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or his representative, the workplace being away from the principal

DASCO vs. PHILTRANCO SERVICE ENTERPRISES, INC. office and whose hours and days of work cannot be determined
G.R. No. 211141,June 29, 2016 with reasonable certainty. Hence, they are paid specific amount for
rendering specific service or performing specific work. If required to
FACTS: On various dates from 2006 to 2010, Hilario Dasco, Reymir be at specific places at specific times, employees including drivers
Parafina, Richard Parafina, Edilberto Ania, Michael Adano, Jaime cannot be said to be field personnel despite the fact that they are
Bolo, Ruben Gula, Antonio Cuaderno, and Jovito Catangui were performing work away from the principal office of the employee.
employed by the Philtranco as bus drivers and/or conductors with
travel routes of Manila (Pasay) to Bicol, Visayas and Mindanao, and It is necessary to stress that the definition of a "field personnel" is
vice versa. not merely concerned with the location where the employee
In July 2011, the Dasco, et. al. filed a case against the Philtranco regularly performs his duties but also with the fact that the
alleging the following: employee's performance is unsupervised by the employer. As
discussed above, field personnel are those who regularly perform
1. They were already qualified for regular employment status their duties away from the principal place of business of the
since they have been working for several years; employer and whose actual hours of work in the field cannot be
2. They were paid only P404.00 per round trip, which lasts determined with reasonable certainty. Thus, in order to conclude
from 2 too 5 days, without overtime pay and below the whether an employee is a field employee, it is also necessary to
minimum wage rate; ascertain if actual hours of work in the field can be determined
3. They cannot be considered as field personnel because their with reasonable certainty by the employer. In so doing, an inquiry
working hours are controlled from dispatching to end point must be made as to whether or not the employee's time and
and their travel time is monitored and measured by the performance are constantly supervised by the employer.
distance because they are in the business of servicing
passengers where time is of the essence; and In the present case, the NLRC properly concluded that the Dasco, et.
4. They had not been given their yearly five-day SIL since the al. are not field personnel but regular employees who perform
time they were hired. tasks usually necessary and desirable to the respondents' business.
Evidently, they are not field personnel as defined above and the
In response, the Philtranco asserted the following: NLRC's finding in this regard is supported by the established facts of
1. Dasco, et. al. were paid on a fixed salary rate of P0.49 this case:
centavos per kilometer run, or minimum wage, whichever is 1. Dasco, et. al. are directed to transport their passengers at a
higher; specified time and place;
2. They are seasonal employees since their contracts are for a 2. They are not given the discretion to select and contract
fixed period and their employment was dependent on the with prospective passengers;
exigency of the extraordinary public demand for more buses 3. Their actual work hours could be determined with
during peak months of the year; and reasonable certainty, as well as their average trips per
3. They are not entitled to overtime pay and SIL pay because month; and
they are field personnel whose time outside the company 4. Philtranco supervised their time and performance of
premises cannot be determined with reasonable certainty. duties.

Ruling of the LA: It ruled favor of the Philtranco but declared the Since Philtranco is engaged in the public utility business, Dasco, et.
Dasco, et. al. as regular employees of the former. The LA held that al. should be considered as regular employees of the former because
the Philtranco were able to prove its claim. they perform tasks which are directly and necessarily connected
with the respondents' business. Thus, they are consequently entitled
With this, Dasco, et. al. interposed a Partial Appeal before the NLRC. to the benefits accorded to regular employees of the Philtranco,
including overtime pay and SIL pay.
Ruling of the NLRC: It granted Dasco, et. al’s ' appeal and modified
the LA's decision wherein it held that the latter are not field
personnel considering that they ply specific routes with fixed time
schedules. Thus, they are entitled to minimum wage, SIL pay, and
overtime benefits. It ruled that Philtranco failed to show any
document that would show the dates of hiring, as well as the fixed
period agreed upon.

Ruling of the CA: It affirmed the ruling of the LA.

ISSUE: Whether or not Dasco, et. al., as bus drivers and/or

conductors are field personnel, and thus entitled to overtime pay
and SIL pay. NO.

RULING: As a general rule, field personnel are those whose

performance of their job/service is not supervised by the employer

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