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FIRST CONDITIONAL (If+Simple present – will)

- If my boss … me, i .. for a new job with another company. (b. Fires/will look)
- Sarah .. a doctor if she still … sick tomorrow (b. will see/feels)
- I .. my teacher some questions if I .. the lesson. (b. will ask/dont understand)
- If we .. hungry later, we .. some pizzas. (a. are/will order)

SECOND CONDITIONAL (if+Past simple – would)

- What would you do if you .. president? (were)

- If public transport .. free, less people would use their cars. (were)
- If you … rich, what car would you have. (were)
- If your boss … you to work all weekend, what would you say? (asked)
- If I went to Russia, I .. the red square. (would visit)
- I … more exercise if I were you. (would take)
- I .. to him if I were you. (wouldn’t listen)
- If you .. the last person in the world, I .. you for help (were – would help)
- I .. that, if I were in your shoes. (wouldn’t do)
- If my company asked me to move to another country, I .. (would refuse)


If you were a teacher, which subject would you like to teach?

- if i were a teacher, i would like to teach math.

What would you do to improve your English level?

- if i practiced more vocabulary i would improve my english level.

If you were a famous person, which one would you be?

- if i were a famous person, i would be adele, because i love her voice.

4. (ESTA NO) What would you do if you saw you kissing someone else?

What would you do if you meet an alien?

- if i meet an alien, i would run until I found a safe place.

If we didn’t have internet, what would you do to get distracted?

- if i didnt have internet to get distracted, i would practice some instrument, like piano.

What would you do if you could have any job you wanted?

- if i could have any job, i would manage a great hotel.

19. What year would you go if you could travel back in time?

- if i could back in time, i would go to the year 2000, for my birth.

20.What would you do if you found the answers to the final exam?

- if i found the answers to the final exam, i would try learn the answers and i would
share with others.
THIRD CONDITIONAL (if+ past perfect HAD+PP – would+have+ PP)

Sam didn't get up early. He was late for work.

- If Sam had got up early. He wouldn't have been late for work.

We didn't bring our umbrellas. We got wet.

- if we had brought our umbrellas. we wouldn't have gotten wet.

Jane didn't study. He failed the test.

- if jane had studied, he wouldn't have failed the test.

I met him yesterday. I knew his name.

- if i had met him yesterday, i would have known his name.

Jenny practiced a lot. She won the contest.

- if jenny hadn't practiced a lot. she wouldn't have won the contest.

They didn't clean the room. It was messy.


The surprise party

Right, I think we are almost ready. I just hope everyone arrives soon so we can hide before
Amy gets here.

what time did you tell people to come?

about now and Amy half an hour later

hmm, but most of our friends arrive late and Amy's usually early.

it'll be okay, I told them to be on time. they'll all be here in a minute.


oh hi Amy. I bet were the first to arrive.

hello Fred for what?

the party of course. the surprise party.

I came to revise a bit with Daisy. nobody told me anything about a party.

they must have just forgotten. you can revise another day, can't you?

yes, but I haven't brought anything. and if I'd known I would have worn something nicer.

I'll say my present is from both of us, and you look great, you always look great, um, well, let's
go in, shall we?

what are you doing here?

we're here for the party of course. the surprise party.

well, it's not a surprise any more, is it?

what do you mean?

it was a surprise party for Amy, you idiot.

oh, well nobody told me. I thougt it was for Sophie.

I did tell you. if you didn't play video games, at the same time as you read your texts.

I definitely would have remembered if you told me.

listen, it doesn't matter. I think it's really, really sweet of you to have a party for me and they
am surprised. I couldn't be more surprised.

oh good. happy birthday for two days ago.

thanks a lot Daisy, and Ollie. it's a lovely surprise.

it would have been even better. if Alfie hadn't ruined it


Last week, you fell asleep inclass and got detention.

- if i hadn't fallen asleep in class, i would haven't gotten detention.

Last week you found $200 on the street and bought a new mobile phone

- if i had found $200 on the street, i would have bought a new mobile phone.

Last week you forgot to water your plants and they died

- if i had forgotten to water my plants, they would have died.

Last week you ate some undercooked chicken and had food poisoning

- if i had ate some undercooked chicken i would have food poisoned

last week, you become sick because you didn't take an umbrella when it was raining outside.

- if i had taken an umbrella when it was raining outside. i wouldn't have become sick

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