Memory Verse:: Mullá Husayn Meets The Báb

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Grade 2 – 4 Homework Assignment 1.

10/14/2018 The search for The Báb

Teacher: Cindy Van Kley 405-630-4504

If you forget what your homework is, please call or email me!

Remember: Mullá Husayn meets The Báb

Mullá Husayn followed the young Siyyid to His modest home. His host prepared tea and served him. During his
evening prayers, Mulla Husayn prayed to find the promised Messenger. Later, his host asked Mulla Husayn about
Siyyid Kázim’s successor, and if he had given them any idea how to identify the promised One. Mulla Husayn
listed all the things that Siyyid Kázim had told him to look for in that beloved One of God. The host paused for
some time, and then, with a vibrant voice, he declared, “Behold! All these signs are manifest in Me!” Mulla Husayn
told Him that the promised One would be of unsurpassed holiness and knowledge, and the Cuase He was to reveal
would be of tremendous power. He didn’t tell Him that he had two standards by which he would determine the truth
of whoever claimed to be that great Messenger. One was a treatise he had composed himself, that dealt with the
most obscure and difficult teachings of Shaykh Ahmad and Siyyid Kázim. Whoever could unravel its mysteries
would then be put to the second test, of revealing a commentary on the chapter of Joseph in the Qur’an. He asked
his host, Whose name was Siyyid ‘Alí-Muhammad, to read the book he’d brought. He opened the book, glanced at
a few passages, and then quickly unraveled all its mysteries and resolved all its problems, as well as revealing even
more truths. The Siyyid then, unprompted, said, “Now is the time to reveal the commentary on the Súrih of
Joseph.” He took up His pen and with incredible speed revealed the first chapter of His commentary on the Súrih of
Joseph, chanting it beautifully as he wrote. As He finished, the clock read two hours and eleven minutes after
sunset. It was the eve of May 23, 1844. He said, “O thou who art the first to believe in Me! Verily I say, I am the
Báb, the Gate of God.” He gave Mulla Husayn the title “Bábu’l-Báb” meaning Gate of the Gate. He proclaimed
that He was the One foretold in all the holy books of the past.

Memory Verse: Practice many times every day. Say it in class next time.

“O My beloved friends! You are the bearers of the name of God in this Day. You have been chosen as the repositories of His mystery. It
behoves each one of you to manifest the attributes of God, and to exemplify by your deeds and words the signs of His righteousness, His
power and glory. The very members of your body must bear witness to the loftiness of your
purpose, the integrity of your life, the reality of your faith, and the exalted character of your
devotion. For verily I say, this is the Day spoken of by God in His Book…”
— The Báb, The Dawn-Breakers: Nabíl’s Narrative of the Early Days of the Bahá’í Revelation, p. 92-94

Please READ THE REMEMBER section above, and the story handouts, review your journal notes,
and ponder the questions, then write your answers in your Journal.

1) Look up the 4 highlighted words in a dictionary. Write a definition of each one in your journal.
2) How did Mullá Husayn plan to be able to tell who was really the promised One?
3) When did Siyyid ‘Alí Muhammad declare that He was the Báb?
4) For bonus points, answer the Study Questions on the story handouts 1, 2, and 3 !
5) Fill in the blanks in the story on the back of this sheet.

PARENTS ONLY please initial each day the student practices the memory verse for at least 15
minutes and works on readings/questions:

For 10/28 Sun_______ Mon______ Tue_____ Wed_____ Thur_____ Fri_____ Sat_____

Sun_______ Mon______ Tue_____ Wed_____ Thur_____ Fri_____ Sat_____
Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s):

Mullá Husayn followed the young Siyyid to _______________ home. His host prepared ______________ and

served him. During his evening prayers, Mulla Husayn prayed to find the ______________________

____________________. Later, his host asked Mulla Husayn about ________________ ________________’s

successor, and if he had given them any idea how to identify the promised One. Mulla Husayn listed all the things

that Siyyid Kázim had told him to look for in that beloved One of God. The host paused for some time, and then,

with a vibrant voice, he declared, “_________________! All these ________________ are manifest in Me!” Mulla

Husayn told Him that the promised One would be of unsurpassed _____________________ and

___________________________, and the Cause He was to reveal would be of tremendous ________________. He

didn’t tell Him that he had two _____________________ by which he would determine the truth of whoever

claimed to be that great Messenger. One was a treatise he had composed himself, that dealt with the most obscure

and difficult _____________________ of Shaykh Ahmad and Siyyid Kázim. Whoever could unravel its

_______________________ would then be put to the second test, of revealing a _______________________ on

the chapter of __________________ in the Qur’an. He asked his host, Whose name was _______________

‘_____________-_______________________, to read the book he’d brought. He opened the book, glanced at a

few passages, and then quickly ______________________ all its mysteries and resolved all its problems, as well as

revealing even more __________________. The Siyyid then, unprompted, said, “Now is the time to reveal the

________________________ on the Súrih of ___________________.” He took up His pen and with incredible

speed revealed the first chapter of His commentary on the Súrih of Joseph, _____________________ it beautifully

as he wrote. As He finished, the clock read ________________ hours and ___________________ minutes after

sunset. It was the eve of May 23, ___________. He said, “O thou who art the first to ___________________ in

Me! Verily I say, I am the Báb, the __________________ of God.” He gave Mulla Husayn the title “Bábu’l-Báb”

meaning _______________of the ______________. He proclaimed that He was the One foretold in all the

_________________ books of the past.

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