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11. Decribe a member of a team who know about

Today I’m gonna be talking about a member of a team who I know about. During this time, because the
Covid-18 was caused seriou so I had to stay at home. That's why I have a lot of time surfing Facebook
and I accidentally saw a music video of a band boy called Chillies. But the person that i was most
imperessed in the team was Kenny You.

Despite his young age, he was a leader of a famous band. During their dicussion for the project, he
always initiated great ideas and delivered them convincingly. Being the team leader, he was responsible
for undertaking crucial negotiations with other partners, which required both interpersonal skills and
work experience.

Kenny You was well respected by all the team members for his profesional, which was shown in
numerous respects. Under any circumstance, he would maintan his puntually, which not only endeared
him to clients but also set a good example for other employees. During their project, he kept regular
track of our work and offered assistance if there were any signs of negligence or frustration.


Puntually – sự đúng hẹn đúng giờ

Endeared him to – khiến ai đó yêu thích

Set a good example for – làm gương tốt

Kept regular track of – theo dõi quan sát ai cái gì

Articulate – Nói rõ

Insisted on – Đòi hỏi

Interpersonal skill – kĩ năng cá nhân

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