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Bible Standard. tite.” You. 40, No. 6 AUOKLAND, Nz, MAY 1, 1920. ‘Tannerexce, Science and Human Immortality. Of all the vain and empty assertions by which the credulity of mankind is {imposed upon nothing is more impressive, and at the same time more worthless, than the statement that science offers proof of inherent human immortality ‘To those to whom the mere word “science” carries conviction it is supposed to be an end to all discussion on man’s nature witen the claim is put forward that selenee proves human immortality. ‘But this statement is a bladder of pretension to be pricked, and (o collapse into nothingness when the simple question is asked, What sclence is it that affords the proof? ‘Till it is evidenced that some definite department of sclentiic Investigation has yielded the evidence the assertion is worthless. If revelation is excluded all investigations into this matter must be conducted on living men. ‘This necesearily limits the field of inquiry to the human organism and its funetions. But common experience shows that, the organism weakens, decays, loses its life force, and censes to function. This fact precludes the possibility of any proof of immortality being found in the human organism—the body. ‘The only realm of investigation open is that of mind and consciousness, and because these are impalpable and beyond the reach of aetual sight, and ‘offer a wide fleld for speculation, advantage is taken to erect a stupendous Structure of assertion regarding the immortality of man. If once the fact is grasped that all actual Knowledge of human mind and consciousness is derivable from their manifestation in and by living organism, and that it is wholly Impossible to affirm thelr existence and activities when the organism ceases to functon by death, it would be immediately seen that the pretension of science to prove human immortality is as vain an effort as whistling jigs to a milestone to make It dance. Plain, practical, common sense will say that all tests made on the mind and consciousness of living organism afford no means whatever of supplying Knowledge of continued life and consciousness when that organism is dead, A wise man has written that “the dead kaow not anything,” and nothing yet discovered disproves this, ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD... Notes for the Mouth, ‘The Coming of the Prince, ‘The decision of His Majety the King, that the Prince of Wales shold vist the Dominions, ‘eas.reeved with general aafaction throug out the Empire. Hie own personal experience of nineteen years age had doubtless convinced him that a constittonl ler world e better quipped for hie high offs by persons vitae tipa of tho lands and people to come saer Bis gray. The period of the war hid aforded ope Dortusity for the young Prince to lea some {hing of the men trom the Southern “Hemi- snere and the reports gent out from those wha lin fn contact with bin were such ax fe inp the peoples in his Toor Many Mave ech ihe story told of Mail, gracious Ineenons aint gvod fellows ‘The otha vet ail to Canada more than eoirtet the reports dn the people of our sister Dominbon wer de Tighed with the visi Tt it-now our farm to te visited, abd Avcidunders will wot he behing (hhos in thee exprenions of appreciation of the unufetted.smlity andgetcocenens of fhe Prince, ‘From the frst moment ofthe laud ing dh mpreion wat conveyed. hati the {resus Engh onth wae oe wo, epee frou carry Uneven the best teaitone of the Bash Crown, “Of alle functions areanged for his lense and to afford the peal an Opporinly of reving isn nothing wae fier thn the iddren'sdeplay in the Domain, ‘The tay at fie, aud the elzens were prea in {heie many thowands, The chilsen performed thei par well, bu the carebexmed part of the roceedngs tchel ll hear was inde rail sigh to sc, atthe Prince's car novel dovly. forsard. to” make the eireit-of the ehildfny how they broke rank and hronged in ites et by nig oa their bannerets” There ay be deep appresac {ion of his vine fle and shown elt, bt ova ceriin that nowhere ll be et with hove sincere enthoan fan was sown by the ‘ldeen in the Doran, 66 ‘The Children's Prince. ‘Who, knowing the Soriptures, could fail to ve reminded of the welcome given spontane- ‘onaly by the children of oli) Jerusalem to the Prince of ‘erael? Then there was no pre- arranged pageant. ‘The rulers had made no pre= ell : _Max.t, 1920, Tain forthe display: Pram fst to lst it awh print len, ow a Tome! Ae son a8 the Mona Fi towards the ey His followers, ax moved iy eitden accountable imptse, fk of the Sater garments and Iai them ni the Peadway for Itim to ride ove. Others ct dow palm Unnnches and streved them sn the way, and a3 Te drew nigh to the ity the childzen eaveht ‘a exy from the Lips of the people, aud their fred voles nang ont the welonme, “Hosanna Seta Get Use pects He ‘ould-snile yon them and welcome thle geet Inge Hud tht weleone been supported i the rales of the ey, bow diferent the world ise ‘ory since. 1€ toay woll be that the romeme lees of the ening Price wl seein th fhe boys and girls of Auekland a a lifelong hemor and bet means of Sing in their nds the prindiple of loyelty thus cementing. more Saraly forthe future the throne su the afr: flint of the people. ‘That charming welcome Sal some dey be sarpased, when the Mona face weloomed by the eldeen shall return to ‘His own” Then, once more, the ery aball Be lead "Hosanna! and not lest that ear ‘eine wll beh past ten hy ‘he chile, ‘howe joy shall never be dimly any sus sequent ih ‘The World-Peril. We note that the confident, optimistic tone hich charactericed the writings on the world rospects after the war ie giving place to mise tvings as to the real value of Ble peace pro- fasodly established. One waiter, ad to bo con ‘ersant with the wilitiey situation in Busope, Nr E. H. Simofds, in an article in the Amerie fan “Review of Reviews” on the “Paralyie of Middle Burope,” says, amongst other grave Shtementa=—"Tn my judgment, 40 far trom frorkd pence aving beam restored, thé World War is entesing a new phase. We have hen rrelurions over’ Germaniam, Int our very vie- tiny has left ua weak in the presence of Bol- fhoviamy per hardly Tess menacing While the Paris Conference has struggled oer the taking of frontiers and the adoption of ince eed 10 rote Jie, grat how povil bas arisen and @ new enemy has con- ‘alidated hie hold upan one of the geeaeet em ‘pes on {his planet,” When next spring comes, ‘nating js more probable than that Buzope wil Sdenly find ise face to face with a new war fa a grand scale; nothing is more likely than that the natione which conquered Germany may Thive to faim fo the Germans and seak in them Allie ageinst the Bolshevst peril, risking there Max 1, 1920, Dy the Iss of all the reparations provided for in the trntios of Voralles andthe possible. re- Appearance of militariet control in the German Himpie.” Inter-Church Federation, ‘We are heaving much in these days of the sprenting sworement for’ ‘Chireh unity, and Headers ot denominations are gravely vosider ing the possibilities of removing te barre Xp in former time, and sinking difference of ‘va and goventient in order 20 obla uni, Sul thus len the present oveniaplng of felds of labour, and at the sune tine ive « fresh power to the extwe of Christianity by a oneness {Tah and flr. Another monemeat has Now Sturt called the Inter-Chareh, World. Mowe ‘nent, in ‘which the Evangelical denominations ‘of America are uniting for eo-portive work Hts programme ie not s0 mich to bring about ‘the Chureh onion iow wader discussion, a to inaugurate “church co-operation and discourege Aplcation; to make the teachings of Jats Ciivst the pwonmonnt indaence ia the sacl Dilitcl, and. economic. Ile of the ‘modern Mork 1¢ i too early for us fo exprowen dt Zito opinion upon this movement, except tomy fiat this ice aol object in our Judgment Dnt a new Testament Hen of tho wark of the Church "We note etc mode by an ene nent minster, tha the nn at hs head of Es Tonvemtt are “ecletaaical_ parasites.” The isthe day af “big things,” and the aim of thie how comlnation scent to be to make a big federation of the clurches—to secure ¢ Union hich wil not ask for sueriee of nominee opal imevet, but will somehow combine all tho diverse elements into a big. organisation For ourselves, we say, Chis oes not atact ta ‘One preference ito work along the simple Gopal lines, and to Teave alone the wit ideas st a world conquest without the presene of the Tora A Perfect Man, ‘There is no limit to the folly of men who be- Tove that the world cin be permanently. bet tere by hunan effort. "That folly x ever bake ing out in fresh directions. Hardly do we get over the attempt to understand and digest one proposal than another i broached, and Alsen fnsiastic supporters. One of the Tatest crazcs isan assiciation formed to produce “the perfect aan,” Tho eoutre of this new society is Pitse burgh, Pa, U.S.A, and, of course, i aubers im its ranks come’ ministers The society has Iblished a document containing. ninety-nine or ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. painig which, wen found in one man, wll make Hint perfect” “They propowe tn take The eld son a ts orn, examine i fed it scien tally ein it properly, adhe prema a comes the perfect specien of hmzaniiy! We are nol natnouzed of te den yall mins do crerytaing posible to secre goo alt an ood waning forthe child, bat Tet it mew te orgotan Ut there Is no vay to erfetion sre Goals pesfet way, and that'way iva a ow Dir dad this involves a remnetion rom the death and the abolition of morality. ‘Theo alread; one Perfect Sun, andy compared with ihe wey in which Fe hechne perfec, thie ro” ike netho i 8. foo ay. Activities of Spirtism, Tho alhsion of Sir Olver Lodge and Conan Doyle fo Spinitisns hae given that movement 2 Allip teams the wathinking are apt to suppose that nen whore made a name for fens css in science ot literate are qualified to Pronounce deisiveverdste on matters of poy halo end theology. Oey own. expericnce bifere no support to this opinion, and we put the netions of thee mente neards. spn Dhenonena at-xo higher level than. that of felinay homanity. is stad that Sir Oliver “is reigned feom the University of Birming ham, devaie hie tine to dnvextgation of Splrittaliem." He is now in the United Stats, Into far reports of his arenes ive guidance aothing of great value hasbeen added fo give ‘oof ef huinan survival beyond the graves One Duper calls"upon some great university” or Federation of Chusches to challenge hit ‘shit the evidences sm broad day February las the “Weekly Despteh” one of the Nowilié papers, printed sone highly in aginative sf, sid to be astomaticlly written hy an English viens.” The cluim ie nade that thee are sini messages of "The Life Beyond the Vel "The paper booms ther ae special feature of its pagen, Having reud some of thee uesags” we are Ice toy tat weave neat all ansove for the Kind of life depicted, en farthor that the actual ods of wanking pe fonally, socal and morally ane matter, of life moment in them. How tny sane mind can wane tue over these vague, inaginings ses our Wit to. conenve.-Epicasanicn oom anuch more preferable.” ‘The gorge rset {vainst the fey ‘lla podtida annoumeed. as hele detailed! and athontative description of the life now being led sm other spheres by thos whom you have Keown ‘nd loved upon vn THE BIBLE STANDARD. 6 I WONDER WHY? 1 Immortal 1 the Lond wanted me fo beer al preach fo the soa! of man is ntorta, aad tannot A, why dl not He somewhere in Hie oak, the Bib, cll the soul ioral at least just ee? th spirit of mae cathe, Why i the Bile ro silent aout it? Why aun [to be eld secon Sle for not preaching doctrine whieh Go as dover roealed dn His Word? 1 wonder why? ‘There must be some reason why ‘Why am T to Ue condemned for not fenring ‘hone god ho can Ml he body Ut eat it fhe soll? “And why showld Tb consused. fo fearing His rather Who cat deetroy the oul a8 well a the hoy mt Gehemmaz Mate x. 28 Hirt, Hee oles historian whose wt sane extant, sil that “The Egyptians wet ‘he vet ioc the opinion thatthe snl sae bata ‘wonder why’we are expect to goto Base ian Mythology and Pavone Phiowop for 8 faith mtd going to The Bile for it? "Te God wanta ts fo peach hat all men are by nutans snort, why did He inp nfo sis that the King of King an the La of Yor "Only hath immortality?” HE we all ee ie anortny y nature, Why dogs fhe Bie teach Shel fo Trumertlity”—-ey patient eoninsaace in ell doing?” (1 Ti 5, 16; Kom, 3). Toner why? Wye aheady: have: Immortality, why dove Pant ale ant putting tm smmortaity at the sevamvecinn? Why does Pauly hat eat J "seallower up in victory whe this oral ye ot immortlste? The ave not enone {jvatinns tnt ita ones, inet Farm fon for thorgts ‘Ther toaeh vital inte in tee Christin pe, Rind 1 Con. a. 513 Pavt sage tat Tile and immortality is Uroght to Hight throng the gospel Why hat the ‘ony inet ty spoken of a he regal? (2) 16 an inmertalty now posed tle tir the: King of Kings andthe Tard of els? me 15, 16. (2) To iors yell doing?—Rown. ta (3) Te an Im fnlity to he pt oh AF the ferepelian at te Inst tmp? 1 Cor. 2, Tine of Reward Why dics Christ and. This poste never syenk of going fo onr Seward tt death, Int iyays of Chest bringing ur remand teat Bie coming? (alate avi, 27: Ree sath 12) Whey di eons ony, “Ye shall be restrapens A the envio the ist” (Take ais) Mav 4, 1920 it we go to our rowan at death, as 30 many reachers say? Why are we aceused of preach fg “Doetzine,” when we aay that we must wait {ill the restzrertion for the recompense, a8 osu taught; but are never thus woeused when ‘re prot that we get our revarl at death ae Fesu never taught? Why is the first “doe eine” aud the other not? wonder why? 1. Comforting the Bereaved. Why’ je there such « marked difeence tn- ssa the Bible mode of comforting the sorrow Ti {in view of death) amd the me ov" ted ‘oradiinistor comfort? When od wou come ‘tnt the soto er i Tar, ho er seeping for tt children, He sid “Hetrin thy voice fom weyping, and thine cys frm tants Hor thy wos sll bo sean ‘Sia the Lewd and they shall come agoin from “he toa of the enemy (Set, saat 1, 16 Why di not the Tana say, "Four eildsen ave tow alteady in paradise, xjuving the lity of heaven?” ‘Phere mst tone ra son-why,. Think about i Why did the Laxd aay thro Howe, the crops “I will rmsom ttn fom the omer ithe brave, T wll redo thetnfoorn death"? Why dk Josie seek to comfort the sree nye sietere of Leann, by saying, “They Inoter ia ise aging? ines of telling thea hat ht ther was even now in glory? Would bt tt have been wer ad up 30 date? Why Told np the rosurtion og the comforting soe? Why did Paul, when writing to the Thess Ionia Inethren” concerning tome who have fallen eseep, pine tn to the tesurection at the coming of Chat adel thay hat the tr shall go together wth hem to meet the Lord inthe ain s(n thin mer] be forever frit the Lard? (1Thst tee 1218.) Why did Ho not tll thon, aa certainly any’ af one thodorn preachers wotld have 10H them, “They sre already with he Tord?” ‘There fa ome reason why. Tavonder if fale hope as not usurped the place of the hope nf a future [ife by reeuerec- fen ee taught fe Bile. T wonder it ia To the revo hy aben prove 20 meh ai event on tne theme tha what they pete ii Bile tyes Tt soma fo yne tat doth mel te be considered tn undesenble contin, from hich ie ene Dlewig escape, and Sem which redemption was Fi for ly God's. feope, "Watever view xe may take of the aie of nani eather not be fan aisles coins. Sn came 1, 1090. oo Bitic world; and devth by ev” Did sin ything very got ins the werd Why Be inapiration call Geath an “eocmny"? while hers af to-day call Tt “A Teen nie rand “The gate to lary"? Tet poss fe samething se taking’ the rvutection ne into the church? ‘The fellow: BPetatin tron Sustin Martyr, an of a by Christian Fathers who eroteen ecende Bianco of the Christian Fligion, (Otalirs ME ay ficow coms light ot or the Btitin hope hngua to he eet arse oven ay by certin bereialteechern, asl howe Mee ips vas warping is ploce” Hla wins Beet ADT 150. He writs: Bone faded are called Christians, hut in fare atheists and wickol heretien, eens Hist tn al thing they leach whet i Was as ungely and inoue. "Te therefore uel with soe that ee elled Carian, Bivetntea not thie trot, but even dare 05 plieme the God of Auraham, the God of Bean the God of Jaca and tay tat there Bite rcarrection of te dent tnt hat ome fr eher they de their aotle are sect up Beene, take cave that you do not look upon tm Christians; an no oe that vightoualy Gasiders would say iat tne Salducees or HS ae ene ae that they em tobe Tere ‘Te goat and learn) bp Jeremiah Taylor cite: Fain: Mare, fate, Origin, Ciryustemy, Theoloet tod Bes cs cpperne thie totribe hat te sks Bette plone ing purged, are immediately at Heath erred into heaen* My is cerinin What ise Prinitive Church ers didnot hold to the dart that sents Po ltelly to heaven wien they de,» ction fn Srey contralto by Chet nH ies Seo Sol i 18, i aos ee IT is eridet that Jeeus Ul ok Speck in swcive Hie displ unto Himsa a Uh ie Hine ay ue tn At io ares T wil come again, and receive you lo mel, tt where Tam ye may be aioe Ofiist crmes the mage Vl ther ber His ele When Cinit corres then sve appear with Hin in gory (Coli) Kael faith il be found unl nopocr and fay a ils appearing ((1 Peter, 7)- hen the Chie Shepherd ell appeets 46 Frese a cromn of gory tht fate sot Bee (1 Peter 4). Ant many more of the ind, “When the riht end of the peopel is found, ny “Wher wil be anetere el, we can afford to avalt the Lowy me he erowns, ani enter the plocy "men. CM Keen THE “BIBLE STANDARD. THE SABBATH AND TEN COMMANDMENTS. ‘The only day God blesved —Gon. fi. 3 War kept by Tevacites before the Law was sven at Sinai Bx. i, 23, “Was aleo kept by other satione, Has never hen revoked by God nor changed to frst day of week ‘The mention of it in the Ten Commande rents show how it wos Rot new—starting with sword "Reaneaer ‘On conversion a Clarictian becomes suoat to the whole of the Ten Commandments. He is under them for “Regulation” of hi life, but undies “Grace” for Salvation ‘The Ten Commandiments ave the base of all gond lame Thay wen not sevoled by Cis, Shot shown. to man in thoir eptitual depth and meaning, Domus, "The fonegoing is inserted at the ish, of “Boreas,” who is not aatafad With the answars appearing im our March issue to questions te the Stoath. "No. attempt. is male to show ‘wherein ocr answers ane wemng, tit stead vies of aesertions ae tale, for the frst two only, of which proat ie offered. ‘Tho frst statement isnot called in question, but asta, the fecnnd che grey tony be pat, how was the Sal- Fuh “ope” hy ahe Lartlites before Sinai? "The Incident in Kod. xy. ie quita clear, bt we do dat ee hae it mnaerialiy helps the argument of oor salbath-Keeping frien ‘Th esextnn that st wns kept hy other nations calle far some testimony as to wut i meant by the statment, What olfer nation leapt the Sabbath and how? ‘Of caren, # has never been changed, the swrouth is not and cannot be the is. ‘The word “remember” in the Fourth Com- ‘mandment it no guide to the remote or recent origin of the Tsaclitih chservance ‘The statement that « Christian becomes snb= ject on conversion to the Ton Commandments Js one for whioh some testimony ahould be given from te Now Testament, We do not know of ny. The standard for the believer ts the pet= fom of Chat nd not the "thom salt ot of he Deealogue Eumo. ‘Dia yom over sit i prayer misting and wonder why it takes a half hoat's enaxing to get some folks te tell “How they love to speaks for their Mseter” Echoes trom West Street IMMORTAL-SOULISM: 1S IT ESSENTIAL TO CHRISTIANITY? hie may scem to be a bola question, but we ao convinced it sa practical one. Prom thon sands of pupits, and in as many theological publications, itis firmed, or implied, that i Js oeentil--that withowt it Christin ould 2iake no appeal to the sons of imu. Confessions find Standavis of Faith proceed on the asamp ‘ion that soulcinmortallty isa fact and at Christianity Ie designed to afect sts salvation an fit it forthe future, It aay stem to be an ‘gracious procoeting ai ths Inte Gate fo eas ‘question which bears Henly upon the treditone Gf the Church and the ilils of many of the fathers, and calls in question the ballets snd feushinge of Ose many now. Yet we ine that it te ecesiny to wnge the question, and at {he sume time to ak that mere sentiment be pat asi in order tot the demand may be answered bby an appeal to the tation for itis ebeous fat only as the Bible gives it tertimony i favour ean it be allraed that it is esental to the docttio of the Gospel. Let ue put this et inane guotion ab i wt ae wo a ‘opportunity may be Sully ien forthe applic, tion of tests. re iE (2) Does the Bible speak of it? No; nat vet.” Does ital to an immortal. oul? ‘No; mot once. Does i infor is existence? It is ead to doco, bt the place yet fo te foun In he Sp whi oh inten apa ent, and if hy tome ingenions twist auch er ence ia davai is wall to remember. thc ‘eliniown rl tnt no inference dmb eet, there ie plaid. positive statement femewbere to Jus (2) Does the teaching of the Bible proest pon its ascepted erintenee @ "That fe she feaching directed fo'a oil of man, ore i aikrewed tothe man tsa whole a we te hn # How wa the fst man addremed ? “In both the prohibition andthe penalty the whole pereon is AMaressed. Nothing whatever ie fo be found to indicate that any Seoul” wae eddzecset uber han the man himself, to" whom it vas aul “Dust thow art” Ta the slem, denunciations ot the prophele to the men of their te, in the hot, withering language of tho Lord. directed taint the Pharisees, nobody hae yet been able {o'had any word which demands ths existence of a THE BIBLE STANDARD, 7, Max 1, 1929, soul immortal as an essential in the persons adresse, (2) Bot, and his i a more important quee- tion, Is the plan of salvation canstrncet to meet the needs of an immortal sol, or i i designs) fer the needa of the ran as an orgie whol ‘This demand involves n careful examination of the state induced by man's disobedience; i in ‘volves the investigation of ll the facts concern- ing the gift of Gols Son for the world mankind and it ete for an earuest and full casideration of the nature and meaning of the sseriice on Calvary. ‘Nowhere at amy stage ean there he found any vision for the safeition of an immortal soul ‘We sould that this oad he emphasised, because if that statement be true then our orthodox frends have before them the task of show how an immortal soul etn be saved sf no provi simn has heen matte for its redemption. Tt as living organio man who sinned i Eien’ por daa, and by one ack of tranagrestion entailed ‘eail: upon himself an his posterity. “Tone tan sin enterel into the world, and deat hy sin.” That was the beginning of the long, stl oryof human sin soy an usar the bepinning there is'no intimation that it was an inmortal soul that sinned and needed relemp- ‘en, oie plan for redemption a8 oxtlined from den uni by way of the Abrahamie promise is material in provieion gn agencies all the ways Dealing with man as he is, with his nets dorial ant social being, it pooposes to moet all his needs, but at no stage provides anything t9 tite the needs of an immortal soul. Conte Dlate the whole story of the mission of the Lord ‘Jesus Christ and follow the pathway of Ie ‘erica on bebalf of men unl Ho retcher Cal- vary. Inall His ministzations amomget the sons ‘of men dusing that three und achalf years, what an be found which indicate that Te evidenced desire fo save immortal souls ? His deeds of imerey were for the bonellt of onganie men an ‘wanen.” Restoration to health, banishtent of ‘hiease, renewal of organic activities {estifed ta ‘His detine and effort that perfect health should be enjoyed by those He eame to bles everentially ask, What was done on Cal- vey?) “Tet the foreword of the ‘Lord give reply, “he bread which T wil give is ty desh, ‘which I ive for the life of the world.” What Inns that fo do with any supposod sonl in man ? Or, carefully con the account of the preach Ing of the Gospel after the Ascension of the Tord. Corofally note the message as delivered by the Apostle ‘Paul, Do any of these ter aay 1, 1020. u ests, inepird’ meteors spacally com- sine t proclaim tho grace of God to nen foutsin any allusion to any provision made Spine wisdom, for the redemption of moa’s Heel soul? Nothing of which, we axe fare teats to any euch thing. (4) Yet another qustion. Dos Scripture fa ite Ueseription of the future for men fll of ay provision forthe Snmortal cool? We do fol Frow of ans, bat we are gute wiling to Talento sayiody ‘wi wil dee uy to ony age ox passages whch tell of hs. The New Frsinentcontzes tention pon the Return ot the Lor Fens a the Hope af the Chuck Tt inakes the meting point ofthe Saviour and the fel at zorrrectin or at the change {our Ihurtelity to immortality, oom cotrupion to Zcorruption. Tt certainly fastens attention Spon the material aspect of the futon, ant ever 20 mich a alles to the existence and Zoleityof aa imrtal sol (8) What, then, is Ue valve of thie popstar Gctsine? Hav it any intrinsic worth Pete ff no sterile value fo-¢ living man, Ho ives bie life ae an ongenc ing." Pood, cal Ten, sbeller, ave all ecetos ot his mnerial ature and, far as ie penonal experience goss ad rat his presen lif, he hw an en0- fehouance of and no mel for an tmoral sul thas no alse as regends an satermedite besie, No pront har ever been advanced ef 9 fatsactony hamacter vbich wil show that dead met are alive, “What of the future # Well, it in eatair that Ifthe Tord dre rtuens according 19 po Ile milion of His reer people will eves nowy experience anything af an Inyooral foul ‘The change. fem mortality to mor falily willbe insentancons "The fate forthe fini il be ina state in which they will be STike Hin” Who fs i glorione body, im neon rm vitally an “Taluolble Future happiness depends, not upon the Posession of an immortal soul, but upon a pre- font faith in a Living reurvected Christ, Who Tas assured us of a resurrection from the dea and of the bestowment of a lite that shall snow 1 end. So far, therefor, at the evidence goes, we can draw the positive conclusion that the doe ‘rine of soul-immortalism ie not essential to the doctrines of the Gospel. Tt forms no part of he system we call Christianity, and to attemp? 4p néroduce it a¢ a necessity results in the muti- lation of tne Gospel records, purpose and appli ‘alion. Why should the Christian bowen him: ‘THE BIBLE’ ‘STANDARD. seltand Becod and gatla i fith bi "the fceeptanee of an unueewstry doclrine — one, rinrore, hc elites he work of Cai a taste relation wpou the Wisdom, the power aad the love ce God ? Botson. HE COMES! ‘Twos, Darwet a emer “The Lr of Lie ‘ne arebangts pce is beard hie trap af" Ged resound: ‘Wit ea nuns a Yor foc Msi teil of Shem Chet lec! “a rt Sin a et en hare ray ah at Ms como ae 8 og He comes! The Conqueror of death ah ot rae! "Fo Him who victory gave sovarehy he Lal Whos wae ai,” ‘hd aig hosts pat the sane “Upamuntg ta the aes ‘oom des to Lite fm that glad hour ‘en Jon coe in glorious poet ‘rhe Drinking of sand rie "Wath morale Death whe i Be fing they ey, "ONGrae, were now Bey rary Blessed Hope 1 comes! pene ay ‘vie fait rewarded, rowed, nod they ‘ie on made eee in hay ‘hen et ue wat, ‘and ‘nig fs far ape, Bn bay wl dim So Yong oat ‘cots i Jens comes eames We ak God to forgive us for our evil sha nrg ht a Bf tsk Hin to forgive we for ou sadness. Joy it fogardel a 4 happy accident of our Christan Ie, omamenl and Iuxury, eather than @ Onion. W. Dale. ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. Expositions § Studies. THE EARLY JEWISH CHRISTIAN CHURCH. a "The fifth book of the New Testament, which swe call “The Acts of the Apostles” is of the Tighe value (o's, Tia importance cant be trermatels it practically 4 record of certain Saylags aod doing of the Apostoe Peter and Pal ag book divider iil Salo tvo main declions, ‘Tho feet trelve chapters ciely cone Seru Deicr; tho lst sateen rovord incidents tn Semicon of Poul The book ata whale vas ‘rites to sow tha Gente Chrstnity sprang Thom Jew Christianity i esplatas the evit fie dawelopment that ax bound 0 ake plac, Jie te Hien Alters comsnanl wag“ se Gaciee of ll the nations” but it makes 30 Secret of the fact tat the thought ofthe ine fog of the Gentiles was oinsious and hateful to {RE Sany dow Chaney a that they reid {Eo the atmo of their power, twas only ae thereat of spect retelation and coinmiunl given tn Pte in sonseeGon with Cornelis the Stontn Centurion, tat they cod im a3 way Ining thenselvs” 40. confempite "Gentile Icesion fo their ranks And even. then they denanned that all converts sould be. drew ciacl and_placed citer the law of Mowe cr feing resied info church fllomsi. Not il Uitet a spec Conference bad Deen aseombled St eruslem, ani afer mh dseusion, wae i feeel thal cat eeton of the Chresbould ‘urswe is oom may the Geoble wader he Tead- Tg of Pati, and fhe Jewish ae Ted by Peer, oes, and John. And th last notice we gel af Beer and his follomery eho eonsited the Sewish Chnreh~abiout 30 seas aftr the Day of Ponce tat "they ane all aelous of the lave" "Dssl 20). Their pejedies were strong aueyet. it'was the burn of te Tomple su Getruclin: ofthe ity at nly satered {hs early Jewish Teruslen hare, the men bers nf which, fowmdrefage and’ fellowship ‘hose Gentile mechs (Hoa xvi. 4) Shieh an ha evils i whi Chere wae 10 dtinon between Jew_or Gres, rea: Gikion oe sucteumeon (Hom. 185 Gal x5). We lg Max 1, 1920, ows inthis paper we have t9 do with the ft twelve chapters of Acts owl, and. desire ety to note how wonderfully od overale the deliberations, the dtermiaatons, the activi- bin of Hs srvints Peter and the rest of the ireive Apostles a that the Chrteh wae rected ‘Fon te Ghrentoned anger of continuing simply tea ney Jevith Sec which only differed frore biver Sects Hannich oe it reoised the Rise Se to be the appointed Mesa Tus wat nate prosble the worltewide spreading of the Coapel message, without any Jovish restitions, 4 Gorpl apo fo al akindwhateter the Det on or nga Ths Ede cap er ay be ranged ur the headngy> (1) ‘The Chive in Jerusalem, 20,9998. Chapters Vivi. (8) The Chick ouside Joram, aged, Chapter vi, 8 to 31. (3) Tho ‘Ghtareh coiting Gentes to ia member, Sin. 36-46. Chapter ix, 22 to sii 25. Ths tite ey rere tre! (1) "The dscpln multe ial or Jemsalem exceingl»” (ei. 7).-(2) Jie Chueh throughout wl Jodon na Guice tnd Samaria hd peace” (ix 31). (3) “The Geiger were ello Chritaus fst in Anti” (ahead Gentle ity) (3 26) ‘The opening cpr of tho Bok of Act re whally devota to the Church at Jerwslem, and Tapia oftimecovere not mone cha Cee wae arne ie ine the Cheers ce Na stellar tur ott dene (2) The ire wace: (3) Hie fellomtiy. (3) Teme St be.) The page Ti athe Tey a tine of petal proses Si fn dtm were alse dewey no Sea var ated tn Uhura 35% tie ert acento Be nkration whieh ecto bye forth lee wan he ew Tee The pets had idea of forming ‘Shmaty hikes acute fom fd feats to te Hebe nabs.” Thee rene Tice el pt ofthe leash Fogle, tasials one des waste cmvesion of fait A on eer a Jeu a ke spina ita ny ha no quel with fhe of see Kempe eto, oe tere tad ferembule to wil a cnfoae, "heir one SouRete mle as love for nd eet Swen Sate Who, hs ete, ad hen ioe Ghe wove and ind to heen They Het aetlngs wth e outs wal hte Soa eo tcf nighen date Sone ite ech Aniinstins igi cmeder Bide to be slits crnia, bat Gay were 2 asa fol pefcly Tova to thelr cous sm ae abtae and Uncng ee tig Tathy io Mais lew end ufos” And 40 Max 1, 1920, % Aureos no Snerforence with hi “net of the Strarenes (ese 8); ry" avo with fhe (i) and er opniy ha pate ters ‘Som, however, the quiet rae distrbd Pete and ohn oe day oh entering the “Be= far date” of the Tele, honed man tha End been boon lame. To he exeled crowd Peter planed tha tbe power Ont ced fhe cure Seu the name of dem, oven the men ‘hom Bilal cad, Whom Cod bad aed from the dead, ‘Te to happened. that the Sadao Sino eniod the posibiliy of reeuretion ras The dominact part in Peroalem fst then, and they felt agurleed atthe public macrtion that {Tsea ma Gclared by Zhe tobe ad ihredhut ough th Aponte done a9 on esto nat of healing. hey ovfered the frost of Peer and Jot bt dre ot prose Weatrme miaraey, bear oftheir exe Doble opinion, forall men gost God for Tht wes done” And w they diet he avo witha naming tnt newer again ie ey tpeai or cach in he tou of Seeut An Som angen war played where iter olan inference ha heen shown. TE wos jst ater this Pat the Church deter yin ie tah orn fn tof hich The Apostle (wn wesw pe en 6) Hecke aupport, while Dey gave theme lly to the tinny of the Word, an also That tere should be eat of ine anon {Be botiesino!—one beng to rch ant hone 4 mi ca fs we ‘tod tney were expecing the epedy ere of The Lord fro eve wi nae of il ae thn anvpropertie or lands which mii Jeoweed, "AI contuind fo fw fonds es foe, a sme lB, ala forte coe iat hey of Ao a ap hime! "Te bought 4 heaey Jougment on Use iv offends, an thos the Char a fnught Bat the Spin ‘had’ knowl of ll foot, the ts tat nfo dept Holy Spit na fll to rn the nak of eo st ponent, Notwithstanding tin fag the ppt ot dhe Apostles incre power of the Fine Lon war sown im signs and onde and thom th endow of eter fling upon the sce sranediacions otis healing, Th popniante "sin exited the jlny a She Sate ‘Scoot atempt wis made to stop thet Sok ot only Peer anil, bat all he Apes sore avs Inge pris forte me But ar angel opened the prion door std td thom go ack fo fer wor of resting In the ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. ‘Tenple comets. In the. moming. they. were punt teaching inthe Temple ae if nothing had lowever, the Conall reared ithout vile for hey fare the parle” Yet Peters bld defeney ao seated Tr that they eve mind to slay the twelve [Apowts and oo lleetuly low dele tinany. But af the earnest appeal ofthe Rabbi Gamal it'vay at Int neolved to lewye the Apostles lon, hopin thot o¥ former ereutc mevements hid en to noth, athe eases of Thendas AL Jens of Gale 0 (he new morement ent ering desus of Nvareh, Whom it'was asserted wth Mes youl ow cone oa pds "hs fis hint of intemal strife inthe Chie tian Church of Jesvalem cones to us in the foword of the quart that are elween, the Hebrey and. he Grecin Christins, Tho Herere were Jens born in Paletioes tho Greens were Jews bor in foreign lands who fpoke the Greek Tanguige. (The Grodans are te arefally distinguished from the Greeke— ‘Nee sie 1330, 13 ss, 12h were Genelen) ‘he Hebrew Jove were tadaed to despite the deeean Ter) a cmpini yas ade of favouritism isthe daly dierbution from he omnm. fond of mony which was ia. the ‘Rposti churgee The Aportles recogalsed the 5ibtice of the complaint and cal tote the Inatede of the diiples—a geet church lesng. ‘The vest was that seven ten were Sect for ihe specal seri of managing the Snoney afi of tho Cure, cathe Apesits ere wt fae to ate to the work of the ming Tiry eh of the ven beam a Greckename, fer pntaby mt of them were Grecian Jews, Sopra and Puli heading the bist Aa ths he" offer of Deaton war ees in the (fe, and has continaed ever ince “Ard ere wo end aur fest section, "The ater of the Book of Acte ays, “Aud the word tthe Lord increas andthe nme of tho diacpee maliptied in Jernaiem exceedingly fol t grt nome of te priests ware eben forthe faite” (vis 7). Wi te sentence he floes is history of fhe Church in Jeruaten: Gommencing athe next vere he begins fo tel ts how the Churck grew outside that iy, and Tow tauers frm be owtide churches some- Line pid iets tothe Mother Church in Jere talon “ut the Jerselem Church always com flu aso Jewish Christan Chrch. “The 20) ff the Naztrenes (wbo taught that Joss of Nazir was the Messiah) ws always floated tn sopeted by their fellow-eouney meh, wh could aot have een iad” even one acrarel ‘THE® BIBLE STANDARD. 1 Gentile dog heen admitted to their fellowship, ‘The bigoted, prejudiced Jewish populace would Ihave speetily ended the sect of the Nasarence had such am unkeaniof outrage upon the Hlebrew conscience taken place (To he Conelude) Deronpur ©. Cuts Bows, QUESTION CORNER. ‘When was the Loris Supper change into a snomning meal, and by whom “On what evening of onr reek ml the cariy dliciplas to pata of the Lord's Supper? cw. 1 is cai tht th cary cestnation tone place in connection ith ange, o nets, veh te, weekly in. the uretes onthe evening’ of the Ait day of the frock, and dolly in priate ena, int Eat the Thusce hi erept in atthe, gape Ted t0 the feparaton of the Lori's Sapper fom tery and ittvan thon transfered tothe moring. This Probably comured ia the second [fccoim, writing of the third cantar, ‘The time of is adinisration asd acording tothe stale and cicamstanors of the ‘Soha’ Homo deemed fhe morning some the tfternpon, and some the evening fhe et en thle time for ite celebration". OF she fourDs century he sates "That i ae adininatered ‘Gre ordre mes a week” Ta our opiaion ico mth ha been male of oly nomena! matters in connection with The tie and manner ofthe obwerranco—indeod, feriour division have rented from strife on {hese mattenm wheres the ental phase ofthe it of the tis the one thing which i to he {alle to remembrance ‘Tine, tanner, learn fr anlevenol brea, one eup oF na, le oF Store ef veremonial—atl thee thing are aod dln ani count se anhing. Tho gest thing {sto "remember Hr death ‘ontary Can yoK throw any Tight on the words of Marke i= 45, into hell, into the fre that never fall be quenched ? ‘Please note that the Revised Version, from ryerst 45 and 46, omite the statement about the fire, and in verse 47 gives the phrase “end the fire is not quench.” "An unquenchable fire is not necessarily a fire ‘hat never becomes extinct, as can be saun from the sfatement in Jeremiah wri, 27 where was threatened flee in the gates of Jerusalem, Ly ee May 1, 1980, anit bal not be quence.” ‘To queneh isto Dut ont to extingiehy and hate woally dove ore ll he fuel ie contumeds"bot. this Ahectened fre would burs wahindered ts trove acne, and wen te fl as all con- Fed the fin wou die ont." langunge feet bythe Lard apparently a_guointin rom Te. Tevet, ante conination af the oun anil the fre sogestslestrutive agents hich ‘will wholly consume fhe “eareaes” Zot living beings, ‘Worms, i anaggls, tha yer on earewce do nok undinaily diy boense Tin Sage of Tisirealtence se prepsraory to ame of lit. THE ODD SPARROW. story appeared in Tomple Bar awhile ogo of a itile Spanish boy in Vigo who became a ‘levont Christian, Tre was aekedl by an Knglihmen what bad toon the infinenee tmder which be bad acted. Tttwas all bese of the odd eparrow,” te boy upled, “do not understand,” suid the Eng- Tiehmes.. “What odd sparrow 2 "Well, senor iM iethis wo,” the boy aul. “A gentleman gave rie a Testament—the book of the Rags mis- floc—and T rend in ohe Gospel that io Epa rows were sod for a farthing, and, again, in St bute (si. 6) Ty, ‘tre not iv sparzaws ald fortwo Turthings 7" And T said to mytelf that Nuesteo, Sonor Jeane-Chriato (oxr Loi ests Chiat) knew well our cutom of selling bird “As you know, sir, we trap bird, and get one ‘ico fo8 to, bt for two chicos we throw in a fextra sparrow. hat extra sparrow was only a Imale weight, and of no account at all. Now T thick to myiolf that Tam 10 insignifeant, 32 poo:, and ao smal, fut no one would think of ousting me. Tam like the fifth sparrow. And Sel, oh Mavasilla Nucstro Senor suys, “Not one 4 logotien before God” T have never heard Anything ike it, er. No ane but He would ever have thought of not forgetting me.”—Selected. Fw poople make « practice of the practice ‘hat mae norfect. . We complain that we have “no time” An Tntlan Chief of the Six Natione once aid a wiser thing than any philosopher. A white man Fused in hie houring that he had not time enough. Well, replied Ned Jacket, grafls, T fuppose-you have all there is!” He it the wisest {uP eet man’ who em crow the mest god tctins into now—Emerson May 1, 1920, OBITUARY. Ballarat, 1 gio very mac to have to ecord he death of cour lute Bro. J. Parnell, wich end event took place Pus tome, ing Steet om the int day of Fete: You will mb doubt sean him, as he repented Zitindy aa sontcenes in elbodrn whet pou were feet ip Tarot or eesti fred epage the seertens of oe Ite Bo Tithe ot Milgrae aad'G- A row, ile wae nel lve Cviatian, w xloot worker aad con ictionn nbvoeat of te tran wl ay eae So: Pael hd een nial fr «onal ine, and ua apatites nverhelee hia {kath as tater dupete, and te im rery Sh, "He" ieaeen'a wi‘ nora her ae ‘plow oor arte go eat Oat eo We barrett fl take ‘ite ues Is 133, Sain ton, Ballarat Bas, $0 Sitch address Mis ated he Sh Seuss ature sm, youre in hit ve, nt Viera, DEATH OF OYHUS 2. BHOOKS, We kagn trom Home papery that Bro Gyros 1 Ben, om lod ‘Rabies oe aver ah arson oh of he and Kingdom ‘ames what ngage in he Pree Method ie figs Hr fomdeta fee heh st Chalten He ‘etume ie menetaty for hn Conditions Tansoraley Xemcton, tod osupied that position when we Hat ei a he a tras cole fi ors a ad th ing & wer vom hl for many yet he went ‘tet for hi wet, ‘he stared Atha ofthe Divsne ‘Word. He fel‘ lp Sno 20th, ater as nee of four monte k fyapatiedte wemora artic roa the pote erie appenre in the Darth awe of Words of ie” teh asad that be probably tore {i any ing mun to spread ht mae of the gt ih te aod fa natin nner. Through thae many ear we havea frequent coreeomdencs with Bia rosa aod when Eagan nO, made ‘penal joumey to se itn tn 101, when gis EE Tome Canute Wied a Sey be see ‘zom tio Slep of death he sill Hae tbe with ‘ge eongi sev SISTER CRUICKSHANKS, OF DUNEDIN, One of the eaten 0 fon Une Church in Dunedin ante raha, “th os Sig he wat Ant amy eft Dandin to reste nt Tanpee North, {Bs Fad he ve Snerst in Cre ner eed fn'the (uta for whieh we stan and wo 5 ‘THE “BIBLE “STANDARD. ott hem in the iiartiod ware feed” Sh ina "uci for De ake ‘months ao she redone a wine, to Dein, and ‘had on Sure Sith et-the Tipe age of 80. lewe ‘pet eure her death he oman t vation Te lai ee ing ae itouch woul live wo ww the lard return aa Jena piven up that lope get Her intl r Ialoe! fig sid car fo he end, and abe wot {aik'and tenon wath aay vistr Now she Tet, siting the ivent of the Mast: Whom me loved En horonsed WHAT MAKES THE WORLD BETTER? What is “goodne” ia the sight of God? “ction” ithe comparative lage of “goat” sui for the mold to be "better in Gols ight thete nast be more “yonne=" ta tke warld 3 Gots lt A recent ook entitled "Yu the Aorta Giowing Metter?” he purpose of which s {0 prove ta makes the following tate ments -Go bac fen years and there war al {ps tec far an. hte a 20 ares fetgcaphyy reny-svo yes and there was m0 automedies forty yen oad there war no tele flout and noses ight; ssty yeas al thete ae potogeaph and sowing wchine; rent Fre youn, oo bolgraphy one hundred gen, 0 fallvay snd samehips one hundred aad foenty-Be year no seat engine; to hundre Sears, no pnt olfees three hundred. years, no ewspapert five hundvel years, 0 penta pres: ene thon sear, eonpace and ships ould not go out of igh of Tend But doe ny one of those merely physical oF temporal Sfmprornent necesariy hae any elition wulseer fo, “goudnen”? ‘The quiton an Ever itelt'None of hose dicoreie, nor all OF ten pu together and mulepied « houeande fol, cat rave an usaye sol of move aQy dhman beg an nc nener to goodaee i te Sight_o? Got. For “zoninese™ te "Godness: SSM “hme t god ate one ever God? (Lae $30, 19) 5 therefore no human being I good save 2 Gio has become hit fe, thrngh the new nth, by that one's faith sa esas Christ ne his Saviour’ ‘The worl eenno® grow better sat “he life that i Christ he become increasingly the act life of the menhere of the human Face Both the Bible and. observation declare {hat the proportion ofthe unsaved to the saved Istmoving inthe wrong diction aban laze re. Bat the Christen bas an optim that Dol ever that lagi fct ean dasourages fore Tooke forthe “Mesed hope” of the Tord per tonal reum to make this woot Deter indeed — Satine il ‘THE ‘BILLE. STANDARD. u ‘Short Papers on Tmportan Subj, THE IMMUTABILITY OF GOD'S DESIGNS. Jedoral Gad af ‘ost ath sven, saying safely ab T have Gein ay shall Shey an an Inge orponey tht tng aba stand."—is nr. 2k (hintaan Tes grail wetlaign whic. tele we tag “the ged piste of ie wil” (Epic £3) dr Gas rule Sr dion in puri, ad sect hin I ‘ln Stale la Thu He tw le tet yo Fok te Ss fake toute iH entre ad ‘heey wan an sat seis ne it the i it 3h" loth aes plied facta" tend nal sntne Teast be ne Tue immutability of His coe: (Gach 0i."12) more be neopted on nla The ten ot change ital would mean ests cote fidence fe itm. "We couldnet rest "on'a yromic It the Promlact were not fo ta be fate at spake a he ate OE Sean Crestor {tus a" gloiony em” gt Weave old fppectangl of evil which ean uve Meet "tbe ‘diet porpow ot Goa Chph. Taj Ae the Siti haocie ee aa ot aaa SUSHI aa aie SS ee areere Eesti mee aa Sela DEL wh Saar Waar sure Se ree eee Se hone ae tae eee Sette eae Teer 2a he al aah see tan palate silat” te oa ite rake Tat CUS cee ie at ae Sake yo ae mehr oe aa 4 tees apa Toast eee te ene ERASE tae ths selena El See eee at a eae Max 1, 1920 he one the oer to be Internet ay fore Fiises “Tue tormer bs proof forbertace ss Heir not wang tint any-thoald peri the ter ‘eet tl at piace may epee Mloracenitiatticn; for Shei tre none much 0 ihm Every ind of ppoiion ix foreseen provaon ema foe sil votingeace, i eenngth nf srerg iveuarg haa ean mente oom eer Ad ‘long ‘bothing han ‘eon ane to ches the, fee em of mat fo Sed te nn ean ‘iinge” the enmatiat aabuce oft, yet an the sem meruing gi it ite a wath ne Tne"ihest monitain crest=ay has “the eternal vom chavah fe "enfoling throng HicTages and generations that are paaty andl onto onto nt el opposition ha, own dic sed wal (Eo tee fhe woods of the propbey Sad Sebo al be ena Ht tag le 2) Against mumerable evemica hae the Church sane on tC or ae Se cru tein fasta ern, epee ba ‘Dara quite dried up al the spring of lier Popery Fo sptehas spre ie weil deer the ations it Manette the ian ean “an Sth attention af men, and the Titerat antichrist, ites of sn bie wie one ttm of perder, "noe nuovestati tbe apontey Of any (uturee haz bow peprng, ha et 1b appeaot Bie arth the setter enemy hat er bas ‘devoted ov ever" oni! ehe peor and Stu af ihe’ tend) Jeata ‘Chiat, nt even eo Titman’ te sonentestion of all portasis snd’ the Madtwifen at Satan-aball come! in conta with jomer Tae sll rare heaped and signal Sef oe fee at fang olan hy the innitestaton of Mis prewenoe’ (3 Tn tt ha ofthe Cr pats Meena! derangement, region” inl Feo Talc esti, minal roel ‘fealacs and posienses ae the greed heralds of Petia cling of the Gre Henter and Rostra, emcee aie dpe He wari Tye teatung ayitatok Insta of the tanation Flac ate war tags profonnd pose ver hing Size! htneicd and ction in tivenate What SSRLEN ot ehat Got holds nie amish inst fea han a hae te soln, but al lunge ane working ut aceraing une reine perpen What Ja thepaspotat Pa hore salen ts ure “Phat the same of Seat eery Ser atl ow, of thingy heaven Sin cing on eae a hinge tuner the erty ad ‘ce ety tng shuld opts that eons Chir ina tothe or” of God the Rathee? (PMH 10 ‘Yothing can prevent the accomplishment of Got sausoue wl! ord ange the eounel oft ‘Eeione to nogghts He ‘te Be kaati ne ay coumgel shall igen : “BP AUy peau chee. 10). Sania ad May 4, 1920, Corner for Boys. atid Girls, ‘MIRRORS. Aeron Jae (8, ‘ett day om joa oy, Pr the se tet Ste eg a TaN eee tee wt reteg ao a ene IBC ik wrt le pt so a fr bt oon ie ah {Siesta pce eee me fom oe peed ee ee a ie ee they itn us na ce te et 25 oe te peo ted eae ‘ets gt neti ol ce he Ci Bo; weal ony = ow ct fr ines ut tes ease, id lf way sai ae Moroes nen Co eu cotetee ror ane omc Eo hc ihe rane noun prt anes Iy on of tan Something tat gone wrong Wil the Sie tl te a tt 6 Se hy post es ly a So Seay serra ar ara ieee ace Senha Bae Toe Tt ar ole na (eh ae ht ono uoncing other joople any more than they ean ep a ‘THE "BIBLE: STANDARD. casing Your younger notes and sites, ome tpt ict fhe ak Hrs nreeareyine Yur Petes ver Go ‘our the sadn af the sal boy wh ast the Ringhty word! Heri fas tall by tials nk ry El ord ase Ag oa aia Tages sean ean Tip inne Ba ten it wa not ely Dt ‘Wet my pete au ie ke Gr i a a tn pate seer enero om Mam ans pa ks wid When you toe other alge they tet nl for very tite Sts beard batore ‘Sow evn tines te bord ni fey sine ot td ‘frome par ot ence "Wn sivayecomigg Mad ‘WhtBie wr Ike 3 wot ater people pte up one sand yy ah np th What "iow! bays anil girls have Dead of radium, and some ef hem mayne see Ses Radium i every imelae ont inn besa lee were faye Hai ae ay ‘oat they etm pentrate ‘ot onderfal clog slut. the Night of sade is ine eet fom abut ep eal annite Conti 0 Soa a eet ln fps 0” radia tor some wel or here i due fee at mot ong to tae gr minvorm, andthe dn the poset of ss {Ge Lagat tr Word, feet Chem to a, Se -wil kine ‘upon them with & perfect vedianc neo ai rect tint Wight, add elp ob ihtier and ginduese inte te worl —Bepontory. Times, Words of Life, the organ of te Condltlonat Inmaraiy Meson, devoted 19 Life and Advent Truth, maybe tad fom. . Phipgm Nugent ‘Street nolan, or Geo: Lawrence, 8, Hope Stecee Dusan ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. 8 Dominion Organiser’s Department. [DIPORTAGE—ieu gate tht te 362:,inior conan il a elo orc td Thar Scant sol St was meri are a Dae eee ae ae Meir eestor aoe ae ‘250. mowe mucosa nation ad inepiretion Sou Dianne ae oy he Sabena ore eng ie tou pe, fr Ber hovtsfar this mereing ase inthe hams ofthe Ernuctes “Mevng Rema lk lates ‘mets cf Breen © Smith, Jax Thomon, and SPHRCT Grane treme ma filiiie Tees grat sone Show tng Foner atta ual debe pies ot SS ere cee oat Pei va eeseaesee Sree ilo Seven ye te See negroes agents Ein Te Meanie ooh ed™tothng We Tae ea eae Bia lauiaee” ser ed wp or ates eat Hees aes a aerate Semele Pane teae ieee nie) Se ie eee th rie! it tty te gel et ee Soeeetat bi eesenaray ears Tare ra Gay tes Mp the yr mt of Sang Tmt EXE beds a tltnag C8" Olena Stier Sali tage eet ae Susan Whe Baas vs cecenoned by Herc i oni i oa eg So eeohlinn Bilheler eeatee cto "ats ih, ng tie ‘wa docidod that the “Anocation ‘whould sand to eget on ey ate fees epee coat eer ‘Malton the wishes of the Dreiven Ua sme special ‘tert pie worth "Sa oma ith Say, Say Sad) ae ie taf ieae eaten’ mute we ooo {helene nono wh te ‘Vriout preachers will now "hat they” are being Ceeulercseabeed a en ee as Snaly bec “Ths detain Dt Helene the flowing morn ioe tohave'e ot ith the Caled ity, he sy happy time tguter, aad we tric Sat i Max 1, 1920. HG Sahar dae otra tt Ing. Wont a pity Hae that all of out seattered mem Bese ee tenons Tea a & facet repent e iney Cine oucther, "ain sure be wae Seu see ae {he privilege af speaking’ o the friends at Matata Sebo igs cioeee sae Brest ‘Si Hy frei of Hain ne frrng T let Fe robe for Hamilton whee 1 as Septet of Broan Sis, Bowen, On" Wot Soe te 1th sare, tat the amin ‘inlet efor ce members pest bit oattine Pale forened owen The meting aa 9 very ‘Gapeite omar and tefre it led sight of the einen bed teit name corlled ot Te. Asoc Gite’ Mentertap Mall Srrongenent were then ‘tiie ‘the Iscwtive ey Ye bell on thes 200b ‘nuttin to aacons mittens of mate.” Pra atom tose te Wiatawata, Whereas spent Svenjopabe tie whe and Mra Bachan imlge {had hope te have ated Brod Ti Nuria tore perm oA Ue found ti to pei, and tba Lo cn te arranger; bat T'trot to have ad past Ines ith dem tre tor apr Sit {fled a and inte ater a Hien oe 3 Haat lind Cl tren he fina iran deo a ye ‘efore he tala plane Tain forward apndig portion ote manta ti deplemier and eter fn the Sout Tala The impressions T have guined in convertion and falgesip withthe meme who are sented aout fre ine otrence aa wd attr In ‘cue to'ppotne « Dowinion Orgnier to {ving lnk! between the ete neu thes init members, but all ane won sa eet ot eh theme ace to come Inte a closer tone wi Jonas (Ghrst ile lor tome wil aeprey lead wa to lnwoter activity m Hin avin, and who eam frat May 1, 1020, 9 ‘hat wil be the sort of sitet coerated end ‘Whotehearted‘seriae? Dont It ge we tei peclating’ ato the soma; Its fase Put eu SEGss ine fe ror and late th oakeome he sade of Bim wo dot all things wal ‘Gnas. Warmunocey, Church and Mission News. gs age ty ad the Jo of ating workin Se Sunday School,” Unfortunsal Ia tga "tothe aiatriet heh hin and hie Seer, ee Peano haew, ramon to Aneldnnd We know Satu louie AncKlans asin Thee Beer it be hard tA Alay two af or bneinen, BSSnahy and" Peo, are Junta to eeee for tui serosa the briny, 90 we are ery sch in ted of hlpere jist now. St we ane geting aa. elon abe, ange ed ote ‘Sjvlen Bro, Wterhous was Baro on 1th Agri, tn!gove dot and. comprebenae“rport of te Organisation Wark, aid se rat of Hvis shout ‘even preset Jone’ the"Ameocation ay diet tem ea Dwar “amt, Dovimms-—Since ast. report ur uml mets ae Het ll nf wel tel. "We a fe ‘Sineook, after an ahoence of neatly two and ro, and Si. ges and family ve removed to ace a tar en ar a Shale Well aa he fllwahip esting. Oat Potyers olow them oni now bate, at they tna, wing anon’ tow Gromumiows, B0, — The article in the Br Srasaro en "Gree Particle” has caaed a Hee Inert hore, and loo ihe eatiations ote Second. Coming of Chri The niece amekenel seed et pa i zo Sich ey at th untae the verity of tie Word of Goat's ™Y SAUmONr Woe 8. aera AGENTS FOR THE “BIBLE STANDARD. Avciand—at, AM. Skate ivi Hou, Mls Ren Dentin“ at 6 iawrenn Slaps Se ey Pirmoath-a N Magoaer, BV rat ioe hte HH, Sings “twrtank Washinton Waley Sect ta aie ‘sate Sstigtn rior 4 Capel 2, Neen, ‘paney tr croa, cra tre tiene at We readhen Hate Make, Bourke THE BIBLE STANDARD. TREASURER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Pate Stoner Sateen Bn Dees la: fee, D. B. Adair Dy Duma G, Ferg, Ged, We alazan, FOAL. Worden Mas, Maly Dunein Church fo diet Decade, 1980; Meare TDMML W, Carat, D. ieee, ohana re amet J Wet 3TH Dat Ay Balin TG Junge ae 2 Pike, Raw HA. Biller Harrow, I ties, C. Moon Goldie J. Méeeand (Gro names), TRaoeimaa (v0 tis}, Hanapte Kia, Sigs Yuan, © areoom G. Paltg, eas Har (ee) ne, ames ath, We Gallaher, Nesta Stcdempe S.C Cheeni 8G Hoblnons Shoplet Jara, Biker Tackett, Bethel, rar Feeney ebay ail" fame), ihamee aed Avekland Aillanes "To et Moga, loa Me. Zeeman Aaeiition, Membership. Subscriptions To. Slat Deon, Ibs Want Cas, A Srstows Gt Garrat. Lektoy Tamer Alt, Wm Peak. G: Aldridge, 1'W Aolner, B McLenn, Jol araaue, @:W, Gropp, @ tarda, Fost SU Shdion, BH: Adie, B Sonor Ht, Jenkin, Seng W. Westrater jane J Atteong Rau, 1 Willams ® Wood, Orlin de ere ANT, oats Bushy, WH, Hoo, ts Penron, ‘A Ragin We Ge Rohe, Robinson, J. Renal G, Mitethanse, Stetamen GF Gavan Mowe, Sorc Shoplet, Hewste Wonton, Wille Cara ‘aT Wiideoh, WJ. Star, B Hale, Oxy, Pollan oot, Ws Werbmate juny Good,’ Coal, B Woot, c'Smiti'& Fattmon We'll Heol. D. Bint, Mies va Hayy, Ay by Young, AWM Hager, D, ath Samim Chat, Thames Char, DonsionsSeaer. A. Brito, C. W Coop, W Wostnater juny Tr, Pours Mosamee Shepier Ac Pateuy Mite Somg vost Bett Cheat Dowstions t2 Dominion Organier Bund —Mewera Mirae, 3. Armstrong, Edy, Os BSc, WG Alaris, Cd Agua mols Balas 0.9 Brewster & and D. Blndburn Ace Brewder A Gata"#" "Baal, Be Buna Ce GBrowse, W, Cine, Gs. "Chratia, 3. Ching, We Cart (2), chendon, J. Grate J Cle, Bonla A ee Pi biaes, 12 My Faller, J Fomey, i, Foe, 2 Garni €. i. Green dH Giddng C.F Gerad Wi Grime, 8 Galan, Fama (2), W. 1 Hoo, 2D, Wh Mare, Co Ke Hayne Edin, Fe agi agg. Oe GPTetny (2). hambere, J. Mantes (2). 5 Mar Imani EAE Martin, A Bowne, J. Neri, G0, Neri Win, Peake W Donat, K. Penman WM Presi FD. Roberts, W, Redan, Wl (Sie tera, J. Ment WT. Rothe; AE shenies, Sr Sens sos Speaee FJ tit a Sohiaorg, Btver (3), 8, Sheldon W. Stans Thowaan (3), Mt Thonwon, W, P, Toone 12), Bilan’ 12 Webbe, We Weevvater, ome (2h Eek Week, W. Wertenin june W. Watshause, ES. Woud, Weadamey Asivy. he Alton, © Bev, TG: Brower, Barat! (3), AF fren, Gi lili, Care Camron, J. Day Pisin Garry (3), Le We Groen, Huger, ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. Hedy, M. Howitt, W. J. Hayy, Kua, Jo tower, 2a, aS Laity, 3 Mae (2), MG Mtn, fers ee ee ee ae ‘ome ree Ha Aratongs 2 ‘Sukland, 25 Ap A JOB FOR ME "he La na job oF me it had aco oy One dey T nel he Lord "sec right amu Dat down. in petting art Nis Tse fet ae math to do or wale aT ge through Now when the bord ie a se Fine wht U have hand ‘An dots the yo ards wor Pilot ii my nom ‘that Ge mark wat fo se, REST IN Gop. Dipl dep Ton feo and ings deiaively. ‘The darkbess Ant nations prope aid slow waldernes, Spun of bel ee ie St atrerng al She world ‘Duell dep. and est yo head pon he heart of Co Gane! Cone ‘tempesta bo taunts alge the wat Do not make « “Mountain exime” oxt of your nieighioure Male Bill fault,” remember you day have sone shortcomings, 80 Max 1 1920. THE BIBLE STANDARD. waretnoves, CHURCH OF CHRIST. eae aera eter eo mea ee ty a

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