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THE. TABLE OF CONTENTS. eae = Che Bible Standard, « MONTHLY ORGAN New Zeeland Cvanelstic and Publication Assaiton, scoeal nparvion over the ate nd Carerpndere appa it (Ge sranoanD repel or sear xr sop he Association Notes. Wo leg to acknowledge the vam of $/> rccved for tho gill Fund from “Maranatha?” 1 ak recently received. fram Landon (“Dispensae tional roth” by Chan. H. Welch) amtain in it pe fae an ackiowisigment of indobtednos to the “Ade Ainsaes on the Alouemeat” "This avowal evidently relates to the question, “Dil hestened. death pene iy fll on Alam?” ‘The author males it quite dene tha he endows the postion an this gustion taken by the Addzesox We hope to mike nn extend reference to te Iook tel i a later ive, ater we hevo given it ‘care vending "The Anti-Rationlate Lectures aro oil selling, snd sae well eeived. Somebody has Jorvarded copies to the Literary Guide, a Rationalstic magazine ote by Soaeph MeCabs, and the editor sapiently remarks tat “ghee are ho Teetaes that make Ratonait:” We fervently apes, for something i certain neo that vel inflenee many of theze who lam the name tose Hie ret om the grave questions that velate fo the Bibk Standard. “Ee GU of Gol I ier ie, AUCKLAND, NZ., JUNE, 1912, ‘THREErENce. Scriptures of Trot, instead of Ulindly accepting what fs said Dy such unrliale teachers oe Mr. Mabe Here is 9 rest of another kind. A friond writing from a eountes tani sae: “Thowe is 9 mileage ‘mun who comet this town for a day every month Me an earnest, and what T woolt descrte aa falithd Christian. About eis months ago he told mee bl sven up peajor. lent hiss, abst thes nsonthe ss, 1 copy ot the Lectures, "The next th he came o the town he ealed frst to fee me al sid, “Ob, singe Ir those Tectazes T have hogan poeping to" the Father ‘gain? Certain. It the things advanord are tre, then there ix God who eatos for Mis exeatures, and avho invites all who wil to put ei ttf Hl a nding this swoh ‘wll fallow the dictates of We highet il arg eae of ner as bee aro vel iy the snon of hop Croley on “Dea tnt Afr? cara oe Tne St tal fie soung ile in hn finy of Prager or te Dd, hae ell poten ate wich ae Sut tate Based yt mn estes Oring tte pai Sent he semen, a he Snes ona, he Bie ben ceo vem eer of aes in revin of ie Bohs pes unceents Town Hal (Coser Chan has teen tk for fr Santee ee wor genom any 28 TR ore hapog woe Sopot or pling en the et Seance tage of ils Ony tn Ch" Gueione ae ine I le of ch hin Shoal ny rope the Bap aod el be pee tt ao Bopper to dein emciptoa ad o ‘stot pena ots ot Sot awe ar ung fo jron va eto report that he fin meng cleton wih the fag ‘ofl a an el The Gone Gah Of the Town all wile fo vtfonng fl i prom hong proce an many rere Sele Iatic" the Saleen wis tena o wih mee sae {mand the queria the dae flee es gules ecto it ow in py ande fom ie Phipps 8: pr oy, The Commend Managnoent tering a he tert wile tear tinge al dor be somo nating ‘eo yb od fo all who wa alee otes for the BWonth. yPITE of tho ofl-ropeated jubilant state ‘ment that the tld ie mproning, we Tnlive it cam be safely sald that never vs there tine when thoughtfal men eogaiaed more uplaically that the sisting structure of society bully neds reform oF reconstruction. ‘The growing Socialite voie in Germans; the labour unrst in Britt; the Uke unrest and peas inthis favoured Dominion, tell the sory with an siete nat oe put off thatthe times are ont of joint, and romething ‘coming’ sooa which amet. revalie inne society. "The fact that Socialite waning support to its ‘aim fo be the puna Tor oxi ng il compels that attntin be pit its bt a are fol ‘examination of ts proposed. tinediy andthe brutality with which thay ace ennncate, aftr no hope ha it wil yield ang better state to man. We note that ‘in this Dominion its emphatic atitu i one of poe tion to Christianity: Te profes that a sun's religion ‘is his on alfir, ant nob the conn of the oni tion; bol ws 4 matter 9f fact, the vice uf Secaiam aa fxpresed’ by ils representative onguns end ite public orator, tll ody that the profession of netzlity i nly a pretence, Bory efot le made to discredit and defo ie Christian eligion. Why ts this? Ty it ml ‘that itis realised that Che Christian religion as inter: preted by che New ‘Testament is oppaau to thet pre: fensions, and therfore it rast be apposed? Signs of Unrest, ‘The Terlin correspondent of the Christine Word, writing on Socili in Garmany, quates representa tive churchman as sing," do not elie that single Ulieving Christian gave his vote to Sovialist a fhe ‘ection. The foor ani equarier Socialism and — million men who wad Red atthe Religion, eleation ‘were ost of all sympathy with religion, were inthe. task ‘majority of eames actually ostile to Uhe charehes an Athen teachers Not ony le the feeieidous increase in ‘the Socialist vote an fnieaton of trowing political Bis: ‘atifation and growing political nner; i aloo an inalilendeaton of fstity to all thatthe church and for. Thave no doubt that the Goraian Socialist haw hie ideals, but be hae enttely forgotton that it i the Christen Chareh whic has made thew ideals poe: sible. Roughly speaking, we may say that the 110 Socialists in tho Reichstag are body of uti: that the four and s-quarier milion voters af their backs are practically the tame.” "These are the words of x muah ‘who i in touch with tho Tie of the nation, and is ace astomed to weigh his words” In what doce the de scription dite trom that whioh might be given iy a ‘na Zamir with the eustent of Secale advocacy fn his Dominion? ‘Tho prico which man pays for his toate “ong fa atry ane, ‘The eft upon human Tite I on ten Tei out af the balance when the account showing what inarvdlloge vietorie have been achieved in the tela a iseovery and invention fe pre ‘The Price of sented. Who, for instanes, nial. Conquest. inz of the progras of aviation, lope to consider the bea tall af life that as Yeon eased in the alten fo determine the eonqueet of the air? ‘Till nom, at all evens, it sot obvious chat anything has boa acensd thee ca, compensate Zr tho lies that howe bean lost. "That some 4uen have succeed a eueting the Channel; that others have encesstully negotiate enarkable cores and gytae tions, may be acerplod nx tae; but hitherto, what of pct Yale has come of dhe that ean wall ene Dio as outveighing th Tvs tat lve haem serif? in every ephere man ie sping up the moons. He most do stmedhing faster than it was dave before, an 1 this ie acoumplishod, then the beating ofthe rect] by few seconds i pclae the word over au a cote tribution Yo the world's betterment. The Titanic ie liad as altempting to make a nar a the deel of that ie yeondad in the deathroll that followed. ‘The Massechusetts Highway Commision zeports the wate: tmobile agidenta for that Sate for 1911 93 muniberig 1281. “OF thes there reed 110 deaths and 1248 Injured, ‘This is but ane Staten Artrea, How may ‘would fhe sum ftal ofall the States yield? Ory could i be secured, how many deaths isthe deadly antonnbie responsible for ia Uh yer, the worl over? We reckon ‘hat it would be cosidersd very diastrous wer tat Sielded ts many in the tne apace of time. We en ‘hie pirngroph a ve began i, y enyng thal the price is heavy and the question that follows is, i i better sent? A shot te ago we bala Hite quiet armusemnent in ‘comparing reading two works which elaimed to thaw Hl deste vas othing mare than a Ast, Both writers one m rman, andthe oer an Exglishmnan, ‘geee that the hisdriity ofthe Learned ard ia beyond the posbility ot Tenorance, etablishment, nd if teeetion and Areeaslap Ingen could servo the rps, of cone the statement would be proves ‘The famtsng thing, mene, was that both writes compli ‘ented enh ater. One ets the other ar an autho and then his Tran tueas ond and tle ofthe plenary ons 10 it gives him to be in such remarkable agrocment with hia learned friend? "You serteh nip ack, and EL tezatch your” The German cites the English ator. ity, and the Bngishmen calls attention to the romani sbleook ofthe German profes andthe bumble Bible teader who inows something of te parpone whic Cat ‘Book conisins enn hat marvel at the learn ignorence of both concerning the fundamental teachings of Chat ‘Word, and of the tre potion in history of the Penon they are anaioor to prove a myth, When those very learaad gentlemen show that they havea real acquaint ance with the dasign of the Bible adits purpose te ‘contribution to the question of ihe betterment of the oe and he method by which this cam be atin, en {wil be in grr Tor them to embaek upon an enquiry te to the hisarety of dwam Uniti fs done it certain that they aro but heating the ai. Recent, bofore the Victoria Tnaitte, the Ree, John "Tuokvall raul a payer on “Archaslogy and oder Biblea Scholarship” Dealing ‘with the aplication vf olutionay thoory ty Holy Sexpture, he petinenty sil:—"The Biblical recor as it ‘The Answer of stands is tbe record of 9 national History. life supernsturally. diets, and contalled tan altima pape Jn view, by Power inurposing nt every sage tn chee the evlotionary sls of moral evi and t preserve that retinal io from zelf-tctraction ull the parpare of the eontelling Power should be acenmplishal in the advent of One ito the woe from withont the Koeroe — fn incarnation of a Divine Petgon and not the mult fof an evolutionary proces, With the history ae it Stands, the fsthnony of Archzlogy iin complcle fgroctent, and gives aot the at eauction {ve ells rh have bean uae to fllew toa the aplieatiou to it of an evolutionary theory. ‘The quetion at iste ie Dil the events tako plat and did the agent concern in them fea, dink, S47, and act ab the tae, a ithe sanner asst in the recor? "The anwar of Archi logy, to Tara te testineny goes, is net enphatially, "yal chvitim, [Not long ago an inflentiat deputation waited pon the Archhishop of Canterbury Yo ase for the apporat- ‘mont of a Committe to comet the Authorid Verto Gf tho New Teatament for tho purpose of rendering it ‘more saith fer reading in ‘The Revised Church. Tt wae pointed out that Bible. the Revised Version had not ld Ila upon the popular mind, and tat dhe Authorised retained its position as favours In his reply the Archbishop oflerd Tittle encouragement ‘dhe depmtation. le remicld them that inthe seen- toonth oantury the Authorid Version suifeed mach fhe same eiticism as is now given to the Rovian, and hi watad that “the numer of churebes using the Re ‘isn Vorsion i steadily inerssing, and in many quar tore the early opposition has Mie aay.” Ror once, we have meer hi any doubt as to whith i the beter, ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. ‘We freely adit tat he onguage of fm Authorid Vrain bast soguae holt pon the pep and hab there un gave origin Ghe erie bot it mnst tbe ade ttt pla of the mater Sn pe ire anda clo Belly tof original Yextma ex Hung cee tp tany MSS. not arable when tho Ahan was iewe—ate antago that ive. the Revit ain not pone by the ened nor ited Vecton yon te attention of Bile reir Latterly we commented upon the new ‘Tosophical ‘Order mamed Uae Star of the Eat, and plainly desaned tt a comparison ofits sms with Ue teaching of the New Testament showed it to be anti-Christian in ity Terence, a that st we more Order of the likely tm pvpaze for he coming af Star of the East, the Acticin than forthe Advent fof the Lori, We sho remarkel iat the opinion bal bees eagaested that the One, having salle attention ta the Coming of the Word ‘Teacher, would no doubt be prepared to prodace him ‘when the favourable opportunity arvee. As eonfeming Thee views, we ant thst the Onler hae publided a Tealt doting an incident said to awe taken place ‘ring the anova convention of dhe Thasiphical Order in Benazes, ‘Dating this convention a good many nen Tes joined the Ordar of the Star of the Bast “and somnaoy suzzete that 5¢ would be a great please if the Hea of the Order would himself hand Hhen thle fortifalas of mezberip” Other mombere who ld Alrvady reve certieaes “asked to be allowed to return them in oer to recive ht from his han” ‘The tine for the comony was fa, and about four hundred partons assambled a the appointed hoor ‘The ceremony began, and the Head of the Order (Aleyone") tak ie place aul proreada with the pre- featation of the cortfiates ‘The revo. prose: — "TA tance the hell wae filled with «tremendous power, Which was so evidently owing Spirit of God through Alerone that the uxt, ‘OF Of Satan? member fell at his ft, over helmed Uy this marvellous rach fat forer. I have never seen or fat anything in the east Tike ity it reminded. one inmsistiby of the rushing Iighiy wind, and the outpouring af the Waly Ghost at ‘Pontocot, ho tmsion was enorous, al everyane In tho room wae most owerfllyaleeted” he deverip- tion af the elect. upon the perms pest may be peat by, save that i shoal be noticed thet each rxipiont of the paper or Star barge prostratol hima heore this Taian youth, and held put his hamden heneiton ‘over cach prostate form, Ale, ie annonce, this South hs experienced some thirey birthy, and marl. Jus thinge are expected frm him, Ine fo be the Coming One, put forward ae the World Taseher by an lssted poop swayed by manifestation of awa free? ‘eo, then we now say that in no patienler dove he st al seeomile the Coming One for whom the New Toste- ‘mont is ooking. Christiane, beware! —<— 04 Che Creation of Man. ‘The question whether Adam was the rst man cxeated or not has, it appoary, been Trequenty debated. My ‘ret attention was divetod to thin subject by Pastor George Aldege, of Wast Street Charan about year ‘go. T have since flloved up the sty of ay at the mquet of some Christian Tends do uow jot down the eoneusions arrived at Tn this investigation wo have only the Word of Godt to guide us, ana the utmost berty ne may allow oor setter to draw conclusions, in the ance of definite “eriptoe statements on thie sujet by inferenoe, and in doing so we ragute to move very extefully, verre ‘membering man’s aptnaie of ging astray in his Leduc. tions from circumstantial evidences alone, Bearing this well in mind, leur examin then, Gene, chapter i, which i held to give the eration af ‘he tarlons races af mankind, ani Genesis, chapter i, which is eld to give the eration of the Representative ‘Man, through whom the fall of makind war brought soak, Wel, then, totus compare the statements in chapters 4 and 4, and note their grt density, ad ale ure selves whether itis posible that otk een daa withthe ime subject as our soalled orthodox theologians mine fain, or wheer two distinct and entely separate events ‘ave aot depicted in thos Ovo firs chapters of Genes? ‘irt: Head eareully Gon, 26 t0 30, and Gene i ones, 8 and 15, and then note the existing dierences fllawing:— (o) Gon. 5 26 Eet ws mae," —Tehova and Chris Gen. fi, 7—And the Lord God formed, ete.” Jehovah alone, (8) Gen 5 21Bale and female eeatd on the ‘zie aye ath ayn ileal at (Gen, i 18k isnot good that man chou je alone?” Avery long antrvil inter- ened between Adam's creation and Bye Note the work recorded to have been dane between Gon. i 7 and Gem, 22, (©) Gen, i, 20—Let the water bring forth” fab and fowl; and in Gen, 24, “Let th earth Ving forih beast and reptiles nd mar allthis was dane hatere the ereatiog of Gen, i 19—"And ont of the ground the Lor formed every beast of the Held, ot,” and bromght them fo Adam to name, ete ‘The “east of the ert,” it appenr, mene wild ‘arts, whoreas the “benets of the eld” were what we would class amonget the lomestcated animals: hore, eat sheep, gots camels, dogs, es but mark ‘that allthis wan done aftr the erenion ‘of the man AVlam, and thit,posily, he vas an eyoitnen of tele creation, THE BIBLE STANDARD. (4) Gen, 29—"ery he” an evry te ey ‘nyo tcl bo ust ld Gt fin inn in chapter "her ae mo Te Stn of sn Lind’ whee ne fot tating of the Ht f the to ni, 117 Hlere we hd fe roibinns: Aino dare at oiy ofthe fru of the ees in the eden al ot at al of the fre af the tnwlegt af gad nev (0) Goa 28—"Kont Gal Hs Tea, an8 Ga i wate fhe be fata and ly tte, and ave dominion, te But there Sting of th sro th an fap fers To oui hn renee terme. "Rot Genin 16 We omy shore th very frit geno he tnen of hpi ym ng nade {me foe as of ape (Gen 30h ser eveything that He ht mado and hold wa er so” ‘herent Beret fection of a, gi i Geo iy wen sbeney alt ratty the Misting up tne un ow inte foe thn papbl ontritions an isrepaneiy, oor Elgin etn eontnae tana tat en spy pinto of Gen ft {he mm and woman ren nen ar he te Jerwnt pen of in Gen, Hy pene conprbenson, Sr the ayggton made tthe bpm of thi er sms ir mor ky oe th th he Adam wart Ast eet man of the oman roy bat {Ss seprnetav nn of Be San reed ow not what lngth of fe, afr fhe oman roe ume inf isin Secon: Scrptce doe awe Ail at tnt ‘vam wes the st nacre Yt he ae ay Seite paar which Tnferatiay tend that he Cen hv bec teat human bing eritence sy fly int faa oh psge fered wold ile grat deal of tine sal arin nd wt ‘haere cntnt melt th sly rering tet tevome of the paves, ad Ii the eal eo ‘aeration wd wy of then fo my adres ‘en. 14I5—"That ery ont tin Hinde me shat slay me" Wine the fens of Can? ‘Taw were evidently el grou, fo the ont Hine tale mene pvt te Kiting of Cain "Tene mat rete ther op sn ting nthe ln, fr Ada surely ‘oul pot hve kel somo Gon, 117—"Dyall nthe ln of Noy” where sin fund. he wie sod where no. dob many poe dnl Had wife ae fencraly sere, be Caught of Adam, {mth biling of “iy y ths oo ee have roel sry hash Gen. Thee wore guna he ent in thse day and a ate that fa” Whence same tos giants? Cetiny ot from Ate and Jus, 18 efor il gee we gn Ga to Alan Neh gl iS Be" gratin of ah anh tees ‘oe gan ies tn Noi, te Aas eu Lain nin Wari, anemia, dr ey onan Srp, Seton frat per meng ek peau of Sten of is doce Teme ithe re han ho halt and ater th ade of Alea spate ‘hoster aim dt eo oe a terete dacinel fm Atm hav yee sar tsatip wi Min eer he Shiite of ttt ingen bt tex atoms tt tae ae Se who hae mat tthe in at vy le ce de penal sy fen epiod ‘hes Al oe fc he esata, well ne ne eh cate to sy yf er er re Stat hut nh hts bag nese Shetty hfe Adem sed ‘Agen the ova" he ue i a Gane nee cnr prt tat Ab sap ie paion ots Repent mae a tebe of tet te eed fais of bi or sore unng So ae inet ate latins tat pops tot tng fers theorem {ns tino Ala ae ae Miners i pnt pein, ets the ft rte a ce by cots tenad ic un oPasehe isto fn wl oe Aut 3" hath me 9 eal ll ston of nny "The gia Gera in. ert crepe tothe eo "nd ane en x a tate toa teas of men aes therqt, wia in mea Bs ren notin sneer "De ow {ot dad thu bal ea Ine pes olin thn gouge dale well be "Aa ah tae of ete ae ‘aon ate 1 ean he i an Adam wat dea Ting ly th I Al nr me 3 ‘Se Ei fs gel oa Sa pot tt Adon we he sak ofthe han ice bt i, Jt ae te one sige Ute dan veto th ln an af emus et We inow ttiorafias anf fost rt sne Chit dered hs wr fae tate do nt kao how many rss ‘x nil, ein eng oe it the Bt opectatve mets Si) coe tin een 9 Be, ‘hear aes Serie whe er tpn tn wot undercoat he ‘quoted tL. think ficou hs oem tte ta aii the position 1 ive advocate in thie paper. "To me it Fas bee a delightfl invetigation, and T dal be pleas to receive further light upon it from whatever quarter, ‘whether confirmatory of or diametrically opposed ta the ‘opinion T now hold on the questan. It ie a snatier of ao vital importance whether'a man bulieves Cat Adam va tho st eretal man on ct an all men whoever live were deacendans of his, ar whether he bic that back and yellow and red and ater mee were in existe fence Defoe the spectaleeston of Aaa, the Representa tive mamof the Haman rat. OF our i sof tmense ‘importance that onal subjets ou vw shook he bas ‘pon what is Ue truth, for Ut mle i elelted to Ip us from erro af judgoent in the fcure. Gummy Meus, emveea, 15th April, 1932 Be Cheertul, (By H, A. Mevewen.) ‘The religion of Jeans Christ ought to make people app, yet we ac thoor who to Judge from thei oak, ste very unhappy ah of the time. They carry rad, sour face TEI ed, “When the heart i chert the ‘cotenance will mizrr it, andthe words will sho i> ‘seen to mo thet Christin oxght to ke happy 1 is our priilego to leok onthe bright side; the eld ‘ot God tas that right. However dane and sa try be in this world, a Christiane we ean be cheerful, "The ony is (old of « soldier in the army ‘who was ehot ‘hrogh the lg. “Looking a heed, “Well thats fancy hole. Now Chal get me 4 furlough, jost what my wife wants” "He had a cheerful heart ‘When poet inquired of hiv friend. Haydn bow it Inappened that bis chorch ime was always so cheerful, the eompyser made the reply, “Tenet make Ht other: wise, L vite aor to the shouts 1 feel: whe {ink upon God, amy hear fea fl of joy thet the mates ‘hance ad leap as it were from mye ad ince Gad Ins given me a chert heart, serve han with «cheer fa spt” ‘Bo choerfl, my brother, or sister, Don't frown if things dan’t go just ae you wonl Hike t0"have them, Don't got cour boone you nay think some ono in the ‘hunch it loved better than you; Keep on the lovely ide Don't refuse (0 help do what you cain the eae cans someone clo has been praised more than you have. Keep praising God! Don’t carry # cloudy dace when things Took dack; juet keep amiling, the clue veil beak "Think righ, lio wight, act right, look right. Te nouch safer to lok np than down. Be chorus ant yon will enjoy living amb beter, and others will enjoy Iaving you. North Adam, Mass, 106 ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. Echoes rom West Street. EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT, ‘The grave question of Human Destin ie ontinclly coming before the ae of the people and ometiznes fn unexpected. fuehion and with am insistence that Awakens more than ordinary steation. Tt i. into- ‘luce to public netic and the arowed inert in the faject lats matt gies place to some other lpi Irhich appeals to and exptures fhe popala ming ‘Whenever this mater of the fntane of mien arise, it our dy to take fen of i, aml ta nse the opportunity tor plasty before the atlenton of Uhe pole the oly authoritative information to be found in regard to it We ave ready to take port in the daeaseion becuse we Teliee that We ave somebting to aay thet ia worthy ff attention, and that dro mn deiiely Dears upon, the topic.” Suoh a statment willbe al once condemned Jy the unthinking a+ a manifzetation of qgétin. Buk iH is not seaily apparent wy one, who has by close Ant cata study Teachedcorsinty apo ay sujet, Should be woppwed to be egotictie bneauee Be ypeaks mith the aceortce which gees fom the eomiction Unt Te has hebind i the hishost authority in support of his statements, "We dg not ake assertions on is niatter on ont own athority, tm are realy to give the ‘evidence upon which ont ftinge aro based, thutothors ‘ag consider Hand Judge an fo ta alae ‘Car and exphatle prononnoaments upon a matter ‘whichis geaerally misundersaol ane rosired, and ‘Should fll in ont evident duty if we neglected fo call ‘tention ¢o the Bible declarations ox thie important theme, "We zonke no apolgios for again puting the fubjet befone our reader. If te top isan ald on, if obtains a trrshnes from the fect that amit the ‘henge continsall taking place in human setviies ‘sul ensnonmint it all yeorns, andi factor 40 he teckened with In any estate of modern Chought tan once Tts iportaney oes not lemen by aay change in the thonght cnrents of humanity. Mon atl sponsible to his Creator, and that responsibility elle foram oxpesvon of jleal decison frum man's Maker is farther to be borne in mind hat the Bible i fill, Here vith its onehanging delarations eonorning imam sn hie destiny. Human thinking flows diverse linet th ages pes, tthe Book which ts betwen the isuee of Tie remains without change, and tells to- Akay the tame message that st uttered tp the men of centuries ago, Hee who wold be a faithful mprer of ‘Divine Trath must 2 presnt is declarations on man ‘esting hat they have the same fore and prominence az ‘when originally given, TF preachers were Tithfal to ‘heir responsibilities, and gave this gravo theme the Iimporlanos in their sermone that it has inthe Word ‘Melt thelr uterances would difer widely from thee present form, Tow weighty the utferanes of th Bila! How nameroos! Howe clear Why ie hat the teache inge of wen atthe prevent Inc thee features? A pies it may be aid that th term “Everlasting Punishment” has been bel to expres the old iden af ‘cernal torture or misery, and is even now cite Tetitying fo the continnance of a ronsious suring of tome Kind to ho endured by those who are unstal Foret, it was common to hear particular doserip- tions of the natore of his anise, and because of the underlying seammpion of the doctrine of soal- Snmordlity these i aot lace fa horrible freeing, ‘The nie ew sill continaes, ut preenb ventinent ‘opposes the iden of material sifering, an our modern Yreachers,inftencod by this tentinent, ace wholly at fe ns regu the exact nature of tho doom "This sate of doubt and hesitancy i 9 condemnation tw movern tholagy Tf sutchumortlity 3 tra, Hen there ea De up doubt Eht eran) god seater utter ing i nticated. Tit if thie doctrine exnnnt bo sta Tied, then any notion of elena aulleing must be put Aside.” Foe then not only ie Bleroal Misery ot proved, Int the fact of an imerowale destrction becomes srk Snghyraniget from the language vse. This last com ‘lt sands not only 0 room es humax inmortality je dgproved but go long ae it ia npvoved, Untl it & Senlaely prove beyond all goetion Sat man je now "sturlly tmazortal, there words cannot of themes! ‘eve the en of conscious eofering, for there is rolhing in them which even hints at auch w thing, Tt only the belief in man's indestructible nature which Could pertit them to be nsod to support the popular ‘at we ott to examine thie expression inthe light of te content, Were thir done it wold be seen tht the method of dealing with the expresion Which saps roses that it long fo a judgment sone in whieh all fhe righteoos and all Ure wiekal take part evinces bat Tite care inthe exposition. Tf it mere noted that the foatest in part of the ansver given by the Saviour to the qnestions of the Mscpln ad it were forther noted tat the the qoeetions put bythe dieiples contained ho referance whaterer toa Anal olzment scene, the ‘osal interpretation woul mat tind so wou vob how. ‘The quietions were: Tell us, When shall these Uhings be? ‘What shall he the sign of Thy Coming? and fof the end of the age? No remark as to “genera resuttertion,” “lst jadgment,” or the winding-np of tifuze om the ent, finde any place in he questions, fund it equines cosidorse steely of imagination to Spoor that any of thie has Tetinate plac im the fnawer. Why atonld my one eappose thatthe veply of the Stviour goee outae the scope af the questions? However vara and eatesive the detelegivan in Tat omy to isons, they do not go over and Beyond the limite tions suggest by the quetions. ‘That view is sup ported by an examination of the parable If any real knowlege of the maning of thie wene ‘a to be cuached, four ite ave to be sid Time, Persons, Tuiments, Awards ‘The Tras note connect with the questioning “When” atthe diseplen "When the Son of Man shill ceme in lis gory hen ll Te st upon the thre ‘of Ths glory” “This “when He shall ote” sannot therefore bong ta the Great White Throne Judgment, which does not ocur fll Uhinsted yee Tate han His Advent. Me is presente, tn, as siting ts King ‘The Kingdom idca dominates the whole, and pata Him before us nots a Judge, but aa a Monae determine ing the avards to be meted ont to the “mation” Ab that time Ts AMveat a: King will have spell re tion to “nations? as woh, ‘Tue Peasons—all the nations” ‘That is opposed to the iden thet men universally are gathers there from the emotat cara ofthe eth. ‘The neal ea af & pictured universal jugnent hs never satiny exe blalnal the prescoce of the thind party spoken ofa party which Gamnot he inca in ether the “sheep” or ‘the “goats” “Those aze “the ny est rethten2” who apparently constitute the test of Those tion. As one Ins remarked, “IT the nenbly of ey catane all ‘the just that ‘ver Tived, am the oats al the wicked that ever breathe, wo are the ineinen of whoa Chr seks? Tt seems auflclnily cent that ene we have in Plelured form the prophetic exy fons ost oases topes ther snee Ohy mig oes come vn, © Lan at the autos: bt has a ene tothe alt Joesph forthe wl jog le ion sou sat” oli 1, 1). ‘This seems to inca thatthe judgment fale upon the “tations round about” i, enitignons to Palatine atthe time ofthe Advent ofthe King. To these inthe Totter days the Jew will bo 9 ext. Will they, or will, ‘thoy not, ow kindness to the Jew? hey fas come ‘ater the teat ofthe Abrahamic Covenant: “Twill bee ‘hom that blew thee, and hin thst curt thee will T ‘Tuy Jevoussr—The princpls of this sould be flosly considered, Here nn isstene pon faith, Dut tpon merey shown to the King’ Test ner, ‘The ministering to their noowitiee in tite of pocaiar trouble opens the daor to Bternl Lily adit Isto be noted that the indies done is wholly epontaneon, i tm Knowledge as to the pols iesan Not a word it given of conversion, or of the pvacing of the soepel, recived, or neglecta. The tt is that indicted, and ‘bo ane bisa ght to insert any conditions whic, per ‘in tothe prezen dispensation "Tooe Awanns.—Let it bo pusally nat that ene te no indication of any resurrection having taken place. ‘Those aro men living in he Nosh. No allusion is made THE BIBLE STANDARD. 07 to any immortal sul, and we Baye no right to assume ite existe. ‘Tse men azo moval. All span are. ‘There is m0 testimony to any change at mature ne they stand before the tone.” Mortality zemains that characteristic up {the moment ofthe experts of the awands ‘The righteous go “nto eteral life” Til that time, thon, they didnot postr Iinmorilits “tthe righteous were not originally poseasa of eter aul life, tat rote ta «oon, then the wntighteous AF not posses it and as they Jo not go ino etna Jie but mtn everlasting entting of” i certain that thoy never do preces it "Tho punieent is “eting of” rom sternal ifs, from life of ant description he death, literally anerston. IL is jected, tt inf “eerlasting”®_ Containly see reply. "TE ot, they world retnen to Wer” The Tact thal itis everlasting shows ite Haalty, and the soho salfer I sall never life” Till judicial entence ie execute tne remains the posi of reprieve om pardon, bot when Tt has Ieenne a fut, it cannot be widome,” Tt i ieeveable and everlasting.” Nothing He sn in Seriptare of eer- had wewrsuee, but of elertal Pextsxanrrs, and that tril bea docm frm ic there jn an teorery. TE it therefore sretyevernsting, ‘Wh, tasty a Zale philcophy, and a ne Tes fale ‘hoology, shone depart frou this plain amd sinple reading of this phrase? at? From Phat must ‘Bono ‘Che Argument of a Lite, Rav. €. I Seovman, DD, writer: My Sext pacar told mi aout an indent én Yate College when te wae studying thre, ‘There wet » young may bow Tees, Who wes an open sofler at raigion. ‘Tho Provident ‘we tn enndet Bible exten, and be often bad in sind thie young man, aa wished that he might be eon- ‘ered. The young man's inuence was bed, not heease hin wa dissolute, bot esas be a am intellect Jindes, and was always making fun.” Ono evening thet ‘youre man ene to ae him, ad aid that he wanted to cone a Christian, ‘Thar hap lite tne to. ther, and then the President sid "Far th sake of fers, afte which of may angemeats acted you" The {ong man aid, "None of them, Thave 9 spa rome nate, wha dogs’t tow vouch and never wil. a6 ‘noe o® his edging for hin. Bt nas got some hing, and had it ight along tht T didnot have. T ould tot get way som 1 Tt aval nothing to Chile that Y could answer your arguments, Mr. President, for Toul not aster ie Ife Many a man thinks his life is onde over when the tenth ihe He brying his bead in the aloma of his ova, ghings, 108 THE BIBLE STANDARD. “Che Kingdom” in the Parables of Our Lord. cata tote atts aie oe Her ie gst {djaracive Tenguage™ (aia es ME Werth’ Wei: nt twas uot until after the Lor i stod forth a the Prophet of Teac, and as rejected in Ut racer, that He “from that time forth began to speak 10 thom in parable,” sone af which He expomded) to" Mis aise ‘ples, while the truth conrere by ater wee x0 ain tnd nlovident a to neal no formal csposition from i ips Tn ving these parables it mutt be bore in ‘mind that it wan ¢ Hebrey, an aot 2 Gentile, eudiense to whoa the Son of David spake. ‘The chan of pate ables we ar to consider wore aldeezod by a Jow tothe fonscience and responsibility of the Jewish nation ‘The illustrating of doctrines by the help of parables ‘was common among the Jevish teabors Indeed, the paral has alwage boen among Ue Eastern nations the Tavourite vehicle for conveying moral falh. Our Lord Adak posession of and honoured i by sing it 98 The ‘eile fr Whe hight teath of al What a parable? 1 i not an allegory, atch a8 Bunyan’ “Pilgein’s Progen.” It is aot a prover, such a (bow of Solomon. TE Ls nol a Tabs, such as aog'e. A fable ie a fabricate story whick ha 30 figher sin than to” inculete masims nf proence, aovality cation, foresight, and tho like.” A proverb Sin shot, pithy” aeutence expressing sone. pracial tooth. Av allagory ea narzative in wich abstract ideas the jessie, A parable i compariaon or rilite, fd i eamarucled to et fords a teuth,apiitual and hesvenly. Tn the interpolation of any of Chris parable the aertion precen ielf, How mach of iti tobe taken ft signifeant? "Some ron oxt tho Satrpmetatin into the tnimstest detail, athers distinguish. between the rene drapery oe cmawent and the tsential truth cone tained therein, Tilwand Irving (likewise Augustine ful Origen) contended for the ind teth of every wor! In the parsble through all the branches. and minutos fbr of the narrative. On the other band, alvin (in company with Chrpsstom and Torti) taught that the maia loon of each parable i eimple fiat natural, and that we “cod not torment oureee fetly” in the matter of smaller lay sch ws for Instance, the exact mening of the lamps, and tho w= sels, andthe oll, inthe pavae of the tn virgins, ve fa to mby it sboold be Cem and not titeon oF teaty Winging, Undoubicily there are details which are imply inzrted to build up, to set forth, to weave the pra, Hh en nay Ye Ted to the point at whieh the Histeaion ix sto Hix the intrnal menning sather Ahan is external form whic soatere ane, Whatorer the framework, wo muct lok undor the eorface to fad fe autrow. Ar gold it sought for inthe bowels of che arth, ad the kernel is hil in the sell ofthe mut, so fe the Divine meaning of the parse «ike, a arret thing, by ligent searching i x rough to Tight We sball fil no potable which is not either sat prote by Christ Himself, of explained betoreban ar lervands by the inspised aarator af our Lords wor And yee the parables have een smittd to extrene ‘aes by thos who warp and distort thar obvious mean- ing, ard make thw tll diferent tale fran which they were intense to tll. we etrain Seriture from its true am proper sno dhe position ie unsatisfactory Wer cannot le too careful nour interpmetation and ppliiton of Serpeur- Laoteoss jn thle pect i & reat eats of most of the thelagieal errors prevaling. ‘And we mist Keep within certain welldelined init ‘he exposition of the parables, ewe doin the interpre lution of the other Seriptuee whieh we accept a the rule of trath Tei goed evidence Ut we have discovered the ssh Inlospretation ofa parable Vf it eaves nome ofS ain sineumstances unexplained. TE we have the right key ‘nour hand, i¢ wil open the door without aug foreings we shall be gaiteindepentent of any renote allasone {o Mabbinieal or profane Hiteratare to prop up and ape port our eonelsions. Says a writer’ "Let here be no faps in the explanation, Tet"it bo neither harsh nor Miele tothe hearing ot jens, wor yet rdielows Fat it he easy and veverent; Like « gendy owing iver, Tet it stream upon the hearing an He jgmont of 3 Inarers; let ithe appropriate, cla, end removed feow atl trace of the farteteben.” May T quote again? "Parables ane not to be nade primary stances of ote eine. Doctrines ohervin am alway stalisbed ay be illetrated and confirmed by thon, but Ht Is nat allowed to comattate doctrine fi bythe ai” Ae an ‘luetration of the el veaul af thie practice, howe many Tuid and teach ¢he diaollea! doctrine of eleraa sue ing, fnonding their belief on the pasabie of the Tih Man and Lazaras, which, ab matter f fot, Tends not the slightest countenance to anything wo hori. His ou baunden duty to drow ont of Serpture its moaning, but ite a shameful evil when a man thre indo Serigtur ome fabriation of hie ows, and then elsims ttt hie Ingerpretaton is part and pasel of Holy Wei. And the parables are tore open and Talo tn this abuse than any other portion of God's Word ‘ur Tard spike thinly yaraen Mathew reporte ‘tte, Mark four, ond Laks nisetien} Joh dot not ecard any. ‘hese may be divided nia two las, There ave thope—taen jn aunnier—which Inve diet reference tn the Kingdom. of Teiven;, al others— fifteen in namber—devined to teoeh important lesons tonnes with faith and conduet.-‘Thase latter ave ‘The parable of The wo Bom, The Lest Sheen, The Good Somaitan, ‘The Pent at Mniht, The Bi Fool, The Fig-tree, The Great Supper, The Two Debtors, The Last Piece of Mones, The Prodigal Son, ‘Tho Unjust Steward, The Rich Man and Lazarus, The Unprofiable Servants, The Unjust Fudge, The Phar seo'and Publiowy. AIL these (exoepting the fst tro named, whieh are in Matihow) are found in the Geepel ecording to Luke. The cen which are kuown a8 “ingdam parables” may convomiently bo enhdrided Jno ¢voaetions. Fit re have what Trench destin earch group of pores semble together eo ay ‘nd co costly pearls trang upon a single tread” These Seven ave all set forth inthe thirtsth ebapter of Matthew. ‘They are the parables of the The Sover, ‘The Tares, The Mustard Seed, The Leaven, Te Hidden ‘Tramre, ‘The Pearl of Great Price, The Draw Net ‘Tho remaining eight, ccttrod aud isolated, though all have dirct reference to the Kingdom of Heaven, ae: ‘The Unmersiful Servant, Te labourers in the Vine- yard, The Wieked Hosbandman, Tho Mariage of the King’s Son, The Ten Virgins, The Talents, The Soul Growing Story, The Pounds. Thess likevie axe to 2 foun in Matibew's gospel, excepting the ist two, ‘Which azo epecial to Mark and Lal. eis concerning these tte Kingdom pusabeg that we dotre to mike enquiry es to what the Divino Speaker intend to wondered ty them. (With the fret-amed Aftecn general parables We dp nol pror pose to deal at this time. ‘Their meaning i compar Lively easy of apprehension.) We ell those "Kinge ‘dom? parable cee each one of tents dint rofete fuce to the Kingdom of Heaven. Hach (exoept two) commences with the foraala, “The Kingdom wf hear Sf ikened unin?” And in the excepted two (he sower fd the houscholéer) the phaase, “Kingdom of God” cco in or eonnoctod withthe parable. lark ie. 113 Mate ex 43." ‘Bat now, most aatorally, our dv ghee ton mast e, What aro we to understand by the phrase “Kingdom of God” or "Kingdom of hoavea”? “Upon cur anewer bangs the significance and application of the parables, “Tue Kingon wa quite familiar ta the Jews, who lays understood i¢ to mean the rag of te Messiah fn enh. Te wae the Kingdom of which Deniel epake “Unto the Son of man ws given a Kinglom, that all tho peoples, ations and languages shoold serve Him, ‘Kingdom that should. aover be rtroped” (Den. vi 33.10). And, again, “The kingdom under the whale heaven shall be given to he poaple of he al of the Dest High” (Dau, il. 22). Haye we any rowon to indieve that this view of tho Kingdom, which wae uni- oral in the time of our Lord and wes never condemned Oy Him, was subsequently Gscurded by the apoter? tier His reurostion our Land spake to the apts of ‘he things pertaining to the Kingdom, an axl it was ot for thet to know the times and ihe seasons when waa to be established, but ie thre anything to thaw that a hnge took place in ther expectations of whet tho Kingdom in itelf would be? Ae showing prety leary the thoughts of the dissples and devout Jews respecting it, take euch pasages a thee: "Grant that ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. 109 ‘these my two sons may sit, one on Thy sight handy and tne on Thy left hand in Thy Kingdon” (Mate 33-21) + ‘Blessed be the Kingdom of our father David” (Oat xi 10) ; “Bleed is he tha shall eat bread in the King dom of God” (Lake xiv. 15); “Sema, remember 1 ‘ten "Thou comest Into "Thy Kingdon?” (Lake xxi 42). And our Lord spake of it after this facion: appoint unto you a Kingdom, even ae Bly Pather ape pointod unto Me, that ye may eat end drink at My tale in My Kingdom and yo shal it om Uarones ling the twelve tribes of Zeros!” (Lake x. 29-90)" wil not ink hanceorth of his fait of tho vine wail that day lien T drink it new with you in My Fathers Kingdom” (Olt. sei. 29) Te we eomeult the Acts and the Bites, we find the poses to the very lat Tooking forward to the oti Festaion of the Kingdom ab the tase when tix hopes ‘mere to be folly relisal Té was 8 prominent sulject ‘nthe teaching ofthe apostle Baal (ets rx. 83 ax. 253 saci 28 and 31), and just befor his dauth he wrota? ‘The Lard shall press aoe safe unto His heavenly Kingdom’ (2 "Tm. ie, 18). The aged Peter looks for- ward to “an enfrmce into the eteraal Kingdom of our ard and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Pa, 14 and 11) ‘And James tells ue, "God hath chosen the poor of tho world ta be vich i fith and heir of the” Kingdom ‘which He promised” (Jame. 5). Many other pase ages might be quoted to show thet the apoaiefaxght ‘atthe Kingdom of God as foretold in the Old Tesla- went Serptune ie not now present but i in the fare. ‘With the doubéfal exception of the parables, Uhre is ota sage fstence in which the Kingdom means any. {hing ele thin the tine of “the nagttration when the Son of man sal sit on De thone of His glory” (Matt. ix. 28); “tho times af restoration of all things cou ceming whieh times Gol spake by the mouth of His oly prophets soo the world begen” (Acts Hl, 21), sch ufleranes ae we find in Essie svi 39-65, nd Scuvi, 11,14, and many othe ‘The Lond sis, "The Kingdom of God i ike” go and 0; but ihe siitade ie misapplied, the ectblance sight in someting ele than the Ringo of Go "he sour of the emo isin wrong conerption of what Chat Kingilom is. “The Kingdam of God or “Kingdom of Heaven,” in the etimation of the majority of prota ing Christians, moans “the Churel” or he present Aspenation,” ond the reeemllance of the parable ought aeerdinay ‘This error is avery sevions ones it lade to the per enon of Ing prin of the Won of od enw riscooxption of the purport of oar Lons techings, Drtcnlisiy thoee parables of the Kington, The Church is the Kingdom! But we ready "It is caster fora camel to go through tho eye of 9 nelle than for {rich man to enter the Kingdam of God” (Mate aie. 28.21). If the Church the Kingdom, then i this saying very incozect. With gretet tae can any ich man of private worth and pable integrity—and there se many sueb—gain admittance to « Christian Chueh, ‘And over was thee such wealth in the Church as 10 ‘here is today, Rich men shownd therein. ‘This one ft alone elfices to how the grosnese of the ere: so prevalent, he, that in the history of the Christian rnc we ar to ee the flment of the parables exe ‘orang the Kingdom, amilon ©. Oxtsr Brows, (2o be continued) Resurrection Cestimony. ‘Tw resurection of Jess ia the contal fact of Chee tianity Rev, W, H, Withrow, DD. ‘We have a rigit to stand on the foundation of the ‘Gowple end rnintin with the mast unshakon condense ‘hat Christ italy rom from the doad—Jonaph Cok. "The resurrection of Christ was the most fendamental td dessins fact nal Christin history. ‘The wsures- tion of Chriet isthe mast demonstrable as well as the tout esetil fot of His history.—Het.B. 0. Robinson, DD, LL.D. ‘There can he no dovbt thatthe resurrection of Christ iso position of great strategie importance inthis great campaign agnnet the powers of inidality—tho typical Imirocle, If Cariet te aot risen, Jewish Istaria with- ‘ont explanation, and the Christan Church without eae tor ite exstones —Rew, Pcie Z. Patton, DD. "Tho sesarnction is only the tnanorrow mein of ath, and when we think of the grave we should do #9 tin the happydays of our childhood we thought of our bed, when we retired to it forthe night, expecting am lee brother to ell msn the monn and take wa with Fim om past excursion Dy. Wm. Mf, Toso. Thane been sed for many yes to study the history of other tines, and to examine and weigh the evidences ft these who have writen about iam and I now of no foe fact ia he history of mankind which is proved by ‘etter and faller eigenee of every srt, tothe mind of a fair ingute, then thet Christ die and ose again from the dank —Dr, Arwold “Hac night we sek temporary death, ‘Api are uahappy 3 fails to come; “Ad mnraing dawns wit fein every breath ‘Ad tn Yonge epels that for atm we dumb, “There is noting in the univeree more power than the haart, Teamaye the passlons andthe appetites, the femecienee and the Will, the inellet and the ations; Seaway character and destiny.” "Bt asthe yars grow, and the iden arose that the Asagdom of Got might realize itself in a Christiania sate, the Milennasan doctrine, with It rated dope tf the two resurvetions, fll aeay to tho rune of Indix ‘duel opinion, and the interest passed elsewhere. The ‘echatologs Tost ie Christological character and in the later Petite period one ofthe ruling ideas eame to bo fhat of an intermediate wate i mich rightoos tous fof pre-Christian time waited for their deliverance.” S.D.F. Salmond, DD. THE BIBLE STANDARD. ox, Che Bible its Own Defence, [No preaching to-day ie woukor than that whieh girs tha impression thatthe Bible ein need of dofnce. "No word nf man can add anyibing of pemmanent value to Ut body af truth which the Bible evel Te does not reed the prope and supports which some ministre are piling wader i to prevent it from felling. What it oes ced is move fathful proclamation of iy truth it rode to be allowed to speak for ital, to deliver its orn Imesage. It will do tnfntely moch to sorain the preacher and give his mresge Divine authority and ‘ower. Bae ef every seatenco ha uttare_ the people ould be able to soe “Phussuth-the-Lord," or “Ate rite,” Such preaching wll do anor to eustain and fekend the preacher than a thowssnd prenchers can ao to defend the Bible —Bshange ‘Che Sceptic’s Benetit trom Missions. An English eal, who was a seeptic, was travelling ot to Tong agp inthe T3ji Islan "ou area great hie” he aid to one man, “and iti a pity for you to listen to those mitaioarie Nobody believes now in ‘hat olf book called the Bibl, cat thay try to teach you, tnd that you have ben so fish as to be taken ia by, foe in that story of Jes Christ we have all earned better” ‘The eyes of the chief Saseil ashe replied: “Do you ss tho great stone over thas?” On that stone we truck the honda four etna to dcadh. Do you noe that native oven over yonder? Tn that oven we roused he man odie for our grest_feaste. Now, if it Jbadnt bean fr the good missionaries and that ld boo, ‘and tho griat lve of Josoe Christ which has ebanged us from savages intp God's cildren, you mould newer leave this spot. You have reasons to tinal God for the Gor: pol, for without you would be killed and roasted in Yonder oven, an We would fearton you in mo time” Ob, turn me, mould me, mellow me for use, Pervade my belng wlth ‘Thy vital Fore, ‘That thi ele inexpmosive life of mine ‘May become eloquent and full of power, mmpmenated with Ise and strength dine Pu the bight torch of haven int my hand, ‘That T may carry it alate ‘And win the eye of weary wandorers here below "Po guide the fet into the paths of pases. eamnot rig the dead, ‘Nor from this aol pluck precious dust, $B Team lie» lif that tals on other live, ‘And mus this world los full of anguish and of pain; ‘Alysha ike the ple droppad upon tha mn Sends ita wide circles toa hundred shores May such life be mine. —Horativs Bona. 4 4 a é G 3 8 q H 4 8 g u2 Greed! Greed! ‘Tup eontorise of the past seem vo bave taught man nothing in regard to this gece, ineatible Totaled deed. Teas walked hand in hand vith the kings of feth, and uations have witherod uador its blighing oocke "Warriors tsumphed and fe, Statemen ‘afte and plotted and perisbel. Subject hungered Starved, died; and the Word groid spelled their doom. From the petant yeoman and mighty conqueror alike the penalty was exicted. Hulere of men might cover fl, Uhr aries seep a land form end to end, ut the Fan who Hives and fone fat upon the vit of others Ted ov one seeared, and died nthe blade night of salary. ‘As you tua the historic page of the past, you disover red Ikea fugitive, hiding under mony lige, T¢ in failed sometimes great ambition; somotimes mal for Inisaken faith; then Jove of country; but greed eines ‘through the thin mask, nad er hideose form ix easily ‘iwcovered, Tei true that not all the mighty men of ‘the pest wrought and soveht for gain. Kind, gond, and ieeat sous a found in every 28% Bat emong the high one this was the exception, not fale, Te was the man of grt greed combined with fret talent who tough, and fil tach, this leon ra, which thie world refed to Tear. Twas reed ‘hat humbled a Bonaparte, and swept avay the poss. ‘Sone of Spin. Half the olf world was ot the fet of {he "Tule Corporal.” — Yat hie greed for peer wot Tinatinied, evr ony eer grasping His empire vane iqlshel as a eam of the night. One, blondy, ‘ous Spuin red continent. Her shipe were feighted hey under thet weight of gol, a2 they sailed home: srard tound from her bundzed Bi Dorados. Yet her Fal of gro pressed the harder, and) ber operon Soubled; tabled, end quadrupled; but one by one Der Colonies lipped away from her, and proud Spain it fost e pauper Hingdom fo-lny, Greed is responsible for it ah “AIL history of the pet adds to the tle of ges and ‘white weit ize baught fo hat which i forgotten tr thrown aside. ‘The put teaches tie Ison, and he fretentemphavins it threefold, Graft greed, oppre= Zio, fast ring, the heaping up of great fortunes, and ‘he uplifted hand of poverty, the ary of hang, starving Inamaiy, get w= in the sine disputes ‘God geve the earth to man. Not to one or two, bus fo all alike, ‘There ie room for all! There is enough fer all In thie age of Dupd-earted commercialism freed sis and grime at you everywhere. Tt & not in ‘Heh placer alone hows you at every torn, Tt roa you in the ware, and the ment shop. Tt robs you of the Ind, lelting felde grow to moede and Chor and thistle; ie it olde onto them witha deathsvip. Greed will ‘ght and lie aad graft, and bribe, to gee into aie to steal and help thers to ce. THE BIBLE STANDARD. ‘Gyeod defrauds is hireings, robe i tenants, cheats his own kith and Xi, while hie dishonest sol shrivel find dies up, oF spends his gotion gains upon hia Seviish lust, Why do not men put a ark upon him? ‘Sou know hit, his fenton: are unmisakenbe, Ah, there ave too many who ear bie avi Greed will ell Tis vol for pasion or pleasure, and teb God of dime to add to ibe counted millens. Te colle around Fomaniy ikea serpent, and with fhe yare draws closer and eos ‘One man hig up in the coulis of our country pays fa renfal of five ees, per minut, sports three aitmo~ Ties and other things im proprtian, making an aggre fate of about ten times the salary he dram. You ean fray your ew conelasions, ‘Gros ie slavery from which there iv no hope of som a long ns nan Toles ad Teigns. ‘The lesion Gf fhe at Lat ipo the greed of man; andthe teach- lng of God and Chie are ejected. His isle withered ful peeends to enjoy life, bt happiness, ren! happiest Fea cnemn mockery. Te has thrown avay ts only Rey. Hee ong to be pitied and penned ups but moods pics im Foto wil sallow bia up. ‘The inexorable lw ff God wil curely enact jurtie ab Last, Lat man ree Inomber, thet while greed always shows hin a warning Jy i he fails to Bedard if we fail to hed, justice vill ot fail to exac the ineitale penalty. | “The ‘wager of sin ie death" By Bla. RP. Pee. “The Lord ts Risen Indeed!” sarrer ee ten ere Sa Baleares eo oere oa,” AL te oy, ‘nat bisector oo ee eterna ‘won le me ete ei stg eg eee Waieh ore fhe bled news 0 en, Serer nc nine gaat Se te tl here i ge aka ne Bic be Hie re) Lat al adore onde fe de™ "SB Wckan Rovrmmons, Bain Sheep Without a Shepherd, ‘Wa wonder how many thousand af unwary and nstable souls are horying into inidnton to “the Order of the Star ofthe Bast"? Mrs. eset ia Boling seria of Sunday meetings in Queen’ Hall and it is ead that ‘he new religion is « preparation towards ability to rongaise the Tord Jesus on His Return, and radinese fo welcome Him. None but the Satie hall be thus prepare. Ltnce the activity af this false prophetes "tas been nidanty proved Inte that thar are ‘many trae Chrietine who are so fecble ad 40 poorly ‘lablsbed in the cue faith that, expove to ery wind of tauching inthe caning erat of docivere” (et Eph iv, 14), they som fo botome, for tie at Joey aes in one of the many aaaees whet Sata sy setting All uch saved one, having been converted for some time, ae, from soe eause er other, conto i Iuby= Ind when they ought tn have been grows men, capable ‘of reciving and assiallating strong meet (He. 12 14). "Wor the sk of tho, if may bo wel tn show here that beyond man ote fake mowenents of today, thi to which we aro refering ie ome of elite apmstaey from Christianity.” White profesing’ to belies and foach the Coming aguin of the Lord desns Christ to the cart, Te exo manitet, to these who know a thing (oF ible tealing elf, What the Jere whom Mw Beant and hee co-worker ane expecting cannot yxy Ye ove Diese! ard abd Baviour, but someone. quits Aliferent, ined, though Ubey have dared to ive him, rine xaang This ene i to came again hp ondiary Dir; im other words, Ie He to be 4 nineamaion of ‘omene who hia Hive en eat before, bat who, inthis jnarnatin wast be born once more of mer inthe ondinary way of bageling and Diet ‘This, of ielf, oul be enough Go cans the weakest snd at movant Christian {if-a-trve Christian) to torn with Inathag and diego from each tenehing, ‘When ou Lard eameat fit, He hint was mrcaon ‘re was beyotien of the Holy Set in s virgin unther, and therefore with no ordinary am intervention, Tn his mivsetlowsrnanner, He wha ete was the eerally Living Ward, God the Bon, Godin Inn fini the Tiles of nf lsh, He lve ad dylan dw ie Tite in ender to fake it agnin. Nob dying as a natural sed seesary thing, bat laying it dn of ie oan Wil, in obedenes to itt Father=a Sacrifice for ‘in. From this Death He re gain, never more to de Saving eternally even in that manboot asad Wy Hin, sven birth je an abrwrdity. This some Jesus Who having vsen tow Che den, and assed tho right af swany witness, i fo come again, ot by ascend Wet, ot a8 The Was som going (At 1). This one tspoted hy Mr, Besant ia theefae a finger when hrraseumes the Name of Jeane the Christ His tlle, high thee fllers proclaim, ie “The Lard of Love ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. 13 Dat it isa lowe very diferent from the love of God in Clit Jess, Tee lore whic, ignoring vin and deny ing the need of aacriee of Teconelietio, "promotes Dural ove anerely among fallen sinners a ree (0 hich Ue Jesus Belongs.» He Sy in their emecpeion, Dnt the highet expression af mere uature loving, senile altruistic ways. Acoeding to ther own teak, 3g; be wll nol continuo far evar; he will go awey agai, sud may have to give pce in fotute and fller r-birh ofthe divine principle in others, "The whole is past of 4 welnovn page lie; and why it sald beso gredily ‘xcept by teacher in our eure, wh call theneles (Christian men, goee beyond ocr eomprehenson, 1 inci that there i unde My, Bosane’s cae and teaching, a young Hindoo who i to the nite alr duced os this Lord of Lovo—the Sees of this Order, he Star of the Rust. When ripe for the proclamation ht will proolsiny himself the axe who fas come Wel, he may be “tat otha”; we know not, ‘tne thal shows Dut wheter the predicted Antichrist or ne, he and Mi Droducers are of the aposiery leading up ithe final Antichrist and his tersble wags ‘Wor thi ast rent expression of Satan's opposition to the true io and His Christ, all mations ane fact being Droparel; ad, ag it would seem to uy, Christen om Pele more than any.” ‘Phe very need of the fie ix fo stoking into anen's hones that they are ery out fo some man. “Als! that they should be ao Blind as ot tw se the only Mfan Who has dhe right wat the power to sid. Alas! that deaf, and booming ever mora hard Ireaving, they about ot hear the Voice af Hn Who a ver calling to the inner ‘heart af the poor, aad he ‘hungry, and the oppress, "Lael wate A and be 3 raved, sll th ends of the earth, for T aa Gon aad rom sonny quartee thom ia ery, "Asean fs wanted”; and i€ has even hon ei that “the pple ae ig for want of « Max.” Indeed, the yeogle Hae we nob wall reprinted the Word of God, as a hevlng to hese nots, that they ate tll a “ep hace ing no shepherd." Would that they believe im Jers Christ the true Shophenl-Kiag, who loves the, people even In thoir infu’ desertion of Tiny and whe complains, “Ye will not ome to ME that ye may have ie? ‘My brothers, who know this and who know Him and His sing power, shall me not tell them while we are Tete? “Whether hey hall hear ar forbear” et ws tll thm. ‘he hour of gree are running out, We bare Iie timo." Por all present Ural and sudeing there is Jute ronely—repentanee towne Ge sd faith in the Saviour, the oaly Lord deeve Christ Moy” Gat sysed the message ftom Gourds of compassionate ears, an sage alte ee the ranoral of the page ing and" Gospel pralaming Church—The Morning Sie are perihing “for Professor Stokes ou Immortality. “No argument forthe natoral immortality of he sul that the writer has seen appears tobe of any values and 4 to tho presaleat belie mong sninstvucted mations, it be tove that man was evened in a condition in heh, if head continued, be would have been ft fo vortalty, and was endows wth aspirations after Inmotality, ie was natural that, after the forfeiture of immorality Ghrowgh teansgresion, nan shoul suk to satisfy his craving for inmaetality iy imagining Hath had seething immertal in his natane. Iti, Hen, to Revelation that we sous look fe are fo find ne thing ahont man’s condition inthe interme state “Ti has bem well sid hat Seviptare esos or hopes ot a fotore Ife, not upon the immortality of oe “soul, Dut ton dhe reunetion of the Dod. Mere are veanparatively few passes in ‘which the intemellats atm aren appre, to be tlerred to at all. Of thos, two or three ate 30 ‘ark tha their rel interpretation ie quite ubeérain, ‘There are two oF thee in whieh, ab Bost sight, the ater reinstate coms to b velcro o a ont a esi ‘ess, bat which, on futher exmnination, ase cen fo be, an the writer thinks, porfoctiy and nately expleabie. ‘tho oppite suppuitlan?”—Prof. 0. Soke, Proe fessor of Mathematics, Cambridge University, Brp ‘When Is a Pope Not a Pope? ‘Twp quection of when is» pope not a pope is enterlaine ingly 'Mutrted In two recent deoreereghring Ue slservmeo of St. Putick's Day among the Calis of Toland. Some mouths ago the Pope of Rome ied 3 ‘eer in which this partielar day wns stricken fron thelist of obligatory holy days to be observed hy the {uithfl in that country. "A sort time ago the Cathe lig hierarchy of the Brera Tele begun to suspect thie ‘ler wa sightly defeont in that convenient end highly advertised element of popery known a Inflli= Iility. "So they made n protest. Teeland. without St. Patrick's Day would be more inalenble tian anal ‘with Shateepoee lft out. he venerable Pins tonk fhe matic Under advisement, The peut is ew deere has been isted, aenting the older one, as ont lawyers would ay, and restoring Patrik to hie tinge ‘honoured place in he afections nf the prope. Which, ‘would soem to indicate thatthe Baye stile more fallible than come penple suppose — Sel, rappines fe no tee, and yet, forthe most par, it spends upon tif, or, rather, we alow it to. 0080 ‘The delayed dinner, the forgotton errand, the thovghe- lesness of ome ano that interferes with’ our plans ‘these azo bt ite thing, o sana Et they wll ye for- sgtten in a short time, yet we Tet th fot and worey of ‘them eat into our days an 2a} an ofthe sweetness and ‘ante that might be oar THE BIBLE STANDARD. Enconrage Seif Reliance. Sabet Ge gis nttete ie er ean ie weiter eet ens Ses Tease eit atom Rome Up 9 Date, bv rs 4, a, Peper ee ee eae Pals wasn eeeees i She oars “With such a vision before onr oy, we should cue {atking of the immortality of the so, as though we new not tbat God haa pride some beter thing for tan” Te is a Tamentable apostasy fom Pane. to Platoniem, t subetitate the hope of bing “anelothe? foe that of belng ‘loth pen.” some ‘HH BIBLE STANDARD. Plain Talk to Plain People. ait hae hope sy in our next Girt pon ee pty ger oe ti ree ‘ity it an Dei, te comet ‘a te of Ad Ba dae pce Gon) rat & the “rat Sa a a pa the Creator fo Che vaca that He ereatedt Cares sere ei ame Soa ome ter 18). Bat heat wae ot Norse” or thee dey Hd a ORAS Re tai “aad ea te fener of Ges arabe Fi matt tobe worthy of he pono hat ‘Reteonder Ci Sea prove bate Dae lb te mpc writ a ‘con eth we perkliy as ie Mould not be the most ote ote $i ee tas, and ore on date Fe en ota eam of at EE ana tos ) oF Gad hae Deen extended to vou, Ant Scan aan ae ia ds mea i Pieri eerie SSeS Sache es fered We See of Seta We bape he Aan cokers ieee Fam onlin LF ow eae ap ace, Jab ot Sa as el eta Srnec. i ee Sin A, DSS a iri ne Se eS ae Seat hore oe Becki eee ‘of er ability oni power? Of tomas a ea id ae ‘or oem ere pe ere when feeb ome ae) Beinn” adenine be eae year cone Amin, we Re eee eed when eee Si “ton ut od hn Se ort ‘swf awit" power aes to he niet of lines pte secretion oat Set as an co ‘See te oma conor (a) bruce my ra meant THAT od) EAISED CHRIST FROM THE How em eve hat, Gd ried sett Te Sait Byatt fil poor aa it ite a re SN gu non ROP Chet een raed from ame es Fine thse emtitons, id Sorte ASH ciel ct per the wears at np a be eek med it fy de eee i die Amt inthe iene Seat i ete Serica mae Se eo Oe cy, ase a fe mite iy went pits nga Tee: mah aittectane Wit Jeving Kinin estan Thaw my tate ange aykeirmeriene et tl Be alcerr aide te gave for i Lae bath sought Him 8 as str arty gs 1am, ly 16 set i 85m oa tei ep eg end colori ue His oe Si at ‘iar. oe eat men of Serare ‘Seine forte and her i cr ‘om whch the righ to of tale ee Serre it eee oe sense caesar Seaciesauar Ler Siahcy eeaet gata se aes fold sities eke El tinda Patios Sra i Eamgctene oe Uie“iare Hemme hereon, She aon mae ‘tnd for hin Ge tlle of Ze eee Soe ed aerate ee is etveen Ababa nt Ch eg Th an Soe Be Rp Stadt et themed of i owerfl newborn STs ah Oh a 16 ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. Gems in the Ring of Truth. peste ees melted in apt aad le Eee ated ‘py tn i Si Tena aie a abe Jat dete fe na exert yl rite cae Ries Sn Se al a Bubp is ct Sat cia waa Ee Seer gtma ty Rv oat Stic rare Sele eee ee eee Pict the pins ot a de igmastn atmos! ajc else ‘tre David sua to them SESE ot tro ne eesti Kin ‘tay of ssh age letson of Dard, shall fd thm’ (er ait 33) vid-mos# mas after the ar of aot BU “aperture ES init eles sewed wen She “Thea ont One te ‘itt nan the thot and de Tie Song mn Pest to cigs mi, Tetayriad deersinate poner of Gol ‘i Wise eho es Yorn ‘tiger ale, 2 logit op iar of the glvone past tone ofa ul tre gots ee al Bit ec peu, sot eps, Say aad aml ‘hota tage, sgt Ses ee sag oa Ma tone fer moe te Che com fonp i hem thr Fae cere ee sin eins ft a ae pret eva of EASES tee 50, i Boavand The God ow SARS pec ten over the howe of Seah (Like Bint get tonmion ach ‘hkl ana hls ehroue aoa the Lord Jeous Scere: ‘ter tna ei oi th vont and o Se ane anon tae EL eee Eon iia ing ack te rontets tes ea Sunday School Mews and Alotes. THE BIBLE STANDARD. ut Seapeeese Hee, RO A fetid he “Coney od ton ay te “Dore ons fin Jews RI ta, Hae thders eee fe ae ae srere ey wna seu standin ede QO E Se ees foieiarss eae Seu eres thea? “Ss ty ie Sho," wage alte see ae a da te tia ae ae isgricany at a oat i‘ nae a! the La Ee ek te ge Se es, a A oat ee ee eine tea Satie Tights tats sa an eae sae noire, the Fe yas Goa Shit tran Tee Ae te tie ie of ir eine. fens rin dhovglt {mas be Cot ata ear Rig we uae s2itan, sont runing "hl pet {atoning ostng sad xing "ic ithe Sin of De ihe Ring ot eee {hg omen te ae of th La "Some, tod hoon tothe Rig . i rege en ai ee {te one rte poe etl Suve tees died" “tvay,0d nthe’ prose sion asae tbe ity the mie com Here’ Uf ant Taleo alot Fo he mat ip ‘a hen ail, fr they eve all eeving gee) ce sl hk fang ade a Jesh nd frhen they eas Ee dren eying ont ‘Yer den a hea ie Sten fia he a ian fed Ine at itt pape were co wtp Shon Hn Fay tuned tin win eres gore aga teen Sotracences Sr eels) tae ah ee Rare and gigs in coronation of the "Ga iver tn'kenr he eke i fe, pale God nor, to shm “Mappa ay ie a ese te a eS tare Boole ere arth as arene eer UESTIONS ON THE KINGDOM oF : oop, Pr dying ines aan 4 TE any The a is oie © Manoa for leg eh ae Avewrss we Se We E Solomon, {1 Kingy vi. 27h, 96 4. The Moe atthe Lai Sons Che Mat a). Oakes 6 Meas Tet 4nd thie Ling os ‘Got Rg ie Land yg ase Moras QraaTon yas ery planed to rcle ach a ge ea i na ieee ath con ie eect Mekay,, Milton. Athy, "Annie ‘Clark, cee ees Whites thopaan” at St, Be ae ee for aie ant" an tdi ot aa ee wih pay ateio of sens pete eae ante t Hersey wy Sh {Ber mrhee THE BIBLE STANDARD. ‘ving maak Church & Mission Hews, Sheela Soe facta Fee we eel ‘heen the bret tn ge bel ane I ge the ‘iin ue teams apa ning eae iain gt oe vai worl Gate Ate he mae dean AON a = worn HREBis aera sen cal iam at Metacs S o2 Ry ae iliee Ly ecuer o hh st yrs ua kl ny al eae ow! vb ga he ee ee le eS ae Ee Sites etm EE kone : a Fe cam oon ace alee care sts toate, Satna a eee = fend Uy the ation, one eater ont Meine ims tea Tare FC TTS Leet om Gla Mina a Treen cH ‘be et ope Tae She er tg | a ome SS cr Ain, Hae bah aS cin tel te Eick alas aeAGala detect accra May 114 Sc Eee Re REA Me Siieet AO ccenle Genta eam pes gi ai de geet wise Ga to CHRISTIAN BAND. | Heelan ie, the i ae we ineeeiysevarsery of the Cian BARES Eat eet anmanyeno ge, a ha Mine Se Re area ug lana fi ARSE aa oe gourgs uMtcatti mgs ee se ake ta pads al es TESTE S.OUTE LE Hhames) blog Hush Ses pil at he Shinineds Soda hensty elo "was ga Sh su Christ in Duplin, and Ting viet and, though ol news cxphiped d+ Sie orand Bo, Sopa ae Far eal Se a “Farag re Woke ok gE tO a ote atte ale Fat Hameln, We age sind. to Know tbat a omar cat ced oo Ewan Seog tony a0 ‘rien, ati Rachie cis Ghia Teal ral "ART Kay pn bee rue li “pee ofan, tn "tt da goa ath meer of sting ooah ane "cy et loge. “BE Smee See eS Be el eran Te atta te See Pata ieee ee labial aes Shel earn BES Metta oye sig i ie eee Eto tnd SoS pager te Rk aban Wine Saw cs meng ale mck Gy Ragt tt nt at ect pete Sereck i ee a, PSS ea na Siar ich tthe, stele ey = Woh Roar Be SUR SSATS" pcos moms See Sea eae SE ae i Bik ate ea seine ketenes eee Eee Sane Ae tthe mone Sate oy aiden Sires Silent TPaMed deta Aeration it tha Se oo or tsa cna Sa ee cece ed Bigpeta SR Not Far from the Kingdom”; Apcil 28, sasetary. ESL Nereis cit er ne TR She hort azo whe Exe tS Se, Se ean uta ey ae cee ea ee ee car ae efeeBaces ot te Angin! Bahop of elven fest oa ia Ten ai Sunshine Corner. Me. wl STITT som te tirwuglantes one fe Veit “Sou tapes, aml neta our thre ila in he gat ‘ak aid coring Hea pn i OP Soe at ut an Hee" OueSfnae fst naw avery tow, feotugt coathuni ct = (er bls Bnd git of 2 ine tnd nag ory ite le a Rent he neato it the past of it employes Howe tat at bn ke 2 in eta our pra TORE I oman ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. WHat DoKOTHY pURTON SAD vi Ten OF § emus ro “rey eel aig tg Sees ASE Se ‘an hee golden Se So See (Pi yl is tare of ‘poke, is umstiapped fom hs soar = TBorothy atc him doa Heaton hea ‘Gg, "sad thar bd been- more datas eam a ue gene at SE her ta ean othe cunt ong oo te gud cl er "Geer enis pad ei was vi ‘tod Devote with grea apr ted eat the dobre nite Te get wh hr Dan: Sera monte fpeteampe autet ant thee 1 tak ono of eying, ean tau e i rsend har flee nt 2S Fine ome “Sicha Wiliams” 9 ‘herby De ptare and 8 Sve sete, "“hothers ages were wat cr tape Bin dren Dor iy lice to Rl a tld ae wha sata alo ere ‘o-tuy the miei, es MONT "a Tease 8, ether? a ney “rm SOUR OF ANG" Siitual's? Site te Bago eae fate bite stows ecoel Pare indomale at pst The = Se SRST os Tye inteleoontae ben ey cea 2 hand Me ea a See eeie ie aA, oth iecKer a eter hom tab enemy bas Sa SSSconaen of thi ae fete ot gy wen he a intr eng, never ihr hun His fhe rn of al aso rey fd time fort eveptotys Sd dont iat (pe oot of mr 20 THE BIBLE STANDARD. Our Book Cable. Sagem, Published ky W. Heller and Sons ly Cambri cin f OF rg” Tha wo ome ie ePeaerie temrtel We apm hoetan my dae ‘Fire of dhe Bibi. There bn alo the evident tendon to defer {Dame of the ines soa matin ne 6 he {shia ee a Be hry e Bete oo mae Shr wter Nan silded where, aucording wo oor fale Tt of heme hg wl ts fra and nga to ‘Setmoter dtln ofthe rt, Ie he ond tac sn ore Ilana to tin wring ‘tind acoumpany the text ald ‘Buu Bore, Menges sad Sete Hd. 1s. wel Taso ca storie at TSO pouths ld slmplelanginge fo ‘Ularet ne writer bef gt of tnt me eee bal ati Geeta toee eee eee ca ‘We tae alan sesived from Mogan and St, Ld the aberrant See Et ender anand “Tne elon” "Re Heme Sammy te Ans” 0 ‘Egan Tu Song of een al 0 aan Spon" of ch apr pbc te a Iaré every a Bu nel “wT “ Moora Foes vse st ty ven ai Set, eS a el i Sy ihe ‘he word a eas Bok ‘Creasurer’s Acknowledgments, ont tw Hay, 4 pn 0. a 2 tion, babe Aeadaoe 0. Sith, C Cale, ear, oie oS, — ei, A. SKEATES, teers The Bible Standard. nr da ae a se aS eee onons ES ih yarn om aap aR tw, et ue ee Ser ae

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