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Flight SIE5942 flight report log Date January 18 2021

Flight ID: SIE5942

Flight Type: Normal
Pilot: Luiz Henrique dos Santos
Company: Sierra Aero
Aircraft: Boeing 727-200 Sierra PP-STA
Flight Date: January 18 2021
Departure: 04h20 (06h20 GMT)
Arrival: 04h18 (07h19 GMT)
From: SBSL - Marechal Cunha Machado In - Brazil
To: SBBE - Val De Caes - Brazil
Planned flight time: 00h57 (real flight time 00h58)
Nbr of Passengers: 180


Flight Distance: 264 Nm Landing Speed: 137.91 kt

Time Airborne: 00h42:02 Landing Touchdown: -25.4 ft/m (kiss)
Flight Time (block): 00h58:38 Landing Pitch: 3.85°
Time On Ground: 00h29:29 Landing Weight: 72115 kg
Average Speed: 377.34 kt Total Fuel Used: 4215 kg
Climb Time: 00h08:03 Climb Fuel Used: 1371 kg
Cruise Time: 00h20:26 Cruise Fuel Used: 2055 kg
Average Cruise Speed: 526.08 kt (M0.80) Cruise fuel/hour: 6035 kg (calc)
Descent Time: 00h13:33 Descent Fuel Used: 789 kg

Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)

-Are pleased to have landed right on schedule.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.

Financial Report:

Ticket Income: +R$115,810 (264 Nm)

Cargo Income: +R$20,057 (4157 kg)
Services Income: +R$0 (0 sandwich, 0 hot food, 0 drink service rounds)
Services Cost: -R$0 (80% quality)
Fuel Cost: -R$15,227 (4215 kg Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -R$824 (Large Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -R$5,869 (4.32% rate)
Total Real Income: R$113,952
Total Income: R$5,697,629 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: R$3,697,547 (21 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: R$9,395,177 (total income+fleet bonus)

Company Reputation:

Considering that the flight was perfect, the tickets price normal, and there was no service aboard,passengers
on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 99.68% (+0.03 increase)

Overall Flight Result: Perfect

Pilot Bonus points: 330 points

• You made a very smooth landing. (+50)
• Perfect Flight, no problems, and very satisfied passengers. (+150)
• You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
• Precise arrival time at destination.(-00h00:39 difference) (+100)

Pilot's Penalty points: -300 points

• You performed dangerous maneuvers while the crew was serving passengers. (-300)

( 4 penalty disabled by more_option.cfg )

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