i

23. Dr. R S\rillhi RcddY,

clc 26 Yrs, D/9 Mr'RAshiReddY'
Rio, H, No, a'139'1, Shrbari colony'
Miklhrl mindrl, M.habubnigor'

2J. Or. DnsYrm Meghinr,

)rs, D'0, Mr' Dosy-lr,Laxmon'
3Ee 24
No i0. Rignlo E'nclnve'
R/o. Plot
Mrnsoorrbrc, LB Naglr-500068'

25. Dr' SYcdr Sunlc)'! Fihcem'

rrc 25 yrs, D/0. Nlr' Sycd Abdul l'01\cem
Rlo H. No. l'6-85/A, Culsh3nc'Alr'
s-it,rsh N.rq'rr, N' rhtbJbnigar'50'00 l'

26. Dr. K, Lolrirhi,

rqe 251rs, S/o Mr' BmhIncnand'.
,o. ?'5' 105i 303, Vnnodino Encl!ve'
vcnlileshwara co.)ry' Mnhrbubnagir'

:;. Dr. DvdPo Srija,

o/^ \1. D Sr;niti5 KeooY.
* 's ioi,q 2, Plor No' 26, shokrhi Nlgnr
i colorv'
.orO f,, t:,Le f',gtt H)deraDid'500071
)q Rxki.sL Sree: i rr RcddY'
'" nr
;;;; t'; b o' r'1r' r' Prrb)cln-RerdY'
Fi o. a2'27', Aa/ 3 WairPrnlrY'
Tclmagrnc'5C9I l3'
29. Dr, Sriji ynditv Kfldari,
ngc 25 yrs, l)/0, Mr. VcDk0tcshwirrtu.
No. tf'.6t3/1. Wcsl Lok[vira;r.
R./o. I.l.
Killlur ntn drl, Kltrrntfltnnt.50?209

10. Dr. D Nihflrikn,

isc 26 rrs, D/0, tvlr, B, GoDnl Rcddv.
IUo. I{.No.r.t0.tr8/t t/B, Shashnbiirun,
MihillrbInEir-50rOO I.

I l. Dr. Mu(ldntI Bltrrghnvi

ntc l5yN, D/0. Mr, Mudd0m VccrnlwntDy.
Il/o. I-t. No. a-l?/ l, Q rhbullaprrr vllhgc,
Abd,rllirpUn cr nrnndit. Ilingi.cddy-Jb I 50j.

l?, Dr. Sycdo Safini l.tashirn,

nBc 25 yrs, D/o. Mr. Mohd Ali lloshirn
IUo. I.t. No.16.1.919/r, Olllccn cotonv.
SMK Villi, Chnr)chitsuan, vrli,,.r.iirOO:l

ll. Dr. Molrd l rjIddin,

ilgc:? yrs, S/0. Mr. Mohd Sibir
lVo. I{. No. I6.t27. LincgadrJa, btrcnnLrr,
Minchcriil, Tclirngann.504:Ot

14. Dr. ll,ovuli Lohirri.

:lgc 25. D./o. Mr. tt. VcrrkoL l(cddv
R/o Flnt \0. J07. V1 'lorvcrs, Vicolony.
l.lydcribid I\oid. N0lSoida- j0800t.

35. Dr. ChcckoLi VishrLrv rdhnn,

agc l5 y.s, S/0. Mr. Srinivns.
ll. No, 4-l-64/1, pfltctpurn strccl,
Siddipcr.502 t0l.

36. Dr. Amrccn Ultnisfl.

ogc 33 ),rs, Wo. Mr. Allmcd Shnrcef,
lvo. ll. No. ?-83/12, P. No. 12,
Dargr l{lnliz Khan. Rrjcndrangar,
Do bosco .gnr, K.V Ringlrcudy,

17, Dr. Guglolh Mukcsl Nny.k.

ngc 26 yrr, S/0. Mr. C gloth Zorsing,r,
lvo. 7- 121, Durg.nignr cinrp, Milkloor,

38. Dr. A7.m falhirDn,

igo 26 yrs, D/0, Md,l(h.j! Sharccl
Uo. 1.1.95/C, ll.ajc[dr!nagar,
Mihirb(lbnirgnr.50900 I

19. Dr. n luvila llimir IJindu

ngc 29 yrs, D/0. Mr. Aluvnln Sitynniriyann.
R/0. ll, No.
4. I' I I l, M(lhyalawads,
Govindngirin0g r, Ko Ili, Jogilial.505326

40, Dr. Gitln Mnnnss,

ngc 25 yrs. D/o. Mr. Oolln Yodsgiri,
I.l. No. 9.6.96/n, Oucg0bhovrlni nngar
Chi pirpet,Soroornrgar-5000?9

41, Dr. Yirshisllrvini Sudirrd.

ngc 24, O/o. Mr. Rnnla Cho dhiry Sudi[i,
luo. 5!, MIO 2, Road No. J, LBnc No,4
Al,l.lB coloriy, Balirn gor,J00017

42. Dr. Niiln Ninzrccn,

rgc 27 yrs, D/o. Mr, Mohnnrmcd llyas,
n/0. ll. No. I6-?-30212, Mill colony
Ynkoobprrri, WDrnngirl.506002

41. 0r. Puhrglljja Chnndr;r Kunth,

ngc 24 yrs, S/0. Mr. P. Vcnknnnir,
tuo. il. No.2-168, Bodladn villrgc,
Dhinrolhpr,ll),, Mahrbubibod-506324

44. Dr. Ko[e1.1 Maoosn.

ngc 25 yrs, D/o. lvk Kanelo Nagirraju,
R/0, H, No. 5-82/13, Ycnugordo,

45. Dr. Mooto lvlodhuri

Agc 24 yrs, D/o, Mr. M. Srinivas,
R/0. Plot No. I 19, Suprabho( lo\vnsltip vtnture & 2, J
Divya Nogar, N.ripilly, Ringnreddy.500088.

46. Dr. Kotngiri Hirnishi.

agc 2.1 yrs D/o. Mr. Koligiri Umrnr0hcswnr Rao,
fuo. Ploi N0,56, Vinlnnnngnr, R0soolpurn,
Sccundernb d-5000C3.

4?. Dr. J!veriln,

ige 25 yrs, D/0. N1r. Khijn Sayecduddin
PJo. H, No. 5-S.:/1. old P!lirioor

.13. Dr. Brlgrr Slrra\,nni

igc 25 yrs, D/0. N,1r. Baig!r SLrrcsh,
R/o. H.No.10.44, V 0nynkn.gar, Mirkthnl.
Nirinyaapcl, Telangana.j09208

49 Dr Upadhlnyuh Kin\eslyara Kilnhik,

egc 24 yrs, S/0. Mr. Upadhyayula Siva prasad.
tuo H. No I0/169, Virsonthrpuri colony
tlelkejgiri, HyderaLid.5000,t7

J0. Dr Nirhil Mi.!rpakalc,

oge ?5 yrs, S,/0. VIr. M. Venkal neddy.
R/o. 5'8-2i9. Roid 2/A, Chandrap!ricolony
L.B Nagar. Hydcrnbad.5000? I

51. Dr. Pallapu Pnllovi,

age 2l )rs, D/0. Mr. An\aiah,
t]./0. Ilat No, J, SnDntt aplnhent.
Sircct No, 9, Taroakc, Hydcrabad

52, Dr. Nrvya T.ji Miflrkol!

age 25 )rs, D/0. Mr, Chnndrn Mouli l'lilrakoh,
tuo, H,No, I -9.123 5i10, Sriramorao colony,
l.iun(er roAC, H0namliondo, Warangil.5060O L

53. Dr, R. Smirha Yesunialini,

agc 26 yrs, D/0. Dr. Jocl Sunil Kunrar,
tuo. 4.l.l lA/2, Sri S.i Ourudafia npnnmenls,
Flal No, 201, Tilnk rcad, Boggulkunri,

54. Dr. Mullnngi S\v.the Rcddy.

agc 24 )'rs, )/0. Mr. \4. Shiva Reddy,
R./o. 8-2-23,'A, Sundnmioll nag!.,
Moiuguni, Bhndrodri Kothrgudefi ,

55. Dr. T. Durg3 Pmsad,

ngc 26 yrs, S/0. Mr. T. Balroju
H.No. 2-100, Brnhnranapally villoge,
Bibiiagrr, Yadndri ehongirdittricr,

56, Dr, B, Prnmldir.

igo 35 yc, D/0. Mr, 3, Molls Reddy,
Htuthinapuranr s6Ljth, vipns!nna nest npnrtnte0t5
FlilNo. 202, rDngarcddy.50007t.

57. Dr. T. Moncchordn,

igc 24 yrs, Yo. Mr.:. Srinivls Rlo

R/0. l -33l{/5/P,29/30. Kaila3hntr!ar

Chandonagar, Hydcrsbaa.$ooSol

58. Dr. RrmidiYcshNanth R.ddy,

agc 26 yrs, S/0. Mr, Ramidi Devcndcr Rcddy,
Plot No. l8A, l8B, Flol No. 204. padmivari
pliz.o aplnmcnls, Chilm lDyout, LB N!gir,

5t. Dr. Shoik Imran Shnriff,

oge 27 yrs, S/0.Mr. Shaik Am.en Sharifi
Rlo.20/ltt2, RK Nagor, ySR Kodapi,
Andlrra Pradesh-5 l60OJ

60. Dr. Palhlovarh S\!apn! Rarhod,

age 25 yrs, D/0. Mr. p!lhlavoth Dasu
R-/o. H.No, 6.296/Bi312, Vcnkstcs\vara niraar coloav
Chinrhal, Qurubullapur, Hyderabad-50005i'

61. Dr. Masccr. Falhinro,

nge 32 yrs, D/0. Mr. Moharnmcd Abdul Wojid,
RJo. I?-3-E97/tO/1, Dcvdi SLrryrr Jung, yriurpr:rr
Railway Sl0lion. Chnnninar, ttyacrrUo'a.SOOOi:.

62. Dr. Bhavya Shanrnukhi,

rge 23 yrs, D/0. Mr. V. Bhirothicc
R-/0. H. No. 4?-5.145 t, ptol No:2S.
Jayashankir nag.r, Vlulugu road, peddammngaddi,
Hanarakonda. Warangal.506O07.

61. Dr. Soggidi Shivnnka,

agc 24 yrs, D/o. Mr. S. VcDknteshwar Rao,
MIG 405,3RD Phasc, KpHB cotony,
Kuk!tpslly, Hyd.rnbad.j00072,

64, Dr. Moka Sreejd,

agc 24 yrs, D/o. Mr, Mokir Slnrucl R,rju,
R/0. H. No. )2.5-51i55, Vijryopuricotony son$,
Lalrguda, Tsrnrko, Hyder!bod.5000 I ?.

65. Dr. K. Aparna,

a8c 27 yrs, D/o. Mr, K. Krishna t\4ohqi Reddy,
H. No. I-3'100/l2G/8, Bhc.rn nagar, Ond$,al,
Mrhoboobnagrr.509 I 25,

66. Dr. Duggirrla Avoni,

cge 26 yrs, D/0. Mr. D. Ar:\ndo Mohin.
Rio. Plol No. 2.1/6 t, FCI colony, Miyapur,
All\vln, Hyderabad-500049.

6?. Dr. S.gar Kanrc,

age 32 yrs, S/0, Mr. Venkatcslvrr Rto,
R/0.2-6112, Guduru main road, Vcfisoor
Khimmirn-50? 164,

68. Dr. ln i,n erla Bharya,

age 26 yrs, D/o. Mr. l. ilnmesh Cltondrir,
H. No. 4.161, Praja Vydyasala, Srivani collegc rord,
Salhupally, Khamm!m.507103.

69. Dr, Amrecn Ni5hnrh,

agc 27 yrs, D/0. Mr. Molrnlnrncd Mahmood !lussain,
R./o. H. No. E- l-364/A/r/ l&2. Flat No,4OI.
NS Rcsidcncy, Fathim! Nagnr colony, Tolicho\vki.

70. Dr. Kamalianri Priylnka,

a8e 2J yrs, 0/0. Mr, K. Narsimho Chnr/,
R/0, 25-6-l I2, Vidyanigor, Kazipct,
Warnng.l urban-506003,

?1. Dr. B. Sorvjonyn,

rge 27 yrs, D/0, Mr, B. Sai Reddy
tvo. H. No. 45- I04/ l, B0s8vannagadda,
Wenaprnhy- 509103.

t-2 Dr, Nivcailha Nagaraju Vcnk6t,
age 25frs, S/0, Mr. Nadafijr.l Vcnkntcdram.
R/0. H. No. 9.4:285/1, Srinogor colony,
Karimil!grr, Telingrna.50J 001 .

73, Dr, Dudyrlo Dharri,

age 27 yrr, D/o.lvt. D. Raghurami Rcddy,
R/0. Fli,l C3, Housc 241. Sri Sni vrindavan.
5rh Crors. Nr!pdtlr0ngonflgar, ?rh ph!sc,
JP Nagar, Bingatore.560078.

?4. Dr. D i'"ya Somirati,

.ge 26 yrs, D/o. N'lr, S. Rivinder,
R/0. H, No. l6-4- l:22ll, Shivanrgrr,

?5. Cr. 6. LakrhmiSh..nv!ni

agc 2l yrs, D/0. N1r. G.S. Bhcgavali,
R/o. Plol No. ll,
Road No. 3.
Creen Hil:s colony Saroomagar porr,

?6. Dr. S\\'elha Manikcndn,

ogc i0 ),rs, D/0. Mr. M. Rirnrckrirl)n0 Rcddy,
n/0. Villa No. 3J, Shikara villas, Eachupclly
cross roadr, Hyderabad-500090.

17. Dr Nukalr ahnav J

age 25 yrs, D/o. N1r N. Venkilcs$ara Rao,

RJo. F1!t E7, Wood:ose !ponmcnls, sri vid)'i colony,
Kirkinadil, Axdl)rir :'radesh-513001.

?8. Dr. Satare S\talhi,

a!.25 yrs. D/0. Mr S. Ourunnlh Appo,
R./0. H, Nc, 1.4-l6C/8, Sarasrvathinogar,
Bbdlian. Niz.lntabld-503 I 85.

?9. Dr. Ropolu Rev6ti Pr.sad.

agc 27 yrs, D/0. Mr. R. Shyam Prasad,
tuo. H. No. l3-6-250/3, Jaffcrgudar Kanvan,r
Kulsump!m post, Hyderabad'500006.

80. Dr. Sycda Nchh!

age 25 yrs, D/or Mr. sycd Abdul Kildcr'
tuo. 16.4-tl, Khallr, Malakpet,

81. Dr. Kanchirrli Voni,

ege 26 yrs, D/0. Mr. K. Anantha Rcddy,
Uo.5.12.684, Road No. l, Durga colony
BTS NalSonda-508CC.

82. Dr. SK. Ayetlral

ige 25 yrs, D/0. Mr Shaik Shan Bath6,
Fi No.302, Cayeri rcsidrncy, Ecildu colorry.
K!lntpolly. l{ydarabad'500072,

8l Dr Kasa.ia S.ulana :leddY,

agc 26 yrs, D/o Ml K. Vishnu vcrdhii Rcddy,
;i No. 17.165/ l, Sil-rigrr coLoiy, Siddipcl.
50: t0l

8i. Cr. AdariNlourica,

a8c 26 yrs, D/0. Mr. Adsri Saryanirrayanil,
R/o Door No.3-105,9lh 5treet, Snrcdhinagor,
Anikipcili, vishakapiloom.,\ndhro Pr:rdcsh,

85. Dr. C. Rurhvika,

rqe 24 yrs, )/o ML l
Dhcmodi' Rcddy,
H. No, I l-?.180, P.or "lo. B''l I, IIUDA colony.
Saroomng!r, Hydcrabad'500015.

86. Dr. DevarapclliGowtham Rcddy,

!ge 24 yrs, S/0. Mr. D, pcr! Rcddy,
R-/o. Villr No. 21, Sri KJiai Krishnr E ctn!c.
Bochupally, Hydcrabad-500090.

8r. Dr. P. Jyothi,

agc 2? yrs, D/0. Mr, p. Shaflkar,
fvo. H. No, 5-6.389/t, Marurhinrgar,

88. Dr. Nchn Amrccn,

rge 26 yrs, D/0. Mr. Wijid,
n/o. H. No. ll.r,i3, Moaz2ampnrir,
New Mallepilly, Hydcrnbad.

89. Dr. Srirom ShravEni,

agc 25 yrs, D/0. Mr. S, Nageirvnr R!0,
Uo. 10.2.99/1, P;pclinc rord, Ncthaji cotony,
Fnrh.nsgnr. Hydcrabad.5O0O I 8.

90. Dr. B. Krishnaveni,

ogc 30 yrs, D/o. Mr. Srcc Ramulu. B
n-io. H. No. 6.aa/1, Sri BDtoji Hospirit.
Sni Bilba Nilgar, Arnmghi!, Knfled:ln
Rojcndmnagar, Rnngtreddy.5O00l?.

91. Dr. Pinapnrla lndrnja,

D/o. Mr, p. Sudhnknr Go!d
age 29 yrs,
luo, SRTI 139, Suryl\nilayom, Son hnngar,

92 Dr. Chilirivnnhul. Srivnlly,

ngc 27 yrs, D/0. N4.. Ch. Sundarn Chnry,
n/0. 6.2-47. I(ikiji rolo,ry, Hanmnkondi.

9J. Dr. Rohccnruflnisa M.Y. Khih,

agc 28 yrs, D/0, N'lr. i\4ohnmmcd Yasecn Khnn,
R/0. l8-l'19/104, Prabl)ala Enclayc. KGI{ do\!n road,
MEhnmnipcla, Vishakopilnam-510002.

9.1. Dr. N4d Hibccbuddin.

i\gc 25 yrs, S/0. Mr. Md Faizuddin,
R/0. 9.l/1, [4irlu, Mallobubnagrr
50900 r,

95. Dr. Shouryo Pothar]lsc(y,

ogc 24 yrs, S/0. lvlr. Porh[mlclty RDm Ch0ndct Rao,
R/0, Qunflcr No,.3040, Typ.3, ODF Eslarc,
Y.ddumsilornn, Medok-502205,

96. Dr, Kasireddy Mounikn Rcddy,

oge 25 yrs, D/0. Mr, K. Srinivat Rcddy,
R-/0. H. No. l?-l-382/8/40, Roid No, I,
BhanunitSor colony, Chsmp!pct,
Rango Rcddy.500059.

97. Dr, KsshirrddY Anusha,

lgc 27, D/o, Mr. K. CovordhM Riddy.
R/0. 6.52, Mrheshwamnr, Rongn Rcddy,

98. Dr, Anushn Tnduri,

ogc 25 yrs, O/o. Mr, Rnghupilhi,
R/0. H. No. l0-?-497l5n, Road No. 3,
Hnrihara nagar. Kothiyiswrdo,

99, Dr. V. Hclr!nlh Kul11ar,

agc 25 yrs, S/0. i\4r. V. Lalilh Kumlr,
R/o. H. No.5-170. Sii VihdrN,gnr, Ph2,
Mccrpcl, Hydcrxbad'50009?

l00.Dr. Dcndi Archila Rcddy

aBe 24 yrt, D/o. Mr. DcndiPrnbhakar Rcddy,
fuo 1.3'll/A2, R rvindrlnlgar colony,

HJbslgudc HyderiSad-500007.

i01.Dr. O. Pran!vi Redcy,

agc 26 yrs, D/0, Mr C. Dayakar Rcddy,
PJo, Flal No. (02, Prema Dhtnush aparlmcnts,
Vinayik Nrgnrcolony, Scidabad, Saroomagar rvcst

lC2 Dr. Vccra!alli John Jims,

ngc 24 yrs, S/o M.. V..lohn Dyvasahlyam,
R./o. Plor No, ?9/A, i{oad No. 05, Philsc l,
la)nlixmi ),lrgsr co ony, Be.aumguda,

l0l.Dr. Akula ltaga Divya Dhathri

lge 24 yrs, D,ro. \1r A. Midheva l1no,
R/0. H. No I5.8.561. Srinngar.olony.
A.oad No. l, Rolar) xagar, Khnmntilnl,

l04,Dr. Purushot1apatnrm Shaik Subha i,

age ?5 yrs, S/0, Mr. Pumshor|lp.tnnm Shlik Rolool,
R/o, D, No. 2-52, ponugupldu villdgc, pliirlrig;iuran)
Guntur, Anlhra PraCcsh-J22549.

l05.Dr. Kulkami Siichario,

age 24 yrs, S/o. Mr. K. Ramesh Babu,
R/0. l.13400/A/50a, Sai rcsidcncy ap0rtmenr,
VinnyaRnngar, Nizanrabad.50300l,

l06.Dr. Sheirin Naz,

oge 27 Yrs, D/0.Mr, M.A. Khaliq,
tuo, J.4.l3l/A, Ne$ Borv.npally,
Secundcrdbad,5000i l.

l07.Dr. Palilmnkula Mukcsh Rcddy,

age 25 yrs, S/0. Mr. i'. Pipl Rcddy,
F/0. l2-621. Bcllampally X Roads,
Mrnchcrial, Tclangana.504208,

l08.Dr. S,P, Krupsni,

age 27 yrs, D/o. Mr. s. Prakash Rio,
R-io,6.5-103, Nctv Bhoigud! Rord, MIGH Ctlony,
New Bhoigud!, Secrxderabad.50000l.

l09.Dr. t"4aiabo ina Alckya.

age 25 yrs, D/o, lvlr. l'.4adaboinn Sudh0kar,
R/0. KOM Enc,ave, Bachupnlly, Hyde.0bid

ll0.Dr. Sengem Saga rike

age :6 yrs, D/0. Mr. Sangem Pond.ialr,
R/o 6.9-32 lr3, Raghrvendia colony.
Hyderabad rcid, Nalgonda, Telnngana.

II l.Dr. Bogoju Phanc.shn,

age 25 yrs. D/o. Mr. Bogoju Vcnkalo Chary,
tuo.3 - 16.97 /513, v enralreddy Nngar,
Ranrrnthapur, Ilydcrarcd'500013,

I l2.Dr. ArLrn Koiikonda,

age 25 yrsi S/0, Mr. Koilkonda Dcvanud,
R./0. H. No. 5-?.5I, Flat No. lO3. Sli Bbmalillu
apanments, Venkntc5saril colony, Mohabubnag6r
I l3.Dr. P. Ravoli,
age 24,is, D/0. Mr. P CopiKriShha,
tuo. 13.66, Flat No. lc3, Sneha villa appartment
Yedivnogcr, Milkajgiri'50004?.

I I4.Dr, Mikka Dcckipa,

age 25 yrs, D/0, Mr, Mnkkr R5n1o Roo,
n/o. LIC-2, H. No. 69, BK g$ds, s.R. Nag.r,
Hyder.bad-500 038.
L I 5.Dr. Ouhmodi Fnvithm,
age 26 yrs, D/0. Mr. Ournm!di Rair Cop.l,
fu0. 26.2-1515, Vcnkorcrcddyncg'n., VJdoysprlcnr
Ncllorc, Andho tradclh .52;OO4-.

I 16.Dr. Gurnmadi Akhiln,

,gc 2? yrs, D/0. Mr. O. y!dukondolu.
R./0. Closric 82, Rnjccv Swogru[i, Akn!!hir posr.
N.llorc, A ndh ra Pmdcsh:524 004.

I I?.0.. Nnalccn F!rinli,

og.2? yrs, D/0. Dr. Md. Dawood Sul.nran,
R/0. I7.2.1198/66, WoIcd Colony, Rcin Boznr,
l{yderrbad, Tctingana. JO0 O2l.

I l8,Dr. Agilh Ahnred Akhtar

08. 26 yrs. D/0. Mr. Aziz.Ahrned Akhr!r,
tuo. 16.7.21 l/D/9, Shihc_cd.Hydcr AIi Road.
Azrupurn, I-tyderobrd. joo 024.

I l9,Dr. Ashri(a Kaur,

aBc 25 yrs. D/0. Mr. S Ajcctsingh,
wo. Flir No. 502, Dundoo Chrrlc Tor*crs,
PadrL Rao Nngar, Bhoigudi rood, Mushccrabad,
Sccundcrabad, Tclnngana.JO0O25.

l20.Dr. Dr, ArkifiAleenr,

agc 24 yrs, D/o, Mr. Mohantmad Alccm,
R./0. 6.2.130, Tsh Ilospihl, Hussrinipura,
Ro.d No.l. Knrimnngsr, Tclongani.

l2l.Dr, Mohd Shi fi AIrncd,

irge 29 yre, S/o. Mohd Salifi Ahmcd,
R-/0. I l.l-164/136B, Ncw Mallcpilly.
Hydcrrbid. Tclenigana-500 00 L

I l'he Stale ol-[eiangana, Represented by its Special Chief Secretary. Health, ivledica] anci
l- :r nrr lv Wel t'are Departrnent, Secretariat buildings, Flyderabad.
l I Kaloii Naravana Rao University of Health Sciences, Warangal. reoresented bv its
l{ce istlar'.
.i 'l elangana Admission and Fee Relulatory Committee, fNU and FAU Campus. opposrtc
\4ahavir I'lospital, Masab Tank, Hyderabad. Represented by its Member Secretar-v
l. \4alla Reddylnstiruteof M€dical Sciences,SyNo. 138, Venkatarama Colony, Suraram,
QLrthbullapur, Jeedimetla, Hyderabad - 500 055 Represented by its authorized
representative, , *re
5. Mallareddy Medical College for Women Jeedimetla, Suraram, X Road, Quthbullapur,
Ilyderabad, 1'elangana 500055, ROpresented by its authorized representative,
6. Bhaskala Medical Colleger Yenkapally, Moinabad, Ranga Reddy, Telangana- 500 075
Represented by its authorized representative.
7. Prathima Instjtute of Medical Sciences, Nagnur, Karimnagar, Telangana -505417,
Represented by its authorized representative.
E, Kamineni Academy of Medical Sciences and Research Centre Nalgonda Road,
Suryodaya Colony, LB Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500068, Represented by its
authorized repreientative
f. i(arnineni Institute of Medical Sciences Sreepuram' Narketpally, Telangana- 508254
Represented by its authorized representative,

10. Chalneda Anand Rao Institute of Medical Sciences Bommakal Village, Karirnnagar,
Telangana -505001 . Represpnted by its authorized representative.
i l. Mamata Medical College, D.No. 4-2-161, Opp. Rotary Nager, Khammam, Telangana-
507002, Represented by its authorized representative,
12. MNR Medical College, MNR Educational Trust,2-23 B/3 50, Bhagyanagar Phase-lll.
l(iriratpaliy, Hytierai:ad, Telangana-500 072, represented by its Managing Trustee

13. SVS Medical College, Yenugonda, Mahabubnagar, Telangana -509001 Represented b1'
its authorized representative.
14. Mediciti institute of Medical Sciences, Medchal, Ghanpur, Telangana-5 01401 .
Represented b1, its authorized representative.
15. Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Apollo, health City Campus, Road
No.92, Jubilee Hills, Film Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500090. Represented by its
authorized representative.
16. Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Dar-us-Salam Educational Trust, P.O.
Kanchanbagh, DMRL X Road, Santhosh Nagar, Hyderabad-500 058 Represented by its
authorized representative.
17. Shadan Institute ofNledical Sciences, Teaching Hospital and Research Centre,
Himayatsagar Road, Ranga Reddy (dist), Hyderabad, Telangana, represented by its
authorized representative
18. Army College ofDental Sciences, Rajiv Swagruha Abhimaan Project, Secunderabad,
Telangana 500083, Represented by its authorized representative.
19. Mallareddy Dental College for Women Venkatarama Colony, Suraram, Hyderabad,
Telangana 500055 Represented by its authorized representative.
20. Malla Reddy Institute of Dental Sciences Survey No, 137 and 139, Suraram X Roads,
Jeedimetla, Quthbullapur, Hyderabad, Telangana 500055 Represented by its authorized
21. Panineeya Mahavidyala Institute of, Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Road Number
5, VR Colony, Kamala Nagar, Kothapet, Hyderabad, Telangana-500060. Represented by
its authorized representative.
22. Sri Sai College ofDental Surgery, Kothrepally, Vikarabad, Telangana. Represented by its
authorized representative.
23. MNR Dental College, MNR Nagar, Sangareddy, Telangana. Represented by its
authorized representative.
24. Mamatha Dental College, # 5-7 -200, Giriprasad Nagar, Mamata Road, Khammam,
Telangana-507002, Represented by its authorized representative.
25. Kamineni Institute olDental Sciences, Sreepuram, Narketpally, Telangana - 508254
Represented b1, its authorized representative.
26. SVS Institute of Dental Sciences, Appannapally, Yedira, Mahabubnagar, Telangana -509
002. Represented by its authorized representative.
27 . Meghana Dental College, Nizamabad, Telangana-503230 Represented by its authorized
28. Sri Balaji Dental College, Yenkapally Village, Moinabad Mandal, P.O, Himayat Nagar',
Hyderabad, Telangana 500075 Represented by its authorized representative.

Petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India praying that in the circumstances
stated in the affidavit filed therewith, the High Court may be pleased to issue an appropriate
Writ, Order or Direction, more particularly one in the nature ol Writ of Mandamus, setting aside
G.O.Ms. No. 20 dated \4/0412020 issued by the 1't respondent as illegal and arbitrary, without
jurisdiction and violative of fundamental rights;

IA NO: I OF 2020
Petition under Section 151 CPC praying that in the circumstances stated in the affidavit
filed in support ofthe writ petition, the High Court may be pleased to direct respondents No. 1
and 3 to produce before this Honorable court the entire data./audited financial records of the
educational institutions perused by the 3rd respondent for recommending fee structure for Private
Un-Aided Minority and Non-Minority Professional Medical / Dental Professional courses for lhe
block period 2020-2023 including the 3rd respondents Minutes of Meeting dated 1710312020
upon serving a copy on the Petitioners Advocate, Pending disposal of WP.No.6799 of 2020, on
the file of the High Court.

IA NO: 2 OF 2020
Petition under Section 151 CPC praying that in the circumstances stated in the affidavit
filed in support of the writ petition, the High court may be pleased suspend the operation of
G.o.Ms. No. 20 dated 14104t2020 issued by the lst respondent and pass. Pending disposal of wp
6799 of2020, on the file ofthe High Court.

IA NO: 3 OF 2020
Petition under Section 151 CPC praying that in the ciroumstances stated in the affidavit
filed in support of the writ petition, the High Court may be pleased to modify the interim order
dated 20.05.2020 in W.P.No. 6799 of 2020 as "directing the Petitioners herein falling in
Category'A'to pay 50% of the fee mentioned in the impugned G.O and to the Petitioners herein
falling in Category'A'to pay 60 % of the fee mentioned in the impugned G.O." instead of "direct
the petitioners falling in Category 'A' to pay 50% of the enhanced fees, in addition to the fee
prescribed in G.O.Ms. No. 29 dated 02.05,2016 and to give a bond for the rernaining 500% in
favour of the respondents and direct the petitioners falling in Category 'B' to pay 60 % of the
enhanced fees, in addition to the fee prescribed in G.O.Ms. No. 29 dated 02.05.1016 and to give a
bond for the remaining 4070 in favour of the respondents" Pending disposal of WP.No.6799 of
2020, on the file of the High Court.

The petition coming on for hearing, upon perusing the Petition and the affidavit filed in
support thereof and upon hearing the arguments of Sri Sama Sandeep Reddy Advocate for the
Petitioners and Advocate General for the Respondent No. 1, and Sri A. Prabhakar Rao, Advocate
for the respondent No. 2 and Sri D. Prakash Reddy leamed Senior Counsel representing Sri
Sriram Polai Advocate for the respondent No. 13 and 26 and Sri D.V. Sitaram Murthy leamed
Senior Counsel representing respondent No. 8 and Sri L. Ravichander leamed Senior Counsel
representing Sri Sricharan Telaprolu, Advocate for the respondent No. 12 and 23 and Sri S.
Niranjan Reddy, learned Senior Counsel representing for the respondent No. 6 and IWs. Indus
Law Firm for the respondent No. 15 and Sri Pandu Ranga Reddy Advocate for the respondent
No. 16, the Court made the following.


The present I.A. No. 3 of 2020 has been filed for seeking modification of the order dated
20.05.2020 passed by this Court. By the said order, this Court has directed as under:-

Presently, this Court is required to balance the con/licting interest of the students,
and the interest of the Medical Colleges. Considering the fact that prima facie there
oppears to be d steep increase in the fees, considering the fact that not only the State, but
even the Nation is passing through a critical phase of having lo tackle the pandemic, and
considering the fact that the students, and their parents may find it extremely dfficult, in
the present circumstances, to muster up the entire amount offees, which is required to be
paid to the Medical Colleges/the respondents, it will be in the interest ofiustice, to direct
the petitioners falling in Category 'A' to pay 50% of the enhancedfees, in addition to the
fee prescribed in G.O.Ms.No.29, dated 02.05.2016, and to give a bondfor the remaining
50% in favour of the respondents. It would also be in the interest ofjustice to direct the
petitioners falling in Category 'B', which is the Management Quota sub-category l, to
pay 60% of the enhancedfees, in addition to thefee prescribed in G.O.Ms.No.29, dated
02.05.2016, and to give a bondfor the remaining 40% in favour of the respondents.
It is clarified that the amount paid by the candidates, and the bonds submitted by
them, shall be subject to the final decision of this case.

Mr. Sama Sandeep Reddy, the leamed counsel for the petitioners, submits that initially
this Court was of the opinion that only 50% of the amount fixed in impugned G.O.Ms. No. 20,
dated 14.04.2020 needs to be deposited by the petitioners for Category-A, and 60Yo for
Category-B needs to be deposited by the students while giving bond for the remaining amount.
However, subsequently, the order, as mentioned hereinabove, has been passed. Since the order
directs the petitioners to pay the amount fixed by G.O.Ms. No. 29, dated 02.05.2016 plus 50% of
the enhanced amount, hardly any relief has been given to the students by this Court. For, if the

amount mentioned in G.O.Ms. No. 29 is to be added, a student will end up with paying 70% of
the total fee being charged from the students.

Moreover, in the order dated 18.05.2017 passed by a learned Coordinate Bench in

W.P.(PIL) No. 130 of 2017 and Batch, the leamed Coordinate Bench had merely directed that

50% of the amount fixed in the impugned G.O. needs to be paid, and a bond for the remaining
50% needs to be submitted. Therefore, according to the leamed counsel, in order to keep a parity

between the order dated 18.05.2017, and the order to be passed by this Court, the order dated
20.05.2020 needs to be modified, and this Court should direct that only 50% of the amount
mentioned in G.O.Ms. No. 20 dated 14.04.2020 needs to be paid.
On the other band, Mr. D. Prakash Reddy, and Mr. L. Ravichander, the leamed Senior
Counsel, have pleaded that, in case the amount mentioned in G.O.Ms. No. 29, dated 02.05.2016

were not paid, the enhanced amount is rather low. Therefore, in order to safeguard the interests
of the medical institutions, the order dated 20.05.2020 should not be modified by this Court.
Heard the learned counsel for the parties.

A bare perusal of the order dated 18.05.2017 passed by the leamed Coordinate Bench
clearly reveals that the leamed Bench had passed the following order:-
There shall be a direction to the respondents to proceed with the process of admissi<tns
into Post Graduate Medical Courses and the respondents shall complete the process offilling up
of seats subject to collecting half of the fee fixed by the Government by virtue of impugned
Governmental Orders for all the categories and by obtaining necessary bonds from the
candidates for the rest of the amount.

Therefore, the leamed Coordinate Bench had merely directed that halfofthe fee fixed by

the Government in the impugned Govemmental Orders shall be paid, and bonds for the
remaining half shall be submitted by the students.
Obviously, a judicial parity has to be maintained. For, two Coordinate Benches of the
same High Court cannot speak in contradictory voices.

Moreover, Mr. Sandeep Reddy, the leamed counsel for the petitioners, points out that
since the order dated 20.05.2020 seems to be limited only to the petitioners in the present writ
petition, it is creating a bit of confusion. For, the rest of those candidates who are seeking
admission in medical colleges, have not been granted the benefit ofany relief by this Court. He
further submits that since all the students would have to be fieated as a homogenous category, an
artificial division cannot be made, that is, whereas the petitioners, who have been granted the
benefit of this order, are required to pay only 50% of amount fixed in G.O.Ms. No. 20 dated
14.04.2020, while others are asked to pay the entire amount. Therefore, he pleads that this order

should be applic able in rem rather than in personam.

Mr. D. Prakash Reddy, the leamed Senior Counsel, on the other hand, submits that since
some students have already paid the entire amount, as they were under the bonafide belief that
the interim order dated 20.05.2020 does not apply to them, even if the present order is to be
made in rem, the interests of the Medical Colleges should be protected and they should not be

asked to refund 50% ol'the entire fees deposited by the students.

In catena ofcases, the Hon'ble Supreme Court has clearly opined that if a judgment is to
be passed for a class of people, and is not limited only to the interests and rights of few
individuals, the judgment should be in rem rather than in personam. obviously, the category of
those candidates/students seeking admission into P.G. courses in the medical colleges is a
homogenous class. Therefore, a division cannot be created artificially. Hence, this Court is of
the opinion that the order dated 20.05.2020 also needs to be modified in its scope tiom being an

order i,? personam to be an order in rem. However, in order to protect the interests of the
Medical Colleges who have already received the fulI fees from some of the candidates/students,
the Medical Colleges shall not be required to refund the 50%, or the 40% of the fees collected
from Category-A and Category-B students. Therefore, this Court modifies the order dated
20.05.2020 to the limited extent as under:-
Firstly, the petitioners and others, belonging to Category-A, are directed to deposit 50%
of the amount mentioned in G.O.Ms. No. 20, dated 14.04.2020.
Secondly, the petitioners and others, falling in Category-B, are directed to deposit 60%o of
the amount mentioned in G.O.Ms. No. 20, dated 14.04.2020. Consequently, the respondents are

directed to accept 50% of the amount mentioned for Category-A in G.O.Ms. No. 20, and 60% of
the amount mentioned for Category-B in G.O.Ms. No. 20.

Thirdly, the students are directed to submit a bond for the payment of the remaining
amount for their respective category.

Fourthly, the Medical Colleges which have already been paid the total amount by some
of the candidates/students are not required to refund the excess amount already deposited by the
candidates/students as a consequence ofthe order passed hereinabove.
Lastly, it is made abundantly clear that the present order is an order in rem, and is not an
order in personam. Therefore, the benefit of this order would be available, and shall be
applicable to the remaining candidates/students who are still required to deposit the fees by June
01,2020. To this limited extent, the order dated 20.05.2020 stands modified.
The application is ordered accordingly.



I .
The Special Chief Secretary, Health, Medical and Family Welfare Department, State ol
Telangana, Secretariat buildings, Hyderabad.
2. The Registrar, Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Warangal,
3. The Member Secretary, Telangana Admission and Fee Regulatory Committee, JNU and
FAU Campus, opposite Mahavir Hospital, Masab Tank, Hyderabad
4. The Authorized Representative, Malla Reddy institute of Medical Sciences, Sy No. 138,
Venkatarama Colony, Suraram, Quthbullapur, Jeedimetla, Hyderabad - 500 055
5. The Authorized Representative, Mallareddy Medical College for Women Jeedimetla,
Suraram, X Road, Quthbullapur, Hyderabad, Telangana 500055
6. The Authorized Representative, Bhaskara Medical College, Yenkapally, Moinabad,
Ranga Reddy, Telangana- 500 075
7. The Authorized Representative, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagnur,
Karimnagar, Telangana -5054 I 7,
8. The Authorized Representative, Kamineni Academy of Medical Sciences and Research
Centre Nalgonda Road, Suryodaya Colony, LB Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500068,
9. The Authorized Representative, Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences Sreepuram,
Narketpally, Telangana- 508254
10. The Authorized Representative, Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of Medical Sciences
Bommakal Village, Karimnagar, Telangana -505001 .
11. The Authorized Representative, Mamata Medical College, D.No. 4-2-161, Opp. Rotary
Nager, Khammam, Telangana-507002,
12. The Authorized Representative, MNR Medical College, MNR Educational Trust,2-
23P,1350, Bhagyanagar PhaseJII, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana-500 072

13. The Authorized Representative, SVS Medical College, Yenugonda, Mahabubnagar,

Telangana -509001
14. The Authorized Representative, Mediciti institute of Medical Sciences, Medchal,
Ghanpur, Telangana-50 I 40 1.
15. The Authorized Representative, Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
Apollo, health City Campus, Road No.92, Jubilee Hills, Film Nagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana 500090.
16. The Authorized Representative, Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Dar-us-Salam
Educational Trust, P.O. Kanchanbagh, DMRL X Road, Santhosh Nagar, Hyderabad-500
17. The Authorized Representative, Shadan Institute of Medical Sciences, Teaching Hospital
and Research Centre, Himayatsagar Road, Ranga Reddy (dist), Hyderabad, Telangana,
18. The Authorized Representative, Army College of Dental Sciences, Raj iv Swagruha
Abhimaan Project, Secunderabad, Telangana 500083
19. The Authorized Representative, Mallareddy Dental College for Women Venkatarama
Colony, Suraram, Hyderabad, Telangana 500055
20. The Authorized Representative, Malla Reddy Institute of Dental Sciences Survey No,
137 and 139, Suraram X Roads, Jeedimetla, Quthbullapur, Hyderabad, Telangana 500055
21. The Authorized Representative, Panineeya Mahavidyala Institute of, Dental Sciences and
Research Centre, Road Number 5, VR Colony, Kamala Nagar, Kothapet, Hyderabad,
22. The Authorized Representative, Sri Sai College of Dental Surgery, Kothrepally,
Vikarabad, Telangana.
23. The Authorized Representative, MNR Dental College, MNR Nagar, Sangareddy,
24. The Authorized Representative, Mamatha Dental College, 5-7-200, Giriprasad Nagar,
Mamata Road. Khanrmam, Telangana-507002
25. The Authorized Representative, Kamineni Institute ofDental Sciences. Sreepuram,
Narketpally, Telangana - 508254
26. The Authorized Representative, SVS Institute of Dental Sciences, Appannapally, Yedira,
Mahabubnagar, Telangana -509 002.
27. The Authorized Representative, Meghana Dental College, Nizamabad, Telangana-
28. The Authorized Representative, Sri Balaji Dental College, Yenkapally Village, Moinabad
Mandal, P.O, Himayat Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500075
(Addressees I to 28 by RPAD)
29. The Section Officer, Writ (D.B. Section), High Court, Hyderabad
30. One CC to Sri Sama Sandeep Reddy Advocate [OPUC]
31. One CC to Sd A. Prabhakar Rao, Advocate (OPUC)
32. One CC to Sri Sricharan Telaprolu, Advocate (OPUC)
33. One CC to IWs. Indus Law Firm, Advocate (OPUC)
34. One CC to Sri P. Pandu Ranga Reddy, Advocate (OPUC)
35. One CC to Sri Sri Ram Polai, Advocate(OPUC)
36. Two CC to Advocate General, High Court at Hyderabad. [OUT]
37. Two CC to GP for Medical Health, High Court at Hyderabad(OUT)
38. Two spare copies



DATED: 26105120:r.0


I.A.NO.3 0F 2020
WP.No.6799 of 2020


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