Assignment On Multimedia

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QUESTION 1: Explain showing examples various application area of video


Video communication is a method of communicating between two or more

location in which sound, vision and data signal are conveyed electronically

to enable communication.

The component of video communication include

1. The hardware

2. The intervene network that carries the signal between site

The application area of video communication include the following

1. Meetings or collaboration: video communication assists a great deal

to set up conference whether for business, enjoyment or training.

Essential information can be talked over by manager or company head

even though they are far away from each other.

2. Online Teaching: technology has aided the world of long distance

learning to become an actuality consequently. A teacher no longer

require being in the same room as his student. Especially in long

distance education. even though the majority of these happen to be in

video course or live web conference course. It is easy and simple to

interact with huge number of people simultaneously by use of video

3. Business administration: During the past it was actually out of the

question to manage a business on the web. However workplaces and

virtual staff have become a standard setup with the intro of the web

interacting through email, chat service which include video conference

have grown to be an important part in motivating these type of

company. It is now feasible for the employers to make contact with

their freelancers’ designer, copy writers, administrative staff along

with other staff remotely. Besides bridging the gap.

4. Working from home: a lot more of staff at present is prepared to

select an innovative method of working from home. Worker will be

able to make use of video conference to keep linked to customer and

co-worker in a realistic way, it will save you considerable time.

QUESTION 2: Explain the design element of video sequence and general

principle of video shooting.

Design element of video sequence

1. Creating a focal point and emphasis: the first design elent of video

sequence is focal point to draw viewers eye to the most crucial piece of


2. Repetition: from line to shapes to color to texture and more, creating

a sense of repetition will add more interest and intique to video

content in order to make a scene coherent. It may be necessary to

repeat certain element in video content, a sense of rhythm can also be

created by adding pattern to videos.

3. Balance/imbalance: all of the element and object carry a specific

visual weight, this weight depends on the size of the canvas but also

the color, value, and contrast.

4. Hierarchy: creating a sense of hierarchy is crucial to attracting the

viewer eye to important piece of information.

5. Unity/harmony: unity is when all the element of video design are

used in conjunction with each other successfully. This is the main

goal of a video designer.

Principle of video shooting

1. Frame your shoot well: how you frame your shot is an integral part

of interview, a slightly askew frame can annoy your audience.

2. Use lighting: turn on all the light in an indoor space and do not shoot

facing into a window

3. Focus: focus on the eye of the subject, this is something that cannot

be fixed in post-production. so get it right the first time

4. Use of tripod: the purpose of tripod is to stabilize your image and

allow you to frame your shot well

5. Pick a good background: to make your image nicer it is highly

recommended to lay out the scene neatly with purpose.

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