S&S Question Bank

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1 Discrete time signal is derived from continuous time signal by _____________ process. Addition Multiplying Sampling Addition and multiplication c
2 If x (-t) = -x (t) then the signal is said to be _____________ Even signal Odd signal Periodic signal Non periodic signal b
3 Noise generated by an amplifier of radio is an example for? Discrete signal Deterministic signal Random signal Periodic signal c
4 Y (t) = x (2t) is ________ Compressed signal Shifted signal Amplitude scaled signal by a factor of 2 Expanded signal a
5 y(t) = sin(x(t-1)) : Comment on its memory aspects. Having memory Needn’t have memory Memoryless system Time invariant system a
6 A system which is linear is said to obey the rules of scaling additivity both scaling and additivity homogeneity c
7 A time invariant system is a system whose output increases with a delay in input decreases with a delay in input remains same with a delay in input vanishes with a delay in input c
8 A system is said to be defined as non causal, when the output at the present depends on the input at an earlier time the output at the present does not depend on the factor of time at all the output at the present depends on the input at the current time the output at the present depends on the input at a time instant in the future d
9 When we take up design of systems, ideally how do we define the stability of a system? A system is stable, if a bounded input gives a bounded output, for some values of the input A system is unstable, if a bounded input gives a bounded output, for all values of the input A system is stable, if a bounded input gives a bounded output, for all values of the input A system is unstable, if a bounded input gives a bounded output, for some values of the input c
10 For the system, y (t) = x (t-5) – x (3-t) which of the following holds true? System is Linear, time-invariant, causal and stable System is time-invariant, causal and stable System is Linear, time-invariant and stable System is Linear, time-invariant and causal c
11 Which one of the following is an example of a bounded signal? et coswt et sinw(-t) e-t coswt et cosw(-t) a
12 What is the period of the following signal, x(t) = sin(18*pi*t + 78 deg)? ¹⁄ ²⁄ ¹⁄ ⁴⁄ b
13 A signal is a physical quantity which does not vary with ____________ Time Space Independent Variables Dependent Variables d
14 Most of the signals found in nature are _________ Continuous-time and discrete-time Continuous-time and digital Digital and Analog Analog and Continuous-time d
15 Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a deterministic signal? Exhibits no uncertainty Instantaneous value can be accurately predicted Exhibits uncertainty Can be represented by a mathematical equation c
16 Determine the fundamental period of the following signal:sin60t. 1/60 sec 1/30 sec 1/20 sec 1/10 sec b
17 For an energy signal __________ E=0 P= ∞ E= ∞ P=0 d
18 Determine the power of the signal: x(t) = cos(t). 1/2 1 1.5 2 a
19 A signal is anti-causal if ______________ x(t) = 0 for t = 0 x(t) = 1 for t < 0 x(t) = 1 for t > 0 x(t) = 0 for t > 0 d
20 The step function u (t) is integral of _______ with respect to time t. Ramp function Impulse function Sinusoidal function Exponential function b
21 Unit impulse ∂(t) is _____ of time t. Odd function Even function Neither even nor odd function Odd function of even amplitude b
22 ∂(at) = ¹⁄a ∂(t), this property of unit impulse is called ______ Time shifting property Time scaling property Amplitude scaling property Time reversal property b
23 Construct the inverse system of y(t) = 2x(t) y(t) = 0.5x(t) y(t) = 2x(t) y(2t) = x(t) y(t) = x(2t) a
24 Comment on the linearity of y[n] = n*x[n]. Linear Only additive Not scalable Non linear d
25 Which of the following systems is linear? y(t) = sin(x(t)) y(t) = log(x(t)) y(t) = cos(x(t)) y(t) = dx(t)/dt d
26 Find the value of h[n]*d[n-1], d[n] being the delta function. h[n-2]. h[n]. h[n-1]. h[n+1]. c
27 If h1, h2 and h3 are cascaded, find the overall impulse response a) h1 * h2 * h3 b) h1 + h2 + h3 c)h1h2 h3 all of the mentioned a
28 If h1, h2 and h3 are parallelly summed, find the overall impulse response h1 + h2 + h3 h1 – h2 + h3 h1*h2*h3 all of the mentioned a
29 What is a unit impulse response? The output of a linear system The response of an invariant system The output of an LTI system due to unit Impulse signal The output of an input response signal c
30 How do you define convolution? Weighted superposition of time shifted responses Addition of responses of an input signal c) Multiplication or various shifted responses of a stable system Superposition of various outputs a
31 What is the rule h*(x+y) = (y+x)*h called? Commutativity rule Associativity rule Distributive rule Transitive rule a
32 Is y[n] = n*cos(n*pi/4)u[n] a stable system? Yes No Marginally stable None of the mentioned b
33 What is the rule (h*x)*c = h*(x*c) called? Commutativity rule Associativity rule Distributive rule Transitive rule b
34 For an LTI discrete system to be stable, the sum of the impulse response should be Integral multiple of 2pi Infinity Finite Zero c
35 What is the Distributive property of the LTI system? x[n] + h1[n] + h2[n] = h1[n] + h2[n] + x[n] b) x[n]*(h1[n] + h2[n]) = x[n]*(h1[n])*(x[n]*h2[n]) c) x[n]*(h1[n] + h2[n]) = x[n]*h1[n] + x[n]*h2[n] d) x[n]*(h1[n] + h2[n]) = *(x[n]*h1[n]) + x[n]*h2[n] c
36 The order of the Cascade system doesn’t depend on the output. Which is the property? Commutative Associative Commutative and distributive Distributive b
37 An LTI system is memoryless only if ____________ It does not store the previous value of the input It does not depend on any previous value of the input It does not depend on stored values of the system It does not depend on the present value of the input b
38 . Which of the following system is memoryless? h(t)=0,t ≠0 h(t)=x(t-1) h(t)=0, t=0 h(t)=kx(t+2) a
39 Which property of an LTI system does the following equation prove h[n]*h1[n]=∂[n]? Invertibility Stability Associativilty Commutative a
40 Which of the following system is causal? y[n] = 2x[n] – 3x[n+1] y[n] = 2x[n] + 3 y[n] = 2x[n-7] – 3x[n+1] y[n] = 2x[n]*3x[n+1] b
41 When are LTI systems stable? Only when bounded input produces a bounded output Only when bounded input produces a unbounded output Only when unbounded input produces a bounded output Only when unbounded input produces an unbounded output a
42 What are the tools used in a graphical method of finding convolution of discrete time signals? Plotting, shifting, folding, multiplication, and addition in order Scaling, shifting, multiplication, and addition in order Scaling, multiplication and addition in order Scaling, plotting, shifting, multiplication and addition in order a
43 Choose the correct equation for finding the output of a discrete time convolution? y[n] = ∑x[k]h[n-k], k from 0 to ∞ y[n] = ∑x[k]h[n-k], k from -∞ to +∞ y[n] = ∑x[k]h[k], k from 0 to ∞ y[n] = ∑x[k]h[n], k from -∞ to +∞ b
44 Weighted superposition of time-shifted impulse responses is termed as _______ for discrete-time signals. Convolution integral Convolution multiple Convolution sum Convolution c
45 A speech signal is a ________ signal One Dimensional Two Dimensional Three Dimensional Multi Dimensional a
46 An image is signal. One Dimensional Two Dimensional Three Dimensional Multi Dimensional b
47 Consider the following statements regarding a discrete system with the output input relationship y(n) = x(n)+3. The system is 1) is linear 2) is causal 3) have bounded input for bounded o 2 and 3 are correct 1, 2, and 3 are correct 1 and 2 are correct 1, 3 and 4 are correct a
48 x(t) = cos 2 (4π t) is periodic with fundamental period of ______________seconds 1 0.25 0.5 4 b
49 The sum of even and odd signal is odd even neither even nor odd zero a
50 If an input signal is applied to two LTI system with impulse responses h(t) and 2h(t - 2), then the response of the second system is the response of the first with amplitude scaled by 2 and delayed by 2 amplitude scaled by 2 and advanced by 2 delayed by 2 amplitude scaled by 2 a
51 Should real time instruments like oscilloscopes be time invariant sometimes Yes never they have no relation with time variance b
52 Determine the power of the signal: x(t) = cos(t) 2 1.50 1 1/2 d
53 If a periodic signal is time shifted then there will be Change in phase of frequency components and Change in amplitude of frequency components Change in phase of frequency components Change in amplitude of frequency components None of the above b
54 A train of impulses having weight 1, periodically occur at 1 second interval. What is the fundamental frequency component present in the signal? 1 Hz 2 Hz 10 Hz None of the above a
55 What is the DC Value of sinusoidal signal 10sin(200*pi*t)? 0 1 10 5 a
56 Weighted superposition of time-shifted impulse responses is termed as _______ for discrete-time signals. Convolution multiple Convolution Convolution Sum Convolution integral c
57 Impulse response is the output of ______ system due to impulse input applied at time=0? Linear and time invariant Linear Time varying Time Invariant a
58 Which method uses sum of diagonal elements for discrete time convolution? Graphical method and tabular method Matrix method only Graphical method, tabular method and matrix method Graphical method, tabular method, matrix method and summation method b
59 How can we solve discrete time convolution problems? Graphical method, tabular method and matrix method The graphical method only Graphical method and tabular method Graphical method, tabular method, matrix method and summation method a
60 What is the associative property of discrete time convolution? [x1(n) * x2(n)]*h(n) = x1(n)* [x2(n)*h(n)] [x1(n) * x2(n)]+h(n) = x1(n) + [x2(n)*h(n)] [x1(n) + x2(n)]*h(n) = x1(n)* [x2(n)+h(n)] [x1(n) * x2(n)]h(n) = x1(n) [x2(n)*h(n)] a
61 What is the commutative property? x(n)h(n)=h(n)x(n) x(n)*h(n)=h(n)*x(n) x(n)+h(n)=h(n)+x(n) x(n)**h(n)=h(n)**x(n) b
62 What is the convolution of a signal with an impulse? signal itself impulse a new signal Signal multiplied by impulse a
63 How is discrete time convolution represented? x[n] * h[n] x[n] + h[n] x[n] – h[n] x[n].h[n] a
64 What does the Distributive property signify? The sum of two inputs must be equal to responses to these signals The sum of signals in both the sides in any number must be equal The responses must be equal in any side of an LTI system The Multiplication of two signals in the inputs side is equal to multiplication of the responses a
65 What does the associative property apply? Series interconnection of two systems is equivalent to a single system only in case of discrete Series and parallel interconnection of two systems is equivalent to a single system only in ca Parallel connection of two systems is equivalent to a single system only in case of a continuo Series interconnection of two systems is equivalent to a single system in case of both continuous and discrete system d
66 A system which is linear is said to obey the rules of both scaling and additivity scaling additivity homogeneity a
67 A time invariant system is a system whose output vanishes with a delay in input decreases with a delay in input increases with a delay in input remains same with a delay in input d
68 Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a deterministic signal? Exhibit uncertainty Exhibits no uncertainty Instantaneous value can be accurately predicted can be represented by a mathematical equation a
69 The trigonometric Fourier series of an even function of time does not have the dc term cosine terms sine terms odd harmonic terms c
70 A periodic signal x(t) of period T0 is given by x(t)=1, for |t| < T1 and x(t)=0 for T1<|t|<(T0/2) The dc component of x(t) is T1/T0 T1/2T0 2T1/T0 T0/T1 a
71 If f(t)=f(-t) and f(t) satisfy the Dirichlet's conditions, then f(t) can be expanded in a Fourier series containing only sine terms only cosine terms cosine terms and a constant term sine terms and a constant term b
72 If the periodic signal has an even symmetry, the Fourier series contains only sine terms only cosine terms constant and cosine terms both sine and cosine terms c
73 If x(t) is odd, then its Fourier series coefficients must be real and odd imaginary and odd real and even imaginary and even b
74 Fourier series uses following functions as basis functions complex exponentials sine waves exponential signals all of the above a
75 Fourier seris is applicable for following signals non-periodic periodic power energy b
76 Fourier series coefficients for x(t) and x(at) will be same different related none of these a
77 If Fourier series coefficients X*(k)=X(-k), then the signal x(t) will be real complex nonperiodic none of above a
78 Following type of Fourier series gives double sided spectrum trigonometric compact exponential signals all of the above c
79 The Fourier series of a real periodic function contains only i)cosine terms if it is even function ,ii) sine terms if it is even function, iii) cosine terms if it is odd function, iv) sine terms if it is odI and iv I and iii ii and iv ii and iii a
80 If the periodic signal has half wave symmetry, then it will be even odd DC neither even nor odd d
81 The Fourier series of odd periodic function contains only odd harmonics even harmonics cosine terms sine terms d
82 Trigonometric Fourier series of an even function does not have DC term cosine terms sine terms odd harmonic terms c
83 Translation is another name for time scaling time shift derivative none of these b
84 Fourier representations are essential because they provide time-frequency conversion give magnitude phase plots spectrum of the signal all of the above d
85 Fourier series uses ____ domain representation of signals? Frequency domain Time domain Both time and frequency Domain independent signals b
86 Fourier series coefficient for n=0? None zero Zero One Undefined b
87 What is the smoothing operation? Integration property Differentiation property Multipication property Convolution property a
88 What are the Dirichlet conditions. i) x(t) be periodic ii) x(t) have finite discontinuities. iii) x(t) have finite maxima and minima. iv) x(t) be absolutely integrable. i,ii,and iii ii, iii, and iv iii, iv, and i iv, i, and ii b
89 iHowX( )is hthe ld b i di
Fourier series sum calculated at a point when the signal is discontinuous? Average of left hand limit and right hand limit are taken Left hand limit is taken Right hand limit is taken Can not be determined a
90 Conditions for a signal to fulfill for Fourier series to exist for such signal are called Fourier conditions Dirichlet’s conditions Gibbs phenomenon No such conditions b
91 When is the gibbs phenomenon present in a signal x(t)? Only when there is a discontinuity in the signal Only when the signal is discrete Only when there is a jump discontinuity in the signal Gibbs phenomenon is not possible in continuous signals c
92 Where does the gibbs phenomenon occur? Gibbs phenomenon occurs near points of discontinuity Gibbs phenomenon occurs only near points of discontinuity Gibbs phenomenon occurs only ahead of points of discontinuity Gibbs phenomenon does not occur near points of discontinuity b
93 What causes the gibbs phenomenon? Abruptly terminating the signals Abruptly integrating the signals x(t) should be continuous only Signal should be discontinuous a
94 When is fourier convergence theorem applicable? Infinite series limit Continuous function limit Discrete function limit Break point limits a
95 What is Fourier series? The representation of periodic signals in a mathematical manner is called a Fourier series The representation of non periodic signals in a mathematical manner is called a Fourier seriesThe representation of non periodic signals in terms of complex exponentials or sinusoids is ca The representation of periodic signals in terms of complex exponentials or sinusoids is called a Fourier series d
96 Who discovered Fourier series? Jean Baptiste de Fourier Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier Fourier Joseph Jean Fourier b
97 Choose the condition from below that is not a part of Dirichlet’s conditions? If it is continuous then there are a finite number of discontinuities in the period T1 It has a finite average value over the period T It has a finite number of positive and negative maxima in the period T It is a periodic signal d
98 What are the two types of Fourier series? Trigonometric and exponential Trigonometric and logarithmic Exponential and logarithmic Trigonometric only a
99 What are fourier coefficients? a) The terms that are present in a fourier series b) The terms that are obtained through fourier series c) The terms which consist of the fourier series along with their sine or cosine values d) The terms which are of resemblance to fourier transform in a fourier series are called fourier series coefficients c
100 Which are the fourier coefficients in the following? a0, an and bn an bn an and bn a
101 What is the disadvantage of exponential Fourier series? It is tough to calculate It is not easily visualized It cannot be easily visualized as sinusoids It is hard for manipulation c
102 Fourier series uses which domain representation of signals? Time domain representation Frequency domain representation Both combined Neither depends on the situation b
103 What are the properties of continuous time fourier series? Linearity, time shifting Linearity, time shifting, frequency shifting Linearity, time shifting, frequency shifting, time reversal, time scaling, periodic convolution Linearity, time shifting, frequency shifting, time reversal, time scaling, periodic convolution, multiplication, differentiation d
104 What is the frequency shifting property of continuous time fourier series? Multiplication in the time domain by a real sinusoid Multiplication in the time domain by a complex sinusoid Multiplication in the time domain by a sinusoid Addition in the time domain by a complex sinusoid b
105 What is the time reversal property of fourier series coefficients? Time reversal of the corresponding sequence of fourier series Time reversal of the last term of fourier series Time reversal of the corresponding term of fourier series Time reversal of the corresponding sequence a
106 Fourier transform of linear combination of the signals is equal to linear combination of their Fourier Transforms, this statement is related to which property of Fourier Transform Duality Symmetry Linearity Integration C
107 As per Parseval's Theorem, Energy of the signal can be obtained by interchanging its energy spectrum taking derivative of signal adding the signal for given range multiplying signal by impulse function A
108 The Fourier transform of sgn(t) is jωπ j/ωπ 2/jω 2ω/ j C
109 The inverse Fourier transform of a function F(jω) = ( 1/jω) + πδ(ω) sinωt cosωt sgn (t) u(t) D
110 Fourier transform of (e^-3t)u(t) is 1/ ( jω +3) 1/ ( jω -3) ( jω +3) ( jω -3) A
111 The existance of Fourier Transform is given by Dirchilet Conditions Nyquist's theorem Ohm's law Newton's law A
112 Fourier transform of rectangular pulse is Signum Function Sinc function Sine function Triangular function B
113 Which of the following Fourier representation is useful for the analysis of continuous time aperiodic signals DTFT DTFS CTFT CTFS C
114 Fourier transform of Unit impulse function is jωπ u(t) 0 1 D
115 Amplitude spectrum is ……………….. Function odd even neither even nor odd zero B
116 Fourier transform of Convolution x(t)*h(t) is X( jω ).H( jω) X( jω )*H( jω) X( jω )+H( jω) X( jω ) / H( jω) A
117 Fourier transform of convolution of rect ( t ) * rect ( t ) is squared rectangular function rectangular function squared sinc function sinc function C
118 Fourier transform of derivative of x( t ) with respect to t is jω / X( ω ) jω X( ω ) X( ω ) / jω X ( jω ) B
119 Transfer function H ( F ) is Y ( F ) / X( F ) Y ( F ) .X ( F ) Y ( F ) - X( F ) Y ( F ) + X( F ) A
120 Phase Spectrum is …………… function even odd neither even nor odd zero B
121 The ratio of Fourier transform of output to Fourier transform of input is called as System analysis convolution Deconvolution Transfer function D
122 By Fourier Transform, area under time domain sigrial is 0 1 2π X ( 0 ) X( 0 ) D
123 By Fourier Transform, area under time domain sigrial is 0 1 2π X ( 0 ) X( 0 ) C
124 Fourier transform of Sinc ( 5t ) is 0.2 rect (f/5) 0.2 rect ( 5 f) 4rect( f/10 ) 2rect( 10 f) A
125 Fourier Transform of rect(t/2) is 2 sinc (ω) 2 sinc (ω/ π) sinc (ω) sinc (ω/ π) B
126 For a rectangular signal 4 rect ( t/ 6), Pulse width is 6 4 3 2 A
127 Fourier transform of Gaussian function is Rectangular Unit step Unit impulse Gaussian D
128 Which of the following is Dirchilet condtion for existance of Fourier Transform? Infinite discontinuities infinite peaks finite peaks absolute integrability D
129 Compression of a signal in time domain is equivalent to expansion of signal in frequency domain and vice versa. This statement represents which property of Fourier Transform? Linearity Time Shifting Time Scaling Frequency Shift C
130 Fourier transform of 1 is πδ(ω) 2πδ(ω) πδ(ω)+jω πδ(ω)/jω B
131 A shift of t1 in time domain is equivalent to introducing phase shift of (- ω t1) is statement of which property of Fourier Transform Linearity Time Shifting Time Scaling Time Differentiation B
132 X (ω) is ………… domain representation Frequency Time S Z A
133 Fourier Transform of Cos 3 t is πδ(ω-3) - πδ(ω+3) δ(ω-3) - δ(ω+3) πδ(ω-3) + πδ(ω+3) δ(ω-3) + δ(ω+3) C
134 Fourier transform of A is A δ(f) δ(f) δ(-f) δ(f) +1 A
135 x( t ) must have only one value at any time instant over finite time interval T, this Dirchilet condition is called as Multiple value property Single value property Absolute integrability Infinite discontinuities B
136 x( t ) can be obtained from X (ω) from Fourier Transform Inverse Fourier Transform Z transform Laplace Transform B
137 Fourier Transform of e^ (-at) u(t) does not exist if a>0 a=0 a<0 a=1 C
138 Which of the following is not property of Fourier Transform? Linearity Duality Time Scaling Quadrature D
139 H (ω) =Y (ω) / X(ω), then H (ω) is called as Frequency respnse of the system Time response of the system Impulse function of the system ROC of the system A
140 In frequency differentiation property of Fourier Transform, differentiating the frequency spectrum is equivalent to multiplying the time domain signal by complex number ( - jt) multiplying the time domain signal by complex number ( jt) multiplying the time domain signal by (π t) multiplying the time domain signal by (-π t) A
141 A necessary condition for the convergence of the Laplace transform is _ _ _ ∫ │x(t)e−σt│dt < ∞ ∫ x(t)dt < ∞ ∫ │x(t)eσt│dt < ∞ ∫ │x(t)e−σt│dt > ∞ A
142 Laplace transform of x(t) = eatu(t) is 1/s+a, Re(s) < a 1/s-a, Re(s) > a 1/s+a, Re(s) > a 1/s-a, Re(s) = a B
143 Laplace transform of x(t) = u(t - 5) is e-5s/ s , Re(s) < 0 e-5s/ s , Re(s) > 0 e5s/ s , Re(s) < 0 e5s/ s , Re(s) > 0 B
144 The unilateral Laplace transform of x(t) = u(t + 3) is 1/s 1/s (e-3s) 1/s (e3s) -1/s (e-3s) C
145 The unilateral Laplace transform of x(t) = u(t - 3) is 1/s 1/s (e-3s) 1/s (e3s) -1/s (e-3s) B
146 The unilateral Laplace transform of x(t) = e−3tu(t) * tu(t) -1 / s2(s-3) 1 / s2(s-3) -1 / s2(s+3) 1 / s2(s+3) D
147 Laplace Transform of ∫u(τ) dτ is 1/s 1/s2 s 1 / 2s B
148 The initial x(0+) & final x(∞) value of signal x(s) = 7s+10 / s(s+2) 5, 7 7, 5 7, 0 0, 7 B
149 L-1(S) is δ'(t) δ''(t) δ(t) δ2(t) A
150 If there is a pole in left half of S plane system is Marginally stable stable with right sided impulse response Not stable partly stable, partly unstable B
151 If there is a pole in right half of S plane system is Marginally stable stable with right sided impulse response Not stable partly stable, partly unstable C
152 A system with all of its poles in left half of S plane system is causal, unstable non-causal, stable non-causal, unstable causal, stable D
153 Laplace Transform of u(-t+3) is e-3s / s, Re(s) > 0 e-3s / s, Re(s) < 0 e3s / s, Re(s) > 0 e3s / s, Re(s) < 0 B
154 The unilateral Laplace transform of x(t) = u(t) - u(t - 2) is 1/s 1 - e-2s 1 - e-2s / s 1 + e-2s / s C
155 Laplace Transform of d/dt (t e-t u(t)) 1 /(s+1) 1 /(s+1)2 s /(s+1)2 -s /(s+1)2 C
156 Laplace Transform of (t 4 u(t)) 24 / s4 24 / s5 4 / s5 -4 / s5 B
157 If f(t) = 1, then its Laplace Transform is given by? S 1/S 1 Does not exist B
158 If f(t) = sin(at), then its Laplace Transform is given by? cos(at) 1 ⁄ asin(at) Indeterminate a ⁄ s2+a2 D
159 If f(t) = eat, its Laplace Transform is given by? a ⁄ s2+a2 √π ⁄ 2√s 1 ⁄ s-a Does not exist C
160 The Laplace transform of eat cos(bt) = . . . (s + a)/ (s + a) 2 + b 2 (s - a)/ (s -a) 2 + b 2 (s - a)/ (s+a) 2 + b 2 (s + a)/ (s -b) 2 B
161 If L[f(t)] = F(s) then L[f(t-T)] is equal to e sTF(s) F(s) / (1 + e −sT ) e −sTF(s) F(s) /(1 − e −sT ) C
162 The LT of i(t) is given by I(s) = 2 / s(1+s), As t → ∞, the value of i(t) tends to 0 1 2 ∞ C
163 If δ(t) denotes a unit impulse, then the Laplace transform of d2δ(t) / dt2 will be 1 s s2 s-2 C
164 Which of the following transfer function describes an unstable system 1/( s2 +s −2) 1/( s2 +s +2) − 1/( s2 +s +2) 1/( s2 − s −2) A
165 If the Laplace transform of x(t) is X(s), then the Laplace transform of e −at.x(t) is e −atX(s) X( s/a ) X(s - a) X(s + a) D
166 For a causal, continuous-time LTI system, ROC is in the left of all system poles right of all system poles right of all zeros left of all zeros B
167 If the system is causal and stable, the system poles must lie on the jω axis on the left half of the s-plane on the right half of the s-plane both A & C B
168 Initial value is calculated by putting ....... lim s ->0 in s x(s) b) lim s ->infinity in s x(s) c) lim s ->0 in x(s) d) lim s ->infinity in x(s) b
169 Final value is calculated by putting ....... a) lim s ->0 in s x(s) b) lim s ->infinity in s x(s) c) lim s ->0 in x(s) d) lim s ->infinity in x(s) a
170 LT of periodic signal is calculated by finding LT over one cycle and multiplying it by factor.......... a) 1-e^-ST b) 1-e^ST c) 1 / 1-e^-ST d) 1 / 1-e^ST c
171 Inverse LT of 1 is........ 1/s 1 s s^2 a
172 Find the Laplace transform of u(t) and its ROC. 1/s, σ<0 1/s, σ>0 1/s−1, σ=0 1/1−s, σ≤0 b
173 Find the Laplace transform of e^-at u(t) and its ROC. 1/s−a, Re{s}>-a 1/s, Re{s}>a 1/s×a, Re{s}>a 1/s+a, Re{s}>-a d
174 What is the probability of an impossible event? 0 1 Not defined Insufficient data a
175 Two unbiased coins are tossed. What is the probability of getting at most one head? ¹⁄ ¹⁄ ¹⁄ ³⁄ d
176 A fair coin is tossed thrice, what is the probability of getting all 3 same outcomes? ³⁄ ¹⁄ ¹⁄ ¹⁄ b
177 Consider a dice with the property that that probability of a face with n dots showing up is proportional to n. The probability of face showing 4 dots is? ¹⁄ ⁵⁄ ¹⁄ ⁴⁄ d
178 Let X be a random variable with probability distribution function f (x)=0.2 for |x|<1 = 0.1 for 1 < |x| < 4 0 otherwise The probability P (0.5 < x < 5) is _____ 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.8 c
179 Runs scored by batsman in 5 one day matches are 50, 70, 82, 93, and 20. The standard deviation is ______ 25.79 25.49 25.29 25.69 a
180 Find median and mode of the messages received on 9 consecutive days 15, 11, 9, 5, 18, 4, 15, 13, 17. 13, 6 13, 18 18, 15 15, 16 b
181 Which of the following of a random variable is a measure of spread? variance standard deviation empirical mean all of the mentioned a
182 A coin is tossed up 4 times. The probability that tails turn up in 3 cases is ______ 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/6 a
183 If E denotes the expectation the variance of a random variable X is denoted as? (E(X))2 E(X2)-(E(X))2 E(X^2) 2E(X) b
184 X is a variate between 0 and 3. The value of E(X2) is ______ 8 7 27 9 d
185 The random variables X and Y have variances 0.2 and 0.5 respectively. Let Z= 5X-2Y. The variance of Z is? 3 4 5 7 d
186 Three companies A, B and C supply 25%, 35% and 40% of the notebooks to a school. Past experience shows that 5%, 4% and 2% of the notebooks produced by these companies are d ⁴⁴⁄ ²⁵⁄ ¹³⁄ ¹¹⁄ b
187 An urn B1 contains 2 white and 3 black chips and another urn B2 contains 3 white and 4 black chips. One urn is selected at random and a chip is drawn from it. If the chip drawn is found ⁴⁄ ³⁄ ²⁰⁄ ²¹⁄ d
188 Mean of a random variable X is given by _________ E(X) E(X2) E(X2) – (E(X))2 (E(X))2 a
189 The expectation of a random variable X(continuous or discrete) is given by _________ ∑xf(x), ∫xf(x) ∑x2 f(x), ∫x2 f(x) ∑f(x), ∫f(x) ∑xf(x2), ∫xf(x2) a
190 Variance of a random variable X is given by _________ E(X) E(X2) E(X2) – (E(X))2 (E(X))2 c
191 Mean of a constant ‘a’ is ___________ 0 a a/2 1 b
192 Variance of a constant ‘a’ is _________ 0 a a/2 1 a
193 Find the expectation of a random variable X if f(x) = ke-x for x>0 and 0 otherwise. 0 1 2 3 b
194 Find the mean of a random variable X if f(x) = x – ⁵⁄ for 0<x<1 and 2x for 1<x<2 and 0 otherwise. 3.5 3.75 2.5 2.75 b
195 E(X) = μ and V(X) = σ2 is for which distribution? Bernoulli’s Binomial Poisson’s Normal d
196 Normal Distribution is applied for ___________ Continuous Random Distribution Discrete Random Variable Irregular Random Variable Uncertain Random Variable a
197 The shape of the Normal Curve is ___________ Bell Shaped Flat Circular Spiked a
198 Normal Distribution is symmetric is about ___________ Variance Mean Standard deviation Covariance b
199 If the values taken by a random variable are negative, the negative values will have ___________ Positive probability Negative Probability May have negative or positive probabilities Insufficient data a
200 The variable that assigns a real number value to an event in a sample space is called ___________ Random variable Defined variable Uncertain variable Static variable a

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