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For better understanding of the study, the following terms were defined: Administrator – a person

responsible for running a business, organization,etc (

gfe_rd=cr&ei=4DIVPbxDqHH8gffmoCIBg&gws_rd=ssl#q=administrator+definition). Exercise – activity
requiring physical effort, carried out especially to sustain or improve health and fitness
gfe_rd=cr&ei=fE5_VKqECuOJ8QfHgYGQDw&gws_rd=ssl#q=meaning+of+exercise). Fitness Gym – it’s a
place which houses the equipment for the used in physical exercise.

It is also the main purpose to create an automated Gym Management System.

gfe_rd=cr&ei=fE5_VKqECuOJ8QfHgYGQDw&gws_rd=ssl#q=meaning+of+Fitness+gym). Inventory – it’s a
complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents of a building. This is also the key
goal to automate this manual process. (
gfe_rd=cr&ei=85eDVJb8MYeK8Qfn24Aw&gws_rd=ssl#q=inventory+definition). SQL Server – SQL Server
is Microsoft’s relational database management system (RDBMS). It is a full-featured database primarily
designed to compete against competitors. This is the database used in developing the proposed study.

Significance of the Study

The proposed Gym Management System provides a significant improvement to the owner and its
employee above the manual process of registration of new member, payment and inventory. The
proposed system will help the following recipients: Gym Owners – The system will provide convenience.
Because it keep the record of transactions to their clients, gym equipments and the attendance of
employees working in the gym and it will be helpful in monitoring their business. Gym Staff/Personnel –
Using an automated system will lessen the effort and avoid hassle in keeping the records. Clients – It will
provide privacy on their personal information. They will not be confused on what workout they will do.
The system will provide guidelines in performing exercises. Proponents – This system will give them
ideas that they can use in their research related to this topic.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The proposed system serves as the automated Gym Management System that systematize/manage the
old process of registration, inventory and transactions of the Gym. This helps to speed up transaction
and give more efficient and reliable data.
The Gym Management system is designed in providing productivity in the gym and helps in keeping all
the records of daily activity and transactions. This will be developed in Microsoft Visual basic 2010 and
Sql Server as the database.

Statement of the Problem

The main problem is how to create, design and develop a Gym Management System that will automate
the manual process of registration, manual setting of workouts and training programs, manual
transaction, manual encoding of attendance, Manual inventory of equipment’s and lastly the generation
of reports.

Specific Problem:

How do the respondents asses the affectivity of the proposed system.

1.1 Functionality

1.2 Reliability

1.3 Usability

1.4 Maintainability

1.5 Portability

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