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Canon 16

A lawyer shall hold in trust all moneys and

properties of his client that may come into his
Canon 16.02 Canon 16.03

Another obligation which flows from the highly “A lawyer shall deliver the funds and property
fiduciary relation between attorney and client of his client when due or upon demand.
However, he shall have a lien over the funds
 “lawyer shall keep the funds of each and may apply so much thereof as may be
client separate and apart from his own necessary to satisfy his lawful fees and
and those of others kept by him.” disbursements, giving notice promptly
o He should not commingle a thereafter to his client. He shall also have a lien
client’s money with that of to the same extent on all judgments and
other clients and with his executions he has secured for his client as
private funds, nor use the provided for in the Rules of Court.”
client’s money for his personal
purposes without the client’s The failure of an attorney to return the client’s
consent. money upon demand
o He should report promptly the
 gives rise to the presumption that he
money of his client that has
has misappropriated it for his own use
come to his possession.
to the prejudice of and in violation of
o He should maintain a
the trust reposed in him by the client.
reputation for honesty and
 It is a gross violation of general
fidelity to private trust
morality as well as of professional
 it impairs the public confidence in the
legal profession and deserves

Rule 16.03 of the Code, however, allows

 the lawyer to “apply so much thereof as

may be necessary to satisfy his lawful
fees and disbursements, giving notice
promptly thereafter to his client.”
o This provision assumes that the
client agrees with the lawyer as
to the amount of attorney’s
fees and as to the application of
the client’s fund to pay his
lawful fees and disbursement,
o in which case he may deduct Canon 16:04
what is due him and remit the
“lawyer shall not borrow money from his client
balance to his client, with full
unless the client’s interests are fully protected
disclosure on every detail.
by the nature of the case or by independent
o Without the client’s consent,
advice. Neither shall a lawyer lend money to a
the lawyer has no authority to
client except, when in the interest of justice,
apply the client’s money for his
he has to advance necessary expenses in a
fees, but he should in instead
legal matter he is handling for the client.”
return the money to his client,
without prejudice to his filing a The rule consists of two parts.
case to recover his unsatisfied
fees.  The first part,
o which prohibits a lawyer from
Where there is disagreement as to the lawyer’s borrowing money from his
fees, or when the client disputes the amount client
claimed by the lawyer for being unconscionable,
 the lawyer should not arbitrarily apply
the funds in his possession to the  is intended to prevent
payment of his fees for it would be the lawyer from taking
violative of the trust relationship advantage of his
between the attorney and client and influence over the
would open the door to possible abuse client.
by those who are less than mindful of o While the lawyer may borrow
their fiduciary duty money from his client where
o he may file the necessary action the client’s interests are fully
to fix and recover the amount protected by the nature of the
of his fees. case he is handling for the client
or by independent advice from
another lawyer
 he should not abuse
the client’s confidence
by delaying payment.
 The second part of the rule,
o which prohibits a lawyer from
lending money to the client,
except when, in the interest of
justice, he has to advance
necessary expenses in a legal
matter he is handling, is
intended to assure the lawyer’s
independent professional


 for if the lawyer acquires a financial

interest in the outcome of the case the
free exercise of his judgment may be
adversely affected.
 If the lawyer lends money to the client
in connection with the client’s case, the
lawyer in effect acquires an interest in
the subject matter of the case or an
additional stake in its outcome, either
of which may lead the lawyer to
consider his own recovery rather than
that of his client or to accept a
settlement which might take care of his
interest in the verdict to the sacrifice of
that of the client in violation of his duty
of undivided fidelity to the client’s
 he will violate his oath to conduct
himself as a lawyer with
o all good fidelity to his clients
o make lawyering a money-
making venture and not a
Canon 17

A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client

and he shall be mindful of the trust and
Benefits of giving fidelity to client
confidence reposed in him.
 A lawyer who performs his duty with
 No lawyer is obliged to act either as
adviser or advocate for every person diligence and candor not only protects
the interest of his client; he also serves
who may wish to secure his services. He
has the right to decline employment, the ends of justice, does honor to the
bar, and helps maintain the respect the
respect of the community to the legal
 Once he agrees to take up the cause of
the client, the lawyer owes fidelity to
such cause and must always be mindful
of the trust and confidence reposed in  A lawyer who performs that duty with
diligence and candor not only protects
the interest of his client; he also serves
the ends of justice, does honor to the
 He owes entire devotion to the interest
bar and helps maintain the respect of
of his client, warm zeal in the
the community to the legal profession.
maintenance and defense of his client’s
rights, and the exertion of his utmost
learning and ability to the end that
nothing be taken or withheld from his
client, save by the rules of law, legally

 No fear of judicial disfavor or public

unpopularity should restrain him from
the full discharge of his duty.

 He must serve the client with

competence and diligence, and
champion the latter’s cause with whole-
hearted fidelity, care, and devotion.

What Client is entitled

 In the judicial forum the client is

entitled to the benefit of any and every
remedy and defense that is authorized
by law, and he may expect his lawyer to
assert every such remedy or defense.
Canon 18. expected to be acquainted with the
rudiments of law and legal procedure,
A lawyer who accepts professional employment
 and a client who deals with him has the
from a client agrees that he
right to expect not just a good amount
“shall serve his client with competence and of professional learning and
diligence.” competence but also a wholehearted
fealty to the client’s cause
By accepting a retainer, he impliedly represents
that Accepting client

(a) he possesses the requisite degree of  By agreeing to be his client’s

learning, skill and ability which is necessary to counsel,
the practice of his profession and which others o a lawyer represents that
similarly situated possess he will exercise ordinary
diligence or that
(b) he will exert his best judgment in the reasonable degree of care
prosecution or defense of the litigation and skill having reference
entrusted to him; to the character of the
business he undertakes to
(c) he will exercise reasonable and ordinary
do, to protect his client’s
care and diligence in the use of his skill and in
interests and
the application of his knowledge to his client’s
o take all steps or do all acts
cause; and
necessary therefor,
(d) he will take such step as will adequately o and his client may
safeguard his client’s interest. reasonably expect him to
discharge his obligations
 Every case a lawyer accepts deserves diligently.
his full attention, skill and competence,  Thus, a lawyer who
regardless of its importance and delayed filing an
whether he accepts it for a fee or for action to revive a
free. judgment and
thereafter filed a
Rule 18.03 of the Code of Professional
complaint which
Responsibility enjoins a lawyer not to
was so defective
“neglect a legal matter entrusted to him, and that it did not
his negligence in connection therewith shall suspend the
render him liable.” prescriptive period
to file said action
 He must constantly keep in mind that betrayed his
his actions or omissions or nonfeasance client’s trust and
would be binding upon his client. He is did not champion
his cause with that
wholehearted Canon 18.01
fidelity, care and
devotion that a A lawyer shall not undertake a legal service
which he knows or should know that he is not
lawyer is obligated
to give to every qualified to tender. However, he may render
such service if, with the consent of his client,
case that he
accepts from a he can obtain as collaborating counsel a lawyer
who is competent on the matter.
  A lawyer shall not accept employment
Clients expectation in a specific area of law nor undertake a
particular legal service which he knows
 A client may reasonably expect that or should know he is not quantified to
his counsel will make good his render.
representations that he will
represent his client with Clients expectation
competence and diligence.  For by accepting professional
 In the absence of evidence to the employment, he holds himself out to his
contrary, however, a lawyer is client that he is knowledgeable,
presumed to be prompt and competent and skillful to handle the
diligent in the performance of his case.
obligations and to have employed o Some cases involve specialized
his best efforts, learning and ability fields of law and require special
in the protection of his client’s training, of which a lawyer may
interests and in the discharge of his not be knowledgeable.
duties as an officer of the court.
In such a case, he should follow Rule 18.01 of
the Code which provides that he “shall not
undertake a legal service which he knows or
should know that he is not qualified to render.
However, he may render such service if, with
the consent of his client, he can obtain as
collaborating counsel a lawyer who is
competent on the matter

Canon 18.02
A lawyer owes his client and the court the duty On the other hand, inadequate
to be adequately prepared to try the client’s preparation
case. Rule 18.02 of the Code requires that he
 spawns adverse effects that go far
“shall not handle any legal matter without beyond the personal interest of the
adequate preparation.” client.

The key to the problem of how best a lawyer Effrects

can safeguard
 Any attempted presentation of a
 his client’s rights and interests is case without adequate preparation
thorough study and preparation. distracts the administration of
 The full protection of the client’s justice and discredits the bar.
interests requires no less than a  And when the merits of one side of
mastery of the applicable law and the a case are not properly presented
facts involved in a case, regardless of because of inadequate legal
the nature of the assignment representation as against the merits
of the other well-presented side,
How to
 the court may be and often is
 He must keep constantly abreast of misled into looking at the case in an
the latest jurisprudence and uneven light.
developments in all branches of the
Careless preparation,
o For only by keeping himself  moreover, may cast doubt upon the
well-informed of the latest lawyer’s intellectual honesty and
rulings of the Supreme capacity.
Court on the issues and  Apart from that, it may not only prove
problems confronting his embarrassing to himself; it may also, for
client will he be able to fully ethical lapses occasioned thereby,
advance his client’s cause. furnish ground for and subject him to
disciplinary action or contempt of court.
A lawyer owes that duty not only to his client
but to the court, to the bar and to himself.

 That most cases are won within the

four walls of the attorney’s study
room and before he goes to court
requires no elaboration. Moreover,
to be able to put up a good fight in
the courtroom, hard work and
intensive study and preparation are
the only guarantees of coming out
Canon 18. 03 and to the public. In Santos vs. Lazaro, we held
that Rule 18.03 of the Code of Professional
A lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter Responsibility, above-quoted, is a basic
entrusted to him, and his negligence in postulate in legal ethics. Indeed, when a lawyer
connection therewith shall render him liable.” takes a client’s cause, he covenants that he will
The failure to exercise due diligence or the exercise due diligence in protecting his rights.
abandonment of the client’s cause makes the The failure to exercise that degree of vigilance
lawyer unworthy of the trust which the client and attention expected of a good father of a
has reposed in him. It is a breach of his family makes such lawyer unworthy of the trust
undertaking with his client. To warrant reposed in him by his client and
suspension or disbarment, however, the
negligence or carelessness in the performance
of duty should not only be gross in character149 There is no hard and fast rule as to what is gross
but should have caused material prejudice to misconduct in the performance of the lawyer’s
the client’s interest as well, Mere negligence or duty to his client. That question depends upon
inattention which produces no pecuniary the circumstances of the case, the nature of the
damage to the client may only justify reprimand act done and the motive which induced him to
or censure151 except when the breach of duty do the act charged. The prejudice which may
to client also constitutes a gross violation of arise as a consequence of the lawyer’s
obligation to the court, in which case a severer negligence or carelessness consists of an
sanction, such as suspension from the practice unfavorable order or judgment against the
of law, may be warranted client, which the court may issue upon the
lawyer’s failure to appear at the scheduled
The act of receiving money as acceptance fee hearing,164 take steps to prosecute a case,155
for legal services in handling complainant’s case perfect an appeal,156 pay the required fees,157
and subsequently failing to render such services claim his mails containing judicial notices or
is a clear violation of Canon 18 of the Code of decisions158 or file the appellant’s brief.159 If
Professional Responsibility which provides that the material prejudice to the client is the result
a lawyer shall serve his client with competence of the lawyer’s gross or inexcusable negligence,
and diligence. More specifically, Rule 18.03 the lawyer may not only be disciplined for such
states: misconduct160 but may also be held liable for
A member of the legal profession owes his damages
client entire devotion to his genuine interest, A lawyer may also be disciplined for inexcusable
warm zeal in the maintenance and defense of ignorance of the law. Thus, a lawyer has been
his rights. An attorney is expected to exert his suspended from the practice of law for his
best efforts and ability to preserve his client’s failure to advise his client that it was irregular
cause, for the unwavering loyalty displayed to for the vendor-a-retro to have in his possession
his client likewise serves the ends of justice. the original certificate of title as basis for the
Verily, the entrusted privilege to practice law preparation of the deed because only the
carries with it the corresponding duties, not o* Register of Deeds is supposed to have physical
Jy to the client, but also to the court, to the bar possession thereof and for notarizing the deed,
which caused the client to be swindled by the
vendor as the latter had previously sold the
same land to another based on the owner’s
duplicate copy of the title.164 However, since
he is not expected to know all the laws, he is
not liable for an honest mistake or error.165
Pressure and large volume of legal work provide
no excuse for the lawyer’s inability to exercise
the performance of his duty to take the
necessary steps to protect his client’s interest.
Every case a lawyer accepts deserves his full
attention, skill and competence, regardless of
its importance and whether he accepts it for a
fee or for free. Canon 18 of the Code requires
the lawyer to do no less, short of which he may
be disciplined therefor, which may be a fine,
suspension from practice, or even disbarment,
depending upon the circumstances of each

Ordinarily, reprimand, fine, or suspension may

be imposed against erring lawyers for
negligence in the performance of duties to their
clients. However, where the negligence is gross
and inexcusable, and results in material
prejudice and huge monitary damage to the
client, the erring lawyer may be disbarred. T

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