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Grade 2 – 4 Homework Assignment 1.

9/30/2018 The search for The Báb

Teacher: Cindy Van Kley 405-630-4504

If you forget what your homework is, please call or email me!

Remember: Mulla Husayn Goes to Shiraz

When Mulla Husayn came back to Karbila from his travels, he found that Siyyid Kazim had died. He asked his
followers what their leader’s last wishes and instructions had been. Reluctantly, they admitted that Siyyid Kazim
had repeatedly told them to leave their homes and scatter far and wide in search of the Promised One. He also
said that they wouldn’t find Him without prayerful effort, purity of motive, singleness of purpose, and ceaseless
search. “Why, then have you chosen to tarry in Karbila?” demanded Mulla Husayn. They gave many excuses, and
even said they would follow Mulla Husayn if he claimed to be the promised One. “God forbid! Far be it from His
glory that I, who am but dust, should be compared to Him who is the Lord of Lords!” he replied. He gave up on
them, and left to spend 40 days in fasting, meditation and prayer. Mulla Ali and 12 other followers of Siyyid Kazim
decided to follow his example. They also withdrew to spend 40 days in prayer before setting out on their search.
Mulla Husayn, accompanied by his brother and his nephew, left Iraq and headed for the country of Persia, and after
long travels arrived at the gate if the city of Shiraz, where his intuition had led him. He sent his companions to the
mosque to pray and await his return, saying he hoped to join them there for evening prayers. A few hours before
sunset Mulla Husayn saw a radiant young man advancing toward him and greeting him with a loving smile of
welcome. He invited Mulla Husayn to visit His home and refresh himself after his journey, but Mulla Husayn said
his two companions were expecting his return. “Commit them to the care of God,” was His reply. “He will surely
protect and watch over them.”

Memory Verse: Practice many times every day. Say it in class next time.

“O My beloved friends! You are the bearers of the name of God in this Day.
You have been chosen as the repositories of His mystery.
It behoves each one of you to manifest the attributes of God, and to exemplify
by your deeds and words the signs of His righteousness, His power and glory.”
— The Báb, The Dawn-Breakers: Nabíl’s Narrative of the Early Days of the Bahá’í Revelation, p. 92

Please READ THE REMEMBER section above, review your journal notes, and ponder the
questions, then write your answers in your Journal.

1) What were Siyyid Kazim’s instructions to his followers before he died?

2) Did Mulla Husayn claim to be the promised One?
3) How did Mulla Husayn prepare for his search to find the promised One?
4) Where did Mulla Husayn go, and who traveled there with him?
5) Fill in the blanks in the story on the back of this sheet.

PARENTS ONLY please initial each day the student practices the memory verse for at least 15
minutes and works on readings/questions:

For 10/14

Sun_______ Mon______ Tue_____ Wed_____ Thur_____ Fri_____ Sat_____

Sun_______ Mon______ Tue_____ Wed_____ Thur_____ Fri_____ Sat_____
Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s):
When Mulla Husayn came back to Karbila from his travels, he found that Siyyid Kazim
had __________. He asked his followers what their leader’s last wishes and
____________________ had been. Reluctantly, they admitted that _____________
______________ had repeatedly told them to leave their ______________ and
________________ far and wide in search of ________ __________________
__________. He also said that they wouldn’t find Him without prayerful effort,
______________ of motive, singleness of _________________, and ceaseless
_______________. “Why, then have you chosen to tarry in __________________?”
demanded Mulla Husayn. They gave many excuses, and even said they would follow
______________ _______________ if he claimed to be the promised One. “God forbid!
Far be it from His glory that I, who am but _____________, should be compared to Him
who is the Lord of Lords!” he replied. He gave up on them, and left to spend_______ days
in fasting, meditation and ________________. Mulla Ali and 12 other followers of Siyyid
Kazim decided to follow his example. They also withdrew to spend 40 days in prayer
before setting out on their search. Mulla Husayn, accompanied by his
_________________ and his _________________, left Iraq and headed for the country of
_______________, and after long travels arrived at the gate if the city of
_________________, where his intuition had led him. He sent his companions to the
mosque to pray and await his return, saying he hoped to join them there for evening
prayers. A few hours before ______________ Mulla Husayn saw a radiant young man
advancing toward him and greeting him with a loving smile of ________________. He
invited Mulla Husayn to visit His _______________ and refresh himself after his journey,
but Mulla Husayn said his two companions were expecting his return. “_______________
them to the care of God,” was His reply. “He will surely protect and watch over them.”

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