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Stacking Payments for

Ecosystem Services
INTRODUCTION ments or diminishing the environmental benefits A number of programs to provide payment
Payments for ecosystem services are becom- they were intended to provide. This Fact Sheet for ecosystem services have already been
ing an increasingly important part of the U.S. offers an initial review of these risks and op- implemented in the United States, and there is
business and regulatory landscape. Used portunities. It is part of a larger effort by WRI to growing interest in developing additional pro-
properly, these payments can efficiently mitigate develop a comprehensive framework for stacking grams. Table 1 outlines several of these existing
greenhouse gases, filter pollution from runoff, payments for ecosystem services. programs.
protect wildlife habitat, and prevent soil erosion.
Recognizing this, the American Clean Energy Se- WHAT ARE ECOSYSTEM SERVICES? WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO STACK
curity Act establishes a cap-and-trade program Ecosystem services are the benefits that people PAYMENTS FOR ECOSYSTEM SERVICES?
that allows firms to “offset” their greenhouse obtain from ecosystems. Examples include fresh- A single project (e.g., moving to low-till agricul-
gas emissions through practices that reduce or water, global climate regulation (e.g., greenhouse ture, restoring mangroves, or taking a strip of
sequester greenhouse gas emissions elsewhere.1 gas sequestration), timber, protection from natu- land next to a river out of agricultural produc-
Some state governments are also expanding ral hazards, erosion control, and recreation.2 tion) may generate multiple ecosystem services.
water quality trading programs that allow facili- Payments for ecosystem services are considered
ties that discharge water pollutants to avoid ex- WHAT IS A PAYMENT FOR ECOSYSTEM “stacked” if that project receives payments
pensive facility upgrades by, for example, paying SERVICE? from different programs for more than one of
farmers to improve land management practices. A payment for ecosystem services is a financial the ecosystem services that are generated. For
There are also long-standing federal programs incentive offered to encourage the supply of example, a farmer may simultaneously reduce
that pay farmers and forest landowners for a given ecosystem service. For a transaction emissions of greenhouse gases and nitrogen
providing a range of ecosystem services, such between a buyer and seller to be considered a loadings to streams by applying less fertilizer,
as protection of wildlife habitat and prevention payment for ecosystem services, that transac- thus providing services of climate regulation
of erosion. tion must be voluntary, and must be for a well and clean freshwater. In some regions, there are
As programs that provide payments for defined ecosystem service.3 separate programs that provide payments for the
ecosystem services grow, policy makers will
need to determine how these various payments
should interact with each other. This interaction
TABLE 1. Selected Programs Offering Payment for Ecosystem Services
presents an opportunity to expand the suite of
services for which an ecosystem is managed.
Program Ecosystem service paid for How payment works
However, it also creates the risk that multiple
Environmental Improved water quality, water conservation, Provide payments to farmers to adopt
payments will be made for the same ecosystem
Quality Incentives air quality, and wildlife habitat. Reduced soil conservation practices.
services, possibly reducing the efficiency of pay- Program (EQIP)4 erosion and sedimentation.
Conservation Conserved food and fiber production capacity; Provide payments to farmers to convert
Reserve Program enhanced forest and wetland resources; cropland that is highly erodible and/or
(CRP)5 improved water quality and wildlife habitat; environmentally sensitive to vegetative cover.
and reduced soil erosion and sedimentation.
World Resources Institute
Climate Action Mitigate ecosystem disturbance from climate Individuals or entities that wish to offset
10 G Street, NE
Reserve (CAR)6 change by reducing atmospheric loading of their own emissions pay others to adopt
Washington, DC 20002 greenhouse gases. projects that reduce or sequester emissions of greenhouse gases.

10 G Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 | p 202-729-7600 | f 202-729-7610 | | November 2009
greenhouse gas benefits of the farmer’s actions FIGURE 1. Impacts of Additional vs. Non-Additional Offsets on Emissions Reduction Targets
and payments for the water quality benefits. If
the farmer receives both of these payments, then
the payments for ecosystem services are said to Cap Cap Cap
be stacked.

GHG Emissions

GHG Emissions

GHG Emissions
Allowing stacking could help improve ecosystem
management by expanding the focus of that
management from a single ecosystem service to A. B. C.
the broad range of services the ecosystem can System without System if offsets System if offsets
offsets are additional are NOT additional
provide. As such, stacking provides a potentially
powerful market force to improve the provision of Capped Sectors Uncapped Sectors Emission Reductions
ecosystem services.

Stacking, however, does not come without risk. payments currently exist for a number of ecosys- However, in order to protect the environmental
All payments for ecosystem services should tem services, including greenhouse gases and goals of the underlying payments for ecosystem
fundamentally seek to obtain an environmental water quality, and ecosystems such as wetlands services, it is important to preserve the addition-
benefit that would not have otherwise occurred, (via wetlands mitigation banking programs). ality of each payment. This requires the separation
or to prevent an environmental harm that would of projects that require stacking to be imple-
Most proposals to date for regulating greenhouse
have occurred in the absence of the payment. mented from projects that do not require stacking
gas emissions in the United States involve the
This concept is commonly referred to as “ad- to be implemented. A project should be ineligible
development of a cap-and-trade program that
ditionality.” If done improperly, stacking could for any particular ecosystem service payment if
provides regulated entities (capped entities)
undermine the additionality of the policies and it would have gone forward without that payment
flexibility in how they reduce emissions. Without
programs that the payments serve, and therefore (i.e., if the payment was not additional). Likewise,
offsets, regulated, or “capped,” sectors must
compromise their environmental objectives. a project is not additional and should not be
reduce emissions in order to achieve a defined
eligible for stacking if that project would have
Providing payment to projects that are not greenhouse gas emissions goal (Figure 1a). How-
gone forward without the combined incentive that
additional is also economically inefficient. With ever, most proposals provide additional flexibility
stacking multiple ecosystem payments provides.
limited financial resources, programs should be to capped entities by allowing them to implement
Simply put, it is both inefficient and environmen-
designed to encourage activities that would not or pay for a project that reduces greenhouse gas
tally detrimental to pay a project for two ecosys-
occur otherwise. This is because the total value emissions in uncapped sectors. For example,
tem services when only payment for one service is
of each ecosystem service will always exceed our a capped power plant may be able to avoid
necessary to drive project development.
ability to compensate project developers for the implementing greenhouse gas emissions control
full financial value of those services. Therefore, technologies by paying a landholder to plant trees To illustrate, consider a situation, depicted in
in order for payments to have any measurable that sequester carbon. If the reduction or seques- Figure 2, in which a farmer could simultaneously
environmental impact, compensation must be tration of emissions is additional, then the cap is reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and nitro-
directed towards services that would not be effectively met and the emissions reduction goal gen loading to streams by applying less fertilizer.
provided, or would be terminated, if not for the of the cap-and-trade program is preserved (Fig-
As shown in Figure 2a, some types of projects
payment. ure 1b). If the reductions are not additional, then
may be commonplace because they save the de-
the cap is exceeded and the emissions reduction
veloper money or generate considerable revenue
HOW DOES ADDITIONALITY IMPACT goal is compromised (Figure 1c).
even without a payment for ecosystem services.
For example, if improved fertilizer application
Offsets occur when someone is paid to develop a HOW CAN ADDITIONALITY BE ENSURED processes are widely adopted for cost-saving
project that provides a desired ecosystem service WHEN PAYMENTS ARE STACKED?
reasons in the absence of any payment for
in order to undo, or offset, the environmental Some projects require payment for more than one
ecosystem services, then such projects would
harm someone else is causing. When offsets ecosystem service in order to be economically
not be considered additional. However, if those
are additional, the harm is effectively undone. viable. Allowing these projects to stack their
cost savings are insufficient to drive widespread
However, if the project would have occurred payments for ecosystem services could lead to
adoption of more efficient fertilizer application,
without the offset payment (i.e., if it were not increased environmental benefits that would not
then it may be appropriate for the project to
additional), then the harm is not undone. Offset otherwise occur.
receive payments for ecosystem services to gen-

10 G Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 | p 202-729-7600 | f 202-729-7610 | | November 2009
FIGURE 2. Additionality Evaluations When Stacking Payments for Ecosystem Services

threshold for project viability

3 1 value of water payment
value of carbon payment
2 2
base project revenue and other
benefits unrelated to payments
for ecosystem services

a. Base revenue is b. Base revenue is c. Base revenue combined with d. Base revenue plus payment
sufficient to drive insufficient to drive any one payment for ecosystem from one ecosystem service
project development. project development services (c1 & c2) is insuf- (c1) is sufficient to drive
without payment for ficient to drive project develop- project development.
ecosystem services. ment. Combining payments for
ecosystem services (c3) drives
project development.

erate additional incentive. Figure 2b depicts a count a single ecosystem service in multiple WRI has begun to examine a number of ques-
scenario where the project will not move forward payment programs, or to “double count” that tions related to the implementation of these
without a carbon payment. Such a project would service. This is because double counting leads stacking principles, including:
be considered additional. Reductions in the use to the provision of fewer ecosystem services
1. How does one utilize the conceptual frame-
of fertilizer can lead to greenhouse gas benefits than intended by the programs. This means that
work for evaluating additionality when stack-
through reduced nitrous oxide emissions, and careful attention must be paid when stacking
ing payments for ecosystem services (e.g.,
they can lead to water quality benefits via involves a payment for a range, or “bundle,” of
water quality trading, wetland banking, CRP,
reduced nitrogen runoff. ecosystem services. In these cases, stacking is
EQIP)? In addition, how can such utilization
only appropriate when it leads to the provision of
A project should not be eligible for stacking build off experiences implementing project-
services beyond what would have otherwise been
unless both payments are necessary to drive based and standardized additionality tests
provided, and thus avoids double counting.
development. In Figure 2c, neither the climate for existing payments for ecosystem services?
(2c1) nor the water quality payments (2c2) are For example, wetland banking and mitigation 2. Are there instances where stacking of pay-
sufficient on their own to drive project develop- programs require the development of a wetland ments for ecosystem services should impact
ment. But combined, these two payments are of comparable quality to the wetlands that are the level of compensation from each of the
sufficient to encourage the adoption of more ef- being replaced. In this instance, stacking would underlying payment systems? For example,
ficient nitrogen fertilizer applications (see Figure be not be appropriate unless it allows a project when should a project receiving both green-
2c3). However, if carbon offset prices rise high developer to provide services over and above house gas offsets and water quality credits
enough to drive widespread adoption without what the wetland banking regulations require. receive greenhouse gas offsets for all of the
water quality credits, then awarding water qual- greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient load-
ity offsets is not appropriate (see Figure 2d). In WHAT’S NEXT? ing that it avoids? Are there circumstances
this case, the water quality credits do not help Stacking multiple environmental services can under which it should receive fewer offsets
drive project adoption, and therefore the project be an important mechanism for driving new, and/or credits?
fails to meet the additionality criterion of the additional environmental benefits that would not 3. What is the implication of stacking when the
water quality market. otherwise occur. It will likely play an important bundle of ecosystem services paid for under a
role in the future management of ecosystem payment program is defined by the applicant,
IS STACKING ALWAYS APPROPRIATE IF IT services. Under some circumstances, however, such as the case under the U.S. Department
LEADS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW stacking can also seriously undermine the of Agriculture’s Environmental Quality Incen-
PROJECT? environmental goals and outcomes of policies tives Program (EQIP)?
Even if it leads to the development of a project designed to manage ecosystems.
that would not otherwise occur, stacking may
not be appropriate if it causes a project to

10 G Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 | p 202-729-7600 | f 202-729-7610 | | November 2009
1. American Clean Energy and Security (ACES) Act of 2009. Research into stacking is a joint pursuit by WRI’s
111th Congress. As passed June 26, 2009.
Climate and Energy Program and its People and
2. The Corporate Ecosystem Services Review: Guidelines
for Identifying Business Risks and Opportunities Arising
Ecosystems Program. The lead contact for the
from Ecosystem Change (Version 1.0). March 2008. Craig perspectives presented in this paper is Nicholas
Hanson, Janet Ranganathan, Charles Iceland, and John Bianco ( or 202-729-7715). For
Finisdore. World Resources Institute.
additional information on ecosystem services,
3. Necessary Conditions for Ecosystem Service Payments. contact Craig Hanson ( or
Sven Wunder. January 31 & February 1, 2008. Presented 202-729-7624). For information on greenhouse
at Economics and Conservation in the Tropics: A Strate- gas offsets, contact Alexia Kelly (akelly@wri.
gic Dialogue.
Conference/Tropics_Conference_Papers/Tropics_Confer- org or 202-729-7888). For information on water
ence_Wunder_PES_markets.pdf quality credits, contact Cy Jones (
4. Fact Sheet: Environmental Quality Incentives Program. or 202-729-7899).
May 2009. United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service. http://www.
5. Conservation Reserve Program. Natural Resources
Conservation Service. Updated June 23, 2009. http://
6. Climate Action Reserve: How It Works. 2009. Climate
Action Reserve.

10 G Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 | p 202-729-7600 | f 202-729-7610 | | November 2009

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