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Kanelbullar recept

The kanelbulle dough:

50 g fresh yeast

3 dl oatmilk

2 teaspoons mortled cardamom

90 g / 1 dl sugar

540 g / 9 dl flour

A pinch of salt

100 g of butter or margarin

1. Crumble yeast into a bowl.

2. Melt butter in a pot and mix in oatmilk and let the mixture cool/heat until it is finger warm
(37 C).
3. Put butter and oatmilk mix in the bowl and mix until yeast is melted.
4. Put in the sugar and cardamom
5. Mix in the flour 3 dl at a time using your hand
6. Add salt when half the flour is used.
7. Knead for 10 minutes
8. Leave the dough in the bowl under a towel to rise for 20-40 minutes.

The filling

150 g Butter or margarin

75 g / 1 dl Brown sugar

45 g / 0.5 dl Sugar

10 g / 2 teaspoons Vanilla powder

4 tbs cinnamon

1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and set aside.

The making of the cinnamon bun

1. Lightly knead the dough and split it in two.

2. On a kitchen surface sprinkled with flour, roll out one part of the dough into a big rectangle (
5mm thick, 25 cm long and 40 cm wide)
3. Spread out half the filling on the dough and fold the rectangle into a square.
4. Cut smalll (0,5cm) stripes along the square and twist the spripes together two and two.
5. Make the twisted stripes into a bun shape and leave them on a baking tray.
6. Do the same thing for the other half of the dough
7. Leave them to rest and rise on the baking trays under towels for 1 ½ hours.
8. Put the over on 200 C.
9. Put sugar water on the cinnamon buns and sprinkle them with pärlsocker (pearl sugar).
10. Put in the oven for 10-12 minutes.
11. When taken out of the oven, put sugar water on the buns once more.

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