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Glossary Act: I. To do or perform 2. A large section of aplay performer that brings a cl your lips, tongue and te should move ‘Actor: A person/ haracter to life Articulation: To speak clearly using 1n when and where an actor eeth Blocking: Instruction ©! play or movie Character: o person in a story. ter position and speaks to Conversational pose: When one actor stands in a left qual another actor in right quarter position Costume: Clothing worn by an actor on stage procures or creates costumes. Costume Designer: Researches, lighting effects Cyclorama: A curfain on the back wall of the slage used fo Director: Responsible for the artistic vision of a production Downstage: Part of the stage closest to the audience Drama: The process or preparation towards performance Exhale: To breathe out Floor plan/ Ground plan: Plan of a stage drawn from a topographical point of view Focus: Concentration on any particular thought, action or image Full front: An actor facing the audience directly on stage Full back: An actor facing completely upstage Ht . ae jouse Manager: Responsible for liasing with audience, managing the box office and ushers Inhale: To breathe in | | | Scanned with CamScanner teft Quarter/ Quarter left: The actor facing slightly to the left ughting designer: Ensure that the actors are seen and the correct mood for the play is created with lighting Mime: A non-verbal performance or a performance without words Non-Verbal: Without words Pitch: How high or low you speak Play: A story written mainly with dialogue and instruction for movement divided into acts and scenes Producer: Finances the production Production team: People responsible for staging a production Projection: To speak loudly and clearly sending the sound out far distances. Proscenlum stage: The audience is on one side only Prop: An object used by an actor on stage Prop Master: Responsible for sourcing and creating props Right Quarter/ Quarter Right: An actor facing slightly fo the right on stage. Scene: A segment of a play Script: Written form of a play Set: The physical environment of a play denoting time and place Set design: The creation of a set for a play in a timely manner within a given budget. Sculpting: A dramatic technique of creating an image or emotion using another actors’ body, Sound effects: Sounds used fo create a dramatic response or cue on stage. Scanned with CamScanner Sound designer: Sources sound cues, ensures that they are played correctly and that the sound of the production is pleasing to the audience. Stage: An area assigned for a theatrical performance. Stage manager: Responsible for rehearsals, operations of backstage and liaising with technical crew. Stage plan: Plan of a stage drawn from a topographical point of view Tableau (singular): A frozen or still picture or scene. It is created by actor's bodies fo tell g story. Tableaux: Plural of tableau. Tension: A state of stiffness. Theatre: The final product in front of an audience eg: play, monologue Three quarter left: An actor facing upstage left. Three quarter right: An actor facing upstage right. Upstage: Part of the stage furthest from the audience. Upstaging: An actor in an upstage position of another character forcing them to turn their backs to the audience. Ushers: Persons responsible for seating members of the audience and attending to their needs. Verbal Communication: Communication with words. Vocal techniques: Strategies to improve speech or sound. Scanned with CamScanner

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